Chapter 641

During the day, the situation in the United States had a brief pause.

A large number of black people realized the situation and began to sell their real estate at low prices.

Harvey would not mind accepting these properties if they belonged to wealthy areas, but the location is not from wealthy areas.

It would take a lot of time to rebuild and decorate after buying it, so Harvey didn't bother to take over.

Moreover, the prices of these houses will soon avalanche, just like Chinese cabbage.

The number of blacks in the United States has reached a staggering 4000 million.

Although not every black man has made a name for himself and made money to buy various real estate.

However, there are still a few black people who have made a lot of money to buy luxury houses.

Harvey already has a lot of real estate in the United States, so he didn't buy it.

Tony took advantage of this to take over a lot of real estate and land.

In terms of geographical location, Tony obviously doesn't like these places.

But still taking advantage of this opportunity to take over, it is obvious that Tony is planning for the follow-up education.

The overall knowledge of Blue Star is still in the modern Blue Star, and education must be firmly grasped.

The community with a shared future for mankind can quickly adapt and gain a foothold when it is in line with other civilizations in the universe.

At twelve o'clock in the night on Xandar.

That is, twelve o'clock at noon on Blue Star.

So many people were killed and injured overnight, the funeral home's cars were overwhelmed.

So large trucks and ambulances are used to directly transport the dead bodies.

At the same time, the cleaners are also cleaning the blood-soaked land in the United States.

Coulson took the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the army, and began to come out to clean up the mess.

Coulson tried hard not to spark a dispute, while discouraging blacks from leaving.

This drew the fury of some blacks, but Coulson still did not let the agents and the army kill him.

It's just that after a beating to subdue honesty, let them go back honestly, so that they can still live.

If he continued to stay here, there was no guarantee that when the chaos broke out again tonight, he would die on the street or die tragically at home.

Coulson's persuasion had some effect, and some black people chose to leave.

Although most blacks want to resist and are unwilling to leave the United States, there are still many blacks who know that the United States can no longer tolerate themselves after such a big incident.

It is also because of this that the prices of air tickets and boat tickets have soared.

So each of them quickly handled their own finances, bought supplies and went to various forces.

Such is the importance of the day, this rare peace.

Let there be some breathing room between whites and blacks.

Of course, there are also civil strife among white people, and Bai Zuo denounced this behavior of invariable humanity.

Blame Tony Stark, the mastermind behind the chaos, as a complete demon.

To be honest, the United States is so chaotic, and it is completely inseparable from these Madonna bitches and bewildered people.

It's just that for the sake of the same white people, these civil strife did not cause any deaths.

It's just that these white leftists are still so against the sky at this time, causing other white people to beat them up.

Tony Stark was not a demon to them, but a real truth for them.

Among them, the black people learned that all of this was made by Tony Stark, and all of them were spouting on the Internet.

Of course there are plenty of people who directly champion Tony Stark's feat.

This kind of polarized wind criticism is staged in the United States and even the world.

Seeing this, Harvey went to bed first after taking a shower.

The chaos in America won't last long, but the real liveliness is often at night, and it's not too late to watch it slowly after he wakes up.

Due to the chaos in the United States, most of the various jobs and economic flows that were originally in daily operation have come to a standstill at this time.

In addition to the police and army in maintaining law and order, mediating disputes.

Hospitals are healing the wounded, funeral homes and cleanups are clearing bodies and streets.

The news media kept broadcasting, telling black people to go back to their hometowns.

This situation is completely a scene of falling into a wartime state.

But countless white people in the United States don't care about this.

They formed communities and began to plan how to expel blacks, how to get revenge on Jews, and how to avenge the hatred left by Hispanics in the past.

Among them, Hispanics and blacks can buy boat tickets and air tickets, but Jews cannot buy a single ticket.

Instead, when they go to the airport and seaport, they will be directly caught by white people.

In history, this is not the first time that the Jews have been hated by the people of various forces.

The Judas continued to sell miserably for decades, and history repeated itself.

The only lesson humans have learned from history is that humans don't go back to history to learn their lessons and let history repeat itself over and over again.

The Jews control the American economy, even manipulate elections, influence various laws, and deliberately shape ZZZQ.

Now that all of these have been dug out, the Americans will not let the Jews run away this time.

Black people are just one source of chaos being used, so just deport them back completely.

The real source of evil is these Jews, and that is the source of the evil that must be completely eradicated.

Not many of the forces that have accepted the Jews on a large scale in history have come to a good end.

The powerful United States is strong enough, and has been infiltrated to the highest level, manipulating public opinion and power.

And the forces that are not strong enough, such as Palestine, are almost on the verge of subjugation in just a few decades.

Not only those in the United States need to be rectified, but those who are supported by high-level officials in the United States and the Jews who founded the country must also be eradicated.

In the past, under the domination of the Judahs, how did the United States shelter those Judahs, and then how did they destroy them.

It is an undeniable fact that businessmen seek profit, but there is still a bottom line.

In times of real national calamity, although most of them escaped to other places with safety, there are still some businessmen who will lend a helping hand.

After all, no matter what, this is the land of my birth.

But for the Jews, there is no such idea at all, because they have no country of their own at all.

He will not miss the initial grace of acceptance, and will not hesitate to betray or even make trouble when the country is in crisis.

The atrocities committed by the United States at this time gave way to the denunciations of the Jews from various forces in the world, accusing the United States of violating humanitarianism.

"Humanitarianism should be applied when the other party is also a human being."

"You are nothing but a bunch of scumbags who are keen on betrayal and making money."

"It will be your turn soon, and we will personally go to the battlefield ahead of time to send your dog's life away."

The white people in the United States are not afraid of this kind of attack at all, but they all want to destroy the Jews.

America is now cleared of its internal darkness, facing the petitions of many white people.

So although there are not many members left in Congress, there are still dozens of members.

At this moment, a meeting was held neatly and quickly, and a decision was made to respond to the monstrous wishes of the people.

First stopped the asylum to Israel, and at the same time criticized Israel's atrocities against Palestine over the years.

Tony, who is located on a private island, received an inquiry from Jarvis.

"Since they have this idea, let's push the boat along."

"Release all the scandals that the United States helped suppress in the past."

Tony smiled when he saw bloody white compatriots on the Internet one by one.

"But for the United States, it can be said that it hurts others but does not benefit itself."

"If all of them are released, the reputation of the United States in the world will become even more unbearable."

"After all, the United States was considered an accomplice before."

Jarvis heard that Mr. Tony said that the United States had released all the bad deeds that the United States had helped Israel cover up in the past, and calmly explained the consequences.

"Since the Xandar Empire dared to record the glorious deeds and bad deeds done in the past clearly in the annals of history."

"Why don't our community with a shared future for mankind dare!"

"In terms of technological level, we are far behind the Xandar Empire, but that doesn't mean our hearts are not as good as the Xandar Empire."

"America will be reborn in chaos, and the fire of human civilization will be truly established at this moment."

"The chaos caused by the push to order this time is the origin of the community with a shared future for mankind."

"At that time, we must also face up to the history of a community with a shared future for mankind."

"Whether it is good or bad, it must be recorded."

"What other civilizations will think about this in the future is left to future generations to judge."

When Tony heard what Jarvis said, a sense of pride burned in his eyes.

What Tony admires most about the Xandar Empire is that they dare to record all the bad deeds they have done in the past into the annals of history.

The extermination of a race, interstellar colonization, internal division, etc. For the Xandar Empire, these could not have been included in the history books.

Because the history spanning more than [-] years, if the Xandar Empire wants to cover it up, it can be erased by any means.

However, the Xandar Empire has not been erased, but it allows countless newcomers to observe the history of the Xandar Empire, which was full of glory and bad deeds in the past.

This pattern of not deliberately covering up history is the pride of civilization.

Because no matter whether a certain period of civilization is good or bad, it is the cornerstone of the existing civilization.

The fundamental reason why human beings will not learn lessons from history is that human beings dare not face up to their own history.

As a result, a lot of history is deliberately covered up.

As long as we face history squarely, it clearly records why a dynasty collapsed and why large-scale wars were triggered.

Let the latecomers understand and remember it, so that history will not repeat itself again and again.

Tony knows that the chaos he caused, as long as it is recorded in history and not erased, there will definitely be countless controversies in the future.

Some people may regard him as a great man who dumped all kinds of high technology all over the world and joined the development of the whole world, which subsequently led to the real birth of a community of shared future for mankind.

But there are bound to be people who see him as a demon without any humanity.

It caused chaos all over the world, overthrew the existing order in the United States, expelled the blacks, and revealed the truth, leading countless people to exterminate Jews.

But even if he knew it would be like this, he would still do it without hesitation. This was his determination.

Of course, Jarvis supported Mr. Tony's heroic feat, but he knew that the plan for a community with a shared future for mankind was supported by the other two.

"Mr. Steve, Mr. Banner, what do you think?"

So Jarvis also asked these two people.

"What needs to be exposed is the atrocities that the Jews have really done in the past, as well as the wrong actions that the United States has done in the past."

"If that's the case, then I have no reason not to support it."

Steve saw Tony, who was getting more and more proud, and he smiled when he heard Jarvis' question.

"Facing history squarely is indeed what I admire about the Xandar Empire."

"A civilization wants to continue to develop for countless years, growing step by step."

"It is impossible to be brilliant forever, and there will always be some despicable deeds."

"And Steve and I are helping to promote a community of shared future for mankind."

"The main decision is still for Tony to think about."

Banner nodded and said.

He, Steve, and even Xingjue and others are the thugs of this plan, and it is Tony who really makes the decision.

"Since you all agree, then I will let you go."

Seeing that Mr. Steve and Mr. Banner both agreed, Jarvis also responded.

Then Jarvis exposed all the things that the United States had deliberately covered up in the past.

In the past, because of the dominance of the high-level Jews by the Jews, the United States turned a blind eye to some atrocities against Israel in the past, and even helped to cover up the deeds.

It's just that the United States is already in chaos now, so I really don't mind being a little more chaotic.

What was revealed this time is that the United States helped the Jews to gain more voice in Israel, allowing them to seize the land of Palestine.

Among them was a female reporter who went to Palestine to investigate, and she was assassinated just after she revealed some deeds.

The information platform established by Jarvis as a mysterious person can provide direct connections to all networks in the world. The various materials released before have already attracted the attention of countless people. ,
Once such top-secret information and videos are uploaded to the Internet, they are available for download.

Now the mysterious person continues to upload some new materials and videos.

So in just a few minutes, the whole world was completely detonated.

"Crazy! Crazy!"

"Tony Stark is completely crazy, shit!"

"It's good that everyone knows it well. Is this something that can be fully revealed?"

The high-level officials of various forces also received the news immediately at this time, and went to see the videos and materials in person.

Everyone felt that Tony Stark was crazy after seeing it.

Even dare to release this kind of thing, this is to make all the reputation of the United States painstakingly cultivated in the past, all return to its original shape.


Inside the Spear Bureau.


"It's really you, Tony Stark, who dare to do this."

"Death and then live!"

Zheng Xian smiled and applauded while watching, with admiration in his eyes.

He expected that Tony Stark would deport black people, but he never thought that Tony Stark was much more terrifying than he imagined.

It directly exceeded his expectations. This completely uncovered all the faces that the United States had covered up in the past.

This must be a very big blow to the reputation of the United States, but it is also beneficial.

This act of not being crazy or becoming a demon will become a spark that ignites the darkness of the world's liquidation forces.

"Is this a good thing for America?"

The weather witch saw that Zheng Xian was shocked and excited at the same time, and she also had some doubts about whether she and Zheng Xian had seen the same file.

"It's not a good thing for America, but it's a feat that will go down in history for all of humanity."

Seeing the incomprehensible appearance of the weather witch, Zheng Xian spoke.

"As soon as these materials and videos come out, the country will be destroyed."

"Are you sure this is a feat that is enough to be recorded in the annals of history, not a demon's deed that is recorded in the annals of history?"

When the weather witch heard that Zheng Xian didn't feel pity for this matter at all, but praised her, the look in her eyes when she looked at Zheng Xian became a lot weirder.

"Great feats and demons don't matter, I don't think Tony Stark cares about those things."

"As for why I say this is a feat, because uncovering the real history of the United States this time means facing history squarely!"

"History has always been written by the victors, so since ancient times there are not many forces that have been able to face up to history and admit that they have made mistakes in the past."

"It's basically a minority of people from the previous era, leaving few records."

"Let us dig out some glory and bad deeds that happened in the past from unofficial history."

"Tony Stark revealed these directly, which means that the world will be more chaotic."

Zheng Xian was not surprised to see that the weather witch regarded this as an act of a demon. The excitement on his face never dissipated, but his spirit became more and more excited.

He has not formally met and talked with Tony Stark, but he has learned from all the actions Tony Stark has made in the past few years.

I saw the pattern and courage that people really couldn't ignore.

Zheng Xian can be sure that Tony Stark's thoughts on promoting a community of shared future for mankind are absolutely genuine.

Tony Stark has also truly broken away from the shackles of the original forces, and carefully examines what must be done to promote a community of shared future for mankind.

As long as it is necessary to do it, even if it will make him notorious for thousands of years, and countless people will spurn him, he will do it.

If Tony Stark was not instructed by others, but spontaneously understood the situation and decided to do it.

Well Jung Hyun has to admire Tony Stark as a character.

Because of what Tony Stark did, Zheng Xian also looked at the interior from a higher perspective.

I discovered many unreasonable things that have been formed invisibly.

If it is said that Europe and the United States are money above power.

Then within their power, seniority and connections are above power.

Moreover, this kind of seniority and connections affects everyone at the upper, middle and lower levels.

Without enough connections, even a talented young man must learn what it means to be sophisticate if he wants to get along well within the power.

If a genius has enough support, he may be able to display 100% of his talents.

However, due to lack of contacts and low seniority, various approvals were difficult. In order to get some resources for myself, I had to learn the ways of the world.

This situation is actually highly similar to certain dynasties in history, where a small number of people control the ascending channel and resources.

If everything is not rotten and dark, but upright, facing up to the talents of all latecomers, supporting talented geniuses with talents, and allowing them to have a wider space to display.

Then there is no problem with this model. It was like this in the power at the beginning, and the capable people lived there.

But the problem is that power is indeed easy to deceive people, and it has quietly changed its nature over the years.

The difficulty for him to break this situation and reshape everything in his power is unimaginable.

But even so, Zheng Xian will not back down.

Because as long as it is really reshaped and improved, the supreme commander of the community of shared future for mankind may not necessarily be a member of their Celestial Dynasty.

Although it seems that everything is dominated by the United States at the moment.

It is estimated that other forces and countless people in the United States may think so.

But this is just an appearance. In essence, the situation is dominated by Tony Stark.

And Tony Stark's vision has been freed from the shackles of the original forces.

Therefore, the supreme commander of the community with a shared future for mankind in the future must be the capable person, not someone from a certain force.

The Celestial Dynasty has a vast land, abundant resources and a large population, so the chances of giving birth to capable people will be greater than other forces.

Ah San next door has a large population, but Ah San is truly class solidified. There are many Brahmins but few in number.

So Zheng Xian has an ambition, and that is to give hope to the time when most of the forces have not reacted.

Even if you risk your life, you must rectify the darkness of the celestial dynasty, and then select a truly capable person from the vast population.

Be the first to sit on the position of supreme commander of the community with a shared future for mankind.

Right now, the union of a community with a shared future for mankind is inevitable, as long as it is done.

Then Zheng Xian felt that no matter how many dangers he encountered in order to clear the darkness, it was worth it.

The first generation supreme commander of a community with a shared future for mankind.This will be the first great deed to be seen with the beginning of the history of civilization.

The reason why he is looking for other capable people instead of hoping to sit on it himself is because Zheng Xian knows that he is not that material.

As Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he's always had his hands full.

Being the commander of a community with a shared future for mankind, the pressure will be extremely heavy.

A small decision affects the interests and even lives of countless people.

The pressure brought by this kind of responsibility is simply not something that ordinary people can bear.

"Zheng Xian, what are you thinking?"

"Don't do something stupid."

Seeing the unconcealable ambition in Zheng Xian's eyes, the weather witch felt inexplicably scared.

Although Zheng Xian is not a person with superpowers, but Zheng Xian's deep city and long-sighted eyes are the most admired among so many people who have seen the Weather Witch.

Because of her admiration, the Weather Witch was also afraid of what Zheng Xian was planning.

"Don't worry, I'm very sensible."

Hearing this, Zheng Xian also knew that he had lost his composure, and a smile appeared on his face.

 The first update of [-] words is sent every day
(End of this chapter)

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