Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 107 Choices and Disputes

Chapter 107 Choices and Disputes

"Continue to hide it for as long as you can."

Calvin also put away his tableware, then stood up and said.

The two behind him also stood up and followed his footsteps and walked out.

"I'm not in charge of this matter, but the old men in the family are dealing with it. They have much more to worry about than us."

Both Golden and Tariq had no objection to this statement, and both of them had served in the company as champion swordsmen.

During that period of personal protection for the Great Teachers, they could also understand how heavy the daily work pressure of these Great Teachers was.

"I noticed that there seems to be something wrong with your gauntlets?" Tariq decided to change the topic to something lighter.

"Well, it's not just gauntlets, actually."

Calvin looked at the position of his hand in annoyance, and gently opened and closed the armor and electromagnetic muscles of his hand with the help of the power servo. The touch from the latter clearly told Calvin:

This armor was a bit small for his rapidly growing body.

He shrugged awkwardly and said: "As you know, my body is still in the growth stage. Just like everyone who is in this stage, I also have the distress of this stage..."

"Like a boy who doesn't know how to ask his father for new shoes?"

Tariq picked up Calvin's words.But there was a definite sense of humor in what he said.

"That's a good point, but don't say it again next time." Calvin rolled his eyes and decided to refuse to continue discussing this embarrassing topic.

He quickened his pace, leaving Taric behind who was about to make fun of him, and began to explain to Golden the next step for the Gray Knights.

The two people behind also looked at each other and smiled after seeing Calvin's actions, and then followed.

After the black ship reached the outer edge of the rust belt, it finally got rid of the pirates who followed closely like hyenas.

The latter trail eventually stopped at a distance of 10 AU beyond the asteroid belt.

After getting rid of these threats, the Noble and Dirty focused her work on cleaning up the interior when she was not sailing.

After all, under the influence of these uncertain factors, the black ship will not be able to guarantee that it will enter the state of subspace navigation stably in the next voyage.

After Calvin's Gray Knights participated in the initial clean-up operation as a support force, they never participated in the remaining operations.

Under the further evaluation of the bridge command staff, the threat of these orcs who have broken away from the organization and establishment is declining precipitously at an unreasonable speed.

Whether it's IQ or will to fight, these orcs are rapidly degenerating in the direction of savages.

This phenomenon further confirmed Calvin's conjecture.

This kind of threat that has dropped to the level of a security incident is enough to be dealt with by the mortal troops on board the black ship.

Nobody wants to bother the Emperor's Angels with something like this.As things went smoothly, Calvin no longer cared too much about it.

His energy is still mainly focused on negotiating with Constantine and others, and they have quite a disagreement about the choice of the next course.

The Alien Inquisitor Maev has been in a bad state recently, and the reason is naturally the expensive cost of the inevitable large-scale memory cleaning caused by the participation of the Gray Knights.

But under the combined efforts of Constantine and Calvin, the stingy fat man cheered up and participated in the ensuing discussion.

Based on the considerations of Calvin and others, they hope that the black ship can go to the nearest assembly point of the Inquisition Chamber, or report to the next level, and get in touch with the nearest troops of the Order of the Holy Hammer.

The latter option has been executed and is waiting for a reply, while the execution of the former has caused some disagreements with the Mechanical Priest Constantine.

The priest insisted on waiting outside the nearby sector defense nodes, waiting for the exploration fleet or other units from Mars to come to pick them up.

Before seeing these people he could trust, he had already become frightened and did not trust any local forces.

It seems that the abnormal arrival of Greia's exploration fleet has already aroused the high vigilance of this Martian mechanical priest who has a secret mission.

Several people at the decision-making level, including Calvin, also deduced this after the fact, but they failed to find the place where Constantine's whereabouts were leaked.

Constantine slowly fell silent as he recalled the details of his actions one by one.

After all the possible details were ruled out one by one, the impossible possibilities became reality that no one wanted to face.

Because the possibility they are about to face is that this action has been noticed by interested people since the beginning;

Or, there is a more cruel possibility, that is, there are some people inside Mars who have reached certain deals with local forces such as the Forge World of Graia.

The former's speculation made everyone worry about whether they could safely return to the solar star domain on the next journey;
And once the latter becomes a reality, it means that all the behaviors of the people have been betrayed by the big man far away on Mars, and shown to the local forces here in a one-way and transparent manner.

And the nature of this extremely serious act of betrayal is extremely bad, and it is absolutely impossible for the other party to allow someone to return to Terra alive to sue him.

During the next three days of the voyage, the three decision-makers were silently thinking about their next move.

They know that no matter which kind of speculation finally becomes a reality, there is not much time and opportunity left for them to struggle to survive.

On the fifth day after the black ship sailed out of the asteroid belt, the orc remnants on board had been cleaned up to an extreme level.

The engine room, fuel compartment, weapon array, and the most severely damaged ammunition compartment have all been confirmed safe after repeated key screenings.

Until now, the black ship finally has the basic conditions for subspace navigation.

Without the Manzeville point of the galaxy as a gravitational bow, the black ship that wants to enter the state of subspace navigation can only rely on its own engine to accelerate slowly.This process takes about 3 days.

And in this seemingly long but short time, the choice of the next target of the black ship's jump finally caused a fierce conflict among the three decision-makers.

"I don't agree with your plan. In any case, the Order of the Hammer is not the standing armed force of the Alien Tribunal and Mars! Without any agreement, returning to our order of battle is our top priority! You We have participated in this muddy water enough, and I don’t want the precious power that the Emperor bestows on me to suffer any damage in the future because of the interests of Mars!”

Calvin bluntly refuted Father Constantine's proposal to wait for Mars to pick him up.

In the previous deduction, they no longer trusted the reaction of Mars.

Calvin even doubted that if the black ship really followed the agreement and jumped out of the subspace at the predetermined location, it was very doubtful whether the people it would face were friends or foes.

And it was precisely here that the priest could not refute. He silently insisted on his own opinion.

But as the true owner of the black ship, Judge Mavi's attitude has inevitably moved closer to Calvin's opinion.

Yu Gong, Mavi cannot accept that any brother unit's power will be lost on his ship, let alone the gray knight, a precious asset of the entire human race.

If these Astartes are really hurt because of this private work, even if he can survive in the end, he will not be able to escape internal accountability and cleansing.

Personally, this favor transaction has actually ended after Operation River Valley on the planet Oman.

As the client and employer, Constantine has no reason to keep Calvin and others, let alone Ma Wei, who is the middleman and broker?

But a mission is a mission, whether it is Calvin's mission or Constantine's.They are not allowed to back down in the slightest at this time.

The meeting broke up in a deadlocked atmosphere, and this was the third meeting of these people in just one day.

The three people with different backgrounds on the black boat, the temporary friendship originally formed because of tacit cooperation, finally collapsed under the conflict of interests represented by each other's different positions.

The time of the black ship, in the evening.Calvin, who has completed daily training and armor maintenance, is on his way back to the station, and the daily holy ceremony of the unit is waiting for him to host as the leader.

There was nothing in the silent march but the heavy, bell-like sound of the Terminator's own footsteps.

Calvin likes to think in this solitary process, thinking about his own meaning, and thinking about past gains and losses.

The communicator next to his ear rang suddenly, and the electronic sound broke his thoughts.

Judge Mavi's voice came out of the device's microphone in a distorted manner, and he returned to his original polite tone, which made Calvin uncomfortable:

"Dear Calvin arbitrator, please come to the bridge, the priest has a new decision."

The tall Terminator armor in the light gray corridor stopped his heavy steps. After a few seconds of silence, his figure returned on the same path with the puzzled eyes of the mortal crew standing against the wall ready to make way. He walked towards the distant bridge with the same heavy steps as when he came.

This time the discussion was initiated by the other party.

And this conversation was also his last show of patience.

 It's a rare double update, hahaha.Don't ask for votes, I want to laugh.Ha ha ha ha!
(End of this chapter)

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