Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 1 The Last Boy in the Village

Chapter 1 The Last Boy in the Village

700.M39. The agricultural world of Seul on the edge of the solar star field.

It's two o'clock in the afternoon in daylight saving time.

In the field under direct sunlight at noon, a strong man waved a tree branch and drove three thin serfs out of the shade of the barn.The strong man has a baby face that is extremely inconsistent with his body shape, coupled with a height of 1.9 meters and a body of gnarled muscles.It is difficult to tell his real age for a while.

He waved the branch in his hand childishly, pointing to the hillside in the distance:
"Listen to my orders! Aim for the hill ahead! Run back and forth for 1 kilometer, soldiers, go!"

After speaking, he dropped the branch himself and ran out in the first place.After running for tens of meters, the strong man turned his head and found that the three serfs were not moving, so he jumped and shouted at the serfs in the distance:
"Run! Why don't you run! You don't obey orders! I want the instructor to lock you up!"

"The throne is upon you! My young master Calvin, it would be a huge risk for us three brothers to bring you out! I can't run anymore, I really can't run!"

The three serfs complained bitterly and saw that Calvin didn't respond, so they simply lay on the ground and began to roll around.

Seeing this, the burly man had no choice but to walk back slowly, muttering in his mouth as he walked: "You are not funny, you will follow my plan! I will tell the housekeeper, Uncle Levin!"

The three serfs looked at each other, and it was obvious that the butler Levin whom the strong man said was more intimidating than himself, so the oldest of the three was pushed out and said flatteringly to the strong man:
"Master! It's not that we don't want to run, we really can't run anymore! In this way, let's change the game and just..." While talking about Serf A's eyes, he winked at the other two.

"Just what you said last time about the scout grabbing his tongue! The three of us are hiding, you come and catch us!" Serf B next to him continued.

"That's right! Young master, you're really good at this game!" Serf C said hastily after receiving hints from the two.

"Okay, it's agreed that you can't run this time. It starts with me." The strong man happily turned his back, faced the wall of the barn, and began to count the time loudly:

"1! 2! 3!..."

The three serfs looked at each other, laughed lowly and wanted to run to the storage room on the top floor of the barn, and pull out the ladder so that no one could find them.If it wasn't for laziness, who would bring out this delirious young master?

However, the three of them just walked to the door of the barn, when a woman came to meet them. Her thin body and shabby clothes could not conceal the ferocious expression on her face.

Just as the three of them were about to exclaim, the woman waved their hands, and they all fell to the ground in the air.Apparently, this was an unregistered illegal psyker, or to put it another way, a witch.

The witch's condition was extremely poor. After knocking down the three of them, she swayed in place and walked into the barn with great energy.Hope to find a shady place to rest.

"20! Time is up! I'm here to catch you!" The strong man ran towards the barn with a happy face.Hearing his approaching footsteps, the witch who had just relaxed suddenly became nervous.There is not much psychic power left, and the way to flee below must reserve power in case of emergencies... While thinking about the eyes of the witch, he quickly cruised in the barn.

"That's all." The witch picked up the hoe by the wall and walked slowly to the shadowed side of the barn door.Waiting for the strong man to enter...

It's five o'clock in the afternoon in daylight saving time.

The sun stays in the sky, refusing to go down for a long time.The dim sunlight shines on a small town on the edge of a mountain forest. On the roof during dinner time, scattered cooking smoke floats up and is blown away by the wind.Not a single sound of human beings or barking dogs could be heard in the residential houses and alleys.An ominous atmosphere hangs over this supposedly lively village.

"Tap Tat Tat" Accompanied by a series of rapid and powerful footsteps, more than a dozen female warriors in black armor and tall ponytails with long spears and short cannons walked out of the town in a battle formation to cover each other. After gathering briefly in the open space in front of the church, they quickly walked out.

Passing through the two lifeless guards by the simple wooden gate, after resuming the hunting formation, Ka Xin, the captain of the second team, who is in charge of the hunt, moved forward while quickly calling the first team leader Aldeline. communicating with:

"Not a single one was left alive! In the name of the Emperor, that bastard will pay for her actions!"

"Calm down, Sister Cassin. Her psychic powers are running out"

"I know! Counting this time just now, it's the third time."

"She hasn't slept in a week"

"Yes, Sister Aldeline, I can feel her like a strange beast, waiting for the coming judgment!"

"No, sister, what I mean is that her spirit has collapsed, and what we are about to face may be the last struggle of a beast."

"I know……"

Half an hour passed, several kilometers of wheat fields were quickly cleared, and the encirclement was getting smaller and smaller.At the end of the field in the distance, the barn for storing grain and farm tools is already clearly visible.

"This is here, control this place! Find her! I want to live!"

Sixteen figures quickly passed through the golden wheat waves one person tall in the shape of a crescent moon, and surrounded the barn at the end of the field.

The witch stood at the door of the barn, showing no sign of running away.The bodies of the three serfs were still lying there, and the remaining strong man was also unconscious by the door.

The witch's clothes were covered with mud and plant ash. The witch, who had enough rest, wanted to go through the barn and return to the forest to escape capture, but the large flood discharge ditch behind the barn obviously played a deadly trick on her.

The 10-meter-wide ravine and the turbulent water in it made the nearby woodland out of reach, which made the witch, who was already on the verge of collapse, completely give up on herself.She simply stood at the door and waited for the pursuers to arrive. Obviously, this was the last battlefield she chose.

Sixteen nuns surrounded them with guns and live ammunition. Three of them raised their bolt guns and aimed at the witch's whole body from a safe distance from the front. Only witches are eligible to be the emperor's firewood.

When the encirclement was completely completed, the new oath taker next to the nun captain Cassin said to the witch in Gogett after watching the captain's sign language:
"Give it up, witch! Only by offering your filthy soul to the Emperor! Your sins will be paid for!"

"You... you forced me! I... never thought about it!"

The ambiguous Gothic language was spoken from the witch's mouth. It was obvious that the first three "howls" had seriously injured her vocal cords.

"You...you don't want to catch me alive! I know what happens to those who are caught! You...you have to pay the price!"

The witch opened her mouth, exhausted the remaining strength in her body, and began her final "singing".The powerful spiritual energy began to spread around her along with the shock wave on the physical level, and the ripples visible to the naked eye interfered with the aiming of the surrounding nuns.

"Not enough! This is not enough! A little more! A little more! If there is no psionic power, then take my soul too!"

The corners of the witch's eyes began to crack, and burning blood flowed from the corner of her mouth, proving that she was handing herself over to the warp beyond the mirror in exchange for more power.

Unprecedented powerful fluctuations of spiritual energy spread out from the center of the witch along with the terrifying howls that penetrated the soul.Black blood flowed out from her facial features, even the blood vessels on the skin burst open, the dripping blood resisted the gravity of the earth and floated around her, and then evaporated by the continuously spreading waves.

The nuns curled up in pain, trembling, even the weapons in their hands fell to the ground.The spiritual pressure is still rising, and the boundary between subspace and reality is being destroyed.Evidently, desperate witches were trying to deal them the final blow at the cost of burning their ego.

Ka Xin had never felt such pain, and it was extremely difficult for him to move his fingers now that he was swift in the past.The anti-psychic grenade was hung on the buckle around her waist, less than 30 centimeters away from her fingers.As long as you can get it, pull out the insurance, it can all be over.

But obviously the witch knew who was leading this army, and she had suffered enough at the hands of Ka Xin in the previous hunt.Her open mouth was facing Cassin, her black blood-tear eyes were fixed on her right hand with hatred, and the whites of her eyes were bloodshot.

Cassin's finger movements were apparently noticed, and this angered the witch again.

After reaching her limit, the fluctuation of spiritual pressure suddenly strengthened again, and it became higher and higher.The sky began to lose its color, and the whispers of the warp penetrated the boundaries of reality and echoed in everyone's ears, and some nuns began to faint.

The witch's body began to be covered with black flames, and what was taken beforehand must be given first.When the price has been paid, the reward is unstoppable.The ability she has shown has far exceeded the upper limit of the Beta class, and she has begun to move towards the legendary Alpha.When she reaches the peak of herself, it is also when she loses herself completely.

The body of the farmer at his feet was the first to be decomposed due to the fluctuation of spiritual energy.It was like a smoldering paper, completely retaining his appearance when he was alive, but a gust of wind blowing through his whole body was like black dust drifting with the wind.The strong man inside the door seemed to be doomed, and the nuns a little further away had lost consciousness, and none of them could stand, except Ka Xin.

"Closer, closer!"

Ka Xin murmured in his heart that the distance of 1 centimeter was like a natural barrier, and the grabbing action was like a stop-motion animation, and each frame was explained cleanly and long.


The sound like a cracking eggshell suddenly rang in the ears of every conscious person present.The voice came from the strong man behind the witch.It was as if some kind of shackles on him who had lost consciousness were finally broken in the extreme environment, and something indescribable was waking up in his body.Immediately afterwards, the suction force rapidly strengthened from scratch, and the vortex neutralized the oppression brought by the witch.

The suction force was still increasing rapidly, devouring every ounce of spiritual energy on the scene without hesitation, sucking up the overflowing spiritual energy in the surrounding area within a few seconds.Even the irreversible flame that should have burned in the witch's soul was drained.

The behavior of the subspace penetrating the walls of reality is unsustainable and can only fade away bitterly.The sky began to return to its original color, the subspace that lost the beacon began to be pushed away by reality, and the projections of the subspace creatures dissipated amidst angry screams.

On the messy battlefield, only the witch stood alone in the center.Exhausted, she staggered and looked around, then glanced resentfully at the instigator who caused all this, and then passed out with her eyes turning white.

"What a good appetite!" The moment this thought appeared in Ka Xin's mind, she was noticed. She looked around vigilantly. The sisters were still unconscious. It seemed that she was the only one left at the end of this battle. Sober people, this is fine.

And the young man who ended all this slowly woke up after a low moan.

Jiang Wen sat up slowly, looking at his hands in a daze. It's been 14 years, it's been too long to watch this body, is it finally time to take over?
He raised his head to look at Ca Xin, the only victor in this battle, his eyes changed from the childish one before.On the originally immature face, the sharp and calm eyes passed by all the equipment on Ka Xin's body at the first time.Combined with the hoe at Jiang Wen's feet, this made Ka Xin instantly aware of the threat: this is a veteran.

Veterans should be treated with the respect of veterans, but it is a pity that Cassin is exhausted.Without thinking too much, she chose the most effective way: she got up, swooped, and threw the grenade in her hand, hitting Jiang Wen's forehead.The weight of the deliberately unsafe grenade was just enough to knock Jiang Wen unconscious again, and the threat was lifted again.

Cassin picked up the bolt gun at his feet, walked up to him, and watched him vigilantly for a few minutes.Then he took out the communication device, pressed the machine-readable code command that had already been agreed upon, and began to call for the black ship above the orbit to respond.

At 6 o'clock Tara time, the sun, which had faithfully performed its duties all day, descended on the hillside with the joy of harvest.

(End of this chapter)

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