Chapter 279
The vast sea of ​​dry swamp quickly condensed into the shape of a lake, and continued to shrink, and the speed gradually slowed down. The afterglow of dusk had dissipated, and the sea of ​​dry swamp was glowing with indeterminate colors.

The world seems to have become very quiet, and there is a strange loneliness in the sound of ebbing tide, as if everything is waiting for something to happen, and the gears of fate are turning silently.

The knot in the small world of the dark alley was untied, and the world of the dark alley was moving towards this place, and it finally showed its original appearance. It was small and crude. When Lin Zhiran left, he moved the world of the dark alley to the east.

Now the building and functions of the dark alley are still being carried out silently in a remote place in Yizhou.

The gate of the World Tree opened and closed, and a comatose person appeared from the hole, but his appearance was very strange. Mu Ning was stunned for a moment, suspecting that Lin Zhiran had changed into a new image.

This girl closed her eyes tightly, she didn't wear makeup but she was also very cute, her delicate and juvenile face had some blush on her face, and her exquisite and slightly erotic figure was a very wonderful match.

"Lin Zhiran?"

Mu Ning pushed her delicate body and said with some doubts.

"...It is indeed the original appearance of sister Zhiran."

Lin Zhiyan said with some uncertainty,
"But it seems... a bit weird."

original appearance?This is because she was knocked back to her original shape because she was in a coma. Lin Zhiran actually looked like this. Mu Ning still remembers the first time she saw her in the community park, and the word "big" protruded from her eyes. Later, she realized that her appearance was copied. Ye Xunqiu.

The current look is not bad, she is a stunning beauty, and she just needs to be tall when she is lying down.

"What's the matter with her? Why didn't she wake up?"

Mu Ning patted Tang on the face of the woman lying on the ground, and wondered, could it be possible to pour a bucket of water to wake up?
"do not know."

Lin Zhiyan said.

She and Lin Zhiran separated in Tianzhu, and they didn't get in touch with each other later. Because Yan Tiansu was assimilated by Lin Zhiran's World Tree, she had to stay with Lin Zhiran.

So now, is Yan Tiansu still in the world tree of the dark alley?

"No matter, take her out of here first."

Mu Ning said.

Next to Vitas's castle in the distance, a person standing in the air appeared. At first glance, Mu Ning seemed to be blocked. This is a powerful secret attribute, and only a very high rank secret sequence to have.

As for Vitas, Shao Xun also described him, and he is not a weak and deceitful character. How could he be unprepared for using tens of millions of people to pile up his own way up.

Lin Zhiyan and Mu Ning made up their minds, and the two of them took turns using the navigator, and the four of them quickly flickered towards the periphery of the blockade area. The abilities of the two were about to cool down, and Mu Ning used the pupil to observe the scene behind.

The distance became far away, and the haze in the air made the visibility very low. Even with the pupils, it was impossible to see completely. Just as Mu Ning wanted to turn his head, there was a light in the dark night.

This is Stanka, a poor country. In this poor town, there are no electric lights, and even candles are scarce due to the continuous blockade for half a month.

In this place, at this time, light appeared, as bright as day, blooming in the central area of ​​the Sea of ​​Dryness, just like a round of sun rising, the light dispelled the night, and also annihilated the matter on the ground, the buildings on the ground Like a painting projected onto the paper by this infinite light, Mu Ning opened the gate of the underworld, quickly led a few people in, and then let the bone dragon close the door.

At the last glance, Mu Ning looked at the direction where the light came from, and a painting appeared there.

The curve of the sea is majestic, one monster and one person are facing each other, just like the scene they saw on the stone slab before, that painting seems to have spanned countless ages, predicting the current situation.

... Like fate, Vitas will be killed today, and the one who kills the monster will be the hero of all.

"The rank of this world is so high!"

Shao Xun looked at the purple scene around him and said in surprise.

Ordinary transcendents of the world tree sequence can only rise to the fifth level at the highest level, but the breadth and strength of this world obviously far exceed the fifth level.

"This world tree came through the extradition sequence, and I have no way to make it move."

Mu Ning said,

"We still have to go out."

"No, we have to go out early."

Lin Zhiyan said anxiously,

"This world is crushing sister Zhiran's world tree!"

Several people looked at the unconscious Lin Zhiran. Her body seemed to be broken like porcelain, which was constantly cracking and shattering, and invisible fragments fell to the ground.

It was only then that Mu Ning remembered that the fifth-level world tree of Zhulong could not stay in this world for too long, and the purple mist in the underworld could also cause damage to the world tree.

"It's very strange. Sister Zhiran's situation is very strange. The world of dark alleys is characterized by firmness and toughness. It shouldn't be so fragile!"

Lin Zhiyan said anxiously.

"Bone Dragon, look at the situation outside!"

Mu Ning sent the bone dragon to explore the way, and the bone dragon looked at Mu Ning resentfully.

flew out.

"I'll take Lin Zhiran out, you stay behind."

After getting the answer from Bone Dragon, Mu Ning said.

"You go out? Your world is very strange. I don't want to stay here."

Shao Xun said.

"...If everyone doesn't stay here, I don't want to stay here either, and I want to go out."

Lin Zhiyan said.

Mu Ning:?

You guys said earlier that I wouldn't bring you in, are you rushing to reincarnate one by one?

"As you go."

Mu Ning said.

The bone dragon opened the gate of the underworld, and the four of them went out, but they stepped on the ground. Shao Xun summoned his own mechanical creation and created a platform in the sky.

The underworld will not move its position. They were still on the ground when they entered, but now it is half empty.

Below is an abyss that cannot be seen.

"What a terrifying destructive power!"

After such a long distance, an attack hollowed out the ground and created an abyss. Mu Ning looked at the sky, and the original haze had disappeared. This did not turn the matter into ashes, but directly made them disappear.

At the last moment of entering the underworld, the painting that Mu Ning saw...

The battle in the distance has not stopped yet. It is a stalemate situation between a man and a giant beast. The giant beast is wrapped with white silk threads, which are constantly changing, while the boy in white clothes on the opposite side is gathering energy bombardment over and over again. On the body of the giant beast, although it looks simple and unpretentious, it has amazing power, and every attack makes Vitas fall into a desperate situation.

"Vitas's incarnation path is a heretic. He has a large number of incarnations, and each incarnation represents a state of his. Even if he is beaten all over his body, as long as he changes his incarnation, he can restore his full glory."

Shao Xun said that Vitas once participated in the suppression of alien beasts on the border of Tianzhu, his ability is no longer a secret, and even he himself is not very secretive because of the leak of his ability.

(End of this chapter)

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