I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world.

Chapter 748 Tony's Declaration

Chapter 748 Tony's Declaration (six thousand)
Zheng Xian and the weather witch crazily absorbed the vast knowledge and insights from the universe, and returned to the Celestial Dynasty in a fighter plane.

Two days later, Pepper Potts, the executive chairman of Stark Industries, visited China in front of countless people in the world, and had friendly peace talks with the big shots of China.

The process of the discussion was very smooth, and the conditions for each other were unified.

The formation of a community with a shared future for mankind has really been put on the agenda.

Stark Industries begins distributing genetically modified potions.

Why is it distributed instead of distributed, because things like genetic medicine are either not released or all of them are released once they are released.

At the beginning of establishment, all human beings must stand on the same starting line physically.

Otherwise, those who did not receive the genetic medicine at the beginning of the establishment would definitely be suppressed by those who received the genetic medicine, leading to a more chaotic society.

Of course, there will always be opposition to the distribution of genetic medicines.

For example, all kinds of geniuses who rely on their physical talents to become famous, and some people who think that genetic medicine is just conducting special experiments.

The castrated version of the Void Communicator is also beginning to be distributed.

This made Peter Parker's already powerful senses clearer at this moment, and a more powerful force emerged from his body.

Aunt Mei saw that Peter Parker's quick movements did not show any signs of dying, and she felt a lot more relieved.

Injected with genetic medicine, you can return to youth, have a lifespan of more than 200 years and have a stronger body.

Inside a skyscraper.

Aunt Mei picked up the genetic modification medicine while talking.

"And I don't know why it feels like the field of vision has become wider than before."

"I'm really fine, if Mr. Tony wants to kill us."

At this time, Peter Parker put on his coat and came to the living room. Seeing Aunt May who couldn't calm down, he asked with concern.

At the same time, it is also to allow human beings to better adapt to life in the future interstellar era.

"Why don't you listen to persuasion, kid?"

They know that all of this is because of the formation of a community with a shared future for mankind.

"If you are still not at ease, Aunt Mei, you can observe me for some time."

"What happened to Aunt May?"

"Is everything advertised by Stark Industries true?"

Because when you are young, it is the flower season with the most perfect appearance in the life of countless women.

Because at the beginning of the formation of a community with a shared future for mankind, the position of supreme commander must be occupied by capable people.

But Tony didn't care about it, it's up to you whether you want to use it or not, he's only responsible for distributing it.

This is also something that human beings must possess to enter the interstellar era.

The various things mainly planned by Tony Stark are divided into many factions in society.

The Xandar civilization, the predecessor of the Xandar Empire, almost perished.

And the most fundamental reason is that Xandar's education and ascension channels have not been blocked.

"Gene modification medicine can make people grow taller?"

And all of this started with the contact with Kassadin, the God of the Void, and brought about changes.

Wait for the slogan before Stark Industries released the genetic medicine.

Normally speaking, no matter what, it is impossible to increase the height by a few centimeters in just a few minutes.

"That in itself is something that countless people are grateful for."

The great feat of helping mankind to form a community with a shared future for mankind due to human origin is just one of Tony Stark's many legendary deeds.

Peter Parker nodded quickly when he heard the words, and said loudly.

"How can I hear your heart beating extremely fast."

And because the dumbs have become better at this time, their hands are like knot mudras when communicating, waving continuously and even phantoms appear, exchanging their thoughts.

When Aunt May's frightened face turned pale and shouted at Peter not to do this.

Aunt Mei said in shock when she saw Peter Parker who raised his hands up and realized the situation.

"Now that this ideal has been achieved, in the future I will be superior to the princes, and will not interfere with the affairs of the community of shared future for mankind."

The community of shared future for mankind has just been formed, and there is no such thing as a super optical brain.

The flow of wind can make it easier for them to judge where there are obstacles.

Although there is still no color in their world, this feeling has made them ecstatic,

After finishing speaking, Peter Parker ran into the bathroom in a flash.

But in Aunt May's eyes, after the child Peter Parker was injected with the so-called genetic modification drug released by Stark Industries, his body began to bleed out a dark and unpleasant liquid, and he fell limp on the ground with tears in his eyes.

And the situation in Peter Parker's home was happening all over the world of Blue Star at the same time.

Cure all kinds of common diseases, so you don't have to be afraid of minor illnesses.

"Although I don't know what these black liquids are, I have never felt so good in my body."

"In its place is Tony Stark, Herald of the Void."

But she didn't clean up immediately, but listened to the sound from the bathroom.

Stark Industries is Tony Stark, the master behind the scenes, who will distribute the genetic modification medicine to the world.

"Aunt Mei, if you feel scared, let me prove it to you."

As a woman, I try my best to make myself look younger.

Beside Coulson, Natasha, the black widow, was in a daze.

"I feel better than ever."

"of course it's true."

Aunt May grabbed her chin with her hands and screamed when she saw Peter Parker coming out of the bathroom.

"In the future, if there are wolf-hearted scumbags, they will intentionally block the upward channels."

"The second iron rule is never to obliterate geniuses. Some geniuses may be born only among tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of people."

As a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., Black Widow knows who is behind Tony, and also knows that Harvey is a big man who cannot be provoked.

"This is one of the two major empires in the universe. The Xandar Empire has lasted for 10 years. It is one of the iron laws chosen by the supreme commander."

If such a powerful person wanted to rule Blue Star, he would have already done it to harm all mankind, and there was no need to wait until this time.

Aunt May thinks that this is all false propaganda and deception, and now it seems to be verified by the child Peter Parker.

"Although I don't really want to believe it, but the reality seems to be like this."

"You get dressed first."

"For the selection of the supreme commander, the iron rule must be followed to the end."

"If this changes, the path you will take in the future will only become narrower and narrower until you reach a dead end and then perish."

Because of his height, the jacket Peter Parker wore didn't fit perfectly, and still showed some abdominal muscles.

At the same time, Tony Stark also asked Helen Zhao to come forward and announce the technology of the Cradle of Life, so that people with physical disabilities can also have the possibility of being cured.

Regardless of how many factions there are in the Xandar Empire, if you want to be the supreme commander, you must pass the heart of the world in the ability test.

After countless people were improved by genetic modification drugs, people who were suffering from various serious and minor diseases were cured directly.

Because in the eyes of Peter Parker, Mr. Tony Stark is a real hero.


Some disabled people also became healthier after being injected.

The rest depends on whether the community with a shared future for mankind successfully survives the various storms brought about by development and leads to prosperity, or repeats the same mistakes and leads to death.


So as long as a genius is born, the real genius will definitely stand out.

If Tony can be found, he will definitely not obstruct it deliberately.

If she had to die, then she would rather die than Peter Parker, a child who had just grown to be close to adulthood.

Then, afraid that Aunt May would not believe it, Peter kept thinking about what to say to make Aunt May believe it.

These impurities will not affect the human body for a while, but when they accumulate to a certain amount, they will develop into various diseases.

Zhao Hailun's name resounded all over the world within a day.

Only after people have truly benefited themselves can they empathize with and appreciate certain people from the bottom of their hearts.

Even after blind people were injected with genetic modification drugs, their vision did not recover, but their enhanced hearing made them feel that the world had a clearer outline.

There are still many people who feel that the changes brought about by this genetic medicine are not a good thing for human beings.

This is the case with Ilani Rael, who came from an ordinary family and set various historical records with her own talents.

"Aunt Mei, are you okay?"

"All of you don't choose to liquidate yourself, but sit idly by and even join forces."

There was a comfortable warm current all over the body, and the five senses underwent amazing changes in just a few seconds.

Some people think that what Tony Stark did is right and he is a great man, while others think that Tony Stark is a deranged demon, a careless, terrible careerist and so on.

Blue Star caused countless shocks and discussions.

Let them do some things that used to take a lot of effort to do easily.

"Mr. Tony Stark, even now he rarely shows his face in society."

Peter Parker personally visited Mr. Tony Stark, and just that visit can be said to have changed many of Peter Parker's concepts.

The next process Tony will definitely arrange and perfect step by step, and then return to the void island.

Peter Parker said immediately when he heard the words.

It took more than 120 seconds for the black liquid and dirt flowing out of Peter Parker's body to stop.

Let Aunt Mei, a woman, be dumbfounded.

"I will let Jarvis investigate and calculate all the origins and possibilities of this person."

"The first piece of advice is that if the community of shared future for mankind wants to go further in the future."

These are the many impurities that inevitably accumulate during the process of human growth.

Aunt May saw Peter Parker, who hadn't realized what really happened to him, and said.

This seems to be a question of background, which contains a lot of human sophistication, but in essence, whether they can pass the test or not, joining the Nova Corps has already screened out countless people.

And Tony Stark has gained a huge reputation in the universe in just a dozen years.

Tony threw out the technology in his hand bit by bit, allowing various factions in the community with a shared future for mankind to accept it.

This can be called a sculptural figure with golden proportions. With that immature but handsome face, the whole body is full of male hormones.

In order not to keep Aunt May waiting for a long time, Peter Parker quickly washed his body with soap, washed his body in less than 3 minutes, put on his pants, and walked out of the bathroom with his clothes.

And Peter Parker's looks higher than she remembered.

He also helped Zheng Xian a little bit, and there will be no major problems after the Celestial Dynasty.

"Aunt Mei, I'm fine, I'm really fine."

Harvey saw the lively situation of Blue Star now, so he knew that he didn't need to watch it for the time being.

"So the election of the supreme commander also doesn't ask about one's background."

"My ideal is to form a community of shared future for mankind and help everyone move towards the interstellar era."

This is also indicated by the statement issued by Tony Stark himself.

The loud voice is not yelling, but Peter Parker knows that a louder voice can make Aunt May feel more at ease.

"But the various technologies sold by Stark Industries are all capable of fundamentally benefiting mankind."

Peter Parker nodded without hesitation when he heard the words, with respect and admiration in his words.

Tony Stark, from a suave and suave monopoly envied by countless people, first became a superhero, and later became a great figure among countless people.

Bruce Banner, an honest and honest doctor, has become one of the three giants of the Void God Cult who will be admired by countless people in the universe.

"I buy it!"

"No! No! No!"

"Not only have you grown a lot taller, but your appearance has also become younger."

Peter Parker knew Aunt May's character, so he didn't urge Aunt May, but comforted him patiently.

Tony's projection was watched by countless people all over the world, announcing his future plans and declaring to the whole world of Blue Star.

His body started to metabolize crazily, and a lot of black liquid began to flow out of his body.

Never had Peter Parker felt so physically comfortable.

Peter Parker looked at Aunt May with a smile on his face, and then injected without hesitation.

Regarding the first supreme commander of the community of shared future for mankind, Tony also announced the conditions.

Some people were walking on the road quickly while sitting in a wheelchair, their hands almost smoking.

All kinds of condemning remarks can be described as verbal criticism of Stark Industries.

"After you see that I'm really all right and completely at ease, you'll be fine with the injection."

"Aunt Mei, wait for me to take a shower, and then explain to you."

"I see, I'm still alive and kicking."

And with his ability, if he wants to rule Blue Star or has other plans, he doesn't need to use this method at all.

As a human being, everyone hopes that their body can be healthy, and at the same time, most of them have imagined whether they can live longer.

The enhancement brought about by genetic modification medicines has made countless people realize what a healthy body is.

"That's because you've grown taller."

Genetically modified medicine, a technology produced by Stark Industries, is powerful.

Peter Parker also didn't notice Aunt May's strangeness, seeing Aunt May leave directly, he just explained subconsciously while putting on his clothes.

"Let me give you some advice."

And in the next three months.

"That's all I have to say. I now declare that the election of the first Supreme Commander of the Community of Shared Future for Mankind has officially begun."

"I will never interfere again. I will just stand by and watch the community with a shared future for mankind commit suicide."


After Spiderman Peter Parker received the genetic medicine issued by Stark Industries.

"I have many identities, the richest man in the universe, one of the most talented arms dealers, the void pioneer of the Void God Religion, Tony Stark, Iron Man Tony Stark, etc."

At that moment, he understood that everything in the world cannot be defined by good, evil and justice.

"Those who meet the conditions I said, you can bring them to visit me."

It wasn't that Peter Parker didn't want to explain right away, it was mainly because the smell on his body was so bad that he couldn't bear it himself.

When I came into contact with Harvey Amberaka more than ten years ago, it turned out to be Kassadin, the God of the Void who has the reputation of being invincible in the universe.

The whole world is lamenting how great it is to form a community with a shared future for mankind.

Coulson stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the closing of the live broadcast and looking at the extremely lively crowd below, feeling a little emotional.

But now the stronger, healthier and younger Peter Parker stood in front of her eyes, even if Aunt May didn't want to believe it, she had to believe it.

It depends on whether Zheng Xian can find someone who can be the supreme commander in the Celestial Dynasty.

Aunt May was also a little hard to believe when she heard Peter Parker's mid-spirited voice without the slightest weakness.

Peter Parker has just grown up now, and his still immature face has become even more immature, showing a sense of youth.

Captain America Steve Rogers, I don't know for now, but he has also left Blue Star and headed to the big stage of the universe, and he should also gain a lot of fame in the future.

At this time, Aunt Mei really realized that Peter Parker had unknowingly grown into a big man. He didn't care about any genetic modification drugs, but turned around and left the bathroom door.

Whether the community of shared future for mankind can grow up is not for Harvey to consider, and it is not for Tony to be responsible.

Therefore, the development path in the next few thousand years will definitely be ill-fated.

Seeing Aunt May crying anxiously, Peter Parker quickly declared that he was fine.

Because Peter Parker hadn't put on his shirt yet, his thick and spacious chest and clearly visible six-pack abs were exposed.

At most, Harvey would guarantee that after the Void Sect expands its territory in the future, they will leave Blue Star to Asgard and they will take care of it, and prevent some external forces from attacking Blue Star.

The reason why the Xandar Empire can survive for so many years, and the heart of the world is watching, also has a lot to do with this iron rule.

"But it's definitely not Tony Stark, the human nanny, and you need to keep that in mind."

If you are useless after being used by others, if you are eliminated by the society that is about to change due to physical differences, it can only be said to be your own fault.

There is no need to carefully tap with a guide stick bit by bit as before, and touch it with your hands to determine what it is.

"If I'm fine, then your body will be fine too."

Aunt Mei was sitting on the small sofa in the living room, looking at the azure blue genetic modification potion placed in a dark box on the table, her eyes were trembling.

"He really did what he said he wanted."

The most important thing is that Peter Parker believes in the strength of Tony Stark.

The instant the genetic medicine was injected, Peter Parker could clearly feel the changes in his body.

How can such a great deed be done so that people can't praise the merits and virtues for it.

"From low-level civilization to intermediate civilization, high-level civilization and even becoming one of the strongest empires in the universe."

"The distribution of genetic modification medicine this time must have been planned for a long time, and it will be distributed when the time comes."

"It will only interfere with the selection of this first Supreme Commander."

"From this moment on, the superhero Iron Man Tony Stark should have completely disappeared."

The original intention of distributing genetically modified medicines is to allow more human beings not to suffer from minor diseases.

Aunt Mei was silent for a while, and then spoke.

Although the child Peter Parker has just grown up, his body still has the possibility to grow, and he may grow taller in the future.

She didn't know what happened to Peter Parker, but there was no sign of weakness in Peter Parker just now.

It is known that Tony Stark has long joined the powerful and terrifying cosmic force of the Void God Cult.

Hearing what Aunt May said, Peter Parker also realized something, looked at his clothes that felt a little tight and short, and said excitedly.

"...Are you really okay?"

But that also grows a little bit with age.

They learned a lot about the name of the Void God Sect through the Void Communicator and the cosmic network.

Aunt May was very worried at this time that Peter Parker died suddenly before her eyes.

She frowned as she looked at the pool of black and foul-smelling liquid on the ground.

Aunt Mei looked at Peter Parker, who was smiling and looking extremely energetic, and asked after a pause.

The successive commanders of the Xandar Empire were basically from the Nova Corps.

Although the mutilated body has not recovered, the strength of the body has become more.

If there is no sound of movement other than the sound of water, then she should immediately call the police and find a doctor.

But when they recently bought a void communicator, they can connect to the network of the universe and learn about the universe.

"Seeing you like this makes me feel at ease."

In the future, Tony Stark will only create more and more legendary deeds praised by countless people.

On the contrary, she looks very healthy, which Aunt Mei can tell.

"And it is distributed to all mankind, not for people to buy."

Accompanied by Tony Stark's live broadcast declaration to the whole world of Blue Star.

"I'm actually going to wear it, but you are waiting directly at the door."

"...how do you feel right now?"

"The Supreme Commander is the one who is capable."

"There is no need to wait until this time to use these genetic agents to kill us."

Seeing Aunt May screaming, Peter Parker quickly looked behind him and found that no one turned around to ask questions.

Some people kept walking in the house with crutches like walking like flying.

Only then did Natasha, the black widow, realize how much opportunity she had missed because of her impulsive actions back then.
Because of the time when she drew her gun and asked condescendingly, she completely cut off any chance of becoming friendly with the Void God Kassadin.

Countless people in the universe are pursuing the blessing of the void, because this is an opportunity to completely change their lives.

But she had completely lost her chance before she even started pursuing it.

This kind of result that has ended before it even started is hard for anyone to accept.

(End of this chapter)

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