I came to the world of the heavens

Chapter 220 Five Immortal Horse Thieves

Chapter 220 Five Immortal Horse Thieves
Chen Shishi went straight to the gate of the Tan Mansion under the surprised eyes of everyone, looked up and down at the embarrassment of Mr. Tan's family, clasped his fists, and said straight to the point: "The little girl passed by your village and heard that after the establishment of Mr. Tan's new house, he was haunted by ghosts." Just kidding, I’m here to understand the situation…”

Master Tan is not too old, he looks in his 50s, and his hair is darker than Uncle Jiu's in his 40s.

He looked at Chen Chushi, and couldn't help swallowing when he saw the fair skin. He came back to his senses and showed an embarrassed smile: "Girl, stop joking. Ghosts are haunting, ranging from illness to death. Nine Taoist priests were invited to solve the problem, but they were all scared away.

I invited a tenth Taoist priest to come over. I heard that he was an authentic Taoist priest from Maoshan, called Maoshanming.Trust me tonight will take care of the troublesome ghosts in my house. "

When Mao Shanming comes to catch the ghost, eats up and escapes, he will go on again, this kind of plot of pretending to be a slap in the face is unnecessary, and it can be enjoyable to imagine a little in your mind.

Chen Shishi took out the gossip mirror and the mahogany sword from his bag and said, "I am the descendant of the three branches of Longhushan Tianshifu, one of the three mountains of talisman. The reward, after the matter is completed, you just give it as you see..."

Pro bono help?If it doesn't exist, Taoist priests go down the mountain to exorcise evil spirits, catch ghosts, and hang pots to help the world.
He won't just focus on embarrassing other Taoist priests with his daoist brilliance.However, Mao Shanming's exorcism of ghosts is doomed to failure without real materials, and his original idea was to use his own ghosts to stage a double-reed show to defraud Master Tan of his money...

Cheating for money is no small sin.

Master Tan looked at the things that Chen Chuchu took out, hesitant, but it was too cold to stand outside the door and there were villagers watching, it was embarrassing to go home. Before the ghost is dealt with, their family will die of cold...

"This... let's talk about it first, if it fails, I won't give you money."


Chen Shishi walked through the gate with his bag on his back.

Master Tan's family followed behind and looked a little scared towards the main hall: "Girl, ah no, this Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain, shall we go in like this? Do you need to prepare something, such as opening an altar? The first nine Every Taoist has the practice of opening an altar, and a lot of incense paper money is used..."

"Did they succeed?"


"Master Tan please stop, I'll go in and communicate."

As soon as Chen Shishi crossed the threshold of the hall of Tan's house, he felt a chill hit his face, crunch, bang!Behind him, the main hall door automatically closes!

He found a chair and sat down, put the gossip mirror on the table, looked at the empty hall and said: "Humans and ghosts have different paths, too much contact is not good for humans or ghosts, but you moved people but didn't hurt people's lives. It can be seen that no matter whether they are human beings in life or ghosts after death, they are all rare and kind people...

I am Fang Xiaoyi, a Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain. I passed by this village today and had no intention of knowing this matter.If you have any grievances, you can tell me, how about letting me act as an intermediary and try to resolve this matter happily for both parties? "

His voice fell.

The floor in the hall was filled with smoke, and suddenly a girl in white western clothes appeared, she looked like 22, she covered her face with her sleeves and said softly: "Finally a serious Taoist priest came, the first nine are either throwing paper money here or throwing money." The paper talisman really makes people angry.

The Taoist priest heard from me that this land was originally my ancestral grave, and Tan Wanwan built a house on my family graveyard. May I ask the Taoist priest, is it comfortable to be pressed down every day and unable to turn over?It’s just me, but there are my father, mother, grandpa, grandma, younger brother and younger sister..."

With every address she called, a ghost appeared in the hall.

Chen Shishi didn't change his face, because he found that...Fang Xiaoyi's cultivation seems to be...above him. Last night, when he just started to practice breathing and breathing exercises, he felt the surge of mana in the dantian in his abdomen. A trace of mana is a string, so Fang Xiaoyi is a string ball.

The girl in the western suit admired Chen Shishi's composure when she saw Chen Shishi's calmness, unlike the previous Taoist priests who were frightened and screamed...

After introducing her family, she said quietly: "My father was an official in the imperial court before his death. He was honest and loved the people, but he was murdered by traitors and his entire family was ransacked! He suffered so much in life and after death. I only have one request, let Tan Wanwan move Get out! After death, this land is also my home..."

Chen Shishi said silently: "It's so painful after death, why don't you reincarnate?"

The western female ghost asked in amazement: "Don't the Taoist know that ghosts have a yin life, and only when the yin life is exhausted can they be reincarnated. It is not easy to reincarnate as a human being in the underworld. It will take at least 100 years for my family..."

And this setting.

Chen Shishi discussed with the female ghost in a western suit and bargained for the price.

In the end, it was decided that Mr. Tan must set up an ancestral hall in the Tan Mansion, where the spiritual tablets of the family of female ghosts in western suits are dedicated, so that they will not make trouble again...

When Chen Chu came out intact, Master Tan thought there would be a fierce battle.

In the end, he directly solved the problem of ghost troubles by chatting, and became extremely embarrassed when he learned that the land occupied by the new house was someone else's ancestral grave...

He left the village with his father when he was a child. This land was just a wasteland with a few graves, and the graves were gone when he came back this time.

I thought that the land would be flat and build a house directly on it, but I didn't expect to build it on someone's ancestral grave, and it was also a good man's grave!He readily agreed to give up a large room to enshrine the spirit seat.

Chen Shi was efficient and cost-effective to solve the problem.

Master Tan realized that he was definitely a master, so he set up a banquet at home for Chen Shishi to eat. During the meal, Chen Shishi's "frowning" appearance naturally attracted attention.After questioning, Chen Shishi sighed, saying that the world is chaotic today, the people are in dire straits, warlords are fighting in chaos, and many people go uphill and downgrass...

He looks like he is concerned about the country and the people.

Master Tan was extremely moved. He had never believed it when he heard opera singers sing "Women Don't Let Their Eyebrows" when he was only watching operas. He thought that women have long hair and short knowledge. Now seeing Chen Chushi is a lesson!He is too small. In ancient times, Hua Mulan joined the army instead of his father. Why can't there be female characters in modern times?
After picking up the topic raised by Chen Chushi, Master Tan talked about what happened to him after returning to the village.

Among them, the one who gritted his teeth the most was the "Five Immortals" horse thief!
When he came back, as soon as he entered the village, he heard from the village chief that there were horse thieves who robbed the people's rations from time to time, and even kidnapped young girls and children.How could he hold back, so he spent money to invite more than a dozen Lianjiazi men and dozens of villagers into the mountain to ask for an explanation. He heard that there were not more than ten horse thieves in total, so it should be easy to deal with!

As a result, more than a dozen Lianjiazi and dozens of villagers died, and more than 20 died, and the rest returned to the village with missing arms and legs and serious injuries...

It turns out that the so-called Five Immortal Horse Thieves are actually composed of sorcerers who know sorcery. They are so powerful that they have copper skin and iron bones. figure!Knowing that he had kicked the iron plate, Tan Wanwan had no choice but to promise to pay tribute to the horse thief every month for the sake of the remaining lives...

 Thanks to the lord of Weila Anliliu star for the reward...

  Thanks to Xiaozhou and other book friends for their rewards. I have seen it all the time. I forgot to thank you. Sorry everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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