I came to the world of the heavens

Chapter 161 The One Who Knows Everything

Chapter 161 The One Who Knows Everything

The Token of Riyoushen emitted a faint light, and Chen Shishi held it in his hand to practice. Sure enough, just as he thought, Xie Yali's sister's severed palm had been turned into a Nissin and stored in the token.

As soon as he touched it, Nissei shifted his position and moved into his body, starting to cultivate.

Nissei then transforms it into the energy needed for cultivation, refines his body repeatedly, dredges his tendons, and roams around happily with his little mana. If it goes well, it should be able to run for a week before dawn.

In the drama of Shuangtong, Xie Yali's elder sister died in the womb, and she has become a celestial being, except for a baby body that has lost its vitality. Xie Yali's explanation let the audience know that there is an invisible and intangible sister.

She said something.

Thanks to her sister's secret protection, Huang Huotu's daughter was fine.

Chen Chushi recalled the method used by his sister to deviate from the trajectory of the bullet in the play, and then recalled the ability of Kayako to distort time and space in a few days in "The Grudge". Did you get scammed by not downloading the anti-fraud app...


To be honest, these two sisters are a bit pitiful, but there are quite a lot of Nichien after the severed hand training...

Chen Shishi is very concerned about another person in the play, that is the religious expert Huang Huotu repeatedly took the police station information to find, the old man, Sheng Zuchang!

This old man is not simple. At the beginning, he acted like he didn't know anything. When Huang Huotu took out the materials, he suddenly became able to understand everything again. But when faced with Huang Huotu's questions, he always explained very one-sidedly. Wait for the next time Huanghuotu When I visit again to bring new materials, I will explain a little more.

He knows the five hells to become immortals. Huang Huotu started to take the photos of the dead who died in the three hells of ice, fire pit, and intestines. There are also some rubbings of ancient stone tablets in the back. He fiddled with it a little , explained what the wound on the priest’s belly represented, and deciphered the secret words carved on the stone tablet by two Taoist priests in the deep mountains and old forests of the Song Dynasty with ease...

You must know that this secret language is the private secret language of the two Taoist priests of Zhenxianguan, that is to say, it is not used by many people like Morse code, but it is only for yourself to understand. Why do you understand it?Such an awesome person knows so much, he doesn't cultivate immortals, he just likes to study religious culture and tell whom to believe.

Finally, Huang Huotu asked a question: "Do you believe in immortality?"

Sheng Zuchang replied with a smile that was not a smile: "If I say I believe it, you will definitely doubt my authority immediately! But if you add an alien to this option, I can only tell you that I will definitely not choose an alien." Star……"

This shows that he believes in immortality, and a person who has studied religious studies all his life and became an academician, wouldn't he really try these things he has studied?

This Sheng Zuchang is more suspicious than the two sisters with double pupils...

Although Sheng Zuchang is an academician, he lives in a relatively remote place. The people in the police station are not very good with Huang Huotu. No one is willing to handle the case with him, and even prevents him from investigating this matter with the gringo.So in the end, only Huang Huotu and the gringo have seen this Sheng Zuchang in the play...

It seems that we need to get in touch with the protagonist of Huanghuotu a little bit.

Before that, while he was in good spirits, he would bleed more blood and draw a few spells to restrain his aura, so as to prevent Sheng Zuchang from seeing that he had practiced.

Dawn, police station, go to work.

As soon as Chen Shishi entered the door, several colleagues greeted him warmly.Even Li Fengbo, the captain, joked with a smile on his face, saying that it is a good thing for young people to drink, but don't drink yourself into the field.

The composition of the conference room is simple.

A long table, a pile of chairs, a blackboard, and some debris piled up.

Captain Li sat at the end of the long table. He glanced at the few people present who had the right to speak. Chen Shishi was a newcomer, so he was not qualified to participate in this kind of meeting. Captain Li had a good feeling for him and wanted to give him a lift. The important people in the team communicate more...

He said that the higher authorities expressed disappointment with our delay in solving the case, and specially seconded an FBI named Kevin Wright with the US FBI to assist us in the investigation!Huang Huotu has always been able to speak foreign languages ​​well, and he happened to be in the foreign affairs department, so the superior directly asked him to cooperate with this Kevin Wright.

Responsible for translation, investigation, and case solving!

Hearing this, the people on the field suddenly became furious, saying that the Wandao case should be solved by Wandao himself, and who is slapping in the face by inviting a foreigner to help solve the case now, and also asked Huang Huotu to cooperate. It's really broken, their criminal team simply disbanded and went home to sell pineapples...

Everyone was arguing so loudly that Captain Li only felt a dull pain in his head.

Seeing Chen Shishi sitting there obediently with a smile on his face, he sighed, thought of a way to divert everyone's attention, patted the table and said, "Chen Shishi, you are a newcomer, I want to hear your thoughts, Maybe it can bring us new ideas, so don't worry, say it boldly..."

If it is the real world, the leader tells you to speak up, speak with confidence, and speak boldly.

Chen Shishi never said a word, the leader is fine, the leader is right.

but now……

He stood up with a "shy and introverted" face, first said hello to each of them, and then said, in fact, let Huang Huotu and the gringo investigate if they want to investigate, and their criminal team is not incapable of investigating cases!However, considering face issues, whoever solves the case first is the key.

The criminal team can definitely use it to assist in the investigation, and assign a clear-headed and clever police officer to follow. Any progress and experience can be brought back and shared within the team, learning from each other, making rapid progress, and solving the case first...

Captain Li's eyes lit up. This is a good idea, but who should he send to get close to Huang Huotu? The attitude of the people under him towards Huang Huotu is written on their faces. If they pass by suddenly, the fool knows something is wrong. Can Huang Huotu accept it? question.

His eyes fell on Chen Shishi: "I leave this difficult task to you!"

Chen Shishi showed a embarrassed look, gritted his teeth and stood up suddenly: "I...I will definitely complete the captain's arrangement, and try not to hinder the seniors present!"

Well, it really is a good seedling.

There is Chen Shishi, a ghostly person, and Huang Huotu, that hairy, wooden head, has not been fooled around!The vice-captain said excitedly, and then realized that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly apologized to Chen Chuchu, speaking bluntly and without malice...

Of course, Chen Shishi chose to forgive him.

The meeting is over!

When everyone came out of the conference room one after another, Huang Huotu came back from the outside with a grizzled, round-faced foreigner, talking in a foreign language, Chen Chu could understand, he was introducing the situation in the police station, and the mite chain The murder case.

 At 2:40, the third update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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