Chapter 349 Ash Stone

Chen Shishi is very curious about the ability of the two categorical words. Realistic categorical words have written a book, which directly created the entire world of the book "Ghost Realm". The protagonist in the book is also a novelist in the story. She wrote another novel called "Ghost Domain" and created a ghost domain that belongs only to the forgotten and abandoned world.

It is like the existence of infinite nesting dolls.

This ability to realize creativity is not too much to say that it is the skill of the creator.

It is only the two categorical statements that have created the ghost domain world. It seems that only a little modification can be added on this basis. It seems impossible to create a second world.

The novel asserts that she has personally entered the ghost domain world, and she has a deep feeling for the existence inside. If she wants to destroy it, her heart will inevitably be a little complicated...

The reality categorically says that if she is given some time, she should be able to handle this matter properly...

Chen Chuchu felt that there was no problem. The completion of the task was only a matter of time. Apart from the task, his mind was occupied by two other things.

The first is the Yincao Difu. The Yincao Difu he entered through the spell of Tongyou is definitely not the world in any known movie. There are only a bunch of lonely souls and wild ghosts under the Naihe Bridge. Suddenly received some order, left in a hurry and never came back...

What kind of order would make them leave the underworld for so long?

The second is Dingshan Dingru who appeared in Ghost Domain. Their identities are not simple. They talk about occupying the world and ruling the world. Chen Shishi has the same slogan as the villain who watched cartoons when he was a child.

Dingshan Dingru can be defined as an extraterritorial celestial demon, just like the big eyeballs that appeared twice before, but he is just a little impatient.But what Dingshan said, Chen Shishi cared very much.

Dingshan said that they were born in the filthy land, wandered in the filthy land, and occasionally encountered newborn worlds, which were usually already occupied by larger extraterritorial demons. Small characters like Dingshan would encounter an unoccupied world. The world is not easy.He even said a very important message...

The extraterrestrial demons deduce that these constantly reborn worlds actually have a mother body, which is called the place of the initial world for the time being.

The energy contained in this initial land is extremely high, and it is hidden somewhere in the filthy land. By separating its own elements, it forms worlds to try to attract the gods to come...

Is the original place the real world Earth?

Chen Chushi thinks it is very possible, because so far all the worlds are the world view of the real world film and television drama.

The real world is calling for help?
Chen Chu's brisk heart became heavy, and there was an extra burden on his shoulders.I watched too many movies and TV shows that saved the world before, and finally it was his turn to save the world...

He decided to go back to Huangquan to see if he could find out the opening through which Dingshan Dingru came in from the outside.

Chen Chushi told the two categorical things about the extraterrestrial demons, but he only concealed his own origin, which he had to conceal, because the extraterritorial demons had strange abilities.The first silky world, the big black eyeball can customize the rules and suppress the temples of the gods!In the second world of zombie uncles, lightning big eyeballs can enhance the strength of the villain!In the third world of Ghost Domain, Dingshan has the ability to collect human souls and make them into books...

As a writer of novels, it is easy to accept this kind of setting.

They thought about it again and again, and the reality decided to continue writing the book "Ghost Domain", saying that the novel decided to come to the real world and meet a young man named Chen Chu, and together they defeated the enemies from the outside world. With the help of ghost Li Hongyi, he returned to the world of ghost domain again...

For this continuation, I only feel sleepy, and the consumption is okay.

Li Hongyi opened the door to the ghost domain with a wave of her hand. It was still an intermediary station. She entered with the novel categorization and Chen Shishi.

Returning to the world of Ghost Domain, everything here makes Li Hongyi and Novels feel familiar and at ease, because to them, the world in novels is reality, and to them, the world where reality is located is the real world. illusory……

Chen Shishi recalled all kinds of things in the movie, and he targeted two places.

First the abandoned amusement park, then the abandoned library.

After Li Hongyi's trip to the world, she seemed to have developed a certain resistance to yang energy, and she no longer felt uncomfortable. She carried Chen Shishi and Dingyan with her left hand and right hand, and went to the amusement park.There was nothing there, and I immediately turned to the library.

When he first arrived at the library, Chen Chu felt an unusual aura...

He looked down, and the ash stone totem on the back of his hand emitted a faint white light, just like the kind of light that protected him in the dark when crossing.

Let Dingyan and Li Hongyi wait at the door of the library, and run away first if there is danger.

When you walk into the library, you will be greeted by a mountain of books piled up with countless books, and books fall from the sky from time to time.

The mountain of books is surrounded by dilapidated bookshelves, and most of the books placed inside are dilapidated, and it looks like they have been left for a long time and have been eaten by insects...

In the village when I was a child, some people liked to collect collections, such as textbooks and homework for children to go to school. They were not for sale, but simply collected and were not willing to throw them away. It was tattered, and in the end there was no other way but to sell it to a tattered collector...

The mountain of books is formed by the collection of books.

It is difficult to climb up.

Using the anti-gravity ability of Meng Jie's sponge, Chen Shishi floated directly upwards, and finally saw where the abandoned books came from.

The library is very high, and there is a dark vortex at the top of the ceiling, from which new books come in from time to time. It stands to reason that this vortex should be connected to the real world that the novel affirms, but the closer it is, the kind of The more uncomfortable the breath becomes...

The white light of white wax stone slowly covered Chen Shishi's whole body.

He walked through the vortex carefully, his eyes suddenly went dark, and there was nothing behind the vortex, only a pure black world.

Chen Shishi's whole body pierced through the vortex, but he wove a rope with Meng Jie's sponge in advance and connected it to the inside of the library. His eyes surrounded him, and there was nothing but black!He looked down at the location where Meng Jie's sponge was connected, it was just a vortex about two meters in diameter.

The entire ghost domain world is faintly visible in this darkness, but the size of the ball is only about [-] meters, and the surface is faintly flickering with streamers. It looks very hard. This should be the barrier of the world.

No wonder Jozan said it took a long time to enter this world...

At this moment, Chen Shishi turned his head subconsciously, and there seemed to be something approaching quickly in the darkness!Unseen, but this palpitating sensation is absolutely colossal!
He climbed back quickly, and he was sure that this vortex was the entrance through which Dingshan and the others came in...

Go back to the library.

Standing on the top of the mountain of books, Chen Shishi stared closely at the vortex. He slowly drew out the golden sword, and the red arc flickered on the blade!
The expressions of Li Hongyi and Dingyan who were standing at the entrance of the library changed, they felt something terrifying approaching!Li Hongyi glanced inside, and saw Chen Chushi staring at the ceiling where books kept falling.She stepped back immediately, opened the "real world" leading to the novel's assertion, pushed her through, and closed the door!
When Chen Chu entered, he had told him to run away quickly if there was any danger.

The library, the black vortex, has a black eyeball the size of a millstone stuck in the mouth of the vortex, it keeps turning the big eyeball, but its body size is a circle larger than the vortex...

It stared at Chen Shishi, making strange noises, rustling, as if saying something.

Intense malice enveloped his whole body, Chen Chu felt as if his internal organs were overwhelmed, his head was dizzy, and the golden sword in his hand was about to fall to the ground...

The shimmering white light of the pewter suddenly flashed!
The eyeballs seemed to be blinded by the flash, and they twitched and retreated crazily, suffering a lot of damage!

It kept hitting the vortex, and the lonely ghosts in the whole ghost world were scared to tremble!
Chen Shishi reached into his pocket and took out the little magic fire.

The eyeballs went crazy when they saw Shenhuo, and the speed of the impact was even faster.

God fire!


The fire shines!

The places that symbolize the bridge of Naihe in the ghost domain world began to become brighter and brighter!
Whether it is the world of fiction or reality, the gods in those gloomy Taoist temples have regained their luster!It seems that the color of this world has increased its saturation...

The sound made by the eyeballs suddenly became intelligible.

It was flickered by the white wax stone, and its eyeballs were bloodshot. At this time, it squeezed into the vortex and said in a low voice: " are Chen Shishi...that god's lackey...leave the world behind, it belongs to us rations! I... remember your appearance... no matter where you appear... as long as you are an enemy, they will become stronger... this is a curse on you..."

A world ignited in advance by divine fire.

Re-establish the signal to communicate with the gods, and become similar to the world of zombie uncles.

This eyeball knew that this kind of world was not something it could swallow, so it could only retreat and slowly dissipate in the darkness, and the vortex gradually shrank and disappeared...


Go back to the world of reality categorization through the intermediary station.

Chen Shishi narrated everything that happened in the library, and he was sweating profusely. The appearance of characters that did not exist in the plot world is itself a big problem...

We discussed for a while.

Decided to use his special ability to protect the world.

It was only one day for Chen Chu to go to Huangquan World, but it was decided that three days had passed here, and she had already figured out how to deal with Huangquan.

She wrote in the follow-up plot that too many things have happened in the ghost land, and it has changed, and it has become a paradise for the abandoned and the forgotten. She has made new rules there, and the forgotten and abandoned can get what they expect. , no longer despair.Ghost Domain's name changed to Return to the World...

Just when it was decided to change the name of Huangquan World.

The words on the pewter surfaced on the ground [Congratulations on completing Li Hongyi's entrusted task, the ghost domain world has disappeared. 】

Chen initially chose to return immediately.

He has encountered too many things in this world, and he needs to digest it calmly...

A circle of milky white light appeared under his feet, with complicated words, and Chen Shishi floated up, surrounded by the breeze, as if he was about to ascend into the sky...

Although he didn't say anything to Ding Yan, Ding Yan already had a guess in his heart. Sure enough, this Chen Chu came from another world!

The hem of Chen Shishi's clothes tightened, and it was Li Hongyi. She held onto his hem tightly with one hand, lowered her head, covered her cheeks with the red veil, and said in a hoarse voice: "I...I can go with you Is it?" In order to add settings to her, he decided to restore the original sweet voice to the faceless female ghost before...

Chen Shi did not speak at first.

He knew that Li Hongyi probably had a good impression of him.

In fact, Li Hongyi is more like a creature that was born and wandered outside in nature. After suffering a lot, she will naturally develop a good impression when she suddenly meets someone who treats her well...

Chen's initial style disappeared.

Li Hongyi's hands were empty, and his heart was also empty.

The tall figure stood there like a sculpture.

Ding Yan looked at Li Hongyi's appearance, as a woman, she naturally knew what was going on with Li Hongyi.

The work is equivalent to the author's child. Li Hongyi's discomfort is also uncomfortable. She comforted softly: "He is not from the same world as us. He comes from the unknown. He may not be able to take you away, no The purpose of talking is to not leave you with too many thoughts to torture yourself..."

Li Hongyi nodded.

She silently walked to the window, looked at the night outside, and took out a small mirror from her sleeve.

Her delicate face was reflected in the mirror...

When she met Chen Chuchu, all she could think about was killing the fixed words, and even eradicating the man who stood in the way.

Unexpectedly, this man is very strong and easily blocked the attack, but he didn't use force on her and asked for excessive things. Instead, he asked in a negotiating tone.Even considering that it is inconvenient for her to speak without a face, he promised to ask the creator to modify the settings on the setting draft and give her a normal face...

Now Chen Chuchu is gone.

Li Hongyi has beautiful costumes, an exquisite appearance, and also possesses immortality and self-healing that he didn't have before.

But her heart became even more empty. This face, this appearance, was more suitable for Chen Chuchu. She had long been used to the hideous appearance and it didn't matter...

This mirror and her name are his last gift.


white light.

Chen Chu opened his eyes.

Since the last trip, I opened my eyes and knew that I was traveling in the endless darkness, and I was chasing a large number of unknown monsters.

In this situation, except for the evaders, almost no one can close their eyes.

Chen Shishi touched the pewter totem on the back of his hand. This thing is very powerful, it can pass through, and it can resist so many monsters in the darkness at the same time...

But it seems that it will only be passive defense, and there is almost no active attack.

The white light flickered in the library, more like waving a torch in the dark to warn wild animals...

He didn't know much about ashstone, if he could communicate with him, let him take the initiative to touch his eyeballs, the eyeballs would probably disappear on the spot!You must know that when he faced the big black eyeball for the first time, he summoned the ghost gate, his body was broken, and his soul was competed by the day and night wandering gods and the big eyeball at the same time. powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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