Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 123 Accidents and Loss of Control

Chapter 123 Accidents and Loss of Control

Above Feldman 4, the porthole of the Heart of Honor, which is preparing for an orbital strike, has a wide view, and the entire orbit and the cyclone on the atmosphere are clearly visible here.

Yellow-painted power armor appeared from the end of the empty corridor, passing here at a synchronized pace one after the other. These were two malicious fighters on their way to changing guards.

"How long will this mission last?" The Astartes warrior walking behind was the first to break the silence.

"It won't be long. The boss has his own plan and won't let the judge wait too long."

The soldier in front did not stop, and the magnetic boots under his feet made a powerful impact on the steel floor.

But his indifferent voice still clearly echoed in the hallway after being amplified by the loudspeaker.

"A twelve-hour ultimatum, do we really have to wait so long?"

Asata behind obviously didn't have much patience. Like his brothers, he was only interested in the plunder and killing brought about by the battle.

"Patience is a virtue, especially for us! Since you know the flaws of our gene-seed, don't allow it to wreak havoc outside of battle. If you can't control it, tell me, and I will personally deal with you."

The malicious soldier in front stopped in his tracks, turned his head and glanced at the recruits behind him. In his eyes, soldiers who were less than 100 years old were no different from babies.

His threat obviously worked. The soldiers behind did not dare to show their irritability and impatience, so they could only direct their hatred at their genetic father:
"Damn it! Why didn't the Butcher's Nail kill that guy! He should have been hanged on Terra's gate!"

"Speak carefully!" The veteran in front finally didn't want to endure the endless complaints behind him, which seriously affected his appreciation of the scenery outside the porthole.

Just when he was about to turn around and give this young recruit a good lesson, a silver-gray cruiser outside the porthole caught his attention.

"That's...how did this group of greyhounds appear here?"

"What greyhound?"

The recruits behind also followed the former's line of sight.

Through the eyepiece of Mark IV's helmet, in his field of vision, a silver strike cruiser with the logos of both the Tribunal and the Order of the Hammer was quietly approaching the airport and the Heart of Honor.

"Shut up! You idiot! You also called the Greyhound? If you slip up one day, you will be in big trouble!"

The veteran stretched out his hand and slapped the recruit as a warning, but he had no real intention of punishing him.

"See, this is the official thug of the Tribunal. The one with the official uniform! The one that doesn't require an exam! If you see it in the future, remember to stay away, and don't inquire about it if you have nothing to do. These guys are very mysterious. If something is discovered If you accidentally found out, the entire company will follow you to suffer!"

"But brother, look! Its teleportation matrix is ​​on!"

After receiving the veteran's physical education, the recruit obviously became more emotionally stable, but before he could show his stability, the shining psionic transmission matrix on the opposite cruiser caused him to exclaim again.

"How many times have you said it! Hold your emotions! Wait! What did you say?!"

The veteran who habitually wanted to give the new recruit a big fight full of brotherly love, the right hand he just raised froze in mid-air.

His stiff neck, like a rusty bearing, turned back in the direction of the Wraith Redeemer amid the exclamation of the recruits.

What caught his eyes was exactly the moment when the psionic transmission matrix on the Wraith Redeemer was running at full power to its peak with the help of auxiliary devices scattered throughout the ship.

With his 300 years of service experience, he can tell at a glance that this strike cruiser, which has been deliberately enhanced with transmission equipment, is projecting its full force in a certain direction at a close distance of less than an astronomical cell !
So the question is, where and to whom?
His stiff neck turned back with difficulty again, and after a second of staring at the ignorant and ignorant recruits, his hysterical voice rang through the communication channels of the entire company:
"Enemy attack!!!"

The time went back to 15 minutes ago. After dealing with Rhine's body, the judge Erlanti remembered that there were gray knights.

He hurried to the holographic command room of the bridge, and initiated a contact with the gray knights:

"In the name of the judge of the Devil Tribunal stationed in the Katyn section of the Storm Star Region, I declare that your mission is over, please leave here immediately!"

Yule on the opposite side of the screen ignored his request, but asked him about the whereabouts of Judge Rhine.

To be on the safe side, they had left a life detection device on Rhine when he left.

And in the headquarters of the Revenant Redeemer, a full 10 minutes have passed since receiving a periodic signal from this device.

After not receiving a signal for three full cycles, they already had the worst estimate of Rhine's fate.

The inquiry this time is just the final confirmation of doing everything possible.

Erlanti's answer also made their hearts fall into the bottom of the valley again:
"Judge Rhine is ill and resting. I thank you for your concern on his behalf."

"Okay, we will be ready to leave within half an hour." Yule's expression remained unchanged, but his hand outside the camera waved gently towards Calvin outside the field.

The latter also understood Yule's intentions, and strode towards the teleportation matrix.

There, a total of 34 gray knights have entered a critical state under the long-term blessing of the choir, and are waiting for Calvin to activate the gain of group will before they can complete the transmission to each other in the next instant.

The communication here is still going on, and Erlanti obviously wants to continue a few superficial perfunctory and pleasantries under the disguise, but his ship's heart of honor does not allow him to do so.

The Heart of Honor floating on the orbit suddenly started, lowered the altitude ahead of time, and entered the golden position of the orbital strike.

After the hull was turned 90 degrees, the entire side was all facing the direction of Feldman 4.

The ammunition loading group of the macro gun began to enter the working state, and the three groups of light spears on the head of the Heart of Honor also began to enter the obvious charging state.

"What's going on! Who can tell me what's going on!"

Erlanti was amazed at what was happening in front of him. He didn't understand why the hull entered a combat state with more than 11 hours before the ultimatum.

However, none of the staff members under the podium in front of him answered his question.

Yep, these guys weren't the Heart of Honor crew in the first place.They had been called in three days ago by Uttas, the company commander of the malicious fighters.

The reason is that the original crew staff of the Heart of Honor did not have enough experience in orbital strikes.

They can use the mature personnel on their own cruisers to conduct joint exercises in batches.

But when exactly did the teaching team, which should have only one-third of the share, actually completely control the rights of the entire hull?
Erlanti was stunned, or he had already understood one thing.In this orbital strike, he had completely lost control of his subordinates.

Yu Le also understood the current situation of the other party. Without them, the other party might only be able to watch the established fact that these malicious fighters caused massacres on the surface of the planet.

He can't report it afterwards, because that would only expose his incompetence to all his colleagues.

So this time the killing can only be claimed by our "glorious and resolute" demon judge Erlanti.

As for the malicious fighters, it was just a small help in the specific execution.

In the end, Judge Erlanty will gain the honor of destroying the rebels, and the malicious fighters can take advantage of the situation to gain all the wealth of the entire fortress monastery that originally belonged to the Goliath Chapter.

This is the ultimate goal of these malicious fighters traveling thousands of miles to treat Erlanti as a cow and a horse.

 Second watch, please vote! ! ! !

  In addition, py pushes the book: title "Umbrella Interstellar Group"

  Introduction: Umbrella, the well-known villain company, has embarked on a completely different development path after being taken over by a person with the ability to travel around the world.

  Countering rebellion in the war zone, mining on Pandora planet, war between mechanical legion and aliens, fusion of T virus and black light virus...

  Umbrella Corporation, Stark Industries, Giant God Corporation, Shaw Industries... Aside from all third-party factors, the establishment of the group is only to let the glory of mankind last forever!
(End of this chapter)

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