Chapter 134 Mission
"Still waiting?" Gavins' voice came from.

Since the end of the mission on the Supreme Decree, he has been following Calvin and continued his service career on the Titan II.

The engine of the Wraith Redeemer has been warmed up, and when the whole ship is in place, the only thing waiting is Calvin's order.

"Wait, there must be an officer above the company commander in the fortress. This is already our compromise with the rules, and we can't go back any further."

Calvin opened his eyes, momentarily disengaged from the meditation awaiting Stern's arrival.

Jin did not speak, and stood behind Calvin in silence. He did not want to interfere with the internal discipline of the Gray Knights, nor was he qualified to interfere.

"Okay, I'll inform the garrison that the cruiser's navigation permission will be delayed for another 3 hours."

After Gavins finished speaking, he was about to leave here.But the astropath's announcement interrupted his trip.

"An unknown communication signal was detected, the list of active duty was retrieved, and it was confirmed to be a battle barge, code-named Night Ruler, the third company of the unit, the current commander and company commander Enten. The key passed, the communication authorization code passed, and the list was checked correctly. , request to enter the defense zone."

The information under the bridge was sorted out within 5 seconds according to the standard procedure and sent to Calvin.

"Pass." Calvin looked at the holographic screen, his voice was transmitted through the communication equipment, and rang in the ears of the astropath.

After receiving the order, the latter conveyed it to the system defense department through the communication equipment on the cruiser.

The Galactic Defense Command received Calvin's authorization to mark the battle barge about to jump out of Manzeville Point as credible green.

Fifteen minutes later, with the tearing of the warp, the Night Ruler appeared in the Feldman galaxy on time. Calvin continued to watch the direction of the holographic screen, waiting for Stern's face to appear there.

"Communication request from the Dominion of the Night!"


"嗞......嗞......嗞..." The noise of electronic equipment routinely appears in the early stage of communication signal connection, and it has not changed for many centuries, and it is unknown what the engine oil guys are busy with every day.

But fortunately, Stern's face still clearly appeared in the center of the screen, and Calvin stopped thinking about this boring question.

"Bless the Emperor, Captain Stern, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"Bless the Emperor, Lord Calvin. I already know the situation here, so to make a long story short, let's start the handover."

With his iconic and efficient style, this company commander with outstanding military exploits and fate has started the handover of defense as soon as he appeared.

Calvin would not have objected to such a reasonable request.

"I was ordered to temporarily hand over the garrison mission to you. The corresponding authority has been issued to you, please accept it."

Time was running out, and Calvin didn't have time to handover with Stern in the fortress. The simple handover procedures could only be carried out on the bridges of the two sides.

The command of the various troops deployed in the Feldman galaxy in his own hands was temporarily delegated to Stern, and the latter also accepted and reviewed it and confirmed that it was correct.

"Goodbye, then." Stern said to Calvin.

"Goodbye." Calvin nodded, and the signal was cut off.

In the starry sky with a black background, two space behemoths also marked with the Gray Knight logo passed by, heading towards their respective missions.

Stern and his night rulers will temporarily rest on the Feldman galaxy, while Calvin will leave during this period and move towards the location designated by the Custodians.

Five hours later, the state of the Wraith Redeemer that entered the subspace tended to be stable, the bridge and other departments on duty began to take turns to rest as planned, and this huge space city with battleships as its residences also began to quiet down.

"Now, can you tell me about your mission, Jin?"

When the cruiser finally left the fortress and completely entered the black box state in the warp, Calvin asked the envoy about the specific content of the operation.

Calvin respected the latter's request for secrecy, so he maintained his patience until he felt safe enough.

But now, he felt it was time.

"An abandoned spaceship is the goal of our trip."

King said simply, his mind still stuck on what Calvin had said earlier.

Communicating with a creature with an epic aura like the Primarch, he can get access to information he doesn't know every moment, which fascinates Jin, whose personal hobby is writing biographies.

"Huh?" This is the voice of Archbishop Klein, and it is also a manifestation of her desire to explore hidden in her bones as a senior member of Mechanicus.

That's it?Calvin's brows began to rise.

As the owner of a galaxy, the life of the Gray Knight Castle Master has lasted for 30 years in his life, and he almost forgot when the last person who was so perfunctory to him existed.

"Nothing else?" Calvin asked.

King pulled away from his thoughts after hearing Calvin's deep voice.

He raised his head to meet the eyes of everyone on the bridge, and he suddenly realized that he was distracted at this moment.

"Sorry!" Jin corrected his attitude.

No one knows the tone of the imperial guards' internal discussions, and no one cares.But at least when confronting a Primarch, they will still give respect for granted.

And this time, they came to the door by themselves, so there was no reason for it.

"Behind the Antirephas star area, near a barren world, violent subspace fluctuations appeared. A metal substance composed of several hulks was spit out from the subspace."

"Space Hulk? Then?" Bishop Klein's voice came from the loudspeaker.

Calvin on the side was silent, he already felt the complexity of the task.

Of all the mission environments, the Space Hulk can't be said to be the worst one, but it must be the most annoying one.Because this environment is always full of surprises and unknowns.

As a soldier, what Calvin hated most were accidents and the unknown.

According to his understanding, the spaceship is the oversized blind box of the interstellar era, and you can always get surprises inside.

The probability is the same as that of a blind box, once you open it, the contents inside are more surprising and less joyful.

The former means trouble, where you can find any hostile targets that have ever existed in the Imperial Space Dimension and Time Dimension:
Including but not limited to Demon Lairs, Chaos Warbands, Dark Eldar, and the ubiquitous Green Orcs.

Among them, orcs are definitely the best targets to deal with. In some more extreme records, some more ancient and strange races also show signs of activity...

The latter means harvesting: a relic from the Dark Ages, some remnants from an ancient age, an artifact left by the Legion, and sometimes even the hulk itself may be evaluated and found to be worthy of repair.

At least as far as Calvin knew, the Empire had a record of recovering a nearly intact battleship from here.

Calvin hoped that he was facing the latter, but since the group of imperial guards who had been shrunk in the palace for many years had appeared in front of him, such luck was unlikely to fall on his head.

Once this group of golden corns who rarely appeared, but were always mysteriously active all over the empire, once they came to their door, it often meant some troubles that they couldn't solve.

Calvin hoped that the envoy in front of him could provide more information. It would be even better if he could know who his enemy was in advance.

He pricked up his ears and continued to listen intently to Jin's background description of the mission.

"When the huge metal structure was spit out by the subspace, its coordinates overlapped with a planetary world. And there, in the records of the Throne Chamber, there is a seal, a seal of a gap in the subspace."

King's voice echoed across the bridge as those present pondered in silence the valid parts of his message.

"How is the situation now?"

Calvin's face became serious. Any signs of activities related to the subspace are extremely dangerous signals. Such an incident that can almost be confirmed as a subspace invasion is the job of the Gray Knights, and they are duty-bound.

"The feedback from the observers in front is very bad. The subspace fluctuations on the surface of the planet can already be observed by the naked eye several light-years away."

"Why don't we know?" broke in the sequence of the conversation, Tibbers, not convinced his Chapter and the Inquisition's psychic predictors, so large, would ignore this.

"This may have something to do with those hulks. Our information shows that those hulks that broke into the planet's atmosphere may have touched some of the more ancient relic devices in the collision. The energy fluctuations on this planet are confined to the surface of the planet, only It can be observed with the naked eye." Jin turned his head and explained to him.

"How do you know?" was Calvin's second question.

"There is an abandoned webway entrance there. The documents of the Order of the Forbidden Army contain combat records there. There are some equipment waiting for us to recover, but the sequence is late, so we have been paying attention to the situation there."

King offered this explanation for Calvin's question.

"Netway? Is it possible to repair it?" On the surface, Calvin asked about the status of the device, but the real meaning was whether they might still have contact with the forces of the Eldar.

The known circumstances of this task were complicated enough, and Calvin really didn't want to hear more accidental involvement.

Jin also understood the subtext of Calvin's words, and the news he gave relieved Calvin's heart a lot.The webway was broken enough that there was no possibility of restoration.

"I don't have enough people." Calvin said, this is definitely not a problem he can solve.

He can stop or even try to destroy the forces of Chaos on that planet.But if he is also required to clone to find and control that device at the same time.

Sorry, he can't.

"You don't need to do this, the Throne Court has sent follow-up support troops. All you have to do is to sneak into the mantle, keep that device from being controlled, or destroy it if nothing can be done."

Jin was also worried that these gray knights would directly use the most violent way to solve the problem, he said deliberately:

"That piece of equipment has extraordinary significance to the empire, and you need to keep it as much as possible."

"Not enough, there are still not enough people." Calvin shook his head and denied. This kind of defensive task has never been good for the few gray knights.

They are better at taking the head of the enemy chieftain among the thousands of armies, and become the existence of solving problems;
The Gray Knights are not good at standing in a certain place like this and preventing the enemy's actions from becoming someone else's problem.The small but good number of people has become a natural shortcoming here.

"You still have mortal troops. I saw their numbers in the recent internal circular." Jin reminded.

It was after a lot of deliberation that he finally found this place. Without a basic basis for execution, he wouldn't pin his hopes on these titan relatives.

"Well, mortal troops..." Calvin was lost in thought again.These tried and tested units are indeed deployed in the fleets of the Gray Knights, and the Revenant Redeemer is no exception.

40 people, eight large legions are the existing establishment on the Revenant Redeemer.

Their initial combat direction was to prop up the boundary of the battlefield for the Gray Knights, or to maintain the gap when the Gray Knights tore open the gap in the battlefield.So as to save the manpower gap of the battle group itself as much as possible.

Considering it from this perspective, these mortal auxiliaries exclusively for the Gray Knights are indeed suitable for this battle.

After all, maintaining the front line itself is a denial tactic. As long as some adjustments are made in advance in equipment, they should be able to complete their mission.

Thinking of this, Calvin finally stopped worrying about the basic conditions for carrying out the mission. He turned his head to Jin who was still explaining the details, and confirmed the content of the mission to him again:
"Then the ultimate mission is, we find that device, control it, or destroy it, right?"

"Yes, until our reinforcements arrive..."

Jin turned his head to look at this special person, he affirmed Calvin's narration with complicated eyes, and added the first half of the final time sentence.

Calvin also understood the cruelty of the battlefield.

Regardless of his status, after stepping on the battlefield, he is a pawn and a gold coin for the empire here.As with the Emperor's millions, there is no reason why it cannot be sacrificed.

His somewhat hoarse voice picked up the second half of Jin's unspoken sentence: "Or we all die."

The discussion about the mission came to an end for the time being, and Calvin, who was left behind with little meaning, got up and walked out.

Different from the previous ones, because of the participation of mortal auxiliaries in this battle, the headquarters and staff they are assigned to will not be placed in the highly secret bridge part.

At the rear of the bridge, in order to cooperate with the entry into service of these auxiliary forces, a combat unit with a complete command function has been refitted.

Calvin had to be there to get in touch with these auxiliaries and start working together.

The signal of the first-level war alert has been issued, but the content of the task has not yet been issued.

The soldiers at the lower level must be preparing for emergency preparations in a hurry at this time, and the officers at the middle level have also begun to reconfirm their supplies and logistical support.

As for those commanders and staff members who really belonged to the top, they were not in a hurry.

After all, the contingency plan has already been set, and there is not much they can do, especially in the context of unknown specific campaign objectives and background conditions.

They could only wait in silence for Calvin to come and tell them what kind of enemy they would face in the war they were about to participate in.

 Two in one, two chapters, published together.Ask for a ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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