Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 195 What Do You Think?

Chapter 195 What Do You Think?

"You mean the 'Sons of Calvin'?"

Gavins' words reminded Yule, and he also realized the existence of the problem:
With these four chapter fleets came not only reinforcements, but another group that made them difficult.

These gray knights have never gone through the complete selection process on Titan, let alone psyker-based selection criteria.

How they could become gray knights, to be honest, Yule didn't fully understand the reason.

When he first learned of the existence of these gray knights, Yule instinctively thought it was a lie.

There is no fundamental psychic gift to base on, and no complete ritual of the Titans to shelter their reincarnation.

Yule instinctively thought that those people either did not exist, or they must have come from the conspiracy of Chaos.

But Moloch convinced him with facts.

On his ship Star Labyrinth, there is also a data backup of his combat training with Aidan Janus.

When Yule saw Alan for the first time in these video materials, he instantly recognized the unique smell of the Gray Knight in him.

That is cold and fiery psionic energy, that is a loyal but never fanatical soul.

Yule believed that if other gray knights were present, he would be the same.

Also, from Alan's silver eyes that can occasionally be captured by the camera, read the exclusive taste that only belongs to the last silver blade of the emperor.

That was the smell of the Gray Knights, and now it is the smell of Calvin.

That's right, thinking that there is already one more Primarch in his home than before, the last doubt in Yule's heart also dissipated.

He still doesn't know the details and principles, but since it was the original body's handwriting, everything becomes reasonable.

And after recovering from his initial surprise and disbelief, he found something similar in his own Chapter's history.

No one else, this kind of case that violates his basic common sense comes from the original creator of the Gray Knights:
The eight legionnaires who were retrieved by Malcador from the galaxy one by one, and promised by the emperor himself--the first generation of the first generation of masters of the eight gray knights.

You must know that among the eight existences, only two of them have identified their identities, and they had psychic qualifications before becoming Gray Knights.

The remaining six were not under the shadow of the Nikaea Agreement from the very beginning, and they were mortal Astartes through and through.

Now that they can undergo transformation and become gray knights with psychic powers.

So Calvin, as the Primarch, has the ability to transform another batch by himself?

The answer is self-evident, just like every Legion Lord:
To provide support for the continuation of the legion's bloodline, this is their most basic and most important core function as the genetic father of millions of Astartes.

Recalling the era of the Great Crusade, with the emperor's campaign, behind the rise of each legion must be the return of their blood source.

Because only their return can ensure the continuous sharpness of the legion sword, and enable these superhuman legions far away from the home planet of Terra to have complete self-hematopoietic ability.

With the strong support of the Primarch, except for the first batch of Legionnaires who had to rely on the cultivation technology from Mars because of their scale.

The rest of the battle-damaged replacements during the Great Expedition do not need the long-term seed cultivation technology of Mars at all.

The reason is simple:
The blueprint of genes is right in front of us, why should we look far away?
Every drop of the original body's blood can cultivate the purest first-generation gene seeds. Why should they go to Mars to wait for the second-generation or even later products?

They can complete the cultivation of gene seeds on the way of the battle, and there is almost no need for modulation!

This is the case with the gene seeds of the first generation, which are naturally incomparably pure.

And this is precisely the technological bonus reserved by the emperor for the needs of the war.

Otherwise, with the combat intensity of the legion, would it be possible to return to Terra for a replenishment after a fierce battle?
Or do you have to wait 50 years for seed cultivation to continue in a fierce battle?

Wouldn't the Astartes Legion, the sharpest sword in the hands of the emperor, become a big joke!

The truth is like this, once you think about it, you can understand it.

But as a veteran who had served for hundreds of years before Calvin came, Yule was really used to living a poor life and couldn't adapt to the reality that his Primarch had returned.

"Well, that's a problem. Let's find a way..."

He stroked his chin (taught from Tabers), lost in thought under Gavins' anxious gaze.

"But they are also Calvin's blood! This is irrefutable!"

Gavins, the lord of the guards, couldn't bear it anymore. He couldn't accept that the upper echelon of the battle group had doubts about the blood of these gray knights.


Yu Le looked up at the impatient guy, and said with a playful look:

"I'm wondering where to find enough holy shield power armor and accessories for them. Without these special equipment, they can't exert their combat effectiveness. What are you thinking?"

"Ah this..."

Gavin, who was full of embarrassment, was at a loss for words, so he turned his help-seeking eyes to Tabers, who hadn't spoken.

"Well, he's the same as you. Probably because he's worried that the position of the barracks will be tight after the recruits board the ship."

Tabers shrugged and gave Gavins a symbolic pull by changing the subject.

"Well, indeed. If you don't tell me, I never thought of it..."

Hearing what Tabers said, Yule fell into a new problem.

As for the previous question, it is no longer important...

"Go to Bishop Klein! Count all the spare power armor and spare parts, and by the way, count the Terminator! If it doesn't work, let all the veterans go to the Terminator, and make room for the power armor. Less quota!"

After clearing his mind, Yule issued an order to Gavins, and at the same time he did not forget to tell the other party more details:

"Notify the ammunition production workshop to run at full power!
And the psionic choir don't be idle!
Before they come, hurry up and complete the blessing ceremony of the power armor in stock!
and also!Remember to take good care of the replaced armor!
In a word, we don't lack these things!So we can't let these recruits down! "

"As ordered!"

Gavins turned and walked towards the engine room, his happy mood was palpable, which could be seen from his almost brisk steps.

And it wasn't until his figure completely disappeared that the two people on the bridge looked at each other.

Yule did it on purpose to embarrass Gavins just now, and Tabers knew it all too well.

But they endured until the former left, and hearty laughter echoed heartily in the empty hall.

The pre-war preparations are inexhaustible, and Commander Jules and Captain Tabers are both responsible for important positions.

A huge amount of work will keep them busy until the eve of the battle, but they are happy to eat.

Be busy, as long as you are busy for hope.

Those veterans who have seen too much despair and darkness are enough to feel precious happiness from it.

 One more, please vote.

(End of this chapter)

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