Chapter 635
With Jarvis receiving instructions.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter plane, which was hovering over the sea and constantly scanning life forms with radar, suddenly heard Jarvis' voice.

"Mr. Ant-Man, Miss Wasp."

"Mr. Steve agreed to let Falcon come over for a meeting."

"So you don't have to intercept the Falcon."

"You can come here directly, and if it goes well, you can take him away."

Jarvis's voice suddenly sounded, directly startling Ant-Man Scott Lang and Wasp Hope.

Both of them felt incomparably horrified, all their actions and thoughts were invisible.

"How to do?"

The agent who was driving the S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter jet looked at Ant-Man and the Wasp upon hearing these words.

Although he doesn't know who the woman next to Ant-Man is, he just needs to know that he is a hero with Ant-Man.

This mission is mainly for these two people to take action to intercept Falcon Sam Wilson, who is just a leader.

"Since the other party has called us to go, then we probably can't do it if we don't go."

Ant-Man Steck Lang heard that Shun could take Sam Wilson away, and he already understood the meaning.

So he agreed and let the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. drive them there.

Seeing that Scott had made up his mind, Hope had no objections.

Only a few minutes later.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. fighters arrived at Tony's private island.

The arrival of this unknown fighter brought the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy to gather.

"I remember this person, isn't this the one I saw last time?"

"Then who's coming..."

Drax saw the door of the fighter plane open, and a man in a red battle suit came out. He hit his palm with his fist and remembered something, but he couldn't remember the specific one.


"When we broke through the defense line breakthroughs that the congressmen jointly called on soldiers to form."

"I have read their information and met them at the same time."

Seeing Drax's memory, Nebula rolled his eyes and reminded him.

Drax has finally become a little more reliable because of his joint covert operations many times recently, but there are still some places that make people feel speechless.

"Oh! I totally remember."

"You still have a good memory!"

Drax suddenly realized what he said, and praised Xing Yun.

Ant-Man heard the familiar female voice with some coldness, and immediately recognized the mechanical woman.

It was the woman in black robe who abused Spider-Man when she made a move last time.

And these few people should be the team composed of other black robes.

Hope saw that the appearance of these people was very different from that of Lan Xing.

In the Void Translator, the language displayed does not come from Blue Star, but from the universe.

This made it difficult for Hope to calm down.

"Everything I saw here is remembered in my stomach."

"Otherwise, you can't blame us for how you died."

At this time, Pietro appeared directly next to Ant-Man, and when he looked at the two of them, he issued a warning.

Mr. Tony plans to announce that he is from the cosmic Void God Sect after a period of time has contributed to the community of shared future for mankind.

But it's not the time yet, so it can't be exposed for the time being.


When Ant-Man saw this young man with short silver hair suddenly appear beside him, he was also surprised, and said very wittily.

The agents on the S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter plane just pretended they didn't see anything.

It involves the demon Harvey Amberaka, Iron Man Tony Stark, Captain America Steve Rogers, and the Hulk Bruce Banner.

It is the top secret in S.H.I.E.L.D. Not only can it not be leaked, but it will also help cover up their actions at certain times.

So the agent knew exactly what to do to save his life.

"Just sit anywhere, as long as you don't do something stupid, you can leave alive."

Steve also came out at this time, looked at Ant-Man and the Wasp and said.

"Are you Mr. Steve Rogers, Captain America?"

When Ant-Man Scott Lang saw this handsome man with blond hair and blue eyes who looked extremely young, handsome and strong, he remembered something and let out a cry in disbelief.

This man was obviously the man who had been rumored to be the illegitimate son of Steve Rogers on the Internet for some time.

Because he was too young, no one thought that man was Captain America, but combined with his and Hope's mission, and his current position.

Then, believe it or not, the identity of this man is about to be revealed.

"it's me."

Steve felt the incredulous gaze, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Really you?"

"But you look like this, why do you become so young?"

Ant-Man Scott Lang was confirmed, and he directly approached and looked at the hero he admired, Steve Rogers, with some exclamation in his words.

"Technology is the benefit of technology."

Steve said with a smile.

Blue Star has not yet connected with the universe, and their identities have not yet reached the point where they can fully reveal themselves.

So Steve has already thought of the reason.

"How do you sell the technology you mentioned, and what is the price?"

When Hope saw the unusually young and handsome Steve Rogers, as a woman, she immediately became interested.

Women basically love beauty, especially for a beautiful woman like Hope, who is already superior in appearance, she cares more about maintaining her appearance.

"This technology has not yet reached the point of general sale, and you will have the opportunity to get it in the next few years."

"The premise is that you don't do stupid things and die in the turbulent and chaotic period that is necessary before mankind can form a community of shared future."

At this time, Tony and Pepper also came out of the villa, and saw the Wasp girl moved and said.

This isn't exactly cheating on The Wasp, either.

Because Ms. Zhao Hailun's genetic drug research has achieved a practical breakthrough.

After so long of research and development and testing, a genetically modified drug with no lethality has been produced.

At present, more samples are being collected to stabilize the stability of the medicine and optimize the effect of the medicine.

According to Ms. Zhao Hailun's intention, after half a year at most, the mass production plan should be implemented.

When Tony decides that all humans can be injected with genetic medicine, the genetic lock of all humans will be unlocked.

Each of them can have the physical fitness equivalent to the limit of human beings, and it can also be said that they should really step into the level of ordinary people in the cosmic age.

Although genetic medicine cannot keep people young forever, a longer lifespan can restore youth to many people.

"Miss Pepper Potts! Then this is..."

When Hope heard these words, he looked at the man and the beautiful young woman holding his arm, and immediately recognized him.

Tony Stark hasn't seen anyone in person for years.

However, Tony Stark's name belongs to people who are not in the world, but his reputation is spread in the world.

And Pepper Potts has become a big celebrity, basically a household name in every strength of Blue Star.

After all, Pepper is the current acting chairman of Stark Industries, and he often attends various grand events and meets with high-level leaders of various forces.

"A period of turmoil necessary."

Scott Lang didn't notice the problem of appearance, but caught the point of Tony Stark's mouth.

"Yes, this is an essential period of turmoil."

"If the darkness and cancer in the United States is not settled, then the ideal of a community with a shared future for mankind is just empty talk."

Tony saw that Scott Lang was not tempted because he could stay younger, but instead focused on things at all, with a smile on his face.

"The darkness in America wants to eliminate my identity, but is it necessary to expel all black people?"

"It's not that all black people are heinous."

When Scott Lang heard what Tony Stark said, he expressed his opinion seriously.

"I don't deny that some black people have put in a lot of hard work, set foot on the top of society, and are admired by countless people."

"Falcon Sam Wilson also protected many people."

"But what about the overall black situation?"

"You know that if you continue with the original trend, you don't correct this crooked trend, and you don't expel these cancers."

"Will Blue Star become a hopeless situation in the future?"

"Do you think that if you want to really complete the change, you can do it by relying on the so-called bullshit kindness?"

When Tony saw Scott wanting to stand up for the black minority, the smile on his face stopped abruptly, and his eyes became cold.


Scott saw that Tony Stark's face changed suddenly, and the aura he released also changed from easy-going to terrifying, and he was too frightened to speak.

"You don't know I can tell you."

"There is a civilization empire in the universe whose technology climbed to the top of the universe."

"Racial diversity has been promoted in the past by some idiots, for short-term gain, regardless of the future of the race."

"Let a large number of black people whose IQs are not yet fully enlightened pour in."

"The whole civilization is caught in a crooked trend."

"Let these blacks take power step by step, and in just 300 years, the assimilation of the entire civilization has been extremely serious."

"Until there are more and more black people, there will be black people in all kinds of things."

"All kinds of things derived from history must add black people."

"Do these feel familiar?"

Tony Stark looked at Scott Lang with a cold face and said.

Hearing this made Scott's face extremely shocked, and all kinds of news and outrageous incidents also appeared in his mind, because Tony couldn't help but nodded because of Tony's inquiry.

"It's not over yet."

"At first it was just based on various vectors derived from history."

"As the number of blacks reaches one-third of the entire civilization, as many as two billion people."

"More and more voices in power are getting bigger and bigger, and they are beginning to claim that this is their civilization, changing history, and driving out the original people."

"This caused unprecedented turmoil in that civilization."

"It wasn't until the appearance of a hero, who raised an uproar and denounced the existing crooked trend, and took the lead in taking action, that countless people were awakened."

"That was the beginning of a dark age.

"That dark age ended with the total extermination of black people."

"The number of casualties is as high as 48 billion, and more than half of the entire civilization has died."

"It almost wiped out a civilization, and ended that dark age."

"If there is no victory, then the original civilization species will be completely banned."

Originally, Tony also thought that there was no need to worry too much, because the black people in America hadn't reached that level yet.

Plus with him and Banner and Steve watching, it can be done.

It was only after Miss Sarah's reminder that she realized the problem.

Tony revisited the books of the Dark Ages of Xandar.

It is precisely because the situation has not yet reached that serious point that it must be resolved in advance.

Otherwise, when things really get serious, the price to be paid will only be more serious.

"Since we know this will happen, it's better to prevent it in advance."

"Just keep them from power."

Scott was a little dumbfounded by what he said, and finally choked out some words.

"Now the blacks in the United States have indeed not yet reached the point where they have begun to take power on a large scale."

"However, in the iron tower countries in Europe and America, some black people have already started clamoring to let the original people of that force get out."

"Although their right to speak has not yet reached that level, so they have not succeeded yet, but there is already a trend."

"Since there is a trend, it will be a matter of time before they take over as they have more and more power to speak."

"If they are allowed to take over later, what's the next step?"

"You don't think they're going to stop fighting for power and turf?"

"I used to think that prevention is just as good as you."

"But later I discovered that if the root cause of the problem is not resolved, it means that hidden dangers have always existed."

"So I changed my mind."

"I did not decide to completely exterminate them, but to expel them. It is my last mercy to send them interstellar immigrants to other planets in the future."

"If you don't believe me, wait a few years, after Blue Star enters the interstellar era and connects with other civilizations in the universe."

"You will know whether everything I said is fabricated or true."

When Tony saw Scott say precautionary words, he also showed some self-mockery on his face.

Even though Kassadin personally reminded him before, rectify the order in America and take care of those black people.

He didn't immediately decide to do it, but felt that the rhythm could be slowed down.

The reason is that he also knows some black friends, so Tony doesn't want to be so extreme.

It was only later that he woke up and realized that his delay would only make the situation worse.

At that time, the difficulty of rectification will only be higher, and the price paid will be greater.

When Scott and Hope heard this, they felt Tony Stark's determination and were shocked at the same time.

Tony Stark has been on the cosmic thing, though it hasn't exactly spread the word.

However, according to the technology demonstrated by Stark Industries, many smart people know that Tony Stark has already been to the universe.

That's why it has the horror technology power that is at least a thousand years ahead of the times.

So Scott didn't feel at this time that everything Tony Stark said was fabricated indiscriminately.

 The second more four thousand words are sent
(End of this chapter)

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