Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 16 The Double Day Agreement and the Soul 3 Questions

Chapter 16 The Two-Day Agreement and Three Questions for the Soul

Against the background of the black subspace, a sun with a black exterior and a platinum-and-gold core is quietly confronting another sphere with a pitch-black exterior that absorbs all light.

The sun's light was still icy cold, and Jiang Wen might have been stimulated or inspired, and his sleepy consciousness also briefly woke up from the darkness.Both parties are using mental fluctuations to communicate with each other in the spiritual world.

There, a majestic, sacred, golden and white phantom looked down on Jiang Wen, who was still a mortal in the previous life.Gold symbolizes a noble personality, while white symbolizes the godhead that all living beings believe in.

"What are you?" Two identical voices came from the same body at the same time.The solemn voice with double resonance and no distinction between front and back made Jiang Wen realize in an instant that this was the most fundamental and undeniable question, and he had to answer it seriously and cautiously.

"Me? I am..." Jiang Wen hesitated.what is heHe is human, is he still human?He looks like this now, how can he still look like a man?
But he is not a person, what is he?Memories of previous lives slipped past his eyes.The joys and sorrows of a lifetime just don't count?

He's human, of course he's human!He has the same feelings as others have!He does not lack the desires that others have!Why can't he be human?Jiang Wen's confused eyes gradually became clear.

"I'm human!" Jiang Wen replied firmly.

"What is a man?" the voice asked again.

"Humans, have humanity! I have humanity! Of course I am a human being!" His sluggish thinking became more and more agile, and once the idea was clear, Jiang Wen's answer no longer hesitated.

"Are you proud of this?" The voice seemed to laugh, but it didn't seem to.

I'm proud of it?Jiang Wen muttered, what is human nature?Is I thinking therefore I am thinking?Or grow?Is it emotion, or desire?Nothing, human nature, is hope!
It is the brilliant light that blooms as far as possible in everyone's short life like fireworks!It is the old going to the new and always hopeful progress!And only then are they called men.

Does eternal life matter?Does great power matter?Important, but nothing more important than hope!

If there is no life limit for a population, then the old life can never die, and the new life can never make changes.

The behavior of the population will become more and more rigid, and there will be fewer and fewer variables corresponding to the new life.Their thinking will stay in place, their desires will be extreme, they will lose the possibility of moving forward, and finally lose hope!
And what will a race that has lost the possibility of advancement do?In the long and endless time, there is an endless life span but no will to correspond to the immortality of gold and stone.Those deformed beings can only live by satisfying their own desires.

When a race simply uses the power of the entire race to satisfy its own desires in order to eliminate the loneliness in eternal life.

That infinite lifespan brings the same endless desire will be like an abyss, swallowing them all in the end.

Any attempt to indulge it is the beginning of disaster.Presumably in this universe, there is already a certain pioneer who is already paying the price for this.

Are ephemeral species a shame?A short life is inferior to a long life?Jiang Wen never thought so, if there is no matching will, lifespan can only be poison.So Jiang Wen was never ashamed of it, on the contrary, he was proud of it.

"Of course I'm proud of it!" Jiang Wen's voice became firmer.

"So, are you willing to defend this hope?" The voice remained calm.

"I am willing!" Jiang Wen replied firmly.

"Price, have you thought about the price?" Jiang Wen calmed down suddenly with a heavy voice.What kind of a heavy experience can there be such a sigh!Jiang Wen didn't dare to think about it, but he also understood that this issue cannot be ignored.

"The price? The price is..." Jiang Wen recalled his military career in his previous life.The tough training when recruits, the anti-human discipline for a long time, the loneliness away from the prosperity of the service life, and the pain that relatives and friends cannot see often in a lifetime.Even once a war starts, cold tactics, brutal killings, vicious methods aimed at humanity and even against humanity.

"The price...is losing humanity." Jiang Wen said dryly.He suddenly understood the intention of the figure in front of him.

Without clear thinking and decisive awareness, getting some power is not luck, but a curse.

It is definitely not a good thing for both parties to hand over this responsibility to rashly assume the power and responsibility that one does not have the corresponding awareness of.And such behavior will inevitably lead to some unfortunate results.

"Now that you know the price, are you still willing?" This was probably the last question for this figure.

As a human being, we are proud of our humanity, but we must embrace animality because we defend humanity.This is cruel irony, but also a helpless necessity.

"I am willing." Jiang Wen's answer was unexpectedly fast.He has this consciousness, and he has it in his previous life.

From the day he was a soldier in his previous life, he understood that wearing this military uniform, he is not only a mother's child, a wife's husband, and a child's father, but also a guardian who defends a country's interests.

And what he couldn't ask for in his previous life, wasn't this opportunity?This responsibility is placed there, and someone has to stand up to bear it. If this is the case, why can't it be me?
This responsibility is a burden or even punishment to others, but to a soldier like Jiang Wen, it is a supreme honor.It was like that in his last life, but in this life, he just wants to live a simpler life, a little more selfish.

"Good! You go!" The phantom waved his hand, announcing the end of the conversation.Jiang Wen lost consciousness.This memory came to an abrupt end.

And Jiang Wen in the spiritual world, who is now Calvin, also came to his senses.He thought quietly about the aftermath of this conversation. At the present time of 39 years, he suddenly and wonderfully resonated with the beliefs of the original Astartes ten thousand years ago.

In their eyes, death was never a punishment, but a reward for what he had done in his life, giving him the opportunity to fulfill his duties from beginning to end.For them, and for Calvin today, if the great drama of life can be played again, there is no better ending than death in battle.

At this moment, he thought of the famous saying from a certain game in his previous life:

"Heaven to the left, warriors to the right."

And the famous oath from Astartes in this world seemed to sound in his ears:

"What is your duty!" What is your duty.
"Only by the emperor!" To serve emperors will .
"What is the emperor referring to!" What is emperors will
"The only thing is to fight and die!" That we fight and die.
"What is death!" What is the death.
"Only our duty!" It is our duty.
"What is your duty" What is your duty...

(End of this chapter)

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