Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 149 Return and harvest, quarrel and accident.

Chapter 149 Return and harvest, quarrel and accident.

Once the determination to go to Terra was made, Calvin breathed a sigh of relief.

He has such a nature, no matter how much he entangles, he will only stay at the level of thinking.Make up your mind, and the only thing left is the calmness of the soldiers in front of the avalanche.

This is not a short-term goal. He first needs to discuss with the Grand Master Council, and then the direction of Terra also needs to be communicated in detail.

After all, when to go, how to go, and what capacity to go, are all details that cannot be ignored.

The meaning behind these red tapes, as a civilization bearer who has not interrupted the inheritance of rites and music for thousands of years, he has an instinctive cognition.

The major affairs of the country are only sacrificed to the soldiers; only the ritual vessels cannot be faked to others.

So what kind of identity will go to Terra, in fact, to a considerable extent determines the future status of the Gray Knights in this empire.

This is a game between the Grand Mentors and Terra, and it is also a manifestation of the influence of the Imperial Army on the Empire in the post-emperor era; he only needs to send out his application, and the rest is to wait for the result and the sincerity of the other party .

Putting this matter aside for the time being, Calvin turned his attention to his own gains and participation, and the benefits of this trip made him quite satisfied:

The souls and emotions of the four great demons and countless demons, as well as the fiery emotional echoes of at least twenty alpha-level psykers, are all precious treasures that he had no chance to obtain in the past few decades.

These foreign wealth have been digested and separated in his spirit at this time.

The part of authority has flowed to his crown, while strengthening the origin of order, it also slightly brightens the fire of redemption;

As for the part of the soul and emotions, the damage of the soul when passing through the crystal wall has been slightly repaired, and the missing parts of the soul during the journey have also been slightly filled in.

From a macro perspective, this repair still looks insignificant, but it is undeniably a good start;
On the microscopic level, it is even more obvious. On the door-level "crystal wall" that Calvin observed when he was grading psychic powers, two dim runes were randomly filled and lit up.

General knowledge, which comes from the basic ability to recognize the world that all intelligent beings have, on a certain side of his soul, a tiny fragment was repaired and illuminated.

Originally in the world of Calvin's hometown, the basic ability of breathing has become unusual in the magical background of this world.

There was a radiance descending from the crown of order, and scattered silver radiance fell on these two runes, endowing them with different powers in this world.

The first strange ability would be harvested, Calvin had a feeling.

But this is the first time he has experienced this kind of situation, so he does not know the specific information about what it is and how it is used.

He touched this new rune with great interest, and a strange yet familiar cognition and instinct made him close his eyes subconsciously:
General knowledge, enhanced version of psychic power.Knowledgeable hands.

Calvin's eyes were still closed, but the slightly fluttering eyelashes testified to the rolling emotions.

The existence of matter in his eyes is no longer dull and flat at this moment, but has a more three-dimensional meaning.

The steel gauntlet touched by the fingers seems to have a life of its own; while having the same cold touch as usual, it also tells its story to Calvin.

From waiting in the dark in the rocks, to being excavated through a simple initial storm screening;
Impurities are removed from the hot furnace, and then placed on the platform of the hydraulic press to undergo heavy rolling to become a billet;
From being transported on a cargo ship to the smoky and never-ending forge world, to being assigned to the technical sergeants who have undergone heavy hammering and molding, and the sacred magic that the psionic casters sang loudly from beginning to end during processing. carol……

The cold touch of steel has also gradually gained its own temperature along the way, or maybe it had no temperature at first, but after being passed by these different hands, it was also infected by their emotions at that time...

The tactile sensation is still expanding, and more substances on the Terminator power armor called "Initial Heart" are perceived by Calvin, and a large amount of information and the retrospective of light and shadow are also generated at the same time, and are projected in his mind.

Calvin, who was suddenly shocked by a huge amount of memories, couldn't help covering his head in pain, and the long-dormant hymn glands in his mind began to work instinctively after being stimulated.

The high-frequency information shunt processing ability was activated, but the price was that the temperature of his brainstem was also slowly but unstoppably rising.

The rapidly secreted hormones made the two hearts start to work faster, and more blood that was pumped rushed to the organs in the direction of the head with nutrients and oxygen.

The ice-blue psionic magic ring was unconsciously activated, and the sudden drop in temperature under the action of psionic energy on the top of the head also tried to help the main body cool down on the outside.

The feverish brainstem returned to normal. Calvin, who had recovered from the headache, opened his eyes and stared blankly at his hands, as if re-acquainted with the world.

Is this memory tracing?Or what is the name of this supposedly rare, innate psionic ability recorded in the trial court?

"Code 1198, Alpha-level special ability—reader..." he muttered.

This is an extremely rare ability, among the psykers recorded in the trial court, there are only less than one hand.

In the earliest records with data, this ability once appeared in the No.15 legion during the Great Crusade - a clerk of the Thousand Sons.

He died during the exploration of a ruin, and had to read a certain warp product.

In the records after that, only a female judge named Ligeia had this ability in the battle to prevent the great demon named "Gagetuloth" from returning to the universe.

Her cause of death was quite different from the former one. She was also taken away by the heir of the ever-changing demon king on the road to pursue the real name "Jagotulos".

But fortunately, she completed her mission, and before the final moment, she told the gray knight beside her the real name of the demon.And this is the key to the victory of that war.

This is undoubtedly a powerful force, but it is also a costly one;
This is a power that only the brave can wield, and it is also a power full of sacrifice.

Especially when trying to peek into the mysteries of gods and demons with a mere mortal body.

This is Calvin's judgment on this ability after considering the final fate of its previous masters.

What about the second one?
Calvin took a deep breath and looked at another rune.

Wildness, the memory of ancient times hidden in human genes.

In the age of ruthlessness and blood drinking, human beings can only preserve the fire of race continuation by relying on their own animal nature.

Calvin stretched out his spiritual tentacles again, and the unexpected feedback made his eyebrows slightly raised.

Wildness—the execution ritual, the instinct of hunting has been interpreted more widely in the hands of the Chaos gods, and the execution of the enemy can also please the gods and get rewards:
Execute your enemies!Then receive more power (physical strength) from the blood god!
But after the transformation of order, its effect is the same, and its inner principle is quite different:
Execute your enemies!The forces of order will show generosity to any demise of chaos!
The orderly version of fighting to support war?Calvin was a little surprised.

This kind of ability is rare, or it is rare on the side of the human empire, but those cubs of the Lord of War probably have similar abilities more or less.

So is this the harvest this time?
The figure of the lord of Khorne and the great demon Tzeentch flashed across Calvin's mind, and he had some vague ideas about his new source of power.

As for why the remaining demons of the Lord of Desire and the Lord of Life didn't have corresponding harvests, Calvin could also understand a thing or two from their attitudes of paddling all the way—are enemies with too weak strength even stingy with harvests?

The runes in the spiritual world are still flickering with breathing, but Calvin, who has long since withdrawn and returned to reality, has dim eyes.

This is the first time he has lit up these runes since he came to this world for so long.

And these easily obtained power and the way it was obtained made him have some doubts about his own existence.

What is the difference between him and those Chaos Gods who did this?
Or in essence, his self-integration also needs the sacrifice of life to complete?

Where is his justice?What is the necessity of his existence?
Who am I, where am I, what am I going to do?This kind of rotten philosophical speculation appeared in his mind and lingered for a long time.

You must give yourself a bottom line!
Otherwise, he would not be able to find his own anchor point as a human being in the acquisition of this kind of power!

You must have your own goals!

Only he can prove himself different from those dirty warp products!

And does he have these?

He has!

Calvin once again re-examined his own existence, and recalled the content of the original agreement:
Am I human?


Am I still willing to retain my humanity, and only want to point the sharp knife in my hand at the enemy of mankind?
I do!
Am I willing to fight in defense of humanity?I do!

Calvin raised his head, his eyes were no longer confused.Firm will once again appeared in his eyes.

He understands that in this life he may be very different from human beings in the universal sense, and will be farther and farther away.

But as long as he is still willing to recognize his own existence, as long as he is still willing to fight for mankind, then what is he and does it matter?
He understood his own existence and his own value.

If someone must be sacrificed, why can't it be him; if someone must sacrifice his own humanity to defend humanity, then why can't it be him!
Therefore, I often wish, but dare not ask you!

His whole body was trembling with excitement, and the clarity and openness in his heart once again made him want to announce his thoughts and visions to others.

While he was still in this inexplicable emotion, the captain Tabers at the door of the dormitory arrived at some unknown time.

He frowned and looked at Calvin in the room and said:

"Bless the Emperor! Did I come at a bad time? The envoys of the Imperial Army have already left, and it's time for us to set off. Everyone on the bridge is waiting for your meeting!"

"Hey! How many times is this? If I don't remember to close the door again, I'll be a dog!"

"Dog? I remember the original species of ancient Terra, but it has been extinct for many years, right? Does this metaphor have any special meaning?"


With a stern face, Calvin followed Tibers who was passing by, and walked towards the direction of the bridge. The two tall figures that were getting further and further away slowly disappeared in the corridor...

"I oppose the large-scale replacement of ships! This is a huge waste of the empire's property!"

Bishop Klein expressed her will in a restrained tone.

In the silent eyes of Jin and other Custodians, this post-war summary meeting, which lasted for three days since the Redeemer entered the subspace, was full of gunpowder from the very beginning.

"I still stick to my opinion. The existing cruiser power projection equipment has reached its limit and can no longer meet our needs." Calvin said.

This is also his biggest feeling about this battle. The single delivery limit of [-] troops is the main culprit for the heavy damage of mortal troops in this battle!

With this little force, how could it be possible to stop the tide of legion-level demons!

If it weren't for the psychic titan that was accidentally found later, Calvin would have to give up all the mortal legions, destroy the energy in the webway, and choose to leave.

War can't be fought like this!

No matter how big a family business is, it can't afford such a defeat!
Even if you don't care about manpower, what about so many weapons and equipment?

If you just say that the overall situation is the most important thing, you don't want them all?
Calvin could accept huge casualties, as well as the high cost of purification afterwards.

But he can't do it without thinking about it and giving up completely!

"Nonsense!" Calvin hummed the language of his previous life. Although he didn't understand what he meant, everyone present knew that it was not a good word.

"In fact, it doesn't have to be changed, and transformation is also a good choice."

Tabers put forward his views when the two were at a stalemate.

He understood that the two had their own opinions, and that their goals were all for the development of the entire battle group.

In Tabers' eyes, the two decades of getting along can't be said to be a tacit understanding, but they can definitely be called complementing each other.

Besides, even if you don't get along well, in such a wide-ranging matter, being right about the matter and not about the person is the basic quality of a decision-maker.

"But the deck modification of the spaceship's flanks must be at the expense of the number of weapon arrays! What about the lack of firepower for naval battles?"

Mechanical bishop Klein and Calvin thought of the same thing, and they refuted Tibers' opinion at the same time.

But after realizing their mutual agreement, the two gave each other another hard look.

"The transformation is not enough, so what about increasing the fleet size?"

Seeing that Tabers' opinion was denied by both sides, Gavins, who was silent on the side, tried to solve the problem.

"We don't have that many crew members!" This time it was Tabers who denied it. As a member of the second company, he knew the situation of his own fleet very well.

"Before the growth effect brought about by the gene seed appears, our captain candidates can only maintain the current scale."

"Gene seeds?"

Everyone chanted this word, and then focused their attention on Calvin. The level of confidentiality in this aspect of information is too high, and everyone present has only a half-knowledge.

The latter smiled wryly in the anticipation of everyone:
"The cycle of transformation surgery is difficult to shorten. Everyone's situation is different, and not everyone can go my way. There are still 5 years until the gene seeds from Mars come back, but it will take at least [-] years until the first batch of recruits go to the company to serve. It's later..." "Cut!" This was everyone's reaction to his disappointment.

When everyone was deadlocked on this issue and could not continue, the navigator below the bridge sent them a message:
Received a call for help from the nearest Demon Tribunal, there is a threat of chaos pollution nearby, and it will be generated soon!
 Two in one, update, ask for votes.

(End of this chapter)

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