Chapter 172

With the sound of bones breaking, Chen Chushi's right hand broke again.

The broken palm was clasped obliquely on the Five Elements Luo Geng, and half of the forearm was clearly visible with white bones, which felt very horrifying.

As a senior FBI veteran, Kevin Wright has seen many brutal scenes, but he has never seen such a cruel scene. Suddenly, his tongue got stuck, and God and Sanqing kept switching back and forth...

Chen Shishi took a few steps back and sat on the chair, panting slightly, the blood dripping from the severed arm to the ground, the characters of the completion of the white wax stone task had not yet appeared.It seemed that Sheng Zuchang was not dead yet, and he should still be heaving a sigh of relief. Although he could find his location by cursing, Chen Chu was afraid that he would lose too much blood and die before he arrived.

"Your injury is too serious, I will send you to the hospital for treatment!"

Huang Huotu imagined the method of opening the altar, the spells and rituals were stinky and long, and then the spells beat back and forth in the air, spraying blood, sudden sudden death, etc., but I didn't expect it to be so bloody, just let the seven orifices bleed, This arm was still twisted, it ruined the three views!

Chen Shishi did not refuse, and let Huang Huotu help him up.

But he was still thinking about Sheng Zuchang's affairs, and said: "Don't say anything about what happened at night, knowing too much is not good for ordinary people. I go to the hospital to treat the wound, and I have to find Sheng Zuchang's real body immediately. He should be similar It's..."

Huang Huotu wanted to persuade Chen Shishi to put his body first, but he knew that once he did a lot of things, he had to do it to the end. He opened his mouth and never said anything to persuade him. He turned to look at Kevin Wright: "Kevin, help police officer Chen." If you hurry up, you should be able to connect it and restore most of its functions.”

There are also clubs on Hong Kong Island, and there are knife fights. He has handled several cases and is very experienced in dealing with stumps and broken arms.

Chen Shishi was in a hurry: "It's just a hand, don't need it."

Kevin Wright and Huang Huotu were taken aback for a moment: "???"

What twisted speech is this?The pain is too much and the brain is not clear, thinking that things like hands and feet are detachable parts?Ignored Chen Shishi directly, wrapped it in a plastic bag, and cooled it with water outside. I couldn't find ice here for a while, but there was a hospital nearby, so I had time...

Dakeng Mountain.

Sheng Zuchang knelt on the ground, scorched vines wrapped around his body, and dark fire could be seen faintly.

His whole body is as black as charcoal, exuding the smell of barbecue. The flames of the Five Elements Luogeng will gather flames according to the situation on the spot. After constantly moulting and renewing his soul, which has already been scarred, after being burned by the flames, he becomes as dilapidated as his appearance , as long as there is a little attack, the soul will be completely dissipated, and it will never be reborn...

Clap, the sound of dry branches being crushed.

Xie Yali stood in front of him, her pupils were taken away, her eye sockets were only eyeballs without pupils, and there were two half-dried bloodstains on her cheeks.

The older sister is attached to her body, even if she has no eyes, she can perceive the wind and grass around her through the spirit, and simulate the appearance of "seeing" in her mind. She shares this perception with her younger sister Xie Yali, and achieves a new vision of being blind but not blind. The state is equivalent to sisters sharing the same body. They are twins of the same birth, and there is no exclusion...

Xie Yali picked up the dagger from the ground, and said coldly: "Why do you lie to us, the five prisons become immortals, what good will it do you?" My sister can "see" the life force in Sheng Zuchang's body that is going to be extinguished at any time, although she wants to kill him , but more eager to know why.

Sheng Zuchang made a dry sound in his throat and moved slightly. The vines, skin, and flesh and blood kept falling off, exposing the bones. Even if the movement was a little bigger, the whole body might be broken. His lips trembled, and the pieces kept falling on the ground, weak and authentic. : "Do you guys want to know... Yes, you have the right to know. I have used your time in the past and present, and I will use the last bit of time to answer you..."

He knew he was helpless.

Unless the master who became an immortal came back to save him, he knew it was impossible, he could ascend to heaven alone, and the master didn't take him to become an immortal, so how could he come back to save him who failed in cultivating immortality...

That's all, that's all, that's all.

Sheng Zuchang was scorched all over, except for his eyes.

Looking at the blood-stained sisters Xie Yali, he couldn't help but think of when he first met these two little guys in Jiaozhi and Luofu Mountain.With a plan in mind, he established a temple of true immortals in the depths of the mountain to worship the ancestors of the true immortals, and took them both as disciples.

Sheng Zuchang's heart was desolate. In his 700-year life, he devoted his limited life to becoming a fairy, and regarded human beings as mortal ants.I have never calmed down to experience the unique human emotions, love and hatred.He let out a long sigh in his heart...

He followed Huang Shang to learn Chinese characters, write poems and lyrics, read Taoist scriptures, learn magic arts, old Taoist priests, five prisons to become immortals, and the key points of what happened in the past 700 years...

After listening to the description of Sheng Zuchang's long life, both sister and Xie Yali fell into silence.

Fairy, too far away, audible but unreachable.

He's crazy.

They are also crazy.

Sheng Zuchang made a weak voice and said: "These eyes belong to the master, I stole them and used them for more than 600 years, and now there is no hope of becoming a fairy, they are completely dead.

Now, I have already told you the location of the scriptures and spellbooks written by the master before he became an immortal, the real law of the five prisons is also there, take these pupils, maybe, you are the ones who are destined..."

After saying this, he never spoke again.

Xie Yali and his sister looked at Sheng Zuchang's real pupils, and couldn't help but let out a smirk. Their faces were half-smiling, half-crying. It seemed very contradictory, but it was in line with their inner state.

"Master...Master, you have worked hard for 700 years, but you still haven't cultivated to become an immortal. Our brothers and sisters indiscriminately killed people with similar fates, created boundless killing karma, and are destined to go to hell. How can we seek immortality? Master, disciples, let’s just say goodbye, let Master Huang Chang’s books be buried forever..."

In the dark woods, Xie Yali patted his dirty dress lightly, and knelt down to Sheng Zuchang.

They were orphans at first, and although they were cheated for two lifetimes, they survived because of Sheng Zuchang's shelter.After worshiping, they threw the dagger on the ground, stopped looking, turned and walked towards the depths of the woods, humming the folk songs that Sheng Zuchang taught them in the previous life. heartbroken...

Listening to the receding singing, Sheng Zuchang felt empty in his heart.

Except for Mr. Huang, looking back suddenly, he has no one to recall, life, sorrow, suffering, pain...

He was waiting for death, and at dawn, it was time for death.

I don't know how long ago.

The calls of birds can be faintly heard in the woods, and through the dense branches and leaves, the white sky can be faintly seen.

There were new footsteps coming from this place, and three people came, it was Huang Huotu, Kevin Wright, and... Chen Chushi, who put his severed hand back together with surgical nails and steel plates.

(End of this chapter)

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