I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world.

Chapter 731 Ilani Chapter Island

Chapter 731 Ilani Returns to the Island

"Your observation target seems to be expanding in some directions."

Irani Rael knew that the Heart of the World was lamenting the loss of a talent.

"It doesn't make much difference whether to expand or not."

"The only people I'm watching are those who successfully pass the test and enter the Nova Corps up-and-coming."

"Nothing else will be considered."

"There is no doubt that Sonia's ability is very outstanding now, but it does not mean that she will be able to parachute to become the supreme commander of the Xandar Empire."

"It has been 6000 years since the establishment of the Xandar Empire, and there has never been a precedent for the supreme commander to directly drop into the air."

The Heart of the World did not take Irani's suggestion.

Although Irani's statement is good, if the selection target is expanded to all Xandar stars in various industries.

Then the probability of digging out talents who are suitable to be the supreme commander of the Xandar Empire will be higher.

It's just the supreme commander of the Xandar Empire, which symbolizes the supreme power.

If you have some potential but don't have the corresponding life experience and ability, then you may do well at the beginning.

Later, it will be easily changed by the countless resources brought by power, or desire.

"There is no need for airborne, as long as the talents are selected and cultivated."

"Miss Sonia didn't have such a wealth of experience in power at the beginning."

"Heart of the World, I know you want me to continue as Supreme Commander."

"But the future is hard to tell. My upcoming position as the God of Star Tour is responsible for monitoring, adjudicating, and balancing."

"If I want to convince the public, I can protect the Xandar Empire in the future, but I cannot favor the Xandar Empire."

"Otherwise, if there is any injustice, then I will also find it hard to convince the public."

Elani Rael said after hearing the words.

After she heard what Sonia told her to do just now, she understood her future path.

Although enemies outside the Void Sect can favor her family without hesitation, she must not show favoritism to the various factions inside the Void Sect, not even once.

The position of Star Traveling God has some special powers, but because of this, it is even more necessary to understand one's responsibilities.

"...Okay, let me think about expanding the scope of selection."

The Heart of the World deduced what Irani said after hearing the words, paused, and reluctantly took this suggestion into consideration.

Although after receiving the blessing of the void, Irani's lifespan may have reached eternity.

However, Irani, who was born as a Xandar star, has almost dedicated her life to the Xandar Empire.

As a super optical brain, the Heart of the World has almost unlimited computing power, so it naturally understands the meaning of many emotions.

Ilani Rael is about to begin her second life as a star wanderer.

If it forced Irani Rael to stay, it would add too many ups and downs to the journey of Irani Rael's second life.

"Well, as soon as possible."

"I will still pay attention to the Xandar Empire in the future, but it is impossible to think about everything for the Xandar Empire like now."

Irani Rael's eyes were a little complicated at this time, and she spoke.

She has almost finished her life as the supreme commander of the Xandar Empire.

It is enough to protect the Xandar Empire from being destroyed in the future.

As for where the future development of the Xandar Empire will go, that is not something she wants to think about.

"Understood, if you need help, you can call me at any time."

"You know how far my signal covers."

The Heart of the World was silent for a while before responding.


Irani Rael nodded upon hearing this.

The computing power of the Heart of the World can only be compared with the Supreme Intelligence in the entire universe.

With this terrifying computing power, as long as the heart of the world wants to, it can produce some technologies that can truly destroy the universe, such as the Cosmic Cube.

As long as it is created, even if the peak powerhouse of the universe comes, the Xandar Empire will not be afraid at all.

It can even directly kill the pinnacle of the universe.

It's just that this kind of technology is too contrary to human reason, once it is created, it needs to be used by humans.

However, 100% calculations by the heart of the world will cause irreversible damage to the universe.

So the Heart of the World can calculate the blueprints it made, but it just doesn't want to hand over the blueprints it made.

The supreme wisdom of the Kerry Empire should and can be developed, but the Kree Empire has never developed it.

It means that for super optical brains like the Heart of the World and the Supreme Intelligence, there are similar restrictions on actions.

Irani Rael also knew clearly that the war two years later would be a war between the Void Cult and the Kree Empire, not a war between the Xandar Empire and the Kree Empire.

However, with her means and status, she can provide a lot of useful information for the Void God Cult. "

It is not known whether the supreme intelligence will break through the limit when it calculates that it will be destroyed, and create a super technology such as the Cosmic Cube for the Kerry Empire, which is enough to destroy the universe.

Everything can only be known after the outbreak of war.

Irani didn't think about it carefully, but walked out of the room to the study, walked to a desk, opened the drawer and took out some white paper, picked up the pen on the desk and started writing.

The Heart of the World just watched Irani's movements without making any sound.

Under the moonlight of tranquility and bamboo shoots, there was a rhythmic sound of pen falling in the quiet study room.

Irani wrote very quickly, she finished writing some of her thoughts and perceptions in just over 20 minutes, and took a black letter of faith, folded and bound it.

And wrote his signature on the envelope, wrote the date, and finally stamped it.

Then Irani opened the interlayer in the drawer, and there were more than 100 black envelopes with special stamps neatly placed inside.

The neat envelopes exude the unique fragrance of paper.

Here is the abdication announcement written by Irani more than 100 years ago. The date of writing is not fixed, but it is fixed every year.

Because different things happen every year, and the plans for the future may also change, so before she abdicates, she will naturally have different perceptions and use this to warn the future supreme commander.

Of course, the merits of each supreme commander of the Xandar Empire are different.

Irani is also not sure that her admonition can be a lesson for those who come after her.

Because some commanders will go against the experience of previous commanders in order to be able to make a difference.

But Irani will still do this, because this letter of abdication is an explanation to herself.

Irani put the black envelope on the edge.

Whether it is her sudden death or a safe abdication, the Heart of the World will take out the latest envelope and hand it over to the next supreme commander.

Afterwards, Irani walked back to her room, took off her clothes, wrapped her scarf into the bathroom with her young and graceful figure, and walked into the bathroom.

After taking a bath, Irani came to her dressing room.

Although Irani will not intentionally use power for personal gain, she is the supreme commander of the Xandar Empire.

Her standard of living is undoubtedly the highest in society.

Irani looked at these old-fashioned clothes, which matched her original appearance very well.

But it doesn't match her youthful appearance.

So Irani went back and forth and finally settled on a black dress she wore when she was younger.

If she remembered correctly, this was what she wore when she was 56 years old. The style of the clothes was naturally majestic and dignified.

Although the style of clothes is a bit outdated compared to the popular styles that young women in the Xandar Empire often wear now.

However, Irani still showed a noble and dignified posture when she wore it.

Irani's appearance is not Sonia's beautiful type, at best she is a beautiful type.

If it was the former Irani, she would have the heroic spirit of a heroine in her beauty, and the spirit of a woman who would not give way to a man.

Because she used to fight bravely on the battlefield, she had a murderous look all over her body.

Irani never thought that she would lose to others just because she was a woman, so she made it to where she is today step by step.

It's just that she has been the supreme commander and has been in the rear for many years, and she has long since washed away her past glory.

At this time, it belongs to the young, beautiful and very friendly type.

Irani turned around and looked carefully, and she thought it was okay.

Then, she looked at the direction of the void island through the window.

The moment Sonia issued her summons, Irani knew her first stint as Supreme Commander was over.

A Second Life The life of Ilani Rael, the star traveler, is about to begin.

Whether this position will be more difficult than the Supreme Commander, Irani can't judge because she has never done it before.

But a brand new life is really waiting for her.

Therefore, Irani's mood is complicated by the impending abdication of the Supreme Commander, as well as joy and anticipation for the unknown future.

The Heart of the World looked at Irani, who exuded anticipation and exuded vigor and demeanor all over her body.

It seemed that the shackles that bound Irani Rael were cracked at this moment.

Being the supreme commander has supreme power, and there are countless shackles (rules) that can overwhelm people and must be followed.

Irani Rael's life of more than 270 years old is undoubtedly a life full of legends.

Because of his hard work and selfless dedication in the past, he became a great figure in the Xandar Empire who was admired and sung by countless people.

Even the Heart of the World itself couldn't help but be impressed by its generosity and selflessness, and was willing to incarnate a role like a guard, guarding its side, and responding with just one sound.

As far as the heights that people can climb, Irani Rael is definitely a successful person.

But if it is said whether Irani Rael's life is happy or not, even if the Heart of the World has all-powerful computing power, it cannot give a definite answer.

Because of her own responsibilities, Irani Rael did not experience the family that countless women have experienced, nor did she experience the necessary process of being a mother who was pregnant for twelve months.

Not to mention the experience of finding friends when you have nothing to do, and having an interstellar trip that you can leave as soon as you want.

Instead, he bears the unbearable pressure of countless people, and makes every decision, big or small, carefully.

Almost all words, deeds, and itinerary plans are under the watchful eyes of countless people.

This kind of heart to live in the world understands that for ordinary people, it is enough to drive people crazy, and it is also a life that countless ordinary people are unwilling to live.

After the Heart of the World noticed that the shackles that bound Irani had loosened, what had originally been thought of as expanding the scope of selection became a definite item.

Irani Rael is a legend but also a human being, not a super light brain like it.

So Irani Rael has the right to pursue her second brand new life.

Irani opened her time planner, asking when to get up every day, when to work, when to attend meetings, when to go to inspect and so on.

She decided to make an appearance on the void island during her regular sleep time.

"There are still eight hours of free time. According to the distance, I have to attend the meeting at seven o'clock in the morning."

"It's enough to come back in 10 minutes at [-]:[-]."

So after getting ready, Irani directly used void magic to enter a state of invisibility, and left the headquarters of the Nova Corps.

Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, let her mainly evolve the ability of perception, but after discussing with the Heart of the World.

Irani determined that her hidden ability also needs to be improved.

Heart of the World did not make any report on Irani's actions.

If it was normal, the Heart of the World would have to notify the guards to follow the moment Irani walked out of the room.

Although Irani has never been to the Void Island, she has investigated the Void Island a lot, so the way to go is extremely clear.

It took Irani a high-speed flight of 10 minutes, and soon flew directly to the beach of the void island.

It seems that you can't fly casually on the void island, but the method of coming here, the Void God Sect has not made any restrictions.

Irani observed the things on the Void Island with bright eyes, and started to walk along the road with a smile on her face.

When Sonia decided to summon Irani back to the island.

Harvey has already canceled the void shielding magic on Irani.

Therefore, the appearance that Irani presents to others is completely the most authentic appearance now.

The Void Island is much quieter at night, and many of them gather in the cafeteria, or in their own homes or hotels.

But there will still be a lot of people hanging out.

So when someone passed by a few meters away from Irani, when they saw Irani's appearance, they felt a little familiar.

"Why does this woman look familiar to me?"

"Since you think her appearance is okay, just go up and strike up a conversation."

"It's so old, and you still use such a vulgar excuse."

"Damn! Do you think Lao Tzu is a perverted person?"

"do not you?"

"If it wasn't for the Void Island, I really want to give you a punch."

"Women on Xandar are not within the scope of my hunting."

"They're too short and not hot at all."

"Then you said that you look familiar, do you come to Xandar very often, and tell me this kind of nonsense."

"Even if I wanted to pick up girls, I wouldn't use such a lousy excuse."

"It seems to be the same reason, so it means that you really feel familiar?"

"Nonsense, I really feel familiar."

"Is it possible that I passed by somewhere before?"

"It's unlikely. Except for the women of Marha, other civilized women want me to remember that if they don't have any special skills, it's not that simple."

"Then think about it carefully."

"Aren't I just thinking about it? I had some impressions, but you interrupted it."

Several tall men with green complexion started to make noise.

"I remembered, I saw someone very similar to this woman in the legendary history of the Xandar Empire."

"The Xandar Empire has a history of nearly 10 years, but there are very few women who can record the legendary history of the Xandar Empire."

"Which legend are you talking about?"

"Ilani Rael, the current supreme commander of the Xandar Empire, the woman just now is very similar to Ilani Rael when she was young."

"I'm sure it looks like it was carved out of a mold."

"Ilanie Rael has a baby?"

"How is it possible? If I remember correctly, Irani Rael is now more than 270 years old."

"This age is calculated based on the age of the Xandar Stars. They are not entering old age but entering twilight years."

"That's plastic surgery, probably a big fan of Irani Rael."

"Since this is the case, then don't worry about it."

After discussion, several Malha stars quickly came to a conclusion that the woman they saw just now had plastic surgery.

Because of Irani Rael, even with the injection of a special genetic modification agent, the nearly 270-year-old Irani Rael is almost dead now.

This news is actually not good news for many civilizations in the Andromeda galaxy, but they have nothing to do.

After all, around three hundred years old is already the highest age of the Xandar Empire.

And because I saw Ilani Rael, it wasn't just these Malha people who felt familiar.

Others who were wandering outside felt a sense of familiarity when they saw Irani Rael.

Because Irani Rael was the supreme commander of the Xandar Empire and had been in power for more than 200 years.

But anyone who has been to the Xandar Empire or intends to come to the Xandar Empire has more or less known the life of Ilani Rael, and has seen the photos and portraits of Ilani Rael when she was young.

It's just that they are similar to those Malha stars. When they saw Ilani Rael and remembered who she looked like, they all thought it was plastic surgery.

Plastic surgery is nothing new to Cosmos Technology.

But they were a little curious, how did this woman walk in the Xandar Empire alive.

You have to know that it’s okay if you have plastic surgery to look like other people. You can look like Ilani Rael, a legendary woman worshiped by countless people in the Xandar Empire, when she was young.

Isn't that being invited to drink tea every minute, or even disappearing from the world?

Irani Rael didn't care about the reactions of these people.

She has been discussed by countless people in her life, and this kind of unbelievable discussion is completely irrelevant to her.

Irani knew that she didn't have much time, so she just walked along the avenue and saw the bustling cafeteria, but she didn't go in directly.
Instead, it took an hour to continue walking. After looking around and confirming the location of some facilities on the Void Island, they followed the road signs along the way to the Void Temple.

Irani looked up at the temple and walked up step by step.

After Irani climbed to the top, she looked at the few precepts on the commandment tablet.

"The rules are simple but not loose. It seems that the teachings of the Void God Religion are much better than I expected, and life in the future should be more interesting."

Irani stretched out her green fingers, gently stroking the writing on the commandment tablet, thinking carefully about the meaning of the commandment, with a smile on her face.

She knew that as a star traveler in the future, her duty would be to monitor.

Therefore, she must truly understand the meaning of the precepts of the Void God Religion.

Because the precepts only represent the general direction, and the rules that govern the balance and need to be reconciled will be born from this general direction.

"Didn't you just come here in the morning?"

At this time, a blond figure appeared beside Irani and asked softly.

"I just said that I came to show up in the morning. It doesn't mean that I will land on the island in the morning."

"How important it is to understand and observe the work in advance, I think Miss Sonia should have a deep understanding."

Irani was not surprised when she saw the people around her suddenly appear, and said with a smile.

She didn't talk to Sonia many times, but she could understand the other person's character after talking a few times, so she didn't appear restrained.

"So what did you observe?"

Sonia did not deny the words, but asked again.

"I saw an ideal land, where there are quarrels but no fights, where there are struggles but also peace."

"The various facilities are basically the same, and I think they will keep pace with the times."

"Just thinking about it makes me think this is my dream retirement place."

"You put a lot of effort into this."

Irani said with a smile when she heard the words.

Those outsiders along the way basically said that she looked familiar when they saw her.

This is also a matter of course, because she is the deity.

However, although it sparked discussions, no one dared to touch her or pester her.

This kind of thing is impossible even in the imperial capital of the Xandar Empire.

After all, many outsiders are used to being arrogant in their own civilization, and they have caused a lot of trouble in the capital of the Xandar Empire.

But it actually happened in the Void Zone, which means that the order here is not complicated but convincing.

The people on the island abide by the order but don't walk on thin ice. At least she didn't see anyone who felt very nervous.

This means that when outsiders live on the island, their mentality is relatively relaxed.

For Irani, who has done countless inspections, taking a peek at the face is just the basics of the basics.

"My goal is to develop Void Island into a second hometown in the hearts of countless members of the Void God Sect."

“So naturally there will be a lot of ideas to implement.”

Sonia heard that Irani had only been on the island for only an hour, and she saw the essence of the island directly, and said with some admiration in her heart.

"Isn't it the first hometown in my mind, but the second hometown?"

"It's an ideal full of vision and contentment."

After hearing Sonia's ideal, Irani thought for a while and praised with a smile.

Although people will live in a certain place for a long time, they will gradually regard this place as their hometown.

But as long as you are nostalgic, you will always leave a place in your heart for the hometown where you were born and raised.

Therefore, the hometown in some people's hearts cannot be replaced anyway. "

Sonia obviously knew this too, so she didn't think about making the base camp of the Void God Religion the first hometown in the hearts of countless people in the future.

Although it would be better to make the members of the Void God Religion regard the Void Island as the first hometown in their hearts, it would definitely be better, but it is unrealistic.

The ideal is of course the more perfect the better. As a person in power, there will be more desires in my heart.

As the supreme commander of the Xandar Empire, Irani can naturally understand the difficulty of knowing the ideal and being satisfied, how difficult it is.

"Whether the ideal can be realized or not, I have indeed done a lot of consideration."

"As far as the current ideal is concerned, I think it is very likely to be realized."

When Sonia heard Irani's praise, a smile appeared on her face.

After knowing that the universe she is in is not the real hometown of Mr. Kassadin.

Sonia's planning direction for the development of Void Island has undergone many changes.

Not so much for the compatriots of the Void God Cult to regard this as their second hometown.

It might be better to say that Sonia is simply working hard to make Mr. Kassadin truly adapt to and like the base camp of the Void God Religion.

Of course, if even Mr. Kassadin who came here from other universes adapts and likes it.

Other compatriots of the Void God Sect will definitely like it because of this.

"If anyone has the ability, everyone wants to build an utopia."

"It's just that there is still too much work to be done before we really want to build an ideal town."

"It includes wars that countless people don't want to see."

Irani's thinking height is similar to Sonia's, so she can understand the meaning expressed by Sonia's words.

"After the Void God Religion enters a stable stage in the future, it will definitely become the dream town of countless people."

"It's just that the Void God Sect is still in the developing stage, and there are too many things to do."

"And the need to break out of war with the Cree Empire does not mean that there must be a war with all civilizations."

"Lord Kassadin, God of the Void, doesn't really have much thought about conquering the universe."

"The universe itself is under his control."

"It's just that many members of the Void God Cult want to spread the reputation of the Void God Cult throughout the universe."

"This will is not selfishness but united will, and I think so too."

"So wars that need to break out are always needed.

Sonia heard what Irani meant and said slowly.

"If a force wants to grow and become famous, war is an unavoidable factor, so I have no opinion on this."

Irani advocates peace, but it doesn't mean she hasn't launched wars against other civilizations.

On the stage of the universe, the envisioned peace is not won by words but by strength.

If a force does not have enough strength, all claims are nothing but empty talk.

"It seems we agree."

"Then you should observe the Void Island first."

"Find a time during the day and go to the record temple to ask Sarah to make a record."

"She will invite you into the group community."

After talking with Irani, Sonia also understood that their views were similar and belonged to the same people.

There will be many opportunities to talk about experiences in the future.

Moreover, Irani has not yet officially stepped down from the position of supreme commander of the Xandar Empire.

So Sonia didn't drag Irani to chat here.

"it is good."

Upon hearing these words, Irani nodded.

Then Sonia disappeared directly in place and left.

It is not unusual for Irani to see Sonia's methods.

Sonia, who is a high-ranking Void God Envoy of the Void God Cult, can't be overly powerful, and it's only reasonable to know how to teleport.

Irani bowed respectfully to the statue, and then walked down the road she used to go to and from the temple.

She is not in a hurry to learn some detailed rules of the Internet, because she can directly understand it through the behavior of others.

Just when Irani went back and forth.

A man with a strong figure and a gentle appearance and a bald giant with a height of more than two meters flew over Irani.

Kyle and Banner are running out of the Gravity Building after practicing, going to have a midnight snack and then go to bed.

It's just that Banner saw a woman who looked very familiar to him just now.

This made Banner stop immediately.

"Banna, what are you doing standing up all of a sudden?"

Kyle disappeared in the blink of an eye, but flew back in just two seconds, looked at Banner who was staying in the air, and asked a little strangely.

As soon as the words came out, Kyle found that Banner was looking at a direction.

Kyle looked over with his eyes, and then found a woman.

And from this woman, I felt a breath of the same origin as void.

You must know that there are only a few female members of the Void God Cult. If there is one more, Kyle will definitely know it.

But Kyle can be 100% sure that he has no impression of this woman.

"Who is this woman, why do I feel the breath of void from her body?"

Kyle looked at Irani Rael and muttered.

"If I'm not mistaken, I know the identity of this woman."

Banner looked at Irani Rael's appearance, heard Kyle's words, and said.

"you know?"

"So that means she is from the Nine Realms?"

When Kyle heard that Banner knew this woman, he also had some guesses in his heart.

"She is not from the Nine Realms."

"Her identity, I'm sure you've heard more than I have."

"Look carefully, I think you will feel very familiar."

After Banner discovered Irani Rael, he immediately thought of many things and said.

He remembered talking to Steve and the others before, it would be great if Irani Rael could join the Void God Cult.

Because this is a legendary figure who will be admired and admired by anyone who knows it.

Although ordinary people would think that this person might have undergone plastic surgery to become Irani Rael.

However, as a member of the Void God Cult, Banner, who understands the effects of blessings, will not think so after discovering Ilani.

Moreover, the original Ilani Rael does have the character and ability to be directly recruited by Lord Kassadin.

"It's not that I know it, but that I've heard it?"

Kyle felt a little strange when he heard Banner's riddle-like words.

However, Kyle watched carefully in the air on the avenue below, a beautiful woman in a black dress, exuding an amiable temperament, with a smile on her face, she seemed to be in a very good mood.

In terms of appearance, the appearance of this woman did not make Kyle feel amazing.

But the affinity emanating from this woman made Kyle feel very comfortable at the first glance.

But these are just brought by feelings, so Kyle didn't care about it, but the memory related to this woman in the thinker's mind.

Kyle is not a person who likes to read and study, but in order not to let Lacey look like an idiot.

Kyle also did some homework on the history of the Xandar Empire and many things.

The more he looked at this woman, the more familiar she looked.

Then a heroic young woman's appearance appeared in Kyle's mind, and it overlapped with this young woman's appearance.

Combined with Banner's words, Kyle's brain suddenly opened up as if it had been hit by a big clock.


"Ilanie Rael?"

"The supreme commander of the Xandar Empire?"

Kyle looked at the beautiful woman with golden shawl hair and black dress below, and cried out in shock.

No wonder Banner said that he must have survived more times than Banner. He heard more than that, it was like hearing it from a young age.

Irani heard the voice and looked up in the direction of the voice.


After Irani found out the identities of these two people, she showed an amiable smile on her face, and waved her hand slightly habitually.

"Is it really you?"

Kyle saw this woman wave her hand to the people as usual, and immediately landed in front of Irani, feeling a little unbelievable.

Banner also landed together, looking at the most famous legendary woman in the Xandar Empire in modern times.

"It's okay for the others to be surprised."

"However, as the two of you who have also received the blessing of the void, you know how powerful the blessing of the void is."

"Seeing that I have been blessed and returned to my youthful appearance, I shouldn't be so shocked."

Seeing Kyle's shocked appearance, Irani said with a smile.

"Although the blessing of the void is very powerful, I never thought that you would join the Void God Sect."

"After all, you are the supreme commander of the Xandar Empire."

Kyle said seriously after hearing the understatement.

Although Tony and Banner discussed a few words before.

But Kyle never thought that Irani would actually join the Void God Cult one day.

"It is true that the Xandar Empire is the empire of the universe, but it does not represent the strongest force in the universe."

"The future of the universe will belong to the void, once the Void Sect begins its journey."

"Sooner or later, the Xandar Empire will surrender."

"It is perfectly normal to judge the situation and make choices based on this."

Irani knew that once she joined the Void God Cult, countless people in the world would feel incredible like Hercules Kyle.

But it didn't take long, and the universe fell under the control of the Void God Sect. It was a foregone conclusion.

As a creature and force living in this universe, even though she did not expect eternal lifespan, she made a choice for the continuation of the Xandar Empire.

This can also be said to be a kind of transaction, using her future time to take on the role of Star Tour God in exchange for the continuation of the Xandar Empire.

Although she will not be able to serve as the supreme commander of the Xandar Empire in the future.

Because she also doesn't have that much energy to take on two responsible responsibilities.

But as long as she is here, no matter how turbulent the future of the Xandar Empire will be.

She can guarantee that the Xandar Empire, the civilization that made her devote her life, will be preserved.

"Miss Irani Rael, I have read many of your deeds, and I have heard of your name for a long time."

"My name is Bruce Banner, just call me Banner."

"Although I still don't quite understand how you made the choice and received the blessing directly."

"But since you have been blessed, then we will be compatriots from now on."

Banner watched Irani introduce herself and extended her hand.

"Hercules Kyle, Hulk Banner, I know the reputation of the two of us."

"I have never been able to thank you on behalf of the countless people of the Xandar Empire for protecting Xandar Star before."

Upon hearing this, Irani stretched out her hand and shook Banner, and said gratefully.

"Although it's not a Xandar star, but I am."

"Although I can't say how much I love my own civilization, I see that the Xandar Empire is in great danger."

"I think it's still necessary to help."

"Of course we were too weak before, and we were involved in dangerous things like infinite gems."

"We also need the consent of Lord Kassadin if we want to make a move."

"So you can thank Master Kassadin."

"But Miss Irani, when did you join?"

"I feel the breath of the same source from your body, you should have mastered the power of the void, right?"

When Kyle heard these words, he simply and straightforwardly explained his thoughts at the time, then looked at Irani and asked curiously.

"After Lord Kassadin's manifestation."

"It's been a few years."

After hearing the words, Irani thought about it, and said without concealing it.

"How many years?"

"Since you joined, why didn't you return to the island earlier?"

Kyle mastered the power of the void through Irani, so he knew that Irani had joined for at least half a year, but he didn't expect it to be a few years ago.

"Because my status is quite special, Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, allowed me not to return to the island immediately."

"However, now that the Void God Religion is in a state of preparation for battle, I have received the order from Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, and Miss Sonia will naturally return after summoning."

Irani heard the words and said.

"You came back after being summoned. It seems that Miss Irani has some responsibilities on your shoulders."

As soon as these words came out, not only Banner noticed it, but Kyle, as an old man of the Void God Cult, also immediately realized something.

A person with real talent like Irani Rael, similar to Stephen, was personally met and blessed by Lord Kassadin.

Although Stephen hasn't grown up yet, so he hasn't assumed responsibility in the Void God Sect.

However, according to the estimates of their group, Stephen's future duties as the magic teacher of the Void God Cult must not have escaped.

(End of this chapter)

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