My wife is a sword god.

Chapter 70 Injury to the Right Arm

Chapter 70 Injury to the Right Arm
After listening to Qin Feng, he fell into deep thought. He didn't expect that there are so many ways in Wensheng Taoism. Fortunately, he met a knowledgeable person today.
Ya'an paused for a moment, then spoke again: "You have stepped into the Ninth Grade of Wensheng, and you must have memorized at least ten thousand volumes of medical books. Although it is cruel to say so, I still recommend you.
If you want to step into a higher realm, you might as well change the direction and spend time memorizing some other books to pave the way for future officials in the court or military staff. "

Qin Feng scratched his head, not knowing how to answer.

Daqian is rampant with demons, advocating force, and there are no civil examinations such as imperial examinations. If you want to enter the court as an official with a literary sage or Taoism, you have to step into the Haowen Academy first, and then accept the assignment.

As for joining the army, there are not so many rules and regulations. As long as you have real talents and knowledge of the art of war, those generals will naturally be willing to take you under their command, just like Xing Sheng hoped that he could join the Shenhou Army.

But the key point is that no matter which direction he chooses, he must leave Jinyang City and be separated from the people he cares about. This is absolutely unacceptable to Qin Feng.

After all, his original intention to improve his strength is to protect himself, and to protect the important people around him. If he had to separate from his family in order to improve his strength, wouldn't that be putting the cart before the horse?

What's more, he has a pair of miraculous pupils, and it only takes a moment to memorize a book. Maybe he can walk out of a path of cultivation that no one has ever walked before.

For example, a scholar of literature and sages guides a martial artist to practice. Besides him, who else can do it?
Qin Feng thought complacently.

Wait, did she just say that she had memorized [-] volumes of books?

Qin Feng found something suspicious, and couldn't help asking: "If you want to step into the ninth grade of literary sage, shouldn't you memorize [-] volumes of books?"

The Wenqi Waterfall in Shenhai back then was obviously compressed ten times before it was successfully filled and turned into a staircase and a questioning platform!

Hearing this, Ya'an frowned slightly: "I don't understand why you ask this question, for a talented and intelligent person, it takes at least several years to memorize ten thousand volumes of books, let alone one hundred thousand volumes of books.

Don't you want to say that when you stepped into the ninth rank of Wensheng, it was such a number? "

Qin Feng was stunned, and nodded blankly.

Most afraid of the sudden quietness of the air, the expressions of several people are a little weird.

After a while, Wang Xu tried to smooth things over: "Doctor Qin, don't be joking, since my son is so talented, since he started studying, he has memorized only a hundred thousand books.

Even so, the young master's teacher praised him as a rare talent in ten years.

You know, it’s the present day who said this.”

"Speak carefully." Ya'an interrupted, Wang Xu reacted and immediately fell silent.

Ya'an looked at Qin Feng, with a trace of undisguised disappointment in his eyes: "Literati are all proud, but they must also seek truth from facts."

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth twitched, the feelings and the others didn't believe his words, they thought he was just pretending?
Heh, if he memorizes less than [-] volumes of books, he is a once-in-a-ten-year genius, so what is he?Unparalleled geniuses throughout the ages?
Forget it, we just met by chance, there is no need to be serious with each other, not to mention that a person as outstanding as himself is destined to bear the world's suspicion and suspicion. Qin Feng shook his head slightly, and couldn't help but think of that sentence again - the heights are too cold , Invincible is the loneliest.

"Maybe I misremembered it." In order to take care of the other party's face, Qin Feng chose to shoulder everything and gave up the opportunity to show himself in front of others.

On the other side, the servants in the Qin Mansion had already boiled cold soup, and Qin Feng took it for 13 people, and the insect poison in their bodies was completely eliminated.

Thank you so much, everyone, and leave.

Seeing this, Ya'an nodded slightly. Although this person is somewhat vain, his medical attainments are indeed extraordinary.

Turning her head to look at the water basin, the thirteen Heart-eating Gus are still ferocious and terrifying, her red lips parted slightly: "The Heart-eating Gu is extremely difficult to kill, even if it is chopped into pieces, it may be reborn from a corpse, the best The way is to freeze it, and after 49 days in Qiqi, it will die out."

These remarks are true, "Deceitful Insects" also tells about this method of eliminating the heart-biting Gu, but the effect is too slow
"I have a better way." Qin Feng took out the vermilion fruit from the Sumeru Ring and threw it into the basin.

Ya'an frowned slightly, puzzled, until she saw the heart-biting Gu in the water basin dissipate into black blood, her long and narrow eyes widened in surprise.

"What is this? Why is it able to destroy the Heart-biting Gu."

Qin Feng glanced at it, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "This thing is called vermilion fruit, and it grows in the south. I also discovered this effect by accident."

There was a trace of shock in Ya'an's eyes: "But it is not mentioned in the book"

"Brother Ya'an, it is better to have no books than to believe in books. The predecessors pioneered the way, not for the sake of future generations imitating the same."

Hearing this, the young man in white was shocked.

Seeing this expression, Qin Feng didn't say much. His remarks were a bit out of line for people of this era.

Inadvertently glancing at the other party's right arm, Qin Feng thought again. He turned his head to look at Wang Xu and the two, stepped forward and asked in a low voice, "Did you tell Brother Ya'an about the right arm?"

He has been practicing medicine in Jinyang City for so long, and he has never encountered a case of broken meridians. Now that he has such an opportunity to practice his hands, he naturally doesn't want to miss it. After all, all this is related to his beautiful wife.
Wang Xu and Wang Xu looked at each other and shook their heads. Mo Lintian pondered for a moment, then walked to the side of the young man in white, whispering something.

Ya listened quietly, without any turmoil in her expression. It wasn't until Mo Lintian finished speaking that she backed away that she raised her head to look at Qin Feng, and walked closer.

The most important thing related to the right arm is that everyone will experience inner suffering and struggle. Qin Feng didn't expect the other party to agree directly. He had already conceived a lot of words in his mind, and wanted to guide the other party to let go of his guard step by step.

But he never expected that what he waited for was an understatement from the other party: "When can we start?"

Qin Feng was taken aback, and asked in surprise: "Didn't he tell you clearly? I'm only [-]% sure. If you fail, there is no possibility of your right arm recovering. Don't you need to think about it?"

"My life was saved by you. I believe in your medical skills. Moreover, it is [-]% sure that it is worth a try." Ya'an said lightly.

Even though she was a woman, she was so decisive without a trace of delay, which made Qin Feng look at her with admiration.

"The medicinal materials needed for the medicinal solution for repairing the meridians are all precious and rare items. It will take a lot of time and money to collect them all. If you really make up your mind, then I will write down the medicinal materials. You should prepare early. "

Seeing Ya'an nod his head, Qin Feng called Qing'er to bring a pen and paper, and wrote one after another precious medicinal materials in crooked characters on the paper.

Wang Xu and Mo Lintian took a look, their expressions froze, this calligraphy is really amazing
(End of this chapter)

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