The bat mage snorted coldly: "I will not punish you if you have merit this time."

The people in the altar quickly nodded their thanks.

The Bat Mage looked at the hole in the iron vest, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "I have news, I heard that there are traces of Kaohsiung and Little Baylor in Bei'an County. We will set off for Bei'an County immediately tomorrow! As long as we find Little Baylor, I will To be able to enjoy the glory and wealth with the salary of a high official..."

The next day, Prince Su's Mansion set off with a convoy, two carriages, and more than 20 people wandering towards the south...

Among the surrounding people stood a young man in a long gown and holding a dust whisk. He spread out his palm, and in his palm a talisman folded into a triangle slowly rotated. The point of the talisman pointed in which direction the convoy was heading.The young man was none other than Chen Chushi. He narrowed his eyes, smiled and shook his head.

Sneaking into the palace last night, he fired a shot at the bat mage. With the sound of the impact of the bullets, Chen Shichu could already hear that he was wearing metal clothes or something. He only needed to shoot him in the head to measure the bat mage's life. Hard enough.

But Chen Shishi did not dare. At this time, the bat mage was still living in the palace, and it seemed that he had not yet intersected with the protagonist Shugen, which meant that he did not know the whereabouts of Kaohsiung who had kidnapped Little Baylor.

The Bat Master has been looking for it for 14 years to no avail. He only learned of Kaohsiung's whereabouts when his subordinates passed by Bei'an County by accident and heard the down-and-out Kaohsiung get drunk and reveal his identity.

Kaohsiung's anonymous small county is also home to the brothers and sisters of the two strange characters "Qimen" and "Dunjia" in the play.

Chen Shishi has yet to formally compete with his fellows through time travel. Qimen dunjia senior brother and sister. The teacher brother and sister teamed up, and admitted the theory that Qimen Dunjia teamed up to be invincible under heaven.

During this trip, besides the mission of the tragic life experiences of the people in the altar, Chen Chu also wanted to learn from Qimen Dunjia, and then stop by to see the Celestial Master Conference held every ten years in the ghost town of Fengdu.The first mage who successfully passed three levels will be able to obtain the token of the Five Thunder Heavenly Master, which represents the highest honor of a mage.

Listen to the name of this token, it is five thunders and heavenly master.

As Chen Shishi, who majored in lightning attack methods, and the Sanshan Palace of Shimen came from the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, it would be a pity for his identity not to go to Fengdu ghost town to compete for the Tianshi token.

The speed of the Bat Mage's convoy was not slow, and it disappeared from Chen Shishi's eyes in just two days. However, as long as the small charm left in the wine jar was still there, Chen Shishi could always grasp the direction of the convoy.

This show is a lot of fun.

As a movie that focuses on strange magic, there are traces of physical science everywhere. For example, the paper knife of the people in the altar is sharp because it hides a long blade inside. The physical fitness and physical coordination, but also with a variety of props to use...

When watching movies in the past, many times when Chen Chuchu thought it was a scientific truth, he suddenly gave you a spell, turning a note into noodles, and a painted chicken into a real chicken, which made people a little confused.

The sun is shining.

The ground was steaming like a baking sheet.

Chen Chushi followed the instructions of the talisman and came to a small county called Bei'an County.

Along the way, the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

He walked into a teahouse, put the whisk on the table, and waved his hand: "Xiao Er, here is a pot of tea to quench your thirst!"

Soon there was a young man with a long scarf on his shoulders and a big iron pot in his hand. He ran over, turned over the tea bowl on the table and filled it up, and said with a smile: "So it's the Taoist master. Master Dao, take a breath, this tea is twenty copper coins for a bowl, the price is clearly marked in the small shop, let alone dare to deceive Master Dao..."

Chen Shishi picked up the tea bowl and just took a sip. He tasted it carefully, took another sip, and put down the tea bowl: "Xiao Er, I am not a person who has never drunk tea. This tea is only two copper coins at the tea stand. Even if you are in a teahouse here, four or six or eight pieces is the limit, why there are as many as twenty pieces, is there something special about this tea?"

"Master Dao misunderstood, this tea is ordinary tea, the most expensive thing is the water!"

"Oh? Talk about it."

"Master Dao probably didn't know about it when he first arrived in our Bei'an County. This year, there has been no rain for half a year in our county's radius of a hundred miles. The crops in the field have dried up and died, let alone people? Our master invited people to take the water. The ones dug out from the deep mountains and old forests are extremely laborious to transport from the top to the bottom of the mountain, so there is a reason why they are expensive... Do you think so, Daoist?"

"I see, but a bowl of tea is still a bit more expensive."

Chen Shichu couldn't help but think of the people who sell mineral water on the top of the stairs in the scenic spot in the real world. Mineral water that costs one yuan at the bottom of the mountain sells for five yuan on the stairs, and ten yuan at the top of the mountain. I also saw with my own eyes that some vendors carried boxes of mineral water up the mountain...

Making money is not wasteful.

As long as the price is clearly marked and not false or deceiving, buying or selling by force is considered a serious businessman.

Chen Shishi drank three bowls of tea in a row in the teahouse, and the shopkeeper saw that he was a Taoist priest, so he had to accept only forty copper coins for the original sixty copper coins.

Chen Chu was puzzled and was about to ask why.

Suddenly there were gongs, drums, suonas, and unfamiliar but familiar sounds of shaking bells.

Looking along the past, I saw more than 20 people walking towards the distance surrounded by a Taoist who was wearing a yellow robe and had a slightly adulterous face.

The shopkeeper said with a smile: "Master Xuanzhen, a disciple of Tianshi, came to Bei'an County to cast spells to pray for rain. The Taoist priest is also a Taoist priest. We should treat him well. It's a pity that every family has money to contribute money and is able to contribute. Heavy rain, help me, I can’t get anything out of this teahouse except tea leaves and some simple side dishes..."

"Thank you, shopkeeper."

Chen Shishi turned and left, but the shopkeeper of the teahouse didn't notice that the smile on the Taoist master's face had gradually disappeared.

A large wooden platform was built in the center of Bei'an County, and a luxurious altar was set up on it, and the statues of the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas were also invited here.

The Taoist who was wearing a yellow Taoist robe just now was the sorcerer Xuanzhen mentioned by the shopkeeper. At this moment, he was standing in front of the altar with a long sword in his hand, waving back and forth, chanting words.

Kneeling on the left and right of the altar was a thin man wearing only shorts. Their bodies were bronzed, their hair was disheveled, and their lips were chapped.Standing under the stage, Chen Shishi touched a well-dressed old man with his fly whisk: "May I ask what do these two people do?"

The old man frowned, and when he turned around to see a young Taoist, he smiled and said, "It turned out to be the Taoist priest. The two of them are prisoners pulled out of the Bei'an County Government Prison. Master Xuanzhen said that if there is no rain in Bei'an County for half a year, it will be raining." Because there are too many crimes committed in Bei'an County, he needs to open the altar for seven days, and let the prisoners be baked by the scorching sun for seven days before they can undo their crimes, move the heavens, and send rain and dew."

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