Chapter 221 The Fog God
After coming out of Longjian Village, Mu Ning carefully studied the classification of ability ferrymen. This ability, like Gu Long's Gate of the Underworld, belongs to a relatively rare type of sequence.

Extradition sequence.

Not only can you freely enter and exit a small world, but you can also bring other people or other objects into the small world.

When Mu Ning used this ability by the river, the field of vision changed from the original material world, the forest and small river in the outskirts, to a blank piece of nothingness - if there is a structure similar to Longjian Village, it should be observed.

Obviously not.

"I didn't find any strange buildings on the ground, could it be underground?"

Yin Hongyi frowned.

But Mu Ning and Yin Lingxu could only feel speechless about her guess.

There is no house on the ground, and of course there may not be a house on the ground.

One night ten years ago, a black cat took the girl out of the closed mansion, went to a house in the suburbs, and saw some rare treasures.

It's like a bridge in a fairy tale.

"Although I didn't find anything, I can still work harder, and I haven't reached the point where I can't do anything."

Mu Ning said.

For the time being, it can be considered that Yin Hongyi did come here that night. Although there is no doubt about the place, we can still start from the time.

What happened that night that caused a black cat to come to Yin Hongyi in the middle of the night and take her to that house?

After so many years in the entire mansion, it seems that she is the only one who has received such treatment.

"I always feel that you are still sleepy."

Yin Lingxu is really not afraid of death, and once again expressed doubts about this matter. As the saying goes, you should beat your younger brother as soon as possible, but Yin Hongyi is a secret sequence. Basically, Yin Lingxu has been beaten in this life.

Mu Ning flipped through his mobile phone, looking up what happened in the imperial capital around July [-]th ten years ago, and didn't care about Yin Hongyi cleaning up the house by the river.

"There is too little information released in the news, and there is very little news about extraordinary people."

Mu Ning put down his phone and sighed. He wanted to use Yin Hongyi to find the dark cat pupil, but in the end he worked hard alone.

"The mansion has some newspapers that were sold by the aristocratic family. I will collect the Yin family's files about that day."

Yin Hong said to Mu Ning after she taught her cousin a lesson with reasoning.

Select the extraordinary type from various files, locate the time to July [-]th ten years ago, then locate the imperial capital, and search in time and space.

"Well, it's annoying to sift through information... A certain clan reached an agreement with a certain clan, and a certain country established diplomatic relations with a certain country... A certain sect organization launched an attack on a certain clan."

Here XX is not omitted, but the information given by the mansion is originally a riddle, and it does not specify who the specific target is at all, giving people a feeling that those who know will naturally know... But fortunately, the Yin family's files can complement it.

In the end, a lot of information was screened out and only a few were left. Originally, some files related to international reports were also placed in it, all about the structure of the extraordinary world, which Mu Ning usually had no access to.

It can be regarded as having opened his eyes, even if he really didn't find the God Dark Cat Eye, it can't be said that he found nothing.

There was a message inside that caught Mu Ning's attention.

An international organization attacked the World Tree of a certain foreign family, and ransacked all the supernatural materials stored in the World Tree by that family.

Some materials in the extraordinary world are common, such as all kinds of extraordinary material medicines, but some are unique.

For example, materials dropped from rare beasts, such as the scales of the candle dragon that Mu Ning had come into contact with before.

Looking at the follow-up investigation of this incident, Mu Ning found that the family that was invaded was a very weak family, that's why it was so easily invaded by an international organization, but the family was still backed by the country.

The group was hunted down, some members were killed, and the filth disappeared.

"I remember this organization."

Yin Hongyi was also looking through the records, and found that Mu Ning had been looking at a file, feeling that he might have discovered something.

"This organization is called the God of Fog, but it's a misleading name. Few people know the full name. It's called 'Wu Yin Shen Shuo'."

Yin Hongyi said.

Of course, this is a strange organization name, no wonder it will be passed on as beyond recognition.

"The file is very concise, but it is not so easy to invade the world tree. It was a war that caused a sensation in the world. All the participants were extraordinary. The country is also extraordinary, in the five-continental alliance, it represents the flag of the eagle."

"Did you see anything in that room besides the pendulum clock?"

Mu Ning asked.

"I just remember some dusty old things, various equipment and furniture, and the rest is gone."

Yin Hongyi shook her head and said.

She was a little girl, and her attention was all on the cat, and the black cat walked around the pendulum clock a few times before she remembered the thing.

"I kind of suspect that house is where the 'Mist God' used to keep his loot."

Mu Ning said.

The big families in Daxia seldom use pendulum clocks as furniture. Whether it is the dark alley dyed by Lin Zhiran or the snowy town seen by Chaoge, they all have a strong ancient style of Daxia.

After all, modernization did not appear until 500 years after the end of the Alien Beast War. Before that, they all adhered to the characteristics of each country.

The pendulum clock is inlaid with precious gems, which seems more like what those foreigners do.

In the same way, other things in the house should also come from abroad.

Wushen was wanted internationally, so he had to find a place to store these things, and they might have been taken back by now.

"They put things in a space in a hurry, then erased the traces, left, and waited for them to be retrieved later. Unexpectedly, among the things they got, there was a black cat with the ability to extradite."

Mu Ning continued to speculate,

"That night, the ability of the extradition sequence launched by the black cat brought you to that house, but you quickly woke up, and the black cat put you back again."

Yin Hongyi pondered,
It seems to be possible, but it is still a little puzzling, why did the black cat choose her?
At that time, she was a seven or eight-year-old girl, so what was the point of choosing her from the many people in the mansion.

"If it's not about probability, then it's about having something that other people don't have."

Mu Ning said.

Speaking of which, the cat took Yin Hongyi there, and then Yin Hongyi forgot the way to go, and the way back, leaving only a deep memory of the cat and the pendulum clock.

This in itself is a very contradictory place.

Did the black cat do it on purpose?The purpose of dimming all other everyone's memories is to prevent Yin Hongyi from bringing people back, but let her remember the cat and the pendulum clock. What is that for?
(End of this chapter)

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