Chapter 200
The thick black matter above the sky is slowly flowing. If you have to describe it more accurately, then this world is more like a fully enclosed circular fish tank thrown into a black water river. It is this thin, seemingly thin substance that can protect the fish. The glass shell that imprisons but protects...

Chen Shishi's stomach was overwhelmed. He supported the wall and vomited a pool of acid water on the ground.

What happened to this world?
At this moment, there was a harsh brake sound on the road, bang, followed by the screams of passers-by.

Chen Shishi turned his head and saw a child lying in a pool of blood, a self-balancing car was overturned in the distance, and a black car was parked four or five meters away.The driver was a man. He got out of the car and hurriedly called the police to call an ambulance after checking the child's condition.A woman appeared out of nowhere, and when she saw the child's plight, she lay there and cried loudly...

He walked over.

A group of people gathered around one after another, whispering something.

There were witnesses among them, and Chen Chuli understood after listening for a while. What happened was like this. The black car came from outside, and the child was lying on the balance car and gliding on the ground. The child who hit the ground rolled it under the wheel and ran over it. The driver noticed that something had been run over, drove two meters away, stopped, got out of the car to check the situation, and found out that a child had been hit...

Chen Shishi fell into silence. He found that there were too many things that kept him silent recently...

Life and death are inseparable, and things have already happened. As an ordinary pedestrian, he is neither a party nor a witness, so it is inappropriate to make remarks that disturb the state.There is a surveillance camera on the nearby wall, and everything that happened just now should have been recorded.

At this time, the child's soul moved out of the body, and it was a child about six years old.

His face was pale, his chest was sunken in a large area, he stood up straight, his pale pupils turned left and right twice, and when he saw a woman kneeling on the ground crying, he immediately showed a crying expression, and swayed over to hug her, who knew Its body goes straight through, unable to touch...


The child was a little taken aback. He looked at his hands, opened and closed his mouth, but made no sound.

But Chen Chuchu can easily tell from the shape of his mouth, he is repeatedly calling the word mother.Viscous threads and granules appear around the body edge of the child.

He is going to dissipate.

Chen Shishi hesitated for a moment, took a few steps back and hid in the crowd, made seals with his hands, and silently recited "Taishang Dongxuan Lingbao Tianzun Said the Wonderful Sutra of Rescuing Suffering" in an attempt to save the little boy's ghost.

As he continued to silently recite scriptures, the little boy's body slowed down and collapsed.Seeing that it is useful, speed up the recitation. Only when the entire scripture is recited once can it be counted as one round.Chen Chushi discovered that with the blessing of his own scriptures, the child with pale pupils gradually returned to black pupils, but the pale skin remained the same...

After Chen Shichu recited the Sutra of Rescuing Suffering at high speed, the child gradually became flexible from the initial state of stiffness.

next second.

"Mom, mom, I want mom!"

The child's voice suddenly sounded, crying very sadly. Although he was only a six-year-old child, he seemed to have guessed something about his current state.Chen Shishi is still reciting scriptures, because the child's chest that was crushed by the wheel is gradually recovering. He wants to see how much it can recover if he keeps reciting.
Ambulances, police cars, even fire trucks came.

The doctors and nurses gasped when they saw the child's miserable state, and they felt...

The child's soul became clearer and clearer, and his voice became louder and louder.

Chen Shishi continued to chant, his throat suddenly tightened, as if an invisible hand was pinching his neck!General Zeng's protection erupted, and his throat felt a little better. Continue!Next second!That stuck throat feeling came again!Seeing that the solidified child's soul was about to change to its original pale appearance, Chen Shishi directly activated the five thunder charms on his arms and back!
There was a sudden gust of wind at the scene!

The pedestrians around were not affected at all, and it seemed that he was the only person who could feel the existence of the strong wind.

The skin tattooed with the Five Thunders Charm seemed to be cut by countless tiny blades, blood oozes out and stains the clothes, and the bright red color can be seen gradually spreading...

Chen initially raised his head.

Dark dome.

Countless black substances are spinning, converging into a terrifying maelstrom.

A strong sense of oppression came from top to bottom. At this moment, Chen Shishi felt like a small bug fixed under the hydraulic machine. As long as the hydraulic machine fell down, it would instantly shatter to pieces!
Just trying to save a poor dead soul, using such a large force to deal with me?

For the first time, Chen Shishi felt a lot of anger burning in his heart. Why couldn't he see that the oppressive force came from the countless dark substances in the black sky, and the child's soul collapse was probably related to these things!
fuck you!

As an orthodox Taoist priest, he suddenly had the urge to go against the sky.

The left hand bites the middle finger, and draws a life-hanging charm on the palm of the right hand. This charm comes from the "Millennium Zombie King", a complete collection of Maoshan spells presented by Lie Yang. Take your own Yangshou to motivate, and forcibly lock the soul of the dying person back into the body.

Chen Shishi chanted a mantra.

Take two quick steps, and push hard on the back of the child's soul with your right hand.

I saw the child staggering a few steps, and the soul just fell into the shell on the ground. The doctor, who was about to cover him with a white cloth, sensed that something was wrong. He stretched out his hand to open the child's eyelids to check the pupils. When he saw the light, there was a slight reaction!The doctors all wondered if they had seen a ghost, but human life is at stake, maybe this is a miracle of life...

Quickly arrange the instruments, ventilator, hanging bottle, stretcher, hemostasis, and carefully lift them into the ambulance.

Leaving here slowly, must be slow, potholes on the road, speed bumps, any big bumps may affect the lives of the injured...

Really useful...

Lie Yang, I thank you.

The oppressive force from the sky became stronger and stronger, and the day and night wandering god token hanging on Chen Shishi's waist slowly floated up, and even the trident, fire sticks and shackles hidden on his body emitted scorching heat...

Saving a child inexplicably caused a huge crisis for himself.

Chen Shishi was in a very calm mood. He officially became a Taoist priest in the Sanshan Palace, and he said to the statue of the Patriarch of the Sanqing that he would definitely be worthy of the word Taoist.

There is no smooth thing in life. Now that I have embarked on this road, I will face the endless world in the future.

He had already prepared for which world he might end up in.When he falls down, he will apply for a commission to Pewter Stone, asking him to find someone who can continue to walk the heavens in his place...

A mere life, nothing to worry about!
(End of this chapter)

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