I have the extraordinary gene editor

Chapter 87 The Origin of the Chain Ring

Chapter 87 The Origin of the Chain Ring
Teacher Guan's full name is Guan Chu, and he is a veteran member of the Association of the Extraordinary. Most people join the Association of the Extraordinary just as a name. This authoritative organization that has united all mankind since the war of alien beasts is now more like a place for issuing certificates. .

But he is a rare member with real power.

Now that the association is free, I come to high school to be a more leisurely assessment teacher, first to make some contributions to my alma mater... second, to recruit some people for the increasingly dire association.

The box is very exquisite, making people feel that the things that can be placed inside should also be luxurious and extraordinary, but when Guan Chu opened the box, there was a bunch of ordinary chain rings inside.

Ten rings of different thicknesses are strung together to make a chain ring, which is warm and pale in color. The chain connecting the ten rings is made of jade, which Guan Chu can tell at a glance, but the ring is not.

The ring is made of bone, and it looks very simple, but there is a vertical upward force pulling it, it must be some kind of extraordinary item.

"Where did you get this thing?"

Guan Chu raised his eyebrows and asked.

"I haven't just come back from a small island in the south,"

Mu Ning said, talking nonsense,
"I picked it up at the beach."

Guan Chu thought for a while, put the ring into the box, and handed it to Mu Ning again.

"I probably have a guess. There is no way to prove it, and it is not easy to falsify it. You can listen to it."

so mysterious?

"it is good."

Mu Ning replied, ready to listen to the story.

"About 500 years ago, there was a scandal in the royal family at that time, which made the emperor furious, but the leaker was just an actor singing on the palace stage."

Mu Ning immediately showed an expression of realization.

There are not many things that can make the royal family feel that they are scandals, and they can probably guess a little bit, and they understand everything.

"This is not important."

Seeing Mu Ning's expression, Teacher Guan's face darkened, he had already said it very euphemistically, why do children now hear that wind is rain?

Although the matter is indeed... But you have to pretend to be slow and reserved.

He continued,
"The emperor at that time was not a benevolent king. On the contrary, he was a cruel monarch. He first killed his favorite concubine, and then announced that he would abolish the prince. The prince must be killed, but it must be done step by step."

Mu Ning hastened to manage his expressions, and the sophistry of truth was a sign of early warning. He saw Teacher Guan Chu observing his expressions.

"But the prince was already very prestigious at that time. Obviously, he has surpassed his father in both supernatural ability and handling of state affairs. There are many people who support him."

"So he rebelled."

Mu Ning interrupted.

Teacher Guan glared at him. This interruption made him very uncomfortable.

"Yes, the prince rebelled, father and son turned against each other, and he rebelled successfully."

Guan Chu said.

"I guess there's going to be a reversal."

Mu Ning interrupted again.

"...Yes yes yes, it's that actor! Everyone thought he ran away, but no, he manipulated the crown prince and intentionally caused a scandal, all he wanted was to use the crown prince's identity to win the throne!"

Guan Chu became angry, and lost interest in telling the story, so he just said it all, the language was simple, and he didn't tell the truth at all.

This student really has no eyesight at all!

Mu Ning quickly apologized, and Guan Chu calmed down his anger and continued talking.

"But the actor also did something wrong. He had obtained the right to control the world, but he was not satisfied. He wanted to move from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, so... the world was shocked. This is the famous actor emperor in history—— Only reigned for thirteen days."

There is no history class in Mu Ning's class. The so-called history now is the history of the rise and fall of those top families... They haven't perished yet, so why would they want to weave themselves into the textbook.

"A prince who was guarding the frontier led his army back to the imperial capital. He stabbed the actor emperor to death on the throne, and the power returned to the royal family."

"What is the ability to manipulate the prince? Is it the mental manipulation of the contemplative sequence?"

Apparently, Mr. Guan didn't get to the point, and the chain ring didn't appear in the story yet, but Mu Ning became interested in the supernatural ability of the actor, because he had just included a supernatural ability of mental manipulation in his inventory.

Eyes of the same color, just obtained from the monitor of the next class, but it can't be this sequence, it will cool down for half an hour after a period of time, the actor's ability must be stronger than this.

"No, and this is also the key point."

"In the ancient royal family, almost all of them had the extraordinary power of the hidden sequence in their genetic pedigree. This is the capital for them to secure the world, and they are also fully prepared against mental manipulation!"

"The actor's ability is neither a secret sequence nor a mental manipulation, but another rare and powerful ability. This ability is called an exception on the list of extraordinary gene sequences."

In the Transcendent Sequence List, the first two hundred and the last two hundred are a watershed, but this ability breaks the rules. It is obviously not in it, but it has a power comparable to it.

"Sequence of the Far-Watcher, the hymn of the Far-Watcher."

Guan Chu gesticulated and drew many lines in the air with the pen on the table.

"The person with the ability can pull the power from outside the sky and turn it into countless lines of force that fall down to the human world. This force is an unowned thing floating in the universe. It is extremely powerful, but it can be manipulated by the hymn of the distant system. When these forces are poured into a person's body When you are inside, you can seize the opponent's body and turn it into your own puppet, and the opponent will not even be able to control a single muscle or cell of him. You can only watch the capable person do what he does."

Mu Ning was a little stunned, why is this similar to his void power?
It's all the force generated by the void, but the opponent seems to be falling from the sky, and Mu Ning releases it out of thin air beside him.

One is the power from outside the sky, and the other is to draw his own strength and store it, and there are some differences in this point.

"and after?"

The chain ring also seemed to faintly draw power from the sky, as if an invisible thread was pulling it, and most importantly, it was able to hinder the display of void power before.

"The new emperor thought it was impossible. This ability was too dangerous. Considering that the actor didn't have the support of his family, he eliminated this sequence. Then he felt that it was a pity, so he summoned craftsmen to make ten rings with the actor's fingers. This is the chain. The origin of the ring..."

Teacher Guan took a sip of tea and said with some emotion.

At that time, Mu Ning was holding the chain ring to prevent it from flying away in the air, and suddenly realized that this thing was made of ten human fingers, and immediately his whole body became ill.

But there is still a doubt in the story, which Mu Ning really wants to know.

"The new emperor eliminated this ability? How did he do it?"

Mu Ning asked, destroying an ability and erasing it from the sequence list, is this another powerful hidden sequence.

"It's not as complicated as you might think."

Guan Chu said, adding,

"You don't need extraordinary abilities, you can do it with the power of the emperor—sometimes genetic pedigree is not a good thing."

Mu Ning understood.

Follow the genealogy, implicate the nine clans, kill all the people related to this ability, this ability will be gone!

How many people must be killed to wipe out a sequence without omission?

"Then isn't this chain ring very important..."

Mu Ning said that he thought it was just an ordinary extraordinary item, but he didn't expect it to have such a big history!
"That's not true. There are thousands of them in the Chain Ring Association similar to this one, all of which were made with the fingers of implicated people from that clan. The real ones were lost in the flames of war long ago. Not very detailed..."

"Then you are just idle and want to tell a story?"

Leaving aside whether the one at hand is true or not, Mu Ning realized this problem first.

"That's right, I'm just idle and bored!"

Guan Chu nodded in confirmation.

 The first book is bleak, with a heavy heart, the shallow water chapter

  High Emotional Intelligence: Transitional Chapters, Inevitable
(End of this chapter)

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