I came to the world of the heavens

Chapter 391 Lai Mai and Duan Shui Liu

Chapter 391 Lai Mai and Duan Shui Liu

This hanging dragon feng shui gathers the spirit of the real dragon, and its power is infinite. Nurhachi became the leader of the Jurchen clan smoothly, and his descendants continued to infiltrate the Ming Dynasty. He defeated Li Zicheng through Wu Sangui and successfully entered the Ming Palace!


The carriage flies against gravity in the dark night.

Chen Shishi is already used to this way of traveling. Meng Jie's sponge doesn't know what he consumes as motivation. No matter how he uses it, the sponge doesn't get cut...

The sky is full of stars, like a river of stars.

Du Shiniang lay on the window and looked out the window. She was no longer afraid of heights, and enjoyed the feeling of flying around more and more...

She secretly opened the curtain to peek at the back of Chen Shishi who was driving.

Sensing his gaze, Chen Shishi smiled slightly: "Have you heard the story of Du Shiniang?"

Du Shiniang was taken aback and asked, "Is it my story, or the story of someone with the same name as me?"

Chen Chushi said: "It's a person with the same name, but also a hard-working person. The story comes from the Ming Dynasty's "Jing Shi Tong Yan" 'Du Shiniang sinks the treasure chest in anger'."

Du Shiniang came and said with interest, "I want to hear it."

Chen Shishi contemplated for a while and said, "There is a student named Li Jia who is a son of a rich family. He accidentally met Du Shiniang, a famous concubine in the teaching workshop, and was overwhelmed by her beauty and talent. Li Jia is Du Shiniang's hero." Throwing a lot of money, every day, every night, but the money will always be spent, when he has no money.

Jiaofang's mother asked Du Shiniang to stay away from Li Jia, to protect herself and herself, but after getting along with Li Jia, Du Shiniang had secretly developed feelings for her, and she insisted on being with him...

Li Jia came again, penniless.Jiaofang's mother had a plan in mind, and asked Li Jia to redeem Du Shiniang with 300 taels within ten days.Unexpectedly, secretly, Du Shiniang found Li Jia and gave him 150 taels, asking Li Jia to continue raising the remaining 150 taels.

Although Li Jia's family was rich, how could he write a letter and ask for it when he went out with a thousand taels of silver, and the envelopes would take more than ten days to come and go.

When my good friend Liu Yuchun learned about this, he persuaded Li Jia first, and seeing that Li Jia was determined, he lent him the remaining 150 taels!Li Jia came with 300 taels less than ten days later. The mother in the teaching workshop is also a trustworthy person, so she had to keep her promise.

Li Jia wants to return home, Du Shiniang packs her luggage and happily follows.

The two traveled by land and changed water routes, and Li Jia's entanglement gradually became empty. Du Shiniang took out a bag of silver from her small box and gave Li Jia, asking him to go ashore to buy something and come back.

Li Jia was too shy to look at the contents of Du Shiniang's box, so he went ashore to do some shopping.Du Shiniang was bored and was singing on the boat. Unexpectedly, a businessman named Sun Fu heard the singing.

He outspokenly wanted Du Shiniang, but Li Jia refused at first, and Sun Fu was not annoyed, he just said that Li Jia was a student of the imperial court, so it was fine if he could not go home with an official job, but now he wants to go back with a name Ji, what should he do when he goes home? How to face it?The more Li Jia thought about it, the more he was in a dilemma, and finally he could only agree to sell Du Shiniang to Sun Fu. "

When the story comes to this point.

Chen Shichu glanced at Du Shiniang in the carriage. This Du Shiniang was 14 years old, and the Du Shiniang in the story was 19 years old.

The 14-year-old Du Shiniang was not as excited as she imagined, but she didn't know what she was thinking, so she urged in a low voice, "What's the next story?"

Chen Chushi said: "Du Shiniang was waiting for Li Jia on the boat. She waited left and right, but there was no one there. Suddenly, she heard someone calling her name on the shore. When she walked out, she saw that it was Li Jia and a businessman. Li Jia said that she had already sold her." To the businessman Sun Fu, the journey of the two of them ends here, let's follow Sun Fu in the future.

Du Shiniang asked how much it sold for?Li Jia said a thousand taels of silver.

Du Shiniang wanted to look at the silver taels herself. After she counted them carefully, she couldn't help but feel sad, and scolded Li Jia angrily, and betrayed her for a thousand taels of silver!Du Shiniang opened the small treasure box she brought out from the teaching workshop, and saw all kinds of gold, silver and jewels inside, and she randomly took out one worth a hundred taels of silver.

She took a deep look at Li Jia, and jumped into the rolling river with the little treasure box in her arms. "

The story is over.

Chen Chushi knew the ending of Du Shiniang in the story, but he didn't know the future of the little Du Shiniang in front of him. He only hoped that this story could bring her a little warning effect...

Du Shiniang listened to the whole story, she was a little dazed, stretched out her hand to the window to look at the night sky outside, and said in a daze: "Jumping into the river is the best choice."

She looked at Chen Chushi and showed a smile: "I don't know how to sing, otherwise I'll sing a song for the priest to listen to."

Du Shiniang in the story fascinates Li Jia and Sun Fu, but unfortunately she, the little Du Shiniang, can't do anything, no... Even if she has Du Shiniang's appearance and talent in the story, it's useless.

Because Chen Shishi is neither Li Jia nor Sun Fu, he has his own firm goal to achieve, and he will not stop because of a song or a beauty...

Lower the curtain.

Du Shiniang is curled up, hugging her knees, what is she longing for...

Daoist... Daoist.

Now the two share a carriage, and that's enough.

Du Shiniang fell asleep in the carriage, the night outside dispersed, the sun rose, the carriage landed on the ground, and rested on the side of the road.

Chen Shishi found high-quality forage to feed the horse, and patted its head gently. After leaving Bei'an County, the horse hadn't had a good rest. Although it was blessed by a spell, it suffered a lot. Longgang Mountain will set it free...

Wake up Du Shiniang to eat breakfast on the roadside.

Next, even if you don't need to fly in the sky, you can reach Longgang Mountain in two days.

At this moment, two people came hurriedly from a distance. The one in front was wearing a maroon gown and a maroon scholar's cap. He had a handsome and beardless face, but there was a hint of anger between his brows.The person in the back is wearing a brown-gray gown, wearing a scholar's cap, and has a long beard. He looks refined.

The middle-aged man with a long beard rushed up a few strides, grabbed the man without a beard by the shoulder, and sighed: "I've already done everything, so don't worry about it anymore. It's the so-called eating the king's salary and worrying about the king's worries. Senior brother, I just Do your own thing!"

The man without the beard shook off the hand of the man with the long beard, and said with a cold snort: "The Ye family is just a champion, and the emperor is so worried that he wants us to go and see the situation!

Although the feng shui of the ancestral grave is a potential dragon drinking water, it is also a dragon with sore horns, no matter what, it will only produce scholars!

Just like this, you still don't let others go, you insist on smashing the lychee tree with one palm, and dispelling the feng shui dragon spirit!Now that the two of us have formed an indissoluble enmity with Ye, let's think about where to put our coffins..."

Chen Shishi was drinking porridge, his brows furrowed, and he looked back at the two men who were walking farther and farther away. They carried a heavy karma...

Could it be that I have the physique of Conan, and I can meet bad guys wherever I go?
The two men who were arguing walked a hundred meters away, passed a corner, and slowed down. The bearded man raised his hand and made a silent movement: "Sai! It's all my fault, brother, stop arguing! Just now There is something wrong with the Taoist priest who ate at the stall earlier, I have a strong feeling that this Taoist priest...may endanger my Qing Dynasty...he is very powerful..."

When the unnecessary man passed the breakfast booth, he also had a strange feeling. He shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "You are nervous, anyone can endanger the Qing Dynasty, why don't we die of exhaustion!"

He said again: "Don't make us work so hard, just learn from other bat mages, with a gloomy face all day long, and do whatever you like, everyone knows that he is plotting something wrong!"

The long-bearded man chuckled: "A second-rate bat mage, how can he compare with a real Fengshui talent like us? The emperor made him a master of the country because of his special fate, and let him carry the country's bad luck! As long as he When doing evil abroad, if you dare to reveal your identity as a national teacher, disasters will inevitably flood your body, ranging from physical destruction to physical destruction, and severe loss of soul..."

These two are none other than the emperor's secret kanyu national teacher, the one with long beards is the senior brother Duan Shuiliu and the beardless junior Lai Maiyi.

Because of the matter of Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty, the current Emperor Kangxi is also worried that someone will be buried with a treasured geomantic omen to surpass the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, when the number one scholar is selected every year, these two state masters will be sent to the hometown of the champion to check the geomantic omen. Ordinary geomantic omen is fine. , If it is good Feng Shui, it will be destroyed.

This year is a talented high school champion named Ye in Guangdong. The two of them checked it out. His ancestor's grave was buried in Qianlong Yinshui Fengshui Cave.

Because there are lychee trees growing on the dragon's horn, it becomes a sore dragon and cannot become a real dragon, but the brother is worried about cutting off the water flow, worried that there will be changes in the future, so he forcibly broke up the Feng Shui bureau, let the dragon spirit go, and broke the luck of the three generations of the Ye family.

Duan Shuiliu raised his fists to the sky with both hands: "Eat the king's salary, take care of the king's worries, I can't let go of any possibility, this person... I must personally kill him..."

Junior brother Lai Maiyi waved his hand and said: "I saved you time, look back."

Duan Shui Liu looked back and saw that the young Taoist priest who was drinking porridge at the breakfast stall just now was standing at the corner quietly looking at their senior brothers...

 Today is the birthday of the Guo family, and there are quite a lot of schedules. I will arrange an extended chapter for everyone to read. Sorry, sorry, there should be nothing to do in the next few days, and I will add more (true) for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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