Chapter 398
"My lord, the red light seems to have dissipated." Lan Ningshuang looked up at the sky, outside Kong Qiu's boundary, the night had returned to its usual depth.

Qin Feng looked after him, and it was indeed as Lan Ningshuang said.

He put away his thunderous righteousness, and then looked around. Although the epidemic released by Laiba had faded, the people who were infected by the epidemic were still struggling in pain.

"Master, these people." Lan Ningshuang looked worried.

Without further ado, Qin Feng approached a commoner. The double pupil ability did not find any carrier that caused the symptoms, so he could only wrap his palm with thunder righteousness and carefully check the physical condition of the commoner, but unfortunately found nothing.

The red light released by Laiba covered almost half of Fengtian City, and there are definitely not a few people suffering in the city at this moment.

Qin Feng tried to inject his thunderous righteousness into the bodies of the people, but there was still no change.

At this moment, a group of dignified old men hurried over from the direction of the imperial city. From their costumes, it could be seen that those people were the imperial doctors.

The imperial doctor who rushed over turned a blind eye to the groaning people, went straight to the place where the dignitaries were, put on protective gear and began to examine the dignitaries' bodies.

But the red mist released by Laiba is not an ordinary disease.

Even these skilled imperial physicians did not have any effective solutions. They could only take some simple emergency measures, which ultimately solved the symptoms but not the root cause.

Some people who were closer to the imperial doctor, perhaps couldn't bear to see their family members in great pain, ran to the imperial doctor and begged the other party to heal their family members, but what they got in return was ignorance and indifference.

These imperial doctors haven't even cured the symptoms of the powerful, so they don't have the time to manage the life and death of ordinary people.

Taking a step back, even if they have the ability, they may not be willing to spend time on ordinary people.

"Please take a look, my mother is dying." A young man was eager to save his mother, broke through the obstruction of officers and soldiers, knelt down in front of an old doctor, and prayed while hugging the other's calf.

The old imperial doctor glanced coldly, and shouted coldly at the officers and soldiers guarding: "What are you standing there for, why don't you take this person away?
If the treatment of civil and military officials is delayed, can you afford it? "

Most of the officers and soldiers themselves were ordinary people, so they couldn't bear to see the man crying.

But in front of authority, no matter how much they sympathized with the man's experience, they could only follow the order and drag the man away.

The old imperial doctor was indifferent to the cries of the man being dragged away, and even glanced at the stain on the trouser leg with some disgust.

Words such as the heart of a doctor's parents are not reflected in them at all.

This is this era, the lives of common people are as low as grass.

The man who was dragged back by the officers and soldiers looked at his mother who was on the ground with more air and less air, his eyes were red from crying, and he kept blaming himself.

If he hadn't come to see the New Congratulations Ceremony, his mother might not have encountered such a situation.

And people like him who blame themselves are everywhere on Yong'an Street.

Obviously it should be the happiest day of the year, but for them at this moment, it has become the most hopeless day.

At this moment, a voice sounded beside the kneeling and crying man: "Let me see how your mother is."

The man looked for his reputation, and it was a handsome young man in black who was speaking, followed by two beautiful women.

It was Qin Feng and the three of them.

The man was a little uncertain and said, "Is the young master a doctor?"


Hearing this, the man hastily stepped aside: "I also ask you to treat my mother, your kindness will never be forgotten."

Qin Feng said truthfully: "I will do my best."

He has seen many people with symptoms of infection just now, and he can only take some emergency measures like those imperial doctors to alleviate the pain of the people.

Currently wanting to heal, he has no clue yet.

The situation of the man's mother is much more serious than that of the common people who have been seen before.

Even if emergency measures are taken, there is still no reduction.

The blood and water in the opponent's body continued to evaporate, and if this continued, he would definitely die!
"What should I do?" Qin Feng frowned.

At this moment, on the Shenhai Asking Heart Platform, the light bead left by the saint's remnant soul emitted a white light.

In a short while, that white light turned into Xuan Yi's phantom, manifesting beside Qin Feng.

"No wonder I felt a familiar breath, it turned out to be the curse of the female demon." Xuan Yi said lightly.

The sudden words startled Qin Feng, and he turned his head to look, only to see a white phantom.

It was Senior Xuan, why did he come out by himself? Qin Feng was surprised.

Lan Ningshuang asked curiously, "Master, what's wrong with you? But you found a cure?"

Liu Jianli also cast a puzzled look.

"The lady and Ningshuang can't see the saint's remnant soul?"

Xuan Yi explained: "No one can see my remnant soul except you.

But what happened here, why is the curse of the female demon everywhere? "

"Daughter, curse? Senior Xuan, what do you mean by that, aren't these people infected with an epidemic?" Qin Feng asked in his heart.

"Of course not, this is a curse made from the tears of resentment of Nuba." Then, Xuan Yi talked about the origin of Nuba.

In ancient times, gods and demons came to the world, who were good at controlling wind and rain, causing floods in the world to erupt, and the people were in dire straits.

To the north of the Chishui River, there is a goddess in green clothes named Ba. Where she lives, it never rains.

Seeing that the human race was eroded by the torrential rain, the female demon felt pity, so she came out of the red water to display her power, and the wind and rain stopped, and the flood stopped.

However, after the gods and demons of the Shanzong wind and rain faded away, the power of the female demon did not dissipate, causing a severe drought in the world, and there was no rain for several months.

The human race didn't want to suffer from the severe drought, so they hurled insults at Nuba and waved cold weapons.

The female demon mourned more than her heart died, and walked back to the north, but when she left, she shed a tear and turned into a human form——

"Its name is Leiba, but it is a kind of curse, which can stop the wind and rain and cause a severe drought in the world.

It can also evaporate the water in the living beings, making life worse than death. "Xuan Yi sighed.

The female demon was originally born to save the common people, but in the end she was cast aside by the world.

The birth of Laiba was both unexpected and reasonable.

Qin Feng's heart moved when he heard this, but at this moment, he couldn't care less about what happened to his daughter-in-law. After all, there are still more people who need to be treated right now, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!

"Senior Xuan, since you know that this is Nuba's curse, is there a solution?"

"Of course there is a way. Let me teach you a formation. Once cast, it can dispel this curse. Take care."

As soon as the words fell, Xuan Yi's white phantom was outlined in the void, apparently instructing Qin Feng on how to arrange the formation.

On the other side, in the palace, all the imperial doctors were helpless after checking the condition of the eldest princess.

When Emperor Ming learned about it, he was furious, and all the imperial doctors were trembling.

In the wing room, the queen sat by the bed, looking at her daughter distressedly.

The prince was anxiously pacing back and forth in the lobby. At this moment, he suddenly thought of a person, a doctor who could treat damage to the meridians.

(End of this chapter)

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