Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 141 The meaning of crisis and ambition

Chapter 141 The meaning of crisis and ambition
When all the firewood for the furnace of war is in place, more blazing flames and hotter blood will flow unstoppably on this land.

The big demons have woken up from the punishment of heaven on the orbit, and they have clearly perceived the weakness of the Revenant Redeemer after the illusion of being fierce and inward.

No fleet aid, no Titan Legions, not even the Astartes.

Just relying on these weak mortals to want to stop the children of the gods?What arrogance!

The Great Khorne swung his greatsword, urging the equally crimson Bloodletters to charge towards the mortal lines.

The originally loose Chaos Space Marines in the front line have quietly assembled, and behind him, a large group of elite bloodletter cavalry riding brass steel bulls are also ready for orders.

Tzeentch didn't care about the fire demon that was wasted before. He screamed and summoned more screamers like manta rays above the head of Khorne's army as the air force to cooperate with Khorne's actions.

The Great Demon of Slaanesh finally woke up from his dream. His distorted body was extremely empty after losing the stimulation of hormones. He urgently needed a killing and sacrifice to regain the favor of the God Lord. Under the leadership of the noise fighters, they began to move to the front of the front line.

Nurgle's darling continued to walk unhurriedly.

Under his seemingly cumbersome and bloated steps, the hidden aura of plague stimulated more Nurglings to grow out of the creep behind him all the time, and danced with unknown meaning around it with cheerful and funny steps.

Well, the latter two can be ignored.

After all, the former's Slaanesh is better at infiltrating and polluting in silence, and is also famous for being unable to fight in chaos; although the latter is extremely destructive, it is also famous for being a Buddhist. Before the big devil himself reaches the front line, The threat of Nurgle is not a concern for now.

But even just Khorne and Tzeentch would be enough to wipe out these mortals.

There were so many of them that the plains of more than ten kilometers wide on the frontal battlefield were all infested with red at this time, and the overwhelming tide of demons rushed towards the front line.

Thousands of Khorne war dogs stood out from the demons by virtue of their speed. The temptation of flesh and blood made them only have the instinct to kill, and became the first wave of demons to attack.

The tide like blood, the color of blood like the tide.If your will is not strong enough, then this hellish scene is enough to overwhelm your sanity.

But the soldiers of the Mortal Legion were not overwhelmed by the horrific sight.They stood silently in their trenches, and only their breathing could be heard in the quiet position.The hell laser gun and hot line gun held tightly in their hands gave them enough confidence, and the comrades around them gave them enough courage.

In a sense, they are lucky, because some people do not even have such treatment.

When the last Tzeentch Fire Demon was cleared from the forward position, the Khorne Warhounds in the distance had already arrived at the feet of the forward troops that descended first.

The most elite veterans of these legions didn't have time to retreat. Knowing that their death was approaching, they only had time to look back at the direction of their comrades, and were instantly submerged in the red wave of Khorne war dogs.

Roar!The war dogs who arrived first ignored the shooting of the veterans and drowned them down. With the low sound of biting and splattering blood, the voice of resistance among the dogs gradually faded away.

The subsequent war dogs also gave up the pace of charging and joined the ranks of the first comers.The deep biting sounds and guttural sounds of fighting each other became the loudest voices on that battlefield.In the angry eyes of the soldiers in the rear, only the occasional flashes of melta bombs could prove the existence of these soldiers.

"Blood Sacrifice to the Blood God! Skull Sacrifice Skull Block!"

The army of bloodletters with teeth and claws and screamers in the sky followed closely.They disdainfully passed the group of beasts lost in flesh and blood, and continued to charge towards the rear position.

The unique red lasers of the Hell Gun and the Hotline Platoon began to shoot out from the positions, and the anti-personnel mines arranged in front began to be detonated, and these vanguard troops were shot to death one by one in conjunction with the rhythmic firepower of the infantry.

Before the Screamer had time to dive from the sky, the Hydra anti-aircraft guns behind the position had already begun to roar.

The 55mm heavy-duty warhead is fired at a terrifying muzzle velocity. The overly powerful armor-piercing ability is a waste on this small and medium-sized demon. Most screamers are torn apart without even being able to trigger the warhead's explosive fuze.

Among them, the fish that slipped through the net were also set on fire after causing a small amount of losses to the frontline soldiers.

Hydra's ammunition reserves are rapidly declining, but this is already the best anti-aircraft weapon for the Mortal Legion, and they have no choice.

The position seems to be stable, but it is in danger. Without him, there are really too many bloodletters.

Every moment demons are killed, and every moment more demons are blown away by mines.Under the impact of them regardless of casualties, the minefield ahead has become thinner and thinner, 3 kilometers...2 kilometers...1 kilometer, 800 meters...600 meters...300 meters...

On a high ground behind the tide of demons, surrounded by the heavy guard of the Brass Knight and the Bloodlord (the elite version of the Bloodletter), the Lord of Khorne stands here.

He didn't care about the casualties in front of him at all.In this chaotic alliance with his demons as the main force, it is obvious that he is the leader of the legion who promises everything.

He squinted his vicious eyes and patrolled the mortal legion's line. Once a breach appeared, the brass cavalry under him would jump in and create a bloody slaughter.

The gathered Chaos Space Marines also came to his vicinity to stand by at this time, and the tallest among them, wearing a metal horn helmet as bright red as the power armor on his body, walked up to him and knelt down on one knee.

The champion of Khorne hid his crimson gaze behind his helm, as did his longing for the great sword held by the arch-devil.

"My lord, let my brother and I go up for a charge."

"Don't worry, Talos, you have to be patient. When those mortals make mistakes, you will naturally have the opportunity to taste the blood. You need to understand that Father God has given us courage, but you need patience even more."

"Your will!" Talos' deep and suppressed voice came from the helmet.

"It's God the Father's will!" The big demon interrupted his words.He looked contemptuously at the tall warrior in front of him, who was as short as a child at 2.8 meters tall in front of him.

"Father God gave birth to us, and you are a humble servant of Father God! Suppress your desires, only the head of desire is not worthy to be placed in front of Father God!"

"Follow... order..."

This is obviously not the first time Talos has received such an insult, he gritted his teeth to suppress his anger, and expressed his submission to the other party as much as possible.

After getting permission from the big demon, he turned his head and threw off the blasphemous cloak with the octagonal blade tattooed on his back, and returned to the ranks of his brothers.

Da Mo looked at his leaving figure and laughed, how could he not know the intention of this guy with rebellious bones on the back of his head.

From the first day Talos swore his allegiance to him, he noticed the fiery eyes that looked at the bloody greatsword in his hand, which symbolized the Lord of Chaos.

It's good to be ambitious!How can you be a good dog without ambition?
It is just one of the thousands of incarnations of God the Father, serving the vision of God the Father, and reuniting with God the Father in the distant future is its ideal!

How could it care about such a mere mortal right!How magnanimous the minds of these original demons are, how can these prisoners who have been promoted from mortals and only know how to chase power understand!
Give you!You want you dare!As long as you dare to take it!As long as you add more blood and glory to the cause of God the Father!Then these are all yours!It roared loudly in its heart, and a blood-like scarlet aura lit up from its side, and the coercion of the Khorne lord made the surrounding demons bow down in fear.

The battlefield ahead has become intense, and after paying the cost of the lives of tens of thousands of demons, the minefield has finally been exhausted.

The firepower of the infantry could no longer stop the more demons that came after that, and those weak positions of mortals were finally within reach in the eyes of the endless army of bloodletting demons!

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(End of this chapter)

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