I came to the world of the heavens

Chapter 618 It Called Me A Dog

Chapter 618 It Called Me A Dog

Yu An was sitting upright, not daring to relax his vigilance at all. He didn't know the background of this scholar named Chen San, but no matter who he was, he was one of all living beings in this world.

At the fourth watch, heavy breathing came from outside the window.

Yu An's highly tense nerves were finally relaxed, and the temperature was getting colder and colder. He picked up the sheet on the bed and wrapped Chen Shishi up, and then walked to the window with his sword in hand.

The corners of his eyes kept twitching, and he saw a giant evil spirit with disheveled hair coming from a distance. Its head was as high as the eaves. There was no fig leaf on the upper and lower body. A hemp rope was tied around his waist, and a long sword and A pair of bows and arrows.

Seeing Yu An poking his head at the window, the giant evil spirit immediately bent his bow and set an arrow, whoosh, an arrow came!Because of its tall stature, its bow and arrows were also big, like a small vehicle-mounted crossbow arrow, with great power, it flew over Yu An's scalp, and shot through the wall of the inn with a bang!
Great effort!

If the inn collapsed, it would not only crush him, but also affect other people in the inn.

Yu An gritted his teeth and climbed over the wall to go out, planning to head-to-head!The giant evil spirit took the second arrow, and Yu An slashed his sword to block the flying arrow. His strength is not weak!

The giant evil ghost's eyebrows were split open, and a small black eye appeared. It looked Yu An's face up and down and said, "Those who walk the righteous way, die!"

It has a huge body, but after opening this small black eye, its speed skyrocketed, with a slight sway, the ground shook, and it was in front of Yu An in an instant, and it drew out its sword and slashed condescendingly!This situation is like an adult armed with a sharp weapon attacking a toddler.

Yu An's pupils shrank, and he raised his sword subconsciously to block it. With a bang, sparks from the sword flew everywhere, and a trace was split open!Following the giant evil ghost's second slash, his sword had reached its limit, and when it broke, the evil ghost's sword fell on his shoulder with unabated momentum, half of his clothes were soaked in blood in an instant.

The black eyes between the eyebrows of the giant evil ghost blinked twice: "Do you think you can kill the three ghosts like the original trajectory, and get out of the body!"

original track? ?
Yu An discarded the broken sword, and held the huge sword with both hands to desperately resist the blade that was slowly cutting into his shoulder. He was shaking with pain. At this critical moment, he turned his head to Chen Shishi's direction and shouted: "Chen San, hurry up!" Wake up! There are ghosts! Let everyone in the inn wake up!"

He couldn't deal with ghosts, so he could only apologize for interrupting Chen Shishi's practice.

As his words fell, a green light flew out of the room, heading straight for the black eyes of the giant evil spirit!
The giant evil ghost withdrew his sword to block his eyebrows, and quickly returned to the room with a blow of green light, and then saw Chen Shishi stepping out of the window slowly, holding a small emerald green sword in his hand.Seeing the wound on Yu An's shoulder, he immediately threw out the small sword, and the green light flickered back and forth, constantly hitting the giant evil spirit...

Chen Chuchu felt something in his heart tonight, and tried to refine the sword embryo to the deepest point, not wanting to give up halfway.

He has already sensed the arrival of the evil thing, so he doesn't need to take action, as long as his body is covered with the golden light spell, the evil thing will disappear when it touches it!Unexpectedly, Yu An from the next door broke in...

In the original book, Yu An was born with supernatural power and superb swordsmanship. He single-handedly killed three evil creatures back and forth, with no damage except for being a little tired.

Chen Shishi's refining of the sword embryo was about to be completed, and he didn't want to give up, so he temporarily wronged An Dang as a guardian.

Unexpectedly, when the third evil giant ghost appeared, it was filled with a dark atmosphere. Facing the new version of the giant ghost strengthened by a third party, how could the old version of Yu An be an opponent? sword!
Chen Shishi handed Yu An a bottle of potion: "This is the secret medicine for healing, just pour it on the wound."

Yu An was not polite, opened the stopper, poured the liquid medicine on the wound, and the burning pain disappeared, followed by a burst of numbness and itching, he tore off the sleeve on his shoulder, and was surprised to find that the flesh and blood of the wound were wriggling, with extreme pain. Healing fast...

Chen Shishi recalled the sword embryo, which was almost finished, but he couldn't disregard Yu An's life in order to completely perfect the sword embryo.

The giant evil ghost was covered in scars, and bright red blood flowed everywhere. It stared at the black eyeballs between its brows for a long time, and said in a dry voice: "You...does this person exist? Please tell me your name?"

Chen Shishi naturally recognized that these were the black eyeballs of the Dark Land. His appearance had already changed, and his aura was covered with "dark blood".

It's normal that the black eyeballs can't recognize him...

Chen Shishi said in a cold voice: "I am a Shushan swordsman, Chen San, you dare to act presumptuously here!"

Liaozhai also has powerful spiritual powers, such as Yan Chixia, a swordsman from Shushan Mountain. In the original book, Yan Chixia is a handsome scholar who met Ning Caichen on the way to the exam, and Nie Xiaoqian and Yasha ghost. There is no need to do it yourself, just relying on the sword box will automatically seriously injure Yasha ghost...

Heiyanzhu obviously had never heard of this name: "Is that Yan Chixia's all the way? They should all be killed! Before that lackey arrives, you loyal ministers and righteous men should all die..."

running dog?

Chen Shichu knew who he was talking about without having to guess!

He poured mana into the sword embryo, took aim, and threw it forcefully: "Justice must prevail!"

The giant evil ghost sneered, the giant sword blocked its eyes, it had just experienced the power of this sword embryo, but that's it, obviously this Chen San is just a layman of Shushan Sword Cultivator...


The giant sword shattered, and the green sword embryo passed through the fragments and pierced into the black eyeball, followed by a large amount of lightning.

The pupils of the black eyeballs vibrated, and the giant evil spirit waved a broken sword in its hand, and made a vague voice in its throat: "This is Lei Fa, you are not a layman..."

Chen Shishi chanted the soul-locking curse, and with a flick of his right hand, the black iron chain flew out of nowhere to wrap around the sword embryo, and pulled hard, the black eyeballs were pulled out from the giant ghost's eyebrows, and black blood splashed everywhere!The black eyeballs wanted to run away, but they saw Chen Shishi take out a gourd out of nowhere and opened the lid to face it. After hesitating for a while, he immediately recognized it: "Boy Baihe's refining gourd, you are that lackey!"

The refining gourd was re-refined by Nine Heavens Xuannv, its power was greatly increased, and its suction was extraordinary, the black eyeballs were instantly sucked into the mouth of the gourd...

It struggled crazily, its eyeballs were filled with a black aura that was eroding the space, trying to tear open a crack: "I must convey the news that you came to this world ahead of time!"

The refining gourd tore everything in the black eyeball, power, flesh and blood, and information, like a black hole that devoured everything, and light could not escape...

Following the scream of the black eyeball, it completely entered the gourd. Chen Shishi put his ear close to him, and could vaguely hear his crazy roar inside.

Refining the gourd is very useful, but you must beat the opponent half to death first to increase the success rate of absorption.

Chen Shishi didn't want to expose the Xuannv's Four Swords lightly. Once these four artifacts were used, it would be equivalent to declaring the Dark Eyes self-destructive and declaring war...

In the dark place at this moment, I don’t know that Chen Shishi has arrived ahead of time, but in the world of Liaozhai, he has arranged small black eyeballs similar to those of evil ghosts, to strengthen the ghosts to persecute the righteous people in the original world, so that when he comes, he will be isolated and helpless .

(End of this chapter)

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