My wife is a sword god.

Chapter 170 Do You Know What Friction Is?

Chapter 170 Do You Know What Friction Is?

"What exactly is Mr. Yuan studying?" Qin Feng asked aloud.

Huo Yuan rubbed his chin and replied calmly: "I heard that the old man mentioned by chance after he was drunk that he wanted to build a city that can move."

Qin Feng stared wide-eyed, Harvey's moving castle?
Unexpectedly, this old man's idea is so avant-garde!

He is indeed a man who can forge the Supreme Twelve Soldiers and build a flying court and an empty courtyard.

"But since you want to build a city that can move, why did the old man tinker with something that looks like a cart.

Want to push objects of various shapes and materials on the ground? "Qin Feng raised doubts again.

"The old man's original idea was to build the city on a cart, like a carriage pulling goods, and use the power of a treasure to move the entire city.

And the weight of the city must be extraordinary, so when the old man tried it, he would always place goods on the car that far exceeded the carrying weight.

But the result of doing so is often that the car is easy to slip and roll over, and if it encounters a soft soil, the wheels will get stuck in it and cannot move.

The old man suspected that it was the shape of the wheel, so he wanted to improve it. "Hokaki explained.

Qin Feng nodded, thinking in his heart: "No wonder the elder has been rubbing various objects on the ground back and forth. It turned out that he wanted to find the most suitable wheel."

"However, the old man tried for a long time, but found that the wheels that would not get stuck in the mud could not pull the goods.

The wheels that can pull the goods are extremely prone to slipping and rolling over, and getting stuck in the mud.

Therefore, even though the old man spent a lot of time on this matter, there was no progress. "Huo Yuan sighed, with a regretful tone.

A city that can move is simply a man's romance. As a member of Shen's Workshop, he is naturally longing for such novelty things.

But who would have thought that this unparalleled research would not even take the first step.

"Hiss~" Qin Feng scratched his cheek thoughtfully.

Although the old man is ingenious and has endless novel ideas in his mind, the shackles of the times will inevitably restrict many of the old man's ideas.

"Wait, if I can help the old man solve this initial problem, can I make an exception in exchange for him to help forge knives?" Qin Feng's eyes sparkled slightly.

But after thinking for a moment, his face became a little ugly again.

"These things must involve the knowledge of physics. I am a man who applied for liberal arts for the sake of having more girls. How can I know these things?"

The corner of Qin Feng's mouth twitched, his knowledge of physics was still at the high school level.

"The science teacher in high school didn't lie to me. If you learn math, physics and chemistry well, you won't be afraid to travel all over the world.

Blame me for being too young at the time to dismiss it.
But fortunately, since what I have learned is literary orthodoxy, I can remember the physics knowledge in high school very clearly.

I don't know if this little knowledge is enough. "

"Actually, I don't need to give Mr. Yuan an answer, I just need to give him an idea.

Wheels, moving, and getting stuck in the mud should involve knowledge about friction and pressure.

Huh?I seem to have an idea. "Qin Feng frowned, raised his footsteps, and approached the old man again.

Huo Yuan stretched out his hand, just as he was about to stop him, a heavy bag of money fell into his hands.

When the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back again.

Hearing the footsteps approaching, the elder frowned, and cursed: "That little bastard."

Everyone in Shengongfang is short of money, which is well known in Dagan.

The little bastards used him as an excuse to sell people's information to get money, which was a private agreement.

The old man naturally knew about this long ago, but he has always chosen to turn a blind eye to it.

It's just that he didn't expect that the kid who came today was rich and powerful, but he would still be so stalking.

"Boy, if you still ask me to forge knives, give up your heart as soon as possible, and don't waste your efforts." The old man's attitude is still firm, and his tone is irrefutable.

But to his surprise, the boy in black didn't mention the matter of forging the knife this time, but asked inexplicably, "Old man, do you know what friction is?"

The old man frowned, not knowing why.

Qin Feng coughed dryly, regardless of the other party's reaction, and directly recited the knowledge from the high school physics textbook——

"Well, the so-called friction force refers to two objects that are in contact with and squeeze each other. When they move relative to each other or have a tendency to move relative to each other, the force that hinders the relative movement or its tendency is generated on the contact surface, which is called friction. .

Old man, haven't you ever wondered why the wheels of carriages are round instead of square or other shapes?

Why is it easy to push a wine glass on a smooth surface, but it is difficult to push it on a rough surface?

Why is the old sow in the middle of the night?"

At this point, Qin Feng stopped abruptly.

He almost said it down the line.
The elder Yuan originally planned to dismiss Qin Feng, but when he heard this theory, a certain string in his brain seemed to twitch.

He thought about it, and then his eyes widened: "According to your statement, is it because the circle has less friction than other shapes under the same conditions?

So the car is easier to move forward? "

Awesome, to be able to grasp the key points so quickly Qin Feng was surprised, but he nodded slightly, showing a teachable appearance.

"The same wine glass, why can it be easily pushed flat on a smooth table, but not on a rough ground?" The elder quickly asked a question.

Hooked. Qin Feng smiled meaningfully, and said lightly: "This involves a concept of friction coefficient."

Not far away, Huoyuan and other people from Shengongfang thought that Qin Feng would be driven back soon.

But the development of the matter surprised them.

What is the normally unsmiling old man having a heated discussion with that handsome young man in black?
Even dancing with excitement?

"What's the situation?" Gong Liang, who sensed something strange, walked aside and asked curiously.

"I don't know, go and have a look?" Huo Yuan cast a glance.


The rest of the people in Shengongfang glanced at each other, and followed the two bosses in a hurry.

Only the three of Lan Ningshuang were left in place.

"What are Brother Qin talking about with the old man? It's the first time I've seen that old man so excited." Yang He looked incredulous.

Zhang Tiannan nodded. Although he didn't speak, his eyes were full of curiosity.

And not long after, the group of people in the God's Workshop also changed.

They either frowned and thought, or showed joyful expressions of sudden realization.

Inhalation sound, exclamation sound one after another.

The three of Lan Ningshuang, who could no longer hold back their curiosity, approached in a hurry
(End of this chapter)

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