Chapter 677
Laser rays are densely covering the sky, trying to completely destroy Nikrov.

It's just that the lasers all rushed up to the sky along the arc of the psychic force circle, and then exploded, and the power of the explosion was slowed down by Nikrov's psychic force field.

This battle has lasted more than 90 minutes.

The turrets in this research room are not as powerful as the one in Yuanjia's underground research institute, but they can take turns firing at the blockade lines if they can't stand up, making it impossible for people to get in.

Moreover, they hide at a depth of more than 800 meters underground. Nikrov can perceive them but cannot directly destroy them.

"What is the identity of this guy, how could there be such a monster?"

The blue-skinned Cree in the underground research room looked at the blue-skinned ugly man who was carrying an unknown number of laser cannons in the projection, and was still not weak or injured, with a livid complexion.

"The identity is a businessman from the Nora civilization, named Nikrov."

Another Cree looked at the identity of the investigation, and his face turned green.

"You call this kind of businessman?"

"Is this him obviously a fake identity!"

"Quickly find out who it is, this matter must be reported to the Supreme Wisdom."

When the Kerry scientist heard this kind of combat power, he used it to describe a businessman who scolded loudly.

For this kind of powerhouse who can resist the salvo of ion laser cannons for more than 90 minutes, even if Ronan comes, he will be crippled.

He was puzzled, they obviously acted very covertly, and they came to the Saint Nicholas civilization to conduct cooperative experiments quietly.

Although there hasn't been much progress for the time being, they have indeed seen the great potential represented by the biotechnology of the Saint Nicholas civilization.

Those disaster-level creatures are not very powerful in front of their Kree technology. As long as they use energy-storing rail guns, they can be wiped out in one shot, but those disasters are ignorant.

With wisdom or without wisdom, the strength exerted by the same strength foundation can achieve earth-shaking changes.

Anyway, the St. Nicholas civilization was used as the experimental material. After the technology was truly mature and breakthrough, it was then applied to the Cree people. This kind of research cooperation for the Cree Empire is sure to make money.

But I just don't know where the news leaked out, and the five major veins of the capital of St. Nicholas discovered it.

Not only did they find the four killing gods from the Void God Sect, but they also found this businessman named Nikrov.

The hatred of the Void God Religion must be remembered, but it is impossible for them to let this Nikrov go.

With this kind of strength, he is by no means an ordinary person in the universe.

"I want to find out too. The problem is that there are too many people named Nikrov in the Andromeda galaxy."

Another Kerry scientist was scolded, and he was suffocating, but he knew that the person in front of him had a higher status than himself, so he could only say aggrieved.

How should I put it? With a name like Nikrov, if you don't look at the surname, there are so many names that you can't count them at all.

Naturally, identities are also of five kinds, filled with various identities and races or occupations.

Based on the appearance of the man in the scanning projection, he locked on to a rich businessman, but if he was said to be a fake identity, what could he do?

But no matter how they quarrel.

As the energy in the underground research room bursts out at a high frequency, the energy has bottomed out.

Therefore, the intelligent AI of the underground research institute also issued an alarm and turned red directly.

"Warning! Warning! Warning!"

"It was detected that the weapon has entered an overload state and cannot be used anymore. The enemy could not be erased."

"The total energy is only ten percent."

"Enter emergency defense mode and seal all entrances."

"Maintain the energy operation of the underground research institute."

Intelligent AI made the last defense front according to the situation.

Normally, it is impossible to open this kind of defense against many attacks, even if it is a star-level powerhouse.

But in the face of cosmic level powerhouses, attack is always greater than defense.

Because the development of an attack is always easier to develop than a strong defense.

The sound of these alarms made the expressions of the only two remaining Kerry scientists in the underground research institute change.

They looked at the situation in the projection, and that Nikrov had disappeared from their field of vision.

"Alarm! Enemy invasion detected!"

"Alarm! The enemy has broken through the first line of defense!"

"Alarm! The enemy directly broke through the defense and entered the sixth underground floor!"

The successive volleys of ion laser cannons just stopped, and the enemy directly stepped into the underground research institute.

This made the expressions of the two Kerry scientists suddenly change, and they quickly thought about how to survive.

"Maybe we can talk to him?"

"If he wanted to talk, he probably didn't make the gesture just now, but spoke directly."

A word from each of the two Cree extinguished the flame that still longed to be alive in their hearts.

They know that today they are doomed no matter what.

As for whether the opponent dared to kill the Cree people, the general civilization did not dare.

However, the civilization of Saint Nicholas belongs to the kind of dare, especially the Void God Religion.

For an advanced civilization like the Saint Nicholas civilization, the Cree Empire had no choice but to go to war if they wanted to defeat it.

As for setting off a regional war between advanced civilizations as high as Saint Nicholas civilization.

That can only cause the Saint Nicholas civilization to lose its soldiers and generals, and it will not be able to reach the stage of being injured or even destroyed.

Because the level of science and technology of this civilization is only the average level of the universe, but because of the super bio-transformation technology, individual combat capabilities are extremely strong.

In the case where planetary-class warships and more advanced star-class warships cannot be used.

Among the advanced civilizations, the Saint Nicholas civilization is almost equal to the level that can walk sideways.

As long as you don't cause trouble everywhere, the accumulation of resentment will attract all advanced civilizations to unite and attack, and it will not be destroyed.

It would be great if Ronan's previous operation was successful, directly blowing up the base camp of the Xandar Empire.

Then their Kree Empire doesn't have to be so restrained when they operate in the Andromeda galaxy.

There is no need to hide from the alliance with the Saint Nicholas civilization, and directly attack and invade, and then let countless people of the Saint Nicholas civilization desperately study it.

But the vision is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Ronan the Accuser died at the hands of the Void God Cult before, and the Kree Empire still can't think of how to truly take revenge on this enemy.

The Andromeda Galaxy itself is troublesome enough for a Xandar Empire.

Now there is an even more terrifying Void God Sect.

Why don't the Void Cult build their base camp in their Cree Empire?
Then they can easily capture the Xandar Empire, and then gradually erode the Andromeda galaxy and other nearby galaxies.

Just as they were silent for a while, the vibration from above became more and more violent.

Their bodies were directly twisted and crushed into powder by the power of thought, and blood was splashed everywhere.

At the same time, Nikrov also destroyed all the technological facilities and data in the underground research room.

Even disasters are directly crushed to death.

Then he took dozens of Hu family scientists from the underground research room to the ground.

Nikrov didn't dismantle the entire underground research institute because once it was dismantled, it would have a big impact on the nearby leylines.

Madam Die charmed them directly, and the information disclosed by Yuan Mingya after questioning was basically equivalent to all.

The location of each underground research institute is fully specified, but the participants among other major veins are omitted.

After asking for the list, Madam Die handed these directly to Jin Luocha and Hei Luosan, and said.

"The main force has been resolved. After I finish interrogating the people brought by Lord Lacey and the others."

"The rest of the finishing work, you can do it yourself."

"Many thanks."

Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan also knew how much Mr. Nikrov and Mrs. Queen had helped them when they received the list data, so they quickly lowered their heads and said gratefully.

"The enemy who solved the Void God Cult just helped you by the way."

"Develop well. With the characteristics of your civilization, I think it is possible for the upper echelons of the Void God Cult to regard you as a civilization that can be included under their command."

"The premise is that you don't forget your original intention and don't cross the bottom line."

Seeing Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan's grateful expressions, Nikrov encouraged him.

Because Nikrov was the overlord of the Tesma civilization in the past, he was able to understand how a high-level power would look at things.

The Void God Sect may have no shortage of strong men, but the lack of strong men does not mean that they have no plans to subdue various civilizations.

Some civilizations with their own characteristics must have some value for the Void God Cult.

The technology of Saint Nicholas civilization has just entered the barrier, and once it breaks through, the value contained will be very large.

"We can't guarantee this for the time being. We can only guarantee that when our generation and the next four generations are still alive, we can guarantee that we will not cross the bottom line."

"However, what future generations will think is not something we can control."

Hei Luosan also knew that for a great force in the universe, even if it just wanted to be under the command of a great force, it must have some special value itself.

In the case of no value, the big forces are not saints. They have nothing to do to recover some extremely weak civilizations and take pains to protect you.

It's just that the technical barriers of their generation have stagnated for 5000 years, and the two of them are now dead.

That is, around 500 years later, if the technical barriers have not been broken at that time.

The stagnation of too long technical barriers, it is hard to say whether the main tone of Saint Nicholas civilization will change because of this.

"It is true that what will happen to future generations is difficult to predict."

"So you should strive to do your best within the time you can control, and obey the destiny."

Nikrov said when he heard the words.

Being able to control one's own life and get out of the life one wants to live is already very difficult.

It is even more difficult to control the lives of other people and influence the thoughts of future generations so that they will not become corrupted.

But the inheritance of a civilization, if it wants to be passed on for a long time, can only rely on ideas or thoughts.

Hence the importance of each great individual of civilization.

However, it is difficult to have a unified answer on how to become a great man praised by countless people in future generations.

"Well, we'll try to find a way."

Jin Luocha also hopes that when he is alive, he can make real great achievements and influence future generations.

At this time, members of the Jin family followed Jin Luocha's call and quickly rushed to the location designated by Jin Luosha.

Even Jin Luocha's father, Jin Jialuo, the current head of the Jin family, was present in person.

Jinjara's feathers are different from the pure golden color of Jinluosha.

Jin Jialuo's feathers are golden with some cyan mixed in, especially the feathers on the head are as beautiful as feather weaving.

In the biological world, male creatures are often more beautiful or mighty.

Jin Jialuo had just arrived and took a look at the situation present.

The ground was scorched with scorching marks due to the random shooting of lasers, emitting an unpleasant smell.

There are also traces of laser beams in the air, which have not completely dissipated, allowing people to see a big battle just now.

Although his son's growth rate is good, he still can't compete head-on with high-tech weapons.

So the ones who did it were obviously the two people he saw in the projection data sent by Jin Luocha.

"You two should be two of the six distinguished guests from the Void God Sect that my son mentioned."

"My Lady Queen and Nikrov."

"In Xiajin Jialuo, I would like to thank the two for their help."

"Thank you all the distinguished guests from the Void God Religion for dispelling the rebellion of our Saint Nicholas civilization."

Jin Jialuo descended from the sky and came in front of Nikrov and Madame Die. He lowered his proud head as the head of the Jin family, the five major veins of the imperial capital, and said gratefully.

Last night he received some news that his son Jin Luocha and Hei Di's third son Hei Luosan went to Yuan's house together and caused some trouble.

As a result, the head of the Yuan family, Yuan Mingya, died, and dozens of Yuan family bloodlines died.

The reason is that Yuan Mingya, the patriarch of the Yuan family, betrayed the civilization and tried to subvert the current stable situation of the Saint Nicholas civilization.

He wanted to call his son back and ask about the situation in detail.

But he couldn't get in touch with Golden Raksha, until this morning, Golden Raksha sent a lot of messages.

And it was mentioned that the Saint Nicholas civilization is now being involved in the vortex of the game between the Kerry Empire and the Void God Religion.

Jin Jialuo, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, was startled into a cold sweat.

Because the Void God Sect is undoubtedly a powerful force that can be as famous as all the great forces in the universe.

It is true that their Saint Nicholas civilization is a high-level civilization, but it is easy to be implicated and lead to destruction when they are involved in the vortex of the struggle between such great forces.

It is impossible to remain neutral at this time, so you can only choose to stand on the side, but even if you want to stand on the side, you need a chance.

Fortunately, his son brought him some good news. They have already received the help of distinguished guests from the Void God Sect.

Between the Kerry Empire and the Void Sect, Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan chose the Void Sect side without hesitation.

Although this choice is not 100% in line with Jin Jialuo's idea, it is already good.

Because compared to the Kree Empire, which is full of evil, the reputation of the Void God Cult is not very good.

In terms of reputation alone, the Void God Cult is definitely not as good as the Xandar Empire.

The reputation of the Void God Religion is also notorious, but at least it is many times better than the Kree Empire, which is certain.

Of course, if it is possible, Jin Jialuo will not hesitate to ask the Xandar Empire for instructions after learning about this, to see if the Xandar Empire can also join the battlefield.

At that time, their Saint Nicholas civilization can directly choose to believe in the Xandar Empire.

After all, the Xandar Empire has sheltered the Saint Nicholas civilization quite a few times.

Knowing that the Kree Empire intends to disrupt the situation, the Xandar Empire will not sit idly by.

It's just that the judgment is not made by them, the patriarchs of the five main lines of the imperial capital.

Instead, it was made by Jin Luocha and Hei Luosan.

The two can only choose between two great forces, and choosing the Void God Sect as the side to take refuge in has become the most correct choice.

As long as the Void God Religion does not mean to destroy the civilization of St. Nicholas, but only to hinder the Cree Empire.

So the difficulty of helping their St. Nicholas civilization survive the crisis is not very difficult for the Void God Sect.

Didn't it happen that all the members of the Void God Sect were mobilized, only six distinguished guests were sent.

The battle situation has been settled, and all the people who united with the Cree Empire within the Saint Nicholas civilization have been resolved.

"We are just solving what our Void God Sect has to do."

"We don't want to make such a big commotion, we just want to solve it quietly and quickly, and then leave."

"I have no intention of interfering with the development and continuation of your Saint Nicholas civilization."

"It's just that Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan's sense of smell is too keen."

"The two of us were tracked down, so the two of them were implicated."

Nikrov said slowly when he saw this majestic and robust male birdman Jin Jialuo with equally beautiful feathers.

He knew what Jin Jialuo, who was in a high position, was worried about.

So just a few words from Nikrov explained the purpose of their Void God Sect's coming here.

As for Jin Jialuo's belief or not, it's none of their business.

Because after the matter is resolved, they will leave the Saint Nicholas civilization one after another within a few days at most.

"The two of them are still young, and they have the ability but they are brave and intrepid. I will trouble you."

"When the matter is settled, I would like to invite everyone to a banquet. I wonder if you would like to come to the banquet?"

When Jin Jialuo heard the evaluation with a keen sense of smell, he knew that a lot of things must have happened, but he didn't ask face to face, he just said it politely.

"We have already been entertained by you."

"Golden Rakshasa and Hei Luosan have expressed the highest courtesy reception."

"It is enough for us to see the unworldly treasures in Jinfeng Mountain."

"After the matter is over, we will leave in no more than a week."

"Please rest assured."

Nikrov knew that Jin Jialuo wanted to entertain the big figures of the Void God Sect, so as to test and see if he could get close.

The Void God Sect has not yet reached the point of establishing diplomatic relations with various civilizations, so it is almost enough to leave some good impressions.

And in the face of Jin Jialuo, a leading Patriarch who has grown up through training.

Dealing with such people's temptations and tricks is almost a very troublesome thing, so Nikrov directly declined for Lady Lacey and the others.

If he blamed him afterwards, Nikrov could pay Lacey and the others to eat for a few days and nights, it wouldn't be a problem.

When Jin Jialuo heard that Jin Fengshan had seen the treasure, he knew that Jin Jialuo had decided to allow several distinguished guests from the Void God Sect to see the treasure of the Jin family, the Golden Tree, and he didn't show any praise or dissatisfaction about it.

"Then if you have a chance to come to Saint Nicholas Civilization again in the future, please let me know."

"Our Jin family will definitely entertain everyone with the highest etiquette."

Jin Jialuo just smiled politely.

He knew that his identity belonged to those at the pinnacle of Saint Nicholas civilization.

If you go to various high-level civilizations with this identity, you can receive super high treatment and welcome, and even go to the Xandar Empire to receive a lot of courtesy.

It's just that his identity is not much different from that of ordinary people in the face of the emerging power of the universe, the Void God Sect.

Because the development trajectory of the Void God Religion is different from that of the Xandar Empire, which actively established good diplomacy with various civilizations.

The Void God Sect is still in the stage of recharging its energy, and no one doubts that the Void God Sect will conquer the expansion of the universe in the future.

So Jin Jialuo also hoped to test it first to see if he could get close, but the visitors of the Void God Sect obviously didn't intend to do that.

Therefore, Jin Jialuo knew that he could not force it.

"Father, this is the list of people who participated in the joint plan with the Cree people from the scientists of the Hu family."

"A lot of them have been caught and killed up there."

"There are only some people who fled in the base camps of the major veins and have not been caught."

At this time, Jin Luosha also approached very tactfully and handed over the list.

"Follow-up lists continue to be sent to me."

"I'll fix these things first."

"You and Hei Luosan should first entertain all the distinguished guests from the Void God Sect."

Jin Jialuo didn't ask how he got the information from the elites of the major veins, but he just spoke while expressing his trust.

He guessed that the members of the Void God Sect had a better impression of his son and Hei Luosan, the third son of the Hei Emperor, and were more willing to deal with them.

It is not difficult to guess the reason, because even though Jin Luocha and Hei Luosan have already controlled a lot of power.

But the age is still young, so the blood in the heart will be higher and the city will not be too deep.

With the same intelligence, some people like to deal with people in the deep city, because they can understand the meaning of both parties and all kinds of hidden rules with just a few words.

Some people like to deal with more pure people, and opening things up can make both parties more satisfied.

Therefore, Jin Jialuo directly entrusted Jin Luocha and Hei Luosan to entertain everyone.

Judging from Nikrov's evaluation in just a few words, it is not difficult to see that several distinguished guests from the Void God Sect had a good evaluation of Jin Luocha and Hei Luosan.

As for the golden tree being seen, there is no need to think too much about whether it will become a hidden danger.

Because in the face of a force that can rob by force, it is useless whether to hide the golden tree or not.

The only difference is whether the opponent wants to grab it or not.

If you want to rob Saint Nicholas civilization, you can't keep it. If you don't want to rob it, it's okay to be seen.


Jin Luosha nodded immediately upon hearing the words.

"Good job, after this matter is dealt with, come back and report in detail."

Jin Jialuo patted his son's shoulder lightly, with a look of pride on his face, and praised him.

"Then we will leave first. If there is a chance later, please let me entertain you."

Then Jin Jialuo looked at Nikrov and Madame Butterfly, and said respectfully.

Then, as Jin Jialuo's wings turned into a golden lightning bolt, it soared into the sky, appearing in the sky in the blink of an eye.

The other bloodlines of the Jin family who came together also followed.

A bird song resounding through the sky was uttered in unison, which was a signal for the Jin family to start action.

The other bloodlines of the Jin family didn't speak indiscriminately, because they knew who they were facing.

Moreover, the Patriarchs all showed a gesture of respect. Without orders, they could not speak indiscriminately, otherwise they might cause disaster.

After Jin Jialuo left, Madam Die looked at the direction they left and said.

"Don't you need to check the five major veins of the imperial capital?"

"Although this may offend the five main lines of the imperial capital."

"However, if you are not afraid of [-], you are afraid of the eventuality. If these misunderstandings are resolved, they will not be completely resolved."

"After we're gone, the plans of the Kree will come back soon."

Madam Die knew that that person was Jin Luocha's father, but she still asked the question.

Although Jin Luocha has no problem, he has also received warnings from Jin Jialuo that he must not talk to the Cree Empire.

However, there should be quite a lot of big figures in the Jin family who hold great power.

Even if Jin Luosha's father Jin Jialuo is fine, there is no guarantee that other people will have no problems.

As soon as Madam Die's words came out, just as Jin Luosha was about to speak, Nikrov had already spoken first.

"No need, the survival of civilization rests on their shoulders."

"If the inside is already rotten, then no matter how we check or cut it off now."

"It is also impossible to completely cut off the rotten seeds."

"Besides, controlling so much will have a great impact on your physical strength, so there is no need to do so much."

Nikrov shook his head slightly, and said in a calm voice.


Madam Butterfly nodded upon hearing this.

"...Actually, I really want Her Lady Queen to ask for help."

Hearing these words, Jin Luocha paused and spoke.

Because the questions Her Lady Queen asked were very simple and direct, and she didn't deliberately ask about the core technical issues of the major lines.

Just simply ask them if they have cooperated with the Kerry Empire.

"That's what I thought too. Outside of the imperial capital, my five major veins have other ideas about the 5000-year barrier."

"There may not be so many people from the five main lines of the imperial capital to derive other ideas, but there may already be some signs inside."

"Although it may dissatisfy the various characters in the five main lines of the imperial capital, as long as the memory is erased, there will be no problem."

Hei Luosan said when he heard the words.

They knew the opportunity to ask Her Lady Queen to help with the investigation, so they missed this opportunity.

In the future, it may not be so easy to let Her Lady Queen take action again.

Therefore, Hei Luosan had already had a heart, and asked Her Lady Queen to go to the five major veins of the imperial capital to investigate and investigate.

It's just that Mrs. Nikrov directly made the decision for Her Lady Queen, and it's not easy to ask them to please.

"It's a good thing to have a thorough investigation to make sure there are no consequences."

"However, whether there is any future trouble, it is always only temporary."

"Whether there will be any problems in the follow-up of the major veins of the imperial capital."

"It still depends on whether the respective ideas of the five main lines of your imperial capital can last as long as possible."

"It is impossible for a civilization to be united forever."

"How to adjust and guide the difference between these thoughts is an eternal proposition."

"A truly responsible person in power will never be under less pressure, and it will only increase."

"It's not yet time for you to take power, you might as well have more confidence in your father."

"I believe they will manage everything well and pass it on to the next generation of Patriarchs."

Seeing that Hei Luosan and Jin Luosha wanted Madam Die to help with the investigation, Nikrov said slowly.

Even if several people act together, it is impossible to achieve one mind, let alone one civilization for one power.

This time, helping to find out the people of the major lines that are united with the Cree people and clean up various disasters is already regarded as the Void Cult's cross-border help.

The most trouble-free way for the Void God Cult is to directly kill a few Cree people from the Saint Nicholas civilization.

Then just let me know, the high-level officials of the Saint Nicholas civilization, let them solve the remaining evils and disasters by themselves.

In this way, the Saint Nicholas civilization still needs to thank the Void God Religion, but it may not be as grateful as it is now.

"The main reason is that I saw too much of Her Lady Queen's methods, and I saw some people who had never thought of betraying before, and they all betrayed."

"It made my heart shake unknowingly."

"That's why I hope that Her Majesty the Queen will help to interrogate."

Hei Luosan was silent for a while, and explained the reason for the request.

If Her Lady Queen hadn't directly controlled and asked about it, he would never have thought that some of them would actually choose to betray the Saint Nicholas civilization.

This is a very terrible thing, because some people who are sanctimonious, highly respected, who have made outstanding deeds and are praised by many people have betrayed the civilization of St. Nicholas.

Then some of the uncles or grandparents around him who have always trusted and respected are also betraying and are secretly plotting plans.

"People are unpredictable, and it is normal to have such thoughts."

"A guy with a glamorous appearance and a dignified righteousness may not necessarily be a really good person."

"On the contrary, it may be a person with a more abnormal psychology."

"So there are many friendships, just click and stop."

"If you want to deal in depth, you have to talk about it after you really understand it."

Hearing these words, Nikrov comforted him and gave his own experience.

After so many years of wandering outside, Nikrov has seen too many outright scumbags who are glamorous on the outside.

Those scumbags are worse than animals, and even the lawless are many times better than them.

Lawless people do not hide things, so they are wanted when they are wanted. Everyone knows that this guy is a guy full of evil.

Once caught, he will either be imprisoned for life to repent, or he will be killed directly.

Even if you are not caught, many places are absolutely forbidden to step in, because once you step in, it is tantamount to throwing yourself into a trap.

And some guys who look sanctimonious, who look like a good person, are actually much more scumbags than lawless people.

They will use the weapon of power to cover up all the dirty things they have done and maintain their external image.

You can enter and exit various occasions openly and receive various courtesy.

The more backward the civilization, the more scumbags there are.

Because the range that can be expanded due to lack of vision is not large enough, there is no other more fun than embarrassing the same kind.

The greatest evil of people with some power is to embarrass the weak who can embarrass them within the scope of their duties.

These were things Nikrov had never understood before.

Let him return to the Tesma civilization in the future, he must take a good look at the internal problems of the Tesma civilization and clear it up.

"Been taught a lesson."

Even though Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan didn't know who Master Nikrov was.

However, the two of them can be sure that Mr. Nikrov must have been a person who held great power before, so many of the things he said were based on experience.

"You haven't really taken the position yet, you will learn some things after you take the position."

"Let's not talk about these trivial matters, and wait for Lord Kyle and the others to arrive."

"After Madam Die's interrogation is over, what we have to do will almost come to an end."

"The rest is for your Saint Nicholas civilization to clean up on its own."

Seeing the attitude of the two of them as juniors, Nikrov said angrily, and then directly changed the subject.

"Don't you want to stay longer in the Saint Nicholas civilization?"

"You haven't played well in the Saint Nicholas civilization yet?"

"At least let us entertain the two of you."

When Jin Luosha heard that Mr. Nikrov and Mrs. Butterfly were going to leave soon, he also made some reservations.

"That's right, otherwise Patriarch Jin Jialuo will sue my father and say that we didn't entertain well."

"We're going to be punished."

Hei Luosan also hurriedly said when he heard the words.

"Didn't I just say that I will leave within a few days at most?"

"The stay must be for a while, but it won't be too long."

"We also want to be carefree and have fun in the Saint Nicholas civilization for a few days."

Nikrov glanced at the two of them.

He and Mrs. Butterfly are able to come here now because Lady Lacey asked someone to take care of the nothingness.

Within a month's time limit, it is definitely impossible for them to finish their work and play here for ten and a half months.

Even if they could do that, their consciences would be somewhat condemned for it.

But you can't play for that long, and it's not a problem to play for three or four days.

It is not too much to take a break for three or four days as a leisure break after finishing a major event.


When Jin Luosha heard that he would stay for a few days, he immediately laughed.

The few distinguished guests who came from the Void God Religion did what they did like the benefactors of the Saint Nicholas civilization.

If even the benefactor can't entertain them well and let the other party have a good time before leaving, then the reputation of Saint Nicholas' civilization will be damaged.

More than an hour later, Renoli drove the space battleship with Kyle and Lacey, and came to join Nikrov.

Madam Butterfly directly entered the space battleship and began to interrogate those people.

The conspiracy of the Kerry Empire has been shattered, the main force and research results have been shattered, and the rest are a few people scattered in various places.

In the case of knowing the information, it is not difficult for the Saint Nicholas civilization to solve it.

Lacey, Kyle, Reynolds, and the Forerunner chatted outside with Nikrov and learned something about it.

"Have you seen Jin Luosha's father?"

"What does it look like?"

Kyle was a little curious about this.

"How should I put it, in terms of the image of a bird, it looks very handsome and handsome."

"Or should it be described as beautiful?"

Seeing Lord Kyle asking what he looked like, Nikrov thought for a while and imagined an adjective.

It is true that the most advanced transformation of the Jin family cannot retain the pure human form, but it does not mean that the transformed image is not handsome.

On the contrary, because of the pure reason of the transformation, it looks extra handsome.

There is a saying, once you accept or get used to this aesthetic.

"It's a pity I couldn't see it."

When Kyle heard that he was handsome and handsome, there was some regret on his face.

"Although it's not the main body, I have some projected portraits of my father."

Jin Luosha felt sorry for Lord Kyle not seeing him, and released the projection.

The background in the projection is a universe.

Three space fighters are fleeing quickly, shuttling through the meteorite belt.

At this moment, a golden arrow feather suddenly struck from behind.

Flying gallop in the universe, even in the intricate meteorite belt, it is still like a fast shuttle on the flat ground.

A large number of laser rays and interference rays shot over.

It was just easily dodged, and the golden light passed through his body in just a few seconds.

Three escaped space fighters exploded several conspicuous fireworks in space.

The golden light stagnated, and a birdman wearing a battle armor covered with golden feathers and emerald green feathers stood on the meteor belt and appeared in the field of vision.

Even in the dark universe, Jin Jialuo's appearance is still very conspicuous, those sharp eyes like swords make people feel as if they are about to be stabbed by a single glance.

It can be seen at a glance that this bird man is definitely a domineering type.

"Damn it, he's so handsome!"

"It's really possible to directly chase space fighters."

"No wonder Miss Bai Linglong is full of praise."

Kyle's eyes sparkled when he saw Jin Galona's height, which was even more majestic than that of Jin Rakshasa, and the bright golden feathers.

It's a pity that you can't raise it, otherwise it would be very handsome to catch one and raise it back.

Of course, these thoughts Kyle just thought about in his heart, but did not say it.

Although Ms. Bai Linglong didn't say it explicitly, it is obvious that it must be a taboo of the Saint Nicholas civilization to capture all kinds of people who have been biologically modified by the Saint Nicholas civilization and raise them in captivity.

"This speed is perfectly controlled."

Renoli also noticed the speed at which Jin Jialuo burst out, and his eyes were a little surprised.

It can be seen that Jin Jialuo can perfectly control [-] times the speed of sound, so when a normal space fighter faces a meteor belt and has to slow down to avoid it, it can still maintain the highest speed and carry out pursuit and kill.

This is the real strength that has been tempered countless times.

It's not the kind of clown who doesn't think about improving when he gets power, only knows how to use it blindly, and then among the weak, he feels invincible when he dominates the world, stupid and unaware.

"Whether you can control twelve times the speed of sound to fight is the final test of the Patriarch."

"In the future, higher sonic multipliers will depend on the abilities of the heads of the Jin family."

Seeing that Mr. Renoli praised his father, Jin Luosha also had a happy smile on his face, and said.

In terms of combat effectiveness, his father was ranked number one throughout the long history of the Jin family.

Therefore, even though Jin Luosha had suffered a lot since he was a child, he never thought of giving up.

Because there is a father who is too good, he is either beaten down to lose his fighting spirit and sinks, or he is struggling to catch up without being discouraged after being frustrated again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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