Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 172 The Price and Return

Chapter 172 The Price and Return

Thoughts for the day: Happiness is fleeting, but suffering lasts forever.

"It's hard for me to completely correct the mutation on him, it's no different from killing him directly."

While helping Elvis to the automatic surgical instrument table, Calvin said to him.

He secretly looked at the time and space constraints on his soul with some distress - just because of the moment just now, he at least brought forward the timeline of his return by at least a thousandth.

"There is no hope at all? Well, maybe this is his fate." Elvis operated the mechanical arm on the operating table to cut his breastplate completely, while observing the various parameters in the instrument, Prepare yourself for a dangerous operation.

No general anesthesia, only local anesthesia.Because both the performer and the recipient are himself.

It is undoubtedly a dangerous self-challenge under the specifications of this kind of closed repair surgery involving the entire thoracoabdominal cavity.

Calvin was incapable of helping the pharmacist in this regard, so he could only use his own expertise to boost Elvis' little will to survive.

"It's not hopeless, but the result may not be what you imagined..." Calvin said.

The white gauntlet extended to the operating arm stopped at the sound, and Elvis, who was lying on the bed, turned his head to look at Calvin but dared not speak.

He couldn't stand any more blows.This young man in his 20s without his helmet has experienced too much pain and failure in a short period of time.

He didn't even dare to ask, he could only focus on the white-haired man in front of him with a little hope in his eyes.I hope that this man named Primarch, like his father and brothers who are active in myth and epic, can change the impossible in despair.

"I can give him a chance for the Holy Blood Trial."

Calvin looked at the young pharmacist and said.

"Use my own blood to try to cover the broken genetic chain in his body. But don't rush to be optimistic!"

He raised his hand to stop Elvis' body from sitting up, and then said to him seriously:

"First, the success rate cannot be guaranteed. I can only tell you that the original Gray Knights, like you, all came from the Sons of Legion. They have all undergone such genetic modification, replacing the original gene seeds and ushering in their own new life.

Second, even if he can survive the gene replacement in his body, the one who wakes up is no longer your battle group leader.Henceforth he will be, and only be, a Gray Knight. "

"I have no objection."

Elvis listened carefully to Calvin's words, and then gave his decision:
"It makes no difference which Chapter you belong to if you survive and continue to serve the Emperor."

"There is a difference."

Calvin really wanted to indulge his good intentions, but there were some things he had to say clearly enough to handle the matter from beginning to end without leaving any regrets.

"There is a difference. You've probably heard of us, but you never know our form, have you?"

Elvis blinked to show he was listening.

He looked at Calvin with a solemn expression in front of him, knowing that there would be a price for this kind of salvation; but when the price was really said by Calvin, his heart was as heavy and dark as if he had fallen into an invisible abyss ...

"Our founding was ordered by the Emperor himself, and our gene-seed comes directly from the Emperor himself.

This is a great honor and a great mission!
We have only one responsibility in our lives, and that is to wage eternal war against Chaos on behalf of the entire human race!

And as a warrior fighting against chaos, he cannot have any human weakness, and naturally he cannot have memories of the mortal era.

Therefore, everyone who becomes a gray knight will give up all his memories and past as a mortal, and become a brand new and clean soul. "

There was a sudden silence in the medical room.

Elvis blinked violently, and finally closed his eyes tightly to persuade himself to accept the reality he heard.

Calvin had finished most of his words, but in order not to regret, he had no choice but to turn his voice into the sharpest sword, stabbing at the young man in front of him who had just gained a little hope.

"You, like him, will accept my memory cleansing. From now on, he will forget you and your brother forever; and you will never know that he existed in your life."

"Stop it! Please! Stop it!"

Elvis didn't open his closed eyes, but crystal tears couldn't stop streaming from the corners of his eyes.

"go a head."

After waiting for a long time, Calvin finally heard his voice from Elvis.

He saw the young child staring blankly at the lead gray ceiling of the medical room, and then waved his hand gently to Calvin.

Calvin nodded, turned and walked out.Elvis' voice could be faintly heard behind him.

"Anyway, I already lost him, didn't I..."

The medical room separated by a wall is the battlefield where several people just fought.

Calvin looked at the strong man who had just regained consciousness in front of him, and repeated the conversation he had just had with Elvis.

"I'm still alive to keep fighting, right?"

Gabriel's experience as a chapter leader made him more aware of the cruel reality.

He didn't ask for more conditions, but directly asked his core demands.

"Yes, if you can survive the risk of genetic recombination, you can stand up completely again and continue to fight." Calvin said affirmatively.

"You promised that the seeds of the battle group will be purified by you, and the flag of the Flaming Eagle will be handed over to Elvis to continue?" Gabriel asked again.

It was his last wish, that the Chapter that would stand up to fight again under the Emperor's Banner would be the one he knew, and not just a Chapter's holster.

"I promise, and always will." Calvin replied affirmatively again.

He had no intention of encroaching on the places of other warbands, that was not in line with his creed.

In Calvin's eyes, such things as interests correspond to the old saying in his hometown: you can only get what you want, not what you want.

Under the temptation of power and interests, as long as you let your principles back down once, there will only be countless times.

This kind of spiritual corruption is not as intense as the destruction of the personality, but it is more hidden and difficult to prevent.

All the Gray Knights are clearly aware of this truth, Calvin, who is the Primarch of the Gray Knights, naturally also thoroughly comprehended this truth under the rich experience of two lifetimes, and he took it as a warning and was vigilant for life.

Besides, taking a step back, the Gray Knights themselves have a special meaning in the empire's armed order, and were not under the jurisdiction of the notorious "Astarte Codex" from the very beginning.

Apart from cooperating with them, the high lord council only has the basic right to know about their existence.

Therefore, in terms of the actual number of legions, Calvin only thinks that his own fighters are too few, and as for the other battle groups, he has no desire to occupy them at all.

"Then let's begin..."

Gabriel didn't go into the inner room to say goodbye to Elvis, knowing that such behavior would be meaningless in the years that followed when the two of them forgot.

So he found a random room in the medical room, and under the supervision of medical equipment, he and Calvin began the cruel trial of going beyond the gentle evolution of the gene seeds and directly bearing the blood of the Primarch.

The transformation began with the infusion of Calvin's blood.

The dose of this tube is not large, but it is obviously different from Calvin's usual blood, which is mixed with gold, which is the embodiment of his latest cell evolution.

Under the gaze of the two, the tube of blood was injected into Gabriel's heart by the mechanical arm.

Unsurprisingly, a severe erosive reaction appeared very quickly, and before his body temperature rose for the first time, Gabriel had already fallen into a coma.

"It's up to you." Calvin said in his heart.

His psychic power was suppressing the reaction in Gabriel's body throughout the whole process. Whether it was Calvin's own cells or Gabriel's cells covered by phagocytosis, they all minimized their activity under his deliberate suppression.

This is all he can do for Gabriel, and the rest can only depend on his own will to survive.

Put the unconscious Gabriel into the prepared life support cabin. There are not many supplies around, but it is enough for him alone.

Calvin took some time to leave and went to Elvis' room to move him into the survival cabin.

When using psychic energy to erase the memory of this comatose young man, he inadvertently saw transparent water flowing from the corner of his eye in the light green nutrient solution, and was immediately assimilated into the green ocean...

Five days passed in a flash.

Gabriel was the first to climb through the dangerous process of transformation under Calvin's spiritual care.The cells in his body tried countless times to fight back, to resist the erasure of the outsider from the genetic level.

But under the genetic coverage that Calvin obtained from the Emperor himself, all their attempts were effectively resolved one by one within the map of the divine gene.

His own will acted as a flame in the middle. While insisting on his own existence, he also bought enough time for the first batch of his own cells to be reborn under the catalysis of the "Holy Blood".

The former Gabriel, the Chapter Master of the Fire Eagle.

Now named by Calvin as Alan Janus.

The first half of the first name symbolizes his destiny—a lonely person; the second half of the surname is derived from the name of the Gray Knight's first Supreme Master, which symbolizes the same transformation he experienced as that mentor.

Elvis also regained consciousness a little later.

His injury healed extremely quickly under surgical treatment, and the reason why it took a full five days was mostly due to the time when his memory was cleaned and reorganized.

With memories of the Chapter permanently altered in his mind, his Chapter Master died in the original rebellion.And Calvin and his entourage were the ones who saved his life.

The monitoring equipment outside the life support cabin whistled softly, which was a reminder that the brain waves and heart rate were fluctuating.

Together with the newborn gray knight, Calvin stood outside the life support cabin and watched the green amniotic fluid in the tank slowly fade away.

Elvis' pale body, which had been soaked in the liquid for a long time, was falling down weakly. When he struggled to get out of the amniotic fluid-like life support cabin, he instinctively looked at Calvin standing behind Silence figure.

"You are……"

Elvis hesitated, he wondered where he had seen this gray knight.But the memory loss finally made him forget the existence of this person.

"Let's go, everything here is temporarily sealed. Until you can control them again." Calvin said to Elvis.

The three silently collected the corpses of Astartes in the battleship.

After all the corpses were processed, and the damaged and intact power armors were recovered and stored, they went to the bridge, and under the control of the authority of Elvis, the last member of the battle group, the main power source of the entire battle barge Slow off.

The ever-burning lights on the battleships began to go out one by one, except for the bright lamps hanging above the feet of the emperor's icon in the church.

Servos fell silent, circulation systems were reduced to minimum power, and only the most basic maintenance functions were preserved.

It was exactly 7 days since Calvin came.The three left from the battleship, and led by Calvin, walked in the direction he came from.

The temporary camp more than ten kilometers away was quiet at this time, and the first adjutant Mars's sitting firmly on the mountain was the last guarantee of the morale of the soldiers in the camp.

But he is not as calm as the surface.

This was the last day of Calvin's agreed return time, and it was also the last day of his inner defense.

After today, he could only lead the team back according to Calvin's order.But what to do after going back, he was at a loss.

The scale of the tribe is no longer what it used to be. The huge staffing and the population in the ruled area are swallowing massive resources all the time.

Relying on the legion-like operating mechanism left by Calvin, Mars knew that this behemoth could still operate by itself according to its inertia.

But the premise of all this is that no accidents can happen.

As long as there is a large-scale event other than the record, then Mars, like other high-ranking holders, will not be able to control this unprecedentedly large steel behemoth.

There are very few intellectuals in the tribe, so the management uniforms are relatively simple and rude.As for the central data statistics and sorting, it is something that only Calvin can do.

He has popularized primary education in response to this situation, but the cultivation cycle of talents is fixed.

Before the new generation completely takes over the management of the tribe, the grassroots cannot handle data well.

The central core data processing and feedback to the local model is a last resort, and this kind of thing can be done by Calvin, and only Calvin can do it.

The sun in the sky has been deflected, and there is no echo in the distant woodland.

Mars was sitting firmly in the main tent in the center and remained motionless, but his son—Mars Jr. could already read some panic from his father's breathing rate.

This point was further confirmed by the sweat stains he saw on the temples of Old Mars when he sent the water in later.

"The leader's safety is at risk!" Moved by his thoughts, Little Mar's movements inevitably became stiff:

The veins on the back of his hands, which had been practicing martial arts all the year round, bulged, but they were pressed down again by his strong heart.Just as he packed up the cups and was about to get up and leave, Old Mars pressed the back of his hand.

Little Mar raised his neck stiffly, and the eyes of the father and son collided in the quiet tent.

Mars, who knew that the fate of the people in the entire Northland was tied to him, couldn't care less.At this moment, there is only one thought in his mind:
"The morale of the army must not be disturbed! The Northland must not be disturbed!"

A silent killing intent emanated from Mars, and Mars, who was closest to him, was the first to notice it.

He looked at the narrowed eyes of his father who was close at hand and the handle of the knife clenched in his hand, and read a clear and murderous threat from it:

"Little brat, watch your mouth. If you dare to mess with our army, you must know that I recognize you, but the knife does not!"

Cold sweat flowed from little Mar's temples, and then slid down his cheeks.The itchy skin made him want to scratch it with his hands, but at this moment he dared not move it.

Others don't know, but he knows his father too well.According to Mar's grandfather, this man with great ambitions since he was a child is a typical man with high eyesight and low hands, but since he started following the leader, his whole person seems to have been sublimated.

In the eyes of outsiders, the head of the guards and the first adjutant, who is always behind the leader and never leaves his body, has a staid and serious personality.

In his eyes, this man called father was really overwhelmed by Calvin's strategy and structure, and he didn't think of himself as a person from the bottom of his heart.

Instead, under the leadership of Sulu, the pack of wolves who are in charge and bear the fate of countless people living in the entire Northland.

His father really dared to kill his son to stand up for military affairs!
Just when the atmosphere in the main tent was so anxious that Marr was about to close his eyes and die, Calvin's long-lost voice made Marr feel like a treasure.The killing intent in the entire tent also disappeared and melted in an understatement.

His figure appeared in the main tent again, ignoring the two extra people behind him, Calvin's appearance not only saved Mars, but also calmed Mars's worried heart for several days:

"Hey! I haven't seen you in seven days, Mars, you have grown up. Come and tell me, which play are you singing in?"

 Two in one, update and ask for tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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