Fengshen: Visualizing a Neutron Star at the Start

Chapter 592 Trapped in the Zhoutian Star Array

Chapter 592 Trapped in the Zhoutian Star Array
"It's just that the Golden Crow was born, shouldn't there be such a big commotion?" Taoist Minghe was puzzled.

"With the blessing of calamity, it is impossible."

You know, this is just the simplest and most common birth of the Golden Crow, and it's not a demonstration. Even they feel terror and tremble all over this kind of movement.

In terms of the fluctuation scale, it has already reached Daoguo Daluojin Wonderland.

This is very wrong.

"Go and see, don't you know?" Wang Yu said, and flew towards that place first.

Taoist Minghe and Taoist Ziyang hurriedly followed.

Soon it reached the place, and the endless sun god flames gathered together, turning into a fire egg as big as a mountain.

The eggshell is crystal clear and very thin. It can be seen from the outside that there is a slender neck and three-legged divine bird inside, struggling inside, trying to break the eggshell and get out.

"Why is there only one?" Taoist Minghe wondered.

According to the general trend of the ancient calamity, Sun Star should have two Golden Crows, one Dijun and one Taiyi.

"Could it be that the luck of the other one has been taken away, who?" Taoist Ziyang guessed, startled.

What kind of means is this?

A group of quasi-sage-level existences of Taoism are vying for the name of the Emperor of Heaven, the title of Eastern Emperor, and the name of Emperor Jun and Taiyi.

There is no result now, and it is still in a stalemate.

Someone could secretly take away the luck of another Golden Crow under their noses, and if they hadn't been here, they wouldn't have found it!
This method is a bit too scary!

Taoist Ziyang was frightened, his pupils kept shrinking.

"That's not the case." Wang Yu shook his head, denying his guess, "There are two golden crows on the sun star. If the fixed number changes, there must be variables."

"It's just that the variable is not outside, but inside."

Wang Yu looked in one direction.

"Inside?" Minghe and the two followed Wang Yu's gaze, but found nothing, and looked back suspiciously.

Wang Yu waved his hand, using his supernatural powers, a blue light rushed over, but it didn't land on Huodan's body, and was blocked by an object at a distance of three feet.

The flames are raging, the space is distorted, and a strange book appears from it, blocking the blue light!
"Nailhead Seven Arrows Book!" Seeing the book, Taoist Minghe and Taoist Ziyang exclaimed in unison, recognizing it.

Wang Yu nodded, but did not speak.

With the appearance of the Book of Seven Arrows on Nailheads, a big bell and a set of phantoms of books and magic weapons appeared at the same time.

The bell rang, the books lit up, and a large formation appeared!
In an instant, the world turned and the universe was overturned.

Everything in front of me no longer exists, endless starlight is scattered, and countless stars are arranged, turning according to the established trajectory.

Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation, one of the five most powerful formations in the prehistoric world, suddenly appeared!

"Hmph, sure enough, there are other methods." Seeing this, Wang Yu didn't panic at all, and snorted coldly, the windbreaker shook, and a blue light flew out.

The concept of endless distance spread out, covering the entire formation in an instant.

The space is condensed, and a space is born with the blue light, and all the stars are put into it, and by the way, there is also the Zhoutian star formation.

The light in front of my eyes changed, and things happened too fast.

Before Taoist Minghe and Taoist Ziyang could react, they realized that they had returned to the Golden Crow Mountain.


"What just happened?"

"Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation... was actually installed?"

The two were horrified, and as their thoughts turned, they quickly understood the cause and effect of the matter, and were shocked.

That is the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation of the Yaozu, even if it is not the same as the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation that is not indestructible by the Four Saints.

It was installed so easily!
What kind of space can be so powerful that it can hold such a large formation?
Moreover, space can also be used in this way?

This is no better than the universe in Zhen Yuanzi's sleeve!

The two were inexplicably horrified, and looked at Wang Yu unconsciously, but saw that Wang Yu, who had done all these things, did not have the slightest joy on his face.

Frowning slightly, he stared at the void, and after a while, said in a deep voice: "As expected of the Emperor of Heaven, the Eastern Emperor, I admire such means."


What do you admire?
Didn’t Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation be packed into the space by you?

The opponent's tricks have been broken by you, and you still admire...

Before the thoughts in the minds of the two of them settled down, a strange but familiar bell was heard next to their ears.

The bells echoed, heavy, majestic.

With the sound of the bell, there is also the familiar starry sky, stars, and starlight!

"Zhou Tian Star Dou array!"

"Why did it appear again?"

The two were puzzled, but Wang Yu looked at the deepest part of the galaxy, and two divine lights shot out from his eyes, piercing space, ignoring time, and seeing through illusion and reality.

In that place, there is a place where time and space are condensed, where time is like water and space is like soil, forming a continent.

In the very center of the mainland, a big bell hangs in the air, high above, calm and detached.

"It turns out that the Chaos Clock can still be used in this way!" Wang Yu couldn't help but marvel, his eyes fell on the continent, looking at the endless water of time and land of space.

In a blink of an eye, he penetrated the entire continent and found a drop in one of the waters of time.

And that drop of water represented the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array that he put into the space!

He installed the Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation, but he failed to install the Chaos Clock.

The Chaos Clock suppresses time and space, but also possesses the power of time and space.

Di Jun and Tai Yi set up a large star formation in the sky here, with the chaotic clock as the eye of the formation, connecting endless time and space, which is equivalent to setting up a large star formation in each time and space.

Unless he puts all the Zhoutian star formations in all time and space, otherwise, they will burst out one after another!

It's just that time has no quantity, so there is no number in time and space!
Big formation after big formation, endless!

He will never be able to hold all of Zhou Tian's star formation!
"This..." After listening to Wang Yu's explanation, Taoist Minghe and Taoist Ziyang were paralyzed.

It's not that they haven't seen the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, but the Zhoutian Xingdou formation they have seen in the past is a frontal attack, transforming into stars, condensing into a meteor shower with absolute strength, smashing everything that dares to stand in front of the formation exist!
With the strength of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, no one can confront it head-on except Saints!
Everywhere is beneficial!
Large formations can only be dealt with with large formations, and even the Wu clan can rely on the formation of the Twelve Capitals to resist!

Therefore, they have never seen such a rascal side of Zhou Tian Xingdou formation before!
"He can push Zhou Tian Xingdou, who is famous for his attacks, to such a point, he must be No. 1!" Daoist Minghe came to his senses, and looked at Wang Yu like he was looking at a monster.

The Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation had already been deployed, but no powerful attack appeared. It seemed that he knew that there was nothing he could do to defeat Wang Yu, so his efforts were not in vain.

Just in this way, trap Wang Yu and prevent them from getting close to that huge fire egg!


"That kid, he's finally trapped!"

Under the oriental hibiscus tree, Dijun and Taiyi, who were in a stalemate with Master Tongtian and others, looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Feeling that Wang Yu didn't make any other movements, he stopped in place and was trapped in the big formation. He couldn't tell, and there was joy in his eyes.

"When did you make a move?" At this moment, Master Tongtian took away the Qingping sword and asked curiously.

Their war has already stopped.

There is not much difference in strength between the two sides, and it will take endless time to decide the winner, and there must be a desperate heart.

No need for that!
So, after determining the other party's purpose, both sides stopped at the same time.

Dijun and Taiyi no longer thought about leaving, and the leader of Tongtian and others stopped being aggressive and insisted on fighting.

Calm has been restored here!
After calming down, everyone's attention fell on the central Golden Crow Mountain.

To be precise, it fell on Wang Yu who had swallowed the three-party forbidden area and had already arrived at the central Jinwu Mountain.

The movement of the forbidden area being swallowed was too great, and the influence of luck and luck in the dark was not small.

After not restraining each other and having the energy to check, everyone also discovered Wang Yu's existence one after another.

When seeing Wang Yu, Master Tongtian's heart skipped a beat. Countless messages appeared from somewhere and fell into his heart, and he immediately understood his identity.

The apprentice of his own grandson!

Stop teaching four generations of disciples!

To be honest, after knowing this information, Master Tongtian himself was a little confused.

He just perceives that the source of all these things has cause and effect with himself, but he never thought that it would be such a relationship?

He has guessed that his apprentices, such as Duobao, Jinling, Wudang, and even Sanxiao have thought about it...

But he never thought of any third-generation disciple, let alone a fourth-generation disciple!

I was also shocked in my heart, and before I could react, I saw the changes in the central Golden Crow Mountain...

The Chaos Clock, Hetu Luoshu, and Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation, the two most iconic magic weapons of the demon clan and a large formation, all appeared in the central Jinwu Mountain!

Although due to various conditions, it is not the most peak Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, but to set up such a large formation, it must be Di Jun and Tai Yi.

However, Dijun and Taiyi had been pinned down by him and others before, and he couldn't escape, he was very sure of this.

Therefore, he really didn't understand, how did these two monsters set up the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation?

It wasn't just that he didn't understand, Zhen Yuanzi, Hong Yun, Patriarch Minghe, and demon master Kunpeng all cast puzzled eyes.

They didn't even think about it!
"We didn't get away, but he triggered the means we set up before."

There is nothing unspeakable about this matter. In this situation, Tai Yi and Di Jun looked at each other, and Tai Yi said with some sighs.

I am also a little lucky!

They lost their children and nephews in the general situation before, and they were deeply saddened.

I don't want to repeat the same mistakes. After finding my children and nephews, I have left tricks on them. What I am afraid of is to prevent what happened in the past from happening again!
Originally, this was a preventive measure, but I didn't expect that at this time, there would be such a great use.

Otherwise, for that kid, they have no other way when they are restrained by the leader of the Tongtian sect and cannot escape.

It's okay, it's okay, everything is just right!

"I see." Hearing this, the demon master Kunpeng nodded slowly.

Understood, Aiko loves you deeply!
"Can there be such a change in the Zhoutian Xingdou formation?" Zhen Yuanzi asked with a hint of wonder in his eyes.

Before today, he had never seen such a change in Zhou Tian's Star Dou formation, and he was amazed by it!

The Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, which has always been known for being unstoppable, is so powerful after giving up the attack and switching to defense. It seems that it is stronger than the attack!
From this point of view alone, it is not even weaker than his Earth Book formation.

"That kid, it's a pity, he probably won't be able to get out." Taoist Hongyun was also looking over there, whispering slowly, a little regretful.

The actions of oneself and others are considered success or failure!
They did hold back Di Jun and Tai Yi, making that kid lose the greatest danger, but at the same time, they also failed!
Because, that kid was trapped by the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation that changed his defense.

To be honest, even if it were them, they wouldn't be able to come out with much confidence in the face of Zhou Tian's Star Dou array!
"Zhou Tian Xingdou big formation uses Hetu Luoshu as the magic weapon for the formation, and then uses 360 five demon gods as the core formation eyes, plus 8000 million demon kings, plus the chaotic clock, it is the strongest state!"

"In this formation, Hetu Luoshu is a projection, and Chaos Clock is a projection. There are no demon gods, no demon kings, and the whole is empty. It is too far away from the Zhoutian Star Dou array in its complete state."

Taoist Styx commented on the Zhou Tian star formation set up in the central Golden Crow Mountain.

Di Juntai and one or two monsters did not refute.

They know it's true.

However, this is also impossible!
This is the Dao Fruit battlefield, and only Dao Fruit cultivators can enter through the normal way.

Even monks brought in by Daoguo monks with the Dao they cultivated may not be able to survive the Daoguo battlefield!

They also want to have 360 ​​five demon gods, 8000 million demon kings, and set up a complete Zhou Tian star battle array!

When it really comes to that point, what does it matter if the big formation is deployed, the mere leader of Tongtian, Zhenyuanzi, and Minghe?
Unfortunately, this is an impossible thing after all!
The era that belongs to them has passed after all!

Although they are still called Heavenly Emperors and Eastern Emperors, that is just a respectful title for them in the past. In fact, they can be regarded as polished commanders now.

It may be the general trend, or it may be a definite number!

Only the true Heavenly Emperor and Eastern Emperor are destined to be able to form a perfect Zhoutian star formation!
And they are not perfect now!

"Fellow Daoist Styx is right, but even if it's just such a Zhoutian Xingdou formation, it's extremely imperfect, but it's enough to trap that kid!" Tai Yi nodded at first, affirming what Patriarch Styx said, and then Said.

"That's true." Master Tongtian looked at the central Jinwu Mountain for a long time, and finally had to admit Taiyi's statement.

"The Chaos Clock suppresses time and space. Although it is only a projection, it is also comparable to the quasi-sage of Taoism."

"The Zhou Tian Xingdou formation is connected to the Chaos Clock. If you want to break the formation, you can't break it just from the perspective of the formation."

Time and space are endless, so is the Zhoutian Xingdou array, breaking one side and another side, there is no end!

"The key to breaking the formation lies in the most central chaotic clock, but the main body of the chaotic clock is in your hands. If you want to break the chaotic clock, you will inevitably have to fight against you, even if it's just in the air..."

The Master Tongtian was talking and talking, but he couldn't continue.

Don't look at Taiyi being suppressed and beaten by him, but he has to admit Taiyi's strength.

Among the quasi-sages of Daoguo, he is also a strong one.

An ordinary quasi-sage of dao fruit would not survive a few rounds in his hands, let alone a golden dao fruit fairy!
Dao Fruit Golden Immortal!

A thought flashed through his mind, like a thunderbolt striking the Tianling Gai, the Tongtian Cult Master was numb all over, and he suddenly realized it!

This cultivator who was targeted by the Monster Clan Heavenly Emperor and the Eastern Emperor, who was trapped by the Zhou Xingdou formation, is not only his disciple, but also a disciple of the fourth generation of Jiejiao!
His own realm is actually just a Daoguo Golden Immortal!
Not to mention the Daoguo Daluo Golden Immortal, not even the Daoguo Taiyi Golden Immortal!

Thinking of this, Master Tongtian took a long breath!


If you don't want to think about it, if you think about it carefully, you will find that this is really scary!

"Among my disciples and grandchildren, can there still be such a person?"

The Master Tongtian couldn't believe it, such a performance, such a talent...

It feels like they are not much worse than his own deity, those who have already proved the Tao and sanctified.

He even felt that if it wasn't for his congenital inadequacy, he was born a little later, as a disciple, he might be able to compete with the deity and the others for the position of saint!

"Di Jun, Tai Yi, it's good to end this matter here, that boy, I will take it away, and at the same time I will withdraw from the competition for the creation of the sun star, okay?"

Master Tongtian was thinking in his mind, looked at Dijun and Taiyi, and said so.

Naturally, such a talented younger generation couldn't just watch him being taken down by Di Jun and Tai Yi, or even beaten to death.

He has a heart of love!
Although, this disciple was not accepted by his world, but a disciple of Jiejiao from other worlds.

However, in all the heavens and worlds, the monks of Jiejiao belong to one family!
As long as they are Jiejiao disciples, they are all disciples of his Tongtian!
When you see him, you must also call him Patriarch!
In this way, he is his own person, and he has no reason not to protect him.

"It's late." Hearing this, Taiyi chuckled lightly, with a firm attitude, "I gave him a chance, and it wasn't just once, he refused it himself, so I can't blame me."

If Master Tongtian had said this before, he would definitely agree in haste.

But now, forgive him for not agreeing!

You ignored me before, but now, it's useless for me to make you jump in a hurry!
Tai Yi and Di Jun exchanged a look and unified their thoughts... This son must not be left behind!
They have already forged a death feud, and there is still such a chance, if they restrain their hands and feet, they will definitely regret it in the future.

With such a talent, if they let him grow up again, they would be stupid!

No wonder you can agree!
Listening to the words of several people, Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun looked at each other without speaking.

Patriarch Minghe sighed, but didn't say much.

The demon master Kunpeng stared at the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation in the central Jinwu Mountain, his eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.

"Don't be so resolute, everything can be discussed."

Being rejected, Master Tongtian was not in a hurry, and said with a smile: "We can talk again."

"What if I said, I can support you in seizing the power of the Heavenly Emperor and the Eastern Emperor?"


"To break the Zhoutian Star Dou Great Formation, you must break the Chaos Clock in the center of the Great Formation, otherwise, in the endless time and space, the endless Zhoutian Star Dou Great Formation cannot be broken."

In the middle of Jinwu Mountain, Wang Yu was also thinking about how to break the formation.

"However, it doesn't necessarily have to be like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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