I came to the world of the heavens

Chapter 547 Remaining Darkness

Chapter 547 Remaining Darkness

In the deepest part of the [-]th floor of Hell in the Underworld, there are only three colors of black, white and gray. There is a roof, and countless white stalactites that are as sharp as knives hang down from above.

This place is densely filled with endless ghosts, men, women, young and old, all naked, and they look at the dense stalactites in horror.

A stalactite broke and fell down, piercing through a woman's eyebrows and firmly pinning it to the ground. Its fall seemed like a charge horn!Two, four, eight, hundreds, and thousands of stalactites keep falling down, as if it were raining, the ghosts here are real, they use their hands and feet to crawl on the bodies of other people, and some Pull it over as a shield.

The stalactites are sharp and sharp.

No matter how many people are stacked, as long as it falls, it will go straight through the past and reach the ground...

The stalactite fell for a full quarter of an hour, and the ghosts were stuck on the ground like meat skewers, and a few survivors were still able to crawl around.The next moment, the stalactites turned red and hot, burning the ghosts they could touch. They cried, cursed, cursed, begged for mercy, and cried bitterly...

After a while, it was getting colder and colder, the wind was howling, and the ground was covered with frost. If the ghosts moved a little, their bodies would split into several pieces.

But at the next moment, all the stalactites and frost disappeared, and the shattered ghosts became intact. Before they had time to react from the pain just now, a large amount of seawater suddenly gushed out from the ground and flooded to the top of the cave. Even if they were ghosts, they would drown , struggled frantically...

This place is located outside the eighteen layers of hell.

It's called the endless hell.

What is non-stop, that is, there is no stop, endless torture...

The ghosts here cannot decide their own life or death. From the moment they enter, they are destined to never be reborn, and they will enjoy all kinds of horrible tortures forever.

In the deepest part of Infernal Hell, there is a large disc floating in the air, hollow, and the disc is divided into six grids, which are occupied by six colors and have words, which are the bright colors of heaven, humanity and Shura, and the dark ones. hell, animals and hungry ghosts.

The way of heaven is dim and seems to have lost its function.

In the hollow in the center of the disc, there is a black eyeball hanging there, spreading the entire six realms of reincarnation with a large amount of black flesh and veins, like a deformed parasite.In the six realms of reincarnation, except for the heavenly realm, the other five realms flicker from time to time, and a small spot of light merges into the black eyeball...

It suddenly sensed something, its eyelids covered with sticky matter slowly opened, and it made a eerie voice, as if countless male and female voices overlapped and said: "Chen Shishi, you are finally here...why are you so obsessed with good and evil?" ?You know very well that good and evil are nothing more than different positions...

Can you really tell the difference between darkness and light, good and evil?Are you sure you are on the right path... Can the so-called gods who are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality give you everything you want? "

The black eyeballs twisted left and right, devouring a few souls that were floating down from above and preparing to reincarnate, and stopped talking.

In Yangjian, Chen Shichu was walking on the street, casually flipping through the judge's booklet in his hand, and after a little experimentation, it was indeed able to show the lifespan of others as Zhang Feiyu said.It may not be the reason for the complete judge's book. When Chen initially used it, he found that it could only display the lifespan of people he could see with his eyes.

It must be seen directly with the eyes, and the LED screen, TV, and photos are all invalid.However, those who have read it will show the date of birth and the date of death in the booklet. With a name, even if the person is no longer visible, the content can be displayed in the booklet at any time.

Chen Chushi walked into a fast food restaurant and ordered a fried rice. He sat on a chair and flipped through the booklet in boredom until the last page.Coming from the darkness, the gods face each other and die together, the darkness remains, the remaining gods are eroded or voluntarily seek refuge, everything is written clearly.

He touched his chin.

The entrusted task this time is to assist the protagonist Huang Yongfa in investigating the background of the man in black holding the umbrella in the finale of the movie.

Chen Shichu accidentally completed this task by himself, and the reason why he hasn't notified the end of the task until now is because Huang Yongfa has never seen a man in a suit with an umbrella. I don't know that his name is Zhang Feiyu, and he is the judge of hell. I don't even know that it is a fallen god...

Fried rice arrived.

He took a few casual bites, and the TV hanging on the wall started to broadcast the news, live broadcast.

The reporter stood at the corner of an old staircase, pointed to the scorched windows on the wall, and a hole with a diameter of nearly three meters on the wall and said: "I received a call from the citizens living here. Two hours ago, the building There was constant thunder, and all the fuses of the electricity used in the homes of all residents were blown.

According to expert judgment, it should be due to special reasons such as dry weather that caused the drought and lightning to hit the building.

But the situation is not that simple. Just now, our police officers found a feng shui master who lived here died tragically at home. It is covered with bright red fragments..."

Although the photographer who cooperated with the reporter kept moving the camera to avoid taking pictures that are not suitable for children, he himself was also frightened by the tragedy in the master's room. While the camera was shaking, he accidentally passed the dead body of the master in the room like building blocks!

The guests who were eating in the fast food restaurant were immediately disgusted. The char siu rice stuffed in their mouths could not be swallowed, and they all spit it on the trash can and the table. the...

People like Chen Shishi who have seen strong winds and waves will naturally not vomit, but the fried rice is a bit unbearable, because the woman sitting opposite him also vomited, and the range is a bit far, adding a thick layer of ingredients to the fried rice, sour Smelly and sour.The woman also knew that she had done a terrible and disgusting thing, so she took out a tissue from her bag to wipe off the splashes on Chen Shishi's clothes.

"No, I'll change it later."

He rejected the woman's kindness, got up and left the restaurant, and waited for dinner before eating. He practiced breathing and nourishing skills, and his five senses became more and more sensitive. When he went outside, his nasal cavity was still full of sour smell.

The short-haired woman who vomited on Chen Chushi came out after her: "Sir, sir, do you want to change your clothes? I will take care of this matter to the end! There is a department store next to it, and there are men's clothes in it. I will take you Go get another set, I'm a VIP over there and get a discount..."

When a woman speaks, there will be a breath of vomiting in her mouth. Chen Shishi is looking at it with some hot eyes. It is only now that she is outside and finds out that this woman is actually another female character "Reporter" Zi Ning in "Tuodi Exorcist". .

The original plot is like this, Fazai exorcising evil spirits, was filmed by Cong as a short video and posted on the Internet, which gained a lot of hits, Zi Ning accidentally found out that it was a good subject, and came to find Fazai, saying that she does not believe in evil, and there is no such thing in the world. Ghost, I have to pester Fazai to show her...

(End of this chapter)

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