My wife is a sword god.

Chapter 603 Dad, I Have Paved the Way for You

Chapter 603 Dad, I Have Paved the Way for You

Three days is not long or short.

But for everyone in Fengtian City, it was a kind of torment.

It feels like a huge guillotine is hanging above your head, and you don't know if it will fall or break in two.

The venue of the competition, Tianliu, was ten miles away from the east gate of Fengtian City.

This plain was originally the necessary place for the Eastern Region to enter and leave Fengtian City, and there used to be an endless stream of pedestrians on the road.

But today, no one was seen, only a huge light blue boundary barrier suspended over Tianliuyuan, stretching for more than ten miles.

This is the realm established by the joint efforts of Tianjian Guoshi and Zhenshen Siyu!

Otherwise, fighting at this level will inevitably cause the world to split and the plains to become barren.

In order to prevent the aftermath of the battle from affecting the common people, the Demon Slayer has already set up a blockade outside the city gate to prevent the common people from taking a step further.

But even so, there were still crowds of people on the city wall.

This battle is of great importance. If the human race loses the bet, the consequences will be unimaginable. Most of the people naturally want to witness it with their own eyes.

Emperor Ming came to Fengtian City in person, and sat on a high platform. Besides Prince Anya and other relatives of the emperor, there were also guards from the Prison Luosi, and the faces A and B were naturally among them.

The entire army of Shenhou Army and Wuhou Army lined up. Lieying, Liu Tianlu and others were all wearing battle robes with solemn expressions.

The battle flag fluttered, and the meaning of killing was clearly revealed.

On the city wall, some people saw this scene, and they guessed it.

If the human race is defeated in this fight, then the battle may break out imminently.

The Asura clan has been suppressed in the Eastern Territory for too long, and the murderous aura and fighting intent in their hearts have long been uncontrollable.

The soldiers were in place ahead of time to deal with the emergence of such a situation.

On the other side, the Demon Slayers headed by Deng Mo also had serious faces.

And the Commander and God General of the Eastern Territory, who were seriously injured by the Asura tribe a few days ago, were also among them.

They failed to stop the Asuras from marching, so they naturally felt guilty. At this moment, they only hope that someone can stand up and win the bet.

But they, who have personally fought against the Asura clan, are very clear that this battle may be more ominous than good.

On the high platform, Anya looked around, and turned her eyes to the demon slayer, but she couldn't see the familiar figure in black, she couldn't help feeling a little puzzled and regretful.

Seeing this, the prince on the side asked curiously, "An Ya, are you looking for Brother Qin?"

When Anya heard this, her eyes changed slightly, but she remained calm and composed: "Why did you say that, Brother Emperor? Naturally, I'm not looking for that person.

This bet is too important, but so far, I don't know who the Tianjian Guoshi selected. What I was looking for was just this. "

The prince nodded slightly: "Don't say you want to know, even I want to know.

But even if the father sent someone to ask the Tianjian Guoshi, the latter did not give a clear answer.

Speaking of such a big event, I thought Brother Qin would definitely come, but why didn't he appear. "

Anya didn't answer, she always had a feeling in her heart that that guy would definitely come.

Where the demon-killing divisions were, Dongyu Siming Qiu Wuhen was wrapped in bandages, and his expression was still a little sluggish. He asked curiously, "Master, do you know who the Tianjian Guoshi has selected?"

Deng Mo shook his head when he heard the words: "Master Guoshi didn't disclose it, he must not want the Asuras to respond in advance."

On the walls of Fengtian City, the Tushan Fox Clan also came here in their entirety, so they naturally didn't want to miss such excitement.

Su Tianyue was among the crowd, and saw the Qin family's mansion and his group, but Qin Feng and the others were not seen among the crowd, so he couldn't help showing a look of doubt.

At this moment, the people on the city wall started to commotion, and even the soldiers and demon slayers outside the city began to be on full alert.

Just because—the Asuras have arrived!
Looking from a distance, it was dark and oppressive. Even though they were separated by nearly ten miles, everyone could still feel the strong oppressive force brought by each other.

Several huge wild beasts are like moving mountains, every step they take will make the earth tremble.

Tianji Luo, the power king on the head of one of the beasts, saw a ferocious smile on the barrier above his head, and he naturally saw that there was a battlefield for fighting.

Without even thinking about it, with a sudden leap, his figure sank into the boundary barrier, followed by a deafening roar resounding through the sky.

"To deal with mere human race, why do we need three battles? Who dares to come out and suffer death!"

Just the roar alone made the hearts of ordinary people tremble!
Qiu Wuhen frowned tightly. He still remembers the powerful strength shown by the other party in the Eastern Territory, and the wound on his body is still painful at this moment.

"I thought this person would fight in the third battle, but I didn't expect that the Asura clan would send the strongest person as soon as they came up."

The Martial God Ning Zhan on the side also had an ugly expression: "It seems that the Asuras don't want to waste time, they want to win or lose in a battle.

I don't know who Master Guoshi has arranged to deal with such a powerful enemy. "

Everyone was waiting anxiously, but in the barrier, except for Tianji Luo, no other figure entered it.

"What's going on? Could it be that the people arranged by the master of the state are timid?"

"Tianjian Guoshi hasn't shown up yet, so is the human race going to be defeated without a fight?"

"We should have guessed it a long time ago. The Asura clan has a fierce reputation. It is a fool's dream to want to win three battles!"

The failure of the Eastern Territory Demon Slayer to stop them had already planted the seeds of fear in their hearts, and now this seed has begun to take root and sprout in the face of a strong enemy.

Uneasiness, fear, and despair spread in the hearts of the people like a plague.

But at this moment, above Fengtian City, a heroic singing voice suddenly sounded——

"Evil sprites and monsters, you should spit on them together.

With courage, subdue the demons and cut them all in the mountains and rivers! "

"This voice sounds like Master Qin." Everyone was stunned for a moment, looking for their reputation, the void was shaking, and a group of people stepped out and fell outside the boundary barrier.

"The master of the country has come out, as well as the family members of Master Qin, this song is indeed sung by Master Qin!

Hey, who is that man in black with a white face on his head? "Everyone was discussing, the original fear and uneasiness was disturbed by this song.

"There are many rivers and rivers in the world, and it is necessary to discuss the clarity and turbidity. It has always been that the rivers and lakes of life and death are turbulent."

As the singing continued, the black-clothed and white-faced figure suddenly walked through the air, and gradually sank into the boundary barrier.

Emperor Ming got up abruptly, his eyes brightened: "It turns out that the national teacher is going to send him to fight."

Beside the Jiuqu River, Zhenshensi showed a look of relief, and flicked the fishing rod in his hand.

Deng Mo's eyes widened, and Qiu Wuhen and the others also looked astonished, because this person was too similar to the one in their impression.

"Leading the noble and righteous way, and fulfilling a certain courage. How many people are like me for the latecomers?!" Qin Feng sang loudly.

As the singing fell, Tianji Luo and Father Qin were already looking at each other from afar in the boundary barrier.

The former looked dignified, and the aura on the opponent's body made him feel the pressure.

At this moment, the Martial God Ning Zhan finally remembered and exclaimed: "He is Lord Beiguishou!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like a turbulent sea, which instantly set off monstrous waves in everyone's hearts.

This black-clothed, white-faced man is actually the legendary Siming Bei Guishou who has disappeared for nearly 20 years!

Excited voices and shouts exploded.

Qin Feng smiled when he saw the human race sweeping away the decline, and thought to himself: "Father, I've laid the groundwork for you, and I'll leave the rest to you."

(End of this chapter)

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