The Swordsman of the Grim Reaper

Chapter 66 The most meaty woman

Chapter 66

Dong Xian wanted to slam his right hand on the metal console, his face full of annoyance, "Damn!"

"Self-destruction means that it is not only a blur of the target, but a transfer that has entered the final stage, and was actually killed by the Quincy."

Speaking of which, the anger in his heart could not be quelled.

The virtual reality experiment has been going on for a long time, and they have not made much progress until they use Zhibo Haiyan's body to make virtual white.

It has the ability to blur the target, that is, the toxicity of the blur is too strong, and ordinary souls, even the soldiers of the Gotei Thirteen Team, cannot bear it.

After finally showing the expected results, Xubai was used on Quincy.

"Well, it's useless to be angry, let's think about how to report to Captain Aizen."

Ichimaru Gin said with a smile, he could guess that that person would not care about this failure at all, the problem is that Toxian should care a lot.

He doesn't mind using this kind of question to upset the other person.

"Just report truthfully, my fault will not be pushed to you."

Dong Xian wanted to say something with a cold face, instead of staying here, he turned and walked out the door.

Both of Aizen's subordinates, the relationship between the two is not good, or it is difficult for Ichimaru Gin to make people feel good.

Even his smiling expression couldn't hide the twisted malice in his heart.

Dongxian has to be vigilant against him all the time, and only wait for him to show his fangs to Lord Lan Ran, and then he will immediately draw a knife to solve it.

"Then it's hard work for you~" Ichimaru Gin chuckled lightly.


Fifth District, the team building.

On the last day of late spring, the sun was already hot as early summer, and the cicadas on the trees began to chirping.

The shadows of the trees swirled, and Aizen sat quietly at the window frame, flipping through a book called the Utopia, to pass her free time.

He doesn't like to be idle, and likes to fill up all the time, the official business of the fifth division, the virtual experiment, and occasionally intervene in the situation of Seiringei.

For example, this time, in order to cover up the fact that he let Oda Nobunaga go, he deliberately released false news and threw the black pot of letting go to Sifengin Yoichi.

Then, he didn't care.

On the one hand, he is not very interested in playing such tricks, and on the other hand, he does not need to promote it.

There will be someone in the Tsunayashiro family to help push things forward.

Because he revealed that Zhibo Konghe and Sifengyuan had a good relationship with each other.

The Tsunayashiro family has been very troubled by Shiba Sora recently. They don't mind forging evidence and playing conspiracy.

If successful, Aizen will be picked from Oda Nobunaga's affairs.

If it fails, then let the Tsunayashiro family take the blame.

Aizen has already calculated everything, and the things to do next month are also on the agenda.

Just go slowly according to the schedule, everything will be as he expected, without any waves.

"Hey," he stopped turning the pages, closed the book, and said with a gentle smile on his face, "Yes, why are you here?"

From the time he uttered the first word, Dong Xian Yao was already standing under the tree with a guilt expression on his face: "Sorry, Aizen-sama, Xubai failed."

"Oh." Aizen replied softly, spending so much thought on the layout and designing to kill Zhibo Haiyan, just to conduct a blurring experiment.

The situation in Seiringei was chaotic, and it was also to cover up the experiment that Tosen wanted them to do in this world.

But this experiment failed.

He didn't have any anger in his heart, and smiled: "You don't need to put on that expression, why did you fail this time?"

"It's like this..." Dongxian wanted to report in detail what happened in this world, and finally said with annoyance: "I should solve Zhibo Yixin as soon as possible."

"You don't need to care," Aizen comforted him with a smile on his face: "Although it deviates from the original goal, it can also be said to surpass the original goal."

"Don't you think it's interesting that Xu, who was transformed by the body of the god of death, deliberately chose his most incompatible Quincy?"

Lan Ran paused and said, "I remember that near Naruki City, there is a Quincy in Kakuza Town, seems to be Ishida?"

Dongxian shook his head and said, "I don't know much about these, do you want to monitor them?"

"Well, I'm curious what's going to happen next."

Aizen always shows extraordinary enthusiasm for things beyond her expectations.

Dongxian nodded and said, "I'll make arrangements now."


Aizen said with a smile, watched him disappear into the courtyard, lowered his head, and continued to turn the book.

The sound of cicadas made it seem very quiet here.

And this silence did not last long, and was quickly broken by a light voice.


Aizen closed the book. It seemed that she couldn't read quietly today. She raised her head and asked, "Hasamori, what's the matter?"

From the outside of the courtyard, a cute 16-year-old girl with buns on her head ran over, holding a half-person-high wooden barrel in her arms.

Boom, the wooden barrel fell in front of the window frame, a little cold water splashed out, and the ice cubes collided with each other to make a crisp sound.

Young Sen Tao straightened her waist, wiped the sweat from her forehead with a hand, and said with a smile, "Lord Aizen, this is a watermelon grown by my family, would you like to try it?"

Flashing big eyes filled with expectation.

Her smile is like sunshine.

Aizen threw the book on the table and said warmly: "Okay, this weather is a good day to eat watermelon."

Hina Sentao rolled up her sleeves, revealing a white and tender arm, plunged into the cold water, grabbed a green melon vine that resembled a pig's tail, and took out a large watermelon, "Hey, then I'll cut it."

"Leave it to me." Aizen reached out and took the watermelon, turned around and walked to the table in the study, removed the book that was in the way, and put the watermelon on it.

With no knives left and right, Aizen pulled out Jinghuashuiyue, split the watermelon in half, cut it from the middle, and divided it into twelve pieces.

He grabbed two slices of watermelon and returned to the window, handing one over.

"Captain Aizen, thank you," Hina Sentao's eyes lit up, holding the watermelon in both hands. This is the watermelon that Captain Aizen personally cut for her!

"If you want to say thank you, it should be me thanking you," Lan Ran smiled and bit down, the sweet juice overflowed, and the pulp was refreshing, "It's really sweet."

"Hehe, I'm not boasting. My family's watermelon is the sweetest and tastiest in the whole Run Lin'an. Hitsugaya likes it very much. He is also good at spitting watermelon seeds, puff puff."

The young forest peach chirps like a never-tired lark, with the sound of cicadas on the tree, but it will not make people feel annoying.

Instead, Aizen's state of mind has become more peaceful and leisurely than before. He originally wanted to use the trio to conduct a virtual experiment.

However, in the process of getting along, Hinamori Momo made him feel the long-lost relaxation, and the idea of ​​using it was gone, and even Asanjing Renji and Kira Izuru were let go by the way.

He didn't want to cloud the sun and lose that sparkle.

At least, for now.

Aizen followed her example, spit out the watermelon seeds, the sweetness did not dissipate from her mouth, and the sky echoed with an urgent bang.

 ps: Thanks to the book friend 20220427191215186 for the reward.

   ps: I always feel that silly white sweet, the most important thing is sweetness, not silly white.

(End of this chapter)

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