Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 163 Light and Shadow, Twin Sons

Chapter 163 Light and Shadow, Twin Sons
Human thinking is a strange thing, it will always diverge uncontrollably and inexplicably at times and places for no reason.

Nicholas knew this truth, but it didn't prevent him from thinking about the meaning of his existence in the relatively private space of the airborne pod.

Descending from a height of [-] meters, it is a wonderful experience to experience the feeling of weightlessness under the resistance of the air in the atmosphere.

Time here is full of duality and contradictory sense, both extremely long and fleeting.

The air outside the cabin was burning, and the flames were licking the metal bulkhead, while the power armor made of phlogopite inside the cabin faintly depicted the figure belonging to the envoy of the throne under the flickering signal lights.

who am I?
Whose will am I doing?

Can I accomplish my mission?

He always likes to think about these long-answered questions when he is alone, trying to find a deeper understanding in them.

I am his servant.

I do his will.

I will accomplish my mission no matter what the cost.

The clouds began to thin, and the surface reflected the visible silhouette under the thermal radiation of the star.

Nicholas knew that his time had come as a Captain of the Custodian Shields, as an envoy to the Throne under a Primarch.

Captain of the Shield Guard, this is a wonderful official position.

In the huge scale of the Custodian Order and the numerous groups that overlap with each other, it is only a proof that a Custodian once served as the leader of a group at a certain point.

Some of these groups will last for a long time, fulfilling the functions it was created for centuries; many more disappear without a trace after fulfilling their missions, as if they never existed.

The same is true for the title of Captain of the Shield Guard, which has no other purpose than to prove that its owner has experience with mortals.

Yes, mortals are always obsessed with fame and ceremony in their short lives, and they need these things to mark each other, to distinguish the existence of self from others.

This need trumps their lives, and it means nothing in the eyes of the Custodians.

Whether it is the commander of the shield guard or the guard of the imperial army, they are all tools to serve him better after becoming his servants.

The surface was approaching, and the changing index on his pupils made him constantly correct his target.

The rocket engine outside the empty cabin is spraying flames to fight against the air and gravity, and the model halberd in his hand - light and shadow, is also slowly grasped by the golden gauntlet.

The violent tremor shook the entire cabin.

Nicholas knew that it was the exploding explosives temporarily installed in the bilge at work.

The violent deflagration effect always has to choose one side to release its kinetic energy between the wet and cold soil and the tungsten alloy cast cabin, this time it also chose the former as expected.

The surface barrier was broken again, and the empty head cabin was inserted deeply into the ground like a ground-penetrating bomb.

The soil layer of more than ten meters passed by in an instant, and Nicholas and his empty pod bypassed the heavy defenses around the base, unexpectedly appearing directly above the altar.

The heavy airdrop pod hit the stone floor, shaking like an earthquake, making it almost impossible for those around to stand still.

Before the hatch door exploded, a golden figure flashed past inside the cabin.

The abominable acolytes in black robes were shredded under the storm of the halberd opened by the disintegration stand, and the alien relic equipment surrounded by the Chaos Lord and his guards in the distance was Nicholas' real Target.

The clash of weapons took place in the next instant. Strength, a confrontation that is easier to distinguish between strong and weak than words, allows the blade of "Light and Shadow" to chop off the enemy's head.

In the underground square full of blasphemous runes, Nicholas, the captain of the Imperial Army Shield Guards, skillfully and ruthlessly displayed the skills of killing.

It only took more than a dozen seconds to harvest the lives of the six Death Guards, just as he and his compatriots have been training against beasts like the Astartes for dozens of centuries, full of efficiency.

The only remaining Chaos Lord on the battlefield looked at the golden figure quietly.

The killing didn't shake him, just like Nicholas' height of more than three meters, in his eyes, it was just a part of the lie.

"Servant of the false emperor! Your efforts are as meaningless as your master's before the gods."

Said the Chosen Champion of Nurgle, son of Mortarion and one of the 27 sons of the Pale Shroud.

At this time, he has completed most of his plan, and there is only a thin line between him and Shengmo, so he can no longer be called a human being.

A muddy and filthy voice came out of his body, and the overlapping voice lines made people feel dizzy at first hearing.

Nicholas felt like his brain was a bottle of viscous fluid, shaking under the ubiquitous warp interference.

This is a contest of will between him and the devil, and the spiritual invasion and corruption begins the moment Nurgle Godchosen speaks.

From this moment on, the battle is no longer limited to the realm of reality that Nicholas is good at.

The Custodians are essentially not afraid of warp pollution, which comes from their more thorough genetic adjustment and modification than the Astartes since they were young children.

Their spirits have been almost completely separated from the subspace. Since the transformation was completed, they have hardly dreamed for the rest of their lives, which is a symbolic manifestation of this ability.

But there are no absolutes. When the enemy is an evil existence that is only a thin line away from the devil prince, Nicholas's spiritual defense also appears to be precarious.

The foundation of adamantine began to shake under the corruption of the power of chaos, and the dirty waves in the etheric ocean swept and impacted Nicholas' defense.

The sting of the broken spiritual boundary every moment, and the malicious mocking eyes from the other party are squeezing the only remaining will in his soul.

He clearly felt that his memory was being plundered and plundered, and those spiritual wealth that belonged only to him were being flipped and trampled wantonly.

The imperial army without the nun of silence as a partner is so passive in the face of chaos. He can only destroy the enemy before he is completely destroyed.

"Heh! Do you like to study potions? This is the opposite of a loving father. Your soul should be a collection of a loving father."

Under the alternate attacks of reality and spirit, Chaos God's Chosen, who had enough energy, said so.

The weapons of the two were approaching, and the confrontation of strength and spirit tested Nicholas' will all the time.

"You can completely let go of yourself and recognize the truth of the universe! As long as you are willing to embrace the gift of a loving father, even your elder brother who died in the trial will not be unable to return to your side..."

The whispers of the devil lingered in Nicholas' ears, and the stolen memory became a breakthrough in its attempt to knock down Nicholas.

The captain of the shield guard struggled to maintain his will, while rejecting the pressure and temptation of Chaos, he angrily interrupted the other party's words.

"Shut up! Demon! You are useless to my temptation!"

"Really? Think about it again? As long as you are willing, many regrets in life can be made up..."

Nicholas laughed, and he stepped back suddenly.The halberd "Light and Shadow" in his hand rotated, blocking the vicious rays shot by Nurgle God's Chosen, and then looked up at the opponent's ugly face:
"Do you really understand my memory? Or, are you just a thief who steals other people's memories?"

The sudden change of tone and wording made the devil feel astonished, and Nicholas's completely different temperament at this time made it think of a certain possibility.
"Soul twin..."

It subconsciously read out its own thoughts, but before it finished speaking, it fell into the storm of Nicholas' completely different martial arts from before.

Yes, two souls, one body.

In other words, what was supposed to be a complete soul was accidentally split into two incomplete existences in the mother's womb in October. This is the true state of Nicholas and his frail elder brother.

They are supposed to be one person, and only by becoming one person can they stand out in the cruel selection of the imperial army.

Both he and his elder brother knew this clearly, and it was only before the final trial that the elder brother, who was physically weak, chose the doomed sacrifice.

This is a secret that belongs to Nicholas alone. Apart from himself, only Trajan, the commander of the imperial army who selected him from the crowd, knows it.

Since then, Nicholas has been one person, two-faced soul.

He was constantly tossing and turning under the huge and complex establishment of the Throne Court, playing diametrically opposite roles among different organizations and comrades-in-arms.

Most of the time Nicholas belongs to the light side:
He is diligent, friendly, tenacious, and kind, and is praised by countless brothers who have worked with him, and finally became a glorious shield company commander;

The dark side of Nicholas is much simpler. In the long millennium time dominated by his elder brother's personality, he has only one hidden professional history.

That is the Throne's prison keeper for all demons - Shadow Warden: Demon Warden.

Since then, the rhythm of the battle has changed, and the whispers of demons can no longer penetrate Nicholas's spiritual defense.

And the warden's unique martial arts are like a paw ding dispelling an ox, destroying the demon's resistance in a devastating manner.

This is a skill belonging to the dark side of Nicholas, and it is also the embodiment of his coexistence with demons for thousands of years.

"Keep talking? Say something? Anything?"

During the fight, he randomly picked up a dead body with his toes to block the evil energy shot by the demon, and then waved the halberd named "Light and Shadow" corresponding to his life.

With just one blow, the folded stance shield on the demon's shoulder armor shattered.

Nicholas, who didn't hold back his hand, cut off its arm from under the dark green shoulder armor.

The God of Nurgle with only one arm can no longer win, and it is only a matter of time before it is defeated.

The restless Nicholas made the ridicule above to the embarrassed demon.

The status of each other is exactly reversed from a few minutes ago:
Good luck and bad luck, the reversal at this moment is full of black humor and irony in Nicholas' eyes.

But the devil didn't have the panic or tyranny he imagined, it abnormally put away the illusion of anger, looked at Nicholas in front of him and said:
"I may die here, but the will of my loving father will not be changed. Remember the mission you came here for? You are destined to suffer failure."


After receiving the reminder, Nicholas immediately looked at the equipment behind the demon, which was his original target.

The remnant of the unidentifiable civilization stood quietly in the center of the altar just like when he had just arrived.

But the bottle placed on the equipment roulette symbolizes Nurgle's plague, and the emerald green liquid inside is trembling slightly at this moment, as if something is about to wake up.

"What did you do?" Nicholas demanded the demon.

"You are all late! The teleportation program has been started long before your arrival! You are destined to be unable to stop the glory of the Lord of Life from spreading on this land!"

So said Nurgle's Chosen.

His ascending demon may be doomed to fail, but the mission entrusted to him by his loving father is about to be completed.

The truth is exactly what it says;
After a long time of preparation, the preparations for the relic equipment have already been completed.

The programs in the equipment are starting up unstoppably at this moment, and the dark metal inlays on the ground are originally its energy input pipes, and at this time they also become red and hot under the huge energy torrent.

The roulette in the center of the huge device began to light up, and the surrounding space was no longer stable under the halo of the Orpheus star map lit up on the roulette, and it seemed that the barrier of time and space could be broken at any time.

Nicholas took a step in that direction, and was stopped in place by Nurgle's Chosen.

"You don't want to pass! The will of the loving father is unshakable! You can know it! Everything is allowed! Everything is false!"

With the roar of the devil, a wave of dark green psionic energy spread from its feet, and the death guards and abomination monks who had died around Nicholas were revived under its power and turned into zombie-like existences, firmly blocking the out of his way.

How to do!Should be a quick fix!
Watching the relic equipment being activated, the runes symbolizing ultra-long-distance transmission began to light up, but Nicholas, who couldn't stop it, was filled with anger and regret.

He almost wanted to give up his reason and desperately fight the demon in front of him, in order to stop the operation of the device, but how could the opponent who had planned for a long time give him this opportunity?

When he was anxious about the impending failure of the mission, a new voice appeared from the dome of the square when he came!
The thicker empty cabin was smashed down through the opening opened by Nicholas, and when the hatch was opened, it was Calvin who was too tall to be ignored.

The relic equipment was already in operation at this time, and Calvin, who had no time to chat, only had time to give Nicholas an affirmative look when he passed by, and then walked towards the equipment.

The plague-bearer zombies with the disease stood in front of him one after another, but they were turned into flying ash under the hammer he swung casually. Even Nurgle's God's Chosen could not stop him for a second.

But Calvin came a bit late. When he stood in front of the equipment and reached for the plague bottle on the console, violent energy fluctuations had already surrounded the equipment and him standing beside him.

In a hurry, Calvin threw the bottle at Nicholas, and then disappeared into the transmitted energy field under the exclamation of the gray knight and Nicholas who came afterward...

 Two in one, update and ask for tickets.Last month's grades pulled my hips, and my heart was hit hard.I am miserable! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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