Chapter 669 Uncanny workmanship (many characters)
A group of people walked along the hanging corridors, shuttling between different pavilions.

Let Lacey, Kyle and others see some very distinctive pavilions.

Also, the Jin family really lived in a bird's nest, but this bird's nest was also made of golden maple branches and leaves.

It looks like a golden nest, not to mention it looks big, and it also exudes a unique fragrance.

And when you press this nest, it will sink down and the surrounding area will start to glow faintly. There is only a small hole at the top, so it is not afraid of cold wind intrusion.

At the same time, the golden maple leaf that builds this bird's nest can change its position at any time, so it can be opened in all directions.

"From the moment we are born, we have to sleep in this kind of place, and make full preparations for biological transformation in advance."

"I can better get used to the sensory changes brought about by biological modification."

Jin Luosha demonstrated and introduced.

Even though his body has grown a lot now, this bird's nest can still easily accommodate his figure, and there is still a lot of space inside.

Also, the height of this pavilion is very high, almost [-] meters.

"Doesn't anyone in your Jin family have a fear of heights?"

Kyle stood near the bird's nest, and was a little curious to see that the front belonged to the sky.

"I've had it before, but even if I did, I had to overcome it."

"Follow-up, as the technology of biological transformation becomes more and more mature."

"The offspring born from the combination of the parents' genes will not only be physically stronger, but will also yearn for the sky."

Jin Luocha said with a smile upon hearing this.

Their clan has a history of more than 2 years, and all kinds of weaknesses that are unfavorable to the race have naturally evolved long ago.

"Hasn't anyone thought about not doing biological modification?"

"Or carry out other types of biological modification?"

"There are so many bloodlines in one vein, and people have different ideas. It's impossible for all of them to be willing to transform into birds of prey, right?"

Lacey was a little surprised to hear this unique culture and customs, and asked after thinking about it.

"As a direct bloodline of the five major veins, everyone has a choice."

"However, if you choose to carry out other types of biological transformation, you will be directly expelled from the direct line and demoted as a branch."

"Not to mention that the status will plummet, and nine-tenths of the available resources will also disappear."

"Its descendants, even if they can carry out the same type of biological modification, it is impossible to carry out the most advanced baptism."

"And can no longer return to the direct line, undergo baptism and then pass the test step by step, inheriting the highest authority of the Bai family."

"Miss Bai Linglong should experience this very deeply."

Hei Luosan heard these and said.

The Bai family is also one of the five major bloodlines of the city of St. Nicholas. Bai Linglong's ability to use such a surname means that her ancestors are the direct blood of the Bai family.

It's just that Bai Linglong carried out biological transformation and transformed into a particularly beautiful cat.

It means that she is not qualified for advanced transformation, and she will not have it in the future.


Bai Linglong lowered her head slightly when she heard the words.

When Lacey, Kyle, Reynoldt, and the Forerunner heard this, they also remembered Bai Linglong's disappointment about not being able to carry out the most advanced biological transformation.

"Should the offspring also be punished for what the ancestors did?"

Kyle looked at Hei Luosan and asked.

"Miss Bai Linglong may not be at fault, but for the major veins who advocate biological transformation and at the same time value the blood inheritance of the major veins."

"The things done by the ancestors can benefit future generations for thousands of years, and at the same time, their descendants should also be punished for their crimes, and taste the price of what they did in the past together."

Hei Luosan nodded and said.

Although Bai Linglong came from a separated family, she still has extraordinary knowledge.

According to Hei Luosan's estimation, Bai Linglong is not only familiar with all kinds of glorious deeds of the Jin family, but also knows the history of other major lines in the imperial capital very well.

This is an expression of longing and nostalgia for the glory of the ancestors.

Because Bai Linglong's family is separated and not directly related, there is a lot of information about Hei Luo San's pair of five main lines.

But what he knows is only the direct family, not the separated family.

So he couldn't tell who Bai Linglong's ancestors were from Bai Linglong's name.

But no matter how much Bai Linglong yearns for it, her ancestors made a choice in the past and cannot change it.

After all, while enjoying unimaginable resources as the five main lines of the imperial capital, they must also bear a price.

That is, my life has been arranged by my blood since I was born.

This arrangement of fate is not limited to women, men are the same, and they have to be curvier than anyone else to truly stand out among their peers.

"The five major veins of the capital of Saint Nicholas all have a long history of more than 2 years."

"Is there no precedent for returning to direct blood?"

Lacey also felt the cruelty when she heard this kind of joint guilt.

"Although I want to say that there is no such thing, there has indeed been one in history."

"There has been a catastrophe or a war of terror that has swept across the major veins."

"It caused a large number of direct bloodlines who went to the front to fight and fight to die."

"There are very few opportunities to combine and give birth to a direct bloodline, and they cannot maintain their status as the main line of the imperial capital and are forced to leave the imperial capital."

"If you want to redevelop and return to the imperial capital, you will consider accepting the branch family back."

"But let's not talk about other major lines, the precedent of the Bai family being expelled from the imperial capital."

"It was more than 3000 years ago."

"With the development of civilization, the biological transformation of the major veins tends to mature."

"Basically, there are not many disasters and wars, which can make the major lines close to the annihilation of the whole army, and the status is gone."

Hei Luosan paused when he heard this and said.

Both black and white are the main lines of the Saint Nicholas civilization with a long history, and the Saint Nicholas civilization has a history of tens of thousands of years.

The two of them spent at least half of the time in the imperial capital.

Therefore, I dare not say that there will never be a chance to return to the direct line, and everything is possible in the future.

It's just undeniable that the chances have become very slim.

As long as the civilization of St. Nicholas does not suffer from annihilation for a day, bloody battles in the five main lines of the imperial capital will cause heavy casualties.

So if the current trend continues, there will be no more chances.

After all, the Saint Nicholas civilization has already squeezed into the upper reaches in terms of the power level of the universe.

It has many planet-level powerhouses and is equipped with various high-tech weapons.

As long as you don't meet the top powerhouses in the universe, there are behemoths like the Cree Empire and the Xandar Empire who are alive to provoke some big forces in the universe.

It is not easy for other civilizations and cosmic powerhouses to completely capture the Saint Nicholas civilization.

Of course, the unique existence of Her Lady Queen who can directly charm them is another matter.

Nikrov's strength is very strong, but he was defeated in the first confrontation because he was not expected and did not make enough preparations.

As long as they are prepared to wear all kinds of technological equipment, their strength can be raised to a higher level.

With stronger strength, one or two might not be able to threaten Nikrov.

But as long as they attack in groups, Nikrov cannot destroy their civilization by himself.

This is Heiluosan's confidence in Saint Nicholas' civilization.

They are already very strong, and their overall strength has reached the level of advanced civilization.

I always feel inadequate and want to move on, just to become stronger.

Until the moment when no force or civilization in the universe dares to easily attack the Saint Nicholas civilization, their progress will stop for a while.

After all, both the Xandar Empire and the Cree Empire lasted at least 10 years.

The civilization of St. Nicholas has not gone through 5 years. Of course, there are too many things to study and develop.

"The right of the five main lines of the imperial capital to be admired by countless people also means that when a catastrophe strikes, they must also take the lead."

"This is a tradition that has been maintained since ancient times. Otherwise, other major lines outside the imperial capital would not buy it, and frequent long-standing internal strife occurred."

"3000 years ago, there was a war with other civilizations at that time."

"The five main lines of the Bai family, the Hei family, the Hong family, the Lan family, and the Yuan family fought the war with the best of their best."

"But in the end, because of the heavy casualties and the heavy price paid, the strength was insufficient, and the five main lines were forced to leave the imperial capital."

"After thousands of years of recuperation, they have re-entered the imperial capital one after another relying on their heritage."

"However, our Jin family's biological transformation technology has also reached a critical point 5000 years ago, and it has perfectly utilized the various characteristics of raptors."

"The Yuan family was forced to retreat and became one of the five main lines of the new imperial capital."

Jin Luosha also added some words at this time.

The civilization of St. Nicholas continues to develop, but the traditions and rules that should be there are eternal.

Their Jin family belonged to the system later, so the Jin family was one of the people who were sheltered in that war.

Originally, the Yuan family relied on their background and returned to the imperial capital.

However, it was suppressed by their Jin family upstream 5000 years ago.

Because the comprehensive strength of the Yuan family is the bottom among the five main lines of the imperial capital, so the order alternates.

Yuanjia has withdrawn from the historical stage for nearly 5000 years, and is currently taking root in other big cities of the Saint Nicholas civilization.

"The Yuan family has enmity with your Jin family,"

Madam Die heard that the Jin family had forced the Yuan family out of the imperial capital.

"The winner goes to the top and the loser exits. This is the tradition of Saint Nicholas civilization since ancient times."

"Our Jin family didn't resort to conspiracy and tricks, and relied on the ability to fight alone, we defeated the five main lines of the imperial capital and gained a firm foothold."

"If this is considered a feud, then Hei Luosan and I can't talk together."

"And when it comes to this kind of discussion, the hatred between the major veins is too numerous to count."

Jin Luocha heard the words and said.

"In the past, because the technology was not mature enough, the alternation would be more frequent."

"Now the technology of the major lines of the Saint Nicholas civilization is close to maturity and has reached a critical point."

"How long has it been since the five major veins have alternated?"

Nikrov also felt what Madame Butterfly meant when he heard the words.

Everyone takes turns to be the main line of the imperial capital, so tradition is naturally useful.

But when the situation becomes stable and there is no room for competition above.

Then seeking external force to break the situation becomes a choice.

And it may not be just the Yuan family, but other major lines outside the imperial capital may start planning together with the Kerry Empire.

Everyone has been the main line of the imperial capital, why can you sit in town for thousands of years, and even ten thousand years if the structure is not broken.

"If you count from the Hei family and the Bai family who have been in charge for the longest time, their two lines have been around for 600 years."

"Counting from our Jin family, the shortest time has been 5000 years."

After hearing the words, Jin Luosha thought for a while and gave him an approximate time.

"Over time, tradition ceases to be tradition."

The prophet heard the words and said indifferently.

"But the Yuan family used to sit in the position of the five main lines of the imperial capital and hold great power."

"In the face of big right and wrong, they should know what they can do and what they can't do."

Jin Luocha was a little moved when he heard the words.

Although he knew that someone in the main line outside the imperial capital might have secretly united with the Cree Empire.

But the source family is the last thing he wants to doubt.

Because the Yuan family threw their heads and blood for that war back then.

Like several other mainlines, they gave everything to protect the civilization of St. Nicholas.

Their Jin family was replaced frequently in the past, and they never thought of hating other major lines. Instead, they wanted to study and become stronger, and they achieved their current results.

"It is indeed necessary to consider the issue of the replacement time interval."

"Maybe it's not just the Yuan family, maybe other major branches of the imperial capital will be persuaded one after another."

Hei Luosan's face became serious when he heard that.

Because the five main lines of the imperial capital 3000 years ago were all comrades-in-arms who had participated in the protection of the civilization of St. Nicholas.

Therefore, the Yuan family has always had a close relationship with the several main lines of the imperial capital, and it is also one of the great lines that has been sung by countless people.

But time will bring too many changes.

Their five main lines still respect the tradition, because that's how they came here in the past.

They are also confident that they can follow the rules of survival of the fittest, even if they lose again and again, they can make a comeback.

Because they have a lot of confidence in the subjects they choose to undergo biological transformation.

However, as bottlenecks have been encountered one after another, countless people in the Saint Nicholas civilization have dismissed the mechanical legion in the past, and now they are gradually growing.

It can be said that perceptions are changing over time.

The direct lineages of the other major lines outside the imperial capital are actually not much worse than them in the imperial capital in terms of living standards and consumption levels.

After the standard of living is satisfied, other thoughts will start to arise in my heart.

After all, people are not so easy to satisfy.

"Then let's check Yuan's house later."

"I really don't want the great lineage of the past to become a traitor to civilization."

Jin Luosha also understood the meaning when he heard Hei Luosan's words. Although he didn't want to think that way in his heart, he agreed to check the situation of Yuan's family directly later.

As for guests like Bai Linglong and Lacey, they can live in Jinfeng Mountain first.

A group of people chatted and walked without stopping.

Following Jin Luocha, he went deep into the core area of ​​Jinfeng Mountain.

Surrounded by pavilions on all sides, it presents a huge circle, and the sun is very good.

With the warm sunlight falling, a layer of shining golden ground appeared all around.

"Grab the things around you and stabilize yourself."

Jin Luocha gave a command, and the wings shook into the air, turning into a golden arrow feather, and shuttled across the pavilions in an instant.

Long or short, melodious and heavy bells came out of the pavilion.

It's like a bell from the sky!clang!clang!the bell rings.

Accompanied by the sound of bells with different frequencies, it echoed in the sky.

A special mechanism was triggered, and the surrounding pavilions began to vibrate and move, connecting with other pavilions, making this circular open area even wider.

At the same time, it wasn't just the pavilion that began to vibrate, but also the golden area below.

The gold below began to flow and spread to both sides, and a crack appeared directly on the ground.

Golden beams of light appeared deep in the ground and shot straight into the sky.

A lush golden tree stretches upwards from the beginning.

The huge branches also have branches and leaves that are poured with gold, emitting pure golden light, as if a peerless treasure is about to be born.

The smallest branches and leaves are at least one meter in size, and there are countless such leaves on this golden tree.

The beautiful texture on it is clearly visible, engraving mountains, rivers and majestic mountains, converging into perfect pieces like a perfect work of art.

People can't help feeling the uncanny workmanship of nature.

"However, there is no culture, and one sentence is awesome!"

When Kyle saw this huge tree more than [-] meters tall appearing in the world, he also yelled.

Although gold is not as valuable as the universe currency, it is also one of the hard currencies in the universe.

It can be used in various civilizations. After all, even if gold is used to make works of art, it is a value-preserving and beautiful thing.

But picking off a piece of this kind of branch and leaf can be called a perfect work of art, and its value is even higher.

"I didn't expect such a thing to exist in the universe. It really blinded my eyes."

Seeing this golden tree, the prophet was also a little emotional.

"All the golden maple trees are planted by these branches and leaves?"

"It's really a golden mountain."

Lacey doesn't pursue jewelry, but as a woman, she naturally appreciates beautiful things, so she sighed.

"It's even more powerful than the legend!"

Bai Linglong held on to the railing with both hands, and stabilized her figure as she watched the golden tree that she had dreamed of seeing appear in the world, her eyes also radiated joy.

Because it belongs to a separated family, many things recorded in the family can only exist in the records.

Even though she knew that these things were real, but because she didn't have the identity and channels to witness it with her own eyes, it had always been a regret in Bai Linglong's heart.

I never wanted to receive Mrs. Lacey, Mrs. Kyle, Mrs. Renoli, and Mrs. Predictor.

Let her have the honor to meet Jin Luocha, the proud son of the Jin family, and to enter the Jin family's pavilion in Jinfeng Mountain together, to see the true face of the Golden Tree.

Laura stared blankly.

There is only one thought in her mind at this moment, that is how much this golden tree is worth, she has never seen such an expensive thing in her life.

The shaking lasted for more than a minute

The golden tree extended all the way up, and its branches, which were thicker than the giant python, extended to the surroundings.

With the wind blowing, the golden leaves began to sway and sprinkle the sky like golden snow, covering the surrounding world with a thin layer of gold.

Let everyone in the pavilion have a close look at all the beautiful branches and leaves of the golden tree
"How much is this golden tree worth?"

When Madam Die saw this golden tree, it was also the first time she saw what a treasure is.

"This is a priceless treasure of our Jin family, and it has not been sold since ancient times."

Looking at the golden tree, Jin Luocha felt the shock around him, and his face showed pride.

The golden tree was even bigger where the Jin family migrated, and from time to time they would use the scattered branches and leaves to plant large golden maple trees.

Although the Jin family has gradually begun to break away from various traditions, there is no need to sell golden maple trees to make money.

But planting golden maple trees is a tradition that the Jin family will never forget.

Because this is a treasure that has fallen from the golden tree, and it is also the unshakable foundation for the Jin family to last for so many years.

"I know that golden trees cannot be sold, but can the seeds of golden maple trees be sold?"

"I want to take some seeds back to Void Island to plant."

Kyle said immediately after hearing the words.

Although the golden maple tree is very different from the golden tree, because the whole tree of the golden tree does not seem to be shining, but itself is emitting light.

It would be too inhumane to snatch such a magical creation.

So Kyle decided to buy some seeds and go back and plant a large area.

"If your Void God Religion has helped our Saint Nicholas civilization resolve the crisis this time, I can decide to send you a large number of seeds."

"But you have to promise me that after the golden maple tree grows, it can't be sold, it can only be used for your own use."

"The various derivatives made by Golden Maple are also a unique culture that has withstood the test of time.

Jin Luosha heard the words and said

If not for the arrival of Her Lady Queen and Nikrov.

The five main lines of their imperial capital may still be kept in the dark, they don't know after the Kerry Empire found out that they couldn't attack them.

Directly aimed at other major veins other than the imperial capital, and tried every means to take advantage of the Saint Nicholas civilization.

The cruelty of the Cree Empire is well-known in the universe. It is hard to predict what will happen to the Saint Nicholas civilization.

Therefore, Golden Rakshasa is extremely grateful to Her Lady Queen.

If not, he would not have thought of taking the initiative to entertain a few visitors from the Void God Sect.


"You can't handle it at that time, we will help you solve it."

Kyle agreed without hesitation.

Even if this thing is planted to improve the surrounding environment, it is excellent.

Moreover, the stability of golden maple wood is indeed very high, and it will not be affected by this kind of vibration. It must be very good to use it to build a house.

With the prophet, Kyle is not afraid that this matter will not be completed.

"Can I take pictures?"

Bai Linglong looked at the huge golden tree and asked Jin Luocha.

She knows the rules and knows that the possibility of taking pictures is not high, but she still wants to try to ask.


"The only surviving golden tree in our Jin family is now only three."

"The golden tree is also a legend for the Saint Nicholas civilization."

"As far as the universe is concerned, not many people know about the Saint Nicholas civilization and the fact that the golden tree is still preserved."

"I don't want to invite some powerful enemies from outside the universe for the Saint Nicholas civilization."

Jin Luosha rejected Bai Linglong's request without hesitation.

Not to mention how much wealth such as the golden tree will bring, for some strong people, this is definitely a collection worth collecting.

And it will grow taller and look more and more spectacular.

So once it spreads to the universe, it may attract many strong people with ghostly plans, and make the only three remaining golden trees extinct.

If they were not worried about this, they would not have protected the golden tree tightly.

Their Saint Nicholas civilization is not yet as strong as the Xandar Empire, and they don't have the protection of the pinnacle of the universe, so they can't take that risk.


"It is already rare in this life to be able to see it with my own eyes."

When Bai Linglong heard that she couldn't take pictures, although she was a little disappointed, she was not surprised, and said with a smile.

If the Jin family invites catastrophe, then the other major lines of the Saint Nicholas civilization will not be spared.

After all, the Jin family is now the main line of the military region in charge of the Saint Nicholas civilization.

At that time, when the strength of fighting against powerful enemies is exhausted, it is impossible for other major veins to sit idly by.

"Isn't it okay to brag to others in the future?"

Laura came back to her senses at this time, and asked a little disappointed.

She still wanted to brag about this miraculous creation of heaven and earth to her guests.

Because before she came here and heard about the golden book from Bai Linglong, she didn't know that the Jin family actually had such a magical thing as a golden tree.

"If you don't want to get killed, I advise you not to do that."

Of course Jin Luocha knows that bragging about his knowledge is something that countless people like to do.

"Yeah, I got it."

Laura knew that it was the first time for her to come into contact with the five major veins of the imperial capital, and it was also the first time she learned some background information about the five major veins of the imperial capital.

These things were originally a layered world that ordinary people like her could not touch.

So these things can only be remembered in the mind, and cannot be spread everywhere.

"Okay, let's go back to eat, we should set off after eating."

Jin Luosha saw that they all admired the golden tree, so he also planned to act quickly.

Afterwards, the Golden Rakshasa fluttered its wings and flew high, circling around the sky above the pavilion, and let out a long cry that broke the sky.

The domineering and melodious voice tore through the sky.

The entire pavilion began to receive the induction and began to vibrate, and the golden tree began to shrink down again.

In less than half a minute, everything around except the golden snow scattered all around has not dissipated, which proves that the golden tree once appeared in this world.

Everything else was restored to its original appearance.

"After finishing the work, if you want to see it later, I will let you enjoy it."

Jin Luocha descended from his mouth and came to the Chinese corridor of the pavilion, and spoke.

Knowing that the Yuan family might betray, Jin Luosha also wanted to quickly verify the conjecture at this time, but no matter whether it was true or not, everything will wait until the trouble is resolved.

"Go, let's eat."

Kyle immediately became interested when he heard that he was going to eat.

A group of people followed the way Jin Luocha came and went back.

"The Jin family has this kind of treasure, don't your other major veins also have it?"

After Lacey saw the golden tree, she also became interested in other main veins.

"The five major veins all have their own characteristics and treasures."

"But now only the Jin family retains its own characteristics and treasures."

"The treasures that other Damai once had in the past have disappeared in the long river of time."

"The Jin family is also well protected, otherwise the golden tree would have been extinct long ago."

"Some people are particularly hateful, even if they can't be taken away, they must be destroyed."

Bai Linglong said a little indignantly upon hearing this. .

The existing five main lines of the imperial capital are all the first to complete the accumulation of wealth and rise rapidly because of the unique creation of heaven and earth.

It's just that everyone is innocent and guilty of carrying a treasure. Since there are treasures, it will naturally attract the prying eyes of interested people.

If it weren't for the Jin family before the complete formation of the Saint Nicholas civilization, it would also belong to a super main line, with huge wealth and advanced technological power.

Let it already have some self-protection power more than 2 years ago, I am afraid that even the remaining three golden trees will not be preserved.

If no one had destroyed a large area of ​​the golden tree, she might have seen the golden tree as a treasure like a work of art.

"People's good is not the same, but people's evil is also different, so there is nothing to say."

Seeing Bai Linglong fighting for the Golden Tree, Jin Luocha said.

Their Jin family also hated the behavior of those people who destroyed it if they couldn't get it, but no matter how much they hated it, the destroyed golden tree would never grow back.

And because of the repeated invasions more than 2 years ago, the Jin family understood the importance of strength.

Therefore, when choosing the subject of biological transformation, one must understand what kind of creature can be called the real overlord.

Even though they encountered many setbacks during the research, they never considered studying other biological subjects.

They firmly believe that birds of prey with intelligence and the ability to soar in the sky will exceed the growth brought by all other main creatures.

It can make their Jin family have a powerful force that surpasses other major lines of the Saint Nicholas civilization.

Sufficiently far-sighted foresight has made the Jin family develop very well today.

People can't forget the past, but they must always look forward, instead of staying where they are.

"In the future, if someone comes up with the idea of ​​a golden tree, they can always turn to us for help."

"Our Void God Religion will expand its territory in the future. Even if the Saint Nicholas civilization is assigned to the Void God Religion in the future, it will not take away the original treasures of your civilization."

Reynolds said when he heard the words.

Mr. Odin's Nine Realms is also under the name of the Void God Sect.

However, Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, only wants the Nine Realms to complete the transfer of some unique technologies.

As for the song-in-song treasure of the Nine Realms, Lord Kassadin did not think about taking it.

You must know the value of several infinite gems hidden in the Nine Realms in terms of true value.

I don't know how many times higher than the golden tree, but even so, Lord Kassadin, the god of the void, has no idea of ​​taking it.

Instead, let Mr. Odin manage the affairs of the Nine Realms by himself, and it is precisely because of this that Mr. Odin joined the void sincerely.

And this is not a strange thing, for the great Void God Lord Kassadin.

All treasures in the universe are not as powerful as unparalleled strength.

"It's not a problem to take shelter of the golden tree. It would be bad if such a rare thing is destroyed."

"However, it is too early to talk about the expansion of territory."

"Let's talk about it when Miss Sonia thinks the time is right."

"And even if the Cult of the Void wants to expand its territory, the Cree Empire will probably be the first to fight."

Kyle moved forward with his hands on the back of his head, and said casually after hearing the words.

It is a good thing for many civilizations to be able to be attributed to the Void God Religion.

But the question is whether the Void God Religion is willing to accept the surrender of a certain force and civilization is the key.

And the universe is so big, it's hard to say where Miss Sonia will let them conquer first.

It is precisely because they know that there will be no shortage of battles to fight in the future, which is also the key to Kyle and others being able to suppress their desires and honestly cultivate their bodies and minds in the void island.

It is irreversible for the glory of the Void God Religion to spread throughout the universe, and now it is just that the time has not come.

"Are there any conditions for submitting to the Void God Sect?"

Jin Luocha asked after hearing the words.

The blessings of the Void God Religion are now well-known in the universe, and there are many Saint Nicholas civilizations who cannot ask for the blessings of the Void God Religion.

The next best thing is to choose the outsider of the biological evolution of the Saint Nicholas civilization, so the Golden Rakshasa understands the horror of the Void God Sect.

Moreover, Lacey, Kyle, Renoli, and Presage, the four gods of death in the Andromeda Galaxy, are already very famous.

But the Void Sect is famous not only for these four killing gods, but also for the Void Herald Tony Stark, the Hulk Bruce Banner, and Yan Molix.

The name of Sonia, the envoy of the void god they mentioned, spread even more widely.

Countless people who went to seek blessings could directly see Sonia, the envoy of the Void God.

Every strength has reached the strength of the cosmic powerhouse or even the top powerhouse in the universe.

You must know that the top powerhouses in the universe are just not easy to use in front of the two great empires.

But for countless civilizations, a strong man of this strength has almost stood at the apex of the food chain.

And these are just one of the members of the Void God Cult.

Kassadin, the God of the Void, has many legends, but the legend of his strength can only be described in one word, that is, unpredictable.

Not to mention the defeat of Gao Tianzun, the manifestation of Kassadin, the god of the void.

Let the whole universe understand that the rise of the Void God Religion is an irreversible fact.

It is true that it is now only active on the Xandar Star of the Xandar Empire, but it is only a matter of time before expanding the influence of the site.

The fastest is within five years, and the longest will not exceed 20 years.

Because the development of the Void God Sect is too fast, all kinds of powerhouses have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, taking root and sprouting in various places in the universe, creating their own legends.

"We can't say well about the conditions for submission."

"And it's not up to us to decide."

"This is decided by the two high-ranking Void Gods, Lord Kassadin and Void God Envoy Miss Sonia."

"Let's talk about the future with the future."

"But don't worry, Reynolds is right."

"Even if our Void God Religion begins to expand its territory, it will not invade the unique treasures of your Saint Nicholas civilization."

Seeing that Jin Luosha wanted to know the conditions for submission, Lacey spoke in an understandable way.

Because Saint Nicholas civilization is currently entering a bottleneck period of development.

However, during this bottleneck period, the Xandar Empire cannot be turned to for help.

Because the Xandar Empire did not add obstacles to the civilization of Saint Nicholas, but allowed the research of the civilization of Saint Nicholas, which already showed kindness.

You must know that all civilizations in the universe are forbidden to carry out genetic research and transformation at will.

It was only because of the unique culture of Saint Nicholas civilization that the Xandar Empire chose to respect it before agreeing.

Otherwise, as long as the Xandar Empire imposes a little restriction and blockage, the research on the biological transformation of the Saint Nicholas civilization has long been strangled in the cradle.

At the beginning of the Xandar Empire's agreement, it also showed that it respected the wishes of the Saint Nicholas civilization, and at the same time, it was to witness the possibility of the Saint Nicholas civilization.

Let's see if the Saint Nicholas civilization can complete the final transformation without violating the rules of humanity.

Bai Linglong personally explained this to them.

Because this is the common sense of the Saint Nicholas civilization, the Saint Nicholas civilization is not very grateful to the Xandar Empire but absolutely has no hatred.

In the case of not being able to turn to the Xandar Empire, the biotechnology development of other civilizations is not as good as that of Saint Nicholas.

Then there is only one way for the civilization of St. Nicholas to take more time to slowly figure out a way.

If you can submit to the Void God Religion, let's not talk about whether it will cause more intersections with other civilizations and make breakthroughs in technology.

But at least the civilization of St. Nicholas will be able to have a longer period of time to calm down and study.

Submitting to a certain big force is actually not a bad thing for the development of a civilization.

Because when you are fledgling, a big tree that is strong enough can protect you from wind and rain.

The same is true for the strong attached to the stronger.

Otherwise, the various gods of the universe will not have nothing to curry favor with Zeus of Olympus.

Even though Zeus is usually an out-and-out bastard, his strength is genuine.

So when those gods who flattered him encountered some difficult troubles.

Because of long-term fawning, Zeus can help them through a lot of difficulties that they can't overcome by themselves.

The prestige of the Void Religion has already begun to spread. In the future, more and more civilizations and forces will try their best to curry favor with the Void Religion to see if they can successfully surrender.

In the future, there will be a huge protective umbrella above to protect yourself from wind and rain.

When the sky fell, there was a tall person to support it, so I didn't panic at all. This is the importance of backing.

"it is good."

After hearing the words, Jin Luosha also understood that it is not so easy to submit to the name of the Void God Sect.

But for now, they have established some friendships with the four gods of death, Lacey, Kyle, Reynolds, and the Predictor.

This is also a good start. When the Void God Sect expands its territory in the future, there will be better opportunities to talk.

"The best way is probably to go to the Void God Religion to find blessings."

"As long as you get the blessing, you will not only get stronger power, but you will also be considered to have surrendered to the name of the Void God Sect."

"Although he is not directly protected by Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, he is a compatriot of the Void God Religion."

"If your civilization is in trouble, everyone will help."

Kyle looked at Jin Luosha and revealed some news.

"It is rumored that the blessing of the Void God Religion is not so easy to obtain."

"But it's better to have a way than to have no way, thank you, Mr. Kyle, we will think about it."

After hearing this, Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan started to meditate one after another, and then expressed their thanks.

As the people in charge of the Saint Nicholas civilization, they must consider how to protect their own civilization to the greatest extent in the dangerous universe.

"Is it true that anyone can ask for the blessing of the Void God Sect?"

Upon hearing this, Bai Linglong asked.

She has always heard about the blessings of the Void God Religion, but she has never tried it.

After all, the Void God Religion is basically notorious. If you go there as a woman, you are worried that you will encounter some unpredictable risks.

"Of course it's true. Everyone has opportunities, but whether the opportunities will come to you depends on your respective abilities."

Kyle nodded slightly when he heard the words, and said.

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(End of this chapter)

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