I came to the world of the heavens

Chapter 483 Underworld investigation, Shi Jian was furious

Lin Fengjiao set up a Dharma altar and made a long flag. She bounced around in the house, her voice was very sharp, like a woman's voice, half singing and half saying: "Shi Shaojian, Shi Shaojian, come back quickly, come home quickly Come……"

Qiu Shengwencai eavesdropped at the door of the room, Lin Fengjiao was furious, snapped her fingers and fired a mana, knocking out the two stupid apprentices, and roared: "Go and retrieve Shi Shaojian's body, and return it to your uncle!"

Qiu Shengwen escaped by rolling and crawling.

Standing at the door.

Qiu Sheng made an unlucky expression and said: "It seems that Master is a little angry this time. You took care of Shi Shaojian's body, so I won't participate. I will go back to my aunt's house to sleep tonight. You can figure it out yourself!" "

Before Wen Cai could speak, Qiu Sheng ran away.

He stomped his feet angrily: "You don't show loyalty!"

But there is no other way, I can only go to the suburbs to find the body back. It is better for the brother to be unrepentant than the master to be angry. After all, in this world, the only relative is the master, and there is no other relative to sleep at home...

After two quick steps, Dayang in his pocket made the sound of colliding with each other, and Wencai had an idea: "I have a lot of money now, I don't have a house to sleep in, and there is a fireworks alley! Fortunately, Dayang was not discovered by the disloyal brother , I will enjoy it all by myself, and I will kill you tomorrow!"

In the house, Lin Fengjiao had called back and forth for the third time, and she was a little suspicious of life.

He sat on the chair and scratched his hair. According to Qiu Sheng, Shi Shaojian's soul disappeared in a gust of wind. It sounded like he was rescued by someone. Was it the elder brother or someone else?Or did Shi Shaojian escape through some kind of secret method?Forget it, instead of guessing here, it's better to find someone to ask hello.

Thinking of this, Lin Fengjiao stood up, held seals with both hands, stamped the ground as a sign, and immediately a ghost messenger in black came up.

He swallowed a clay pill and asked the ghost officer if he knew that a ghost named Shi Shaojian had gone to the underworld.

The ghost messenger came back immediately after going down, his complexion was not very good, and he said: "Lin Fengjiao, you are in trouble! Shi Shaojian's soul entered the underworld, reported himself, and admitted his lack of moral character and actions in Yangjian. People from Maoshan, so there is a special judge to try...

Shi Shaojian told all about Wen Caiqiusheng's surprise attack on the ghost messenger on the Ghost Festival and released hundreds of ghosts.One of the three judges who interrogated Shi Shaojian was from Maoshan. When he heard that it was Qiu Sheng who almost killed his soul with the curse of killing ghosts, he was furious and said that he would investigate the matter thoroughly! "

Before the ghost messenger left, he cupped his fists and said, "Shi Shaojian deserved what he deserved, but Qiu Sheng Wencai couldn't escape. I'm afraid they won't have the chance to live in the world for what they did. And... Lin Fengjiao, this is the money you gave us. I'll replace it with others." Brother, return all the money to you... Take care!"

"and many more!"

Lin Fengjiao asked to stay, and the ghost messenger who was on good terms with him on weekdays left immediately.

He was suddenly powerless. In just a few days, so many things happened. Now he not only has to face the arrest of the underworld, but also faces the wrath of the elder brother!He knew... Shi Shaojian was the son of the eldest brother.

The ghost messenger just returned all the money to him.

This is to protect himself as well as to protect him. If there is no such thing as bribing the ghost messenger, the crime will be less, but the crime of the church member Wu Fang is that he cannot escape, and he will not die if he dies. He will definitely lose his status as a bank clerk...

Lin Fengjiao was extremely melancholy. If these two apprentices were not rescued, they might really die!

He has only two choices now, first, face the reality, face up to the big brother and the underworld, send the two apprentices there, and it's over.

The remaining choice is to deceive the secrets of the two apprentices. From then on, they will wander around the world, the ends of the earth, and even abroad. If they can escape for a while, they will spend the rest of their lives running away, and Lin Fengjiao will become a Maoshan traitor...


Literary talent...

Lin Fengjiao recalled the past bit by bit, heartbroken.

Although the three masters and apprentices were fighting and making troubles, and their lives were frantic, they were still fulfilling and happy, why did they fall to this point!

in town.

Wen Cai still doesn't know what just happened.

He touched Dayang in his pocket, and walked happily on the street. When he was about to reach Fireworks Lane, a person suddenly appeared in front of him blocking him. He took a closer look and saw that this was the brat from Longhu Mountain next door. , Relying on his knowledge of Lei Fa, he found Master Uncle Dan to single out the limelight...

The person who came was Chen Shishi.

He held a compass in his hand, pointed the pointer at Wencai, and said with a smile: "When I was passing through the woods in the suburbs, I met Shi Shaojian's soul. He died in a disaster and went to the underworld. hand over the ocean and hairpin to someone he cares about...Wen Cai, I have figured out that the ocean and hairpin are on you, hand them over to me, okay?"

Wen Cai turned pale with shock, and covered his pockets with his hands: "How do you know that I took his hairpin and twenty oceans...ah... no, I didn't take his hairpin and twenty oceans at all, don't rely on your cultivation to be high You can bully me! My master's cultivation level will not be lower than yours, if you bully me, he will bully you!"

Chen Chushi doesn't want to get entangled with him, and Shi Shaojian has gone to the underworld, so there will be ghost messengers from the underworld soon to arrest this pair of senior brothers!
At that time, it will depend on Lin Fengjiao's choice. The underworld arrests someone, which means death.

Lin Fengjiao couldn't teach the dead apprentice even if he wanted to. Maoshan would not allow him to set up a memorial tablet for such a bastard, otherwise he would be slapped in the face of the hell and refused to accept the trial!

Chen Shishi rushed over quickly, menacingly!
Wencai clenched his fists and wanted to fight back, but he felt a heavy blow to his abdomen, his breathing was immediately stuck, and became difficult, and he collapsed on the ground, watching Chen Shishi take out those charming oceans and That hairpin looks quite delicate...

He squeezed out a bit of strength: "Don't go, give me back Dayang and the hairpin, it's mine!"

Chen Chushi's figure slowly disappeared into the night.

Wen Cai lay down for a long time before recovering, and his brain also came to his senses: "Shi Shaojian has gone to hell, so the matter between me and senior brother will be lost! I have to tell senior brother quickly and see what to do. Burn some paper money, we will burn it to whoever comes to arrest us..."

Very uneventful tonight.

On the southeast side of the town, is the residence of senior brother Shi Jian.

His body was lying straight on the bamboo bed. There was an altar in front of the bed, and the flames in the incense burner were flickering. At this moment, the flames shot up into the sky and swept across the body!
Shi Jian's eyes opened suddenly, and the whites of his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. There was a glass bottle in his hand, which contained several white flowers and brown liquid.

what! ! !
He put the bottle on the bamboo bed and overturned the altar with both hands: "My son!!!"

It turned out that he used Yuanshen to sneak into the underworld, and stole a few mandala flowers and half a bottle of Wangchuan water through secret methods. At the same time, he also heard something, that is, his son Shi Shaojian died, and his soul went to the underworld, and he is currently being examined by three judges...

Shi Jian already knew who the murderer was through chatting with ghost messengers!Lin Fengjiao's two stupid apprentices...

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