Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 262 The Battle of Purification Triple Surprise

Chapter 262 The Battle of Purification (2) Triple Surprise
The thick haze formed a canopy that blocked the sun. On the hazy land, there were only patches of wilderness and hills covering the entire field of vision.

Calvin watched the changes in the surrounding environment with cold eyes, and immediately contacted all the gray knights after the surrounding environment began to stabilize.

"Report the status of each department and report your environment."

After such a complete change in the surrounding environment, Calvin immediately counted the number of gray knights from the spiritual energy link.

Fortunately, from his perspective, the previous total number of links has not changed;

Except for a few gray knights who were in poor condition, there were no missing or battle damage in the team for the time being.

There were bursts of psionic teleportation sounds, and groups of gray knights walked out of it.

When the surrounding enemy situation was unknown, the entire operational force began to center on him, and cautiously began to recover the deployed troops.

Calvin watched the return of these gray knights, and with their appearance, Calvin collected more and more information about the slain demons from them.

"This is where?"

Facing the suspicious eyes of his brothers, Alan Janus shook his head quietly.

He turned his gaze to the Primarch behind him, and found the same doubt in the latter's eyes.

"The answer doesn't look like a hard-working guy, we can only wait for us to take the initiative to approach. Let's go. Explore forward."

Following Calvin's words, the entire team of more than 300 people began to walk deep into the dusty sky.

The huge storm swept over the heads of the gray knights with blowing sand all over the sky. Apart from dyeing the power of the gray knights yellow, it failed to stop their progress.

But the accident always came one step ahead, before the smoke and dust in front of them cleared, the gray knight's ears had already started to ring with a huge roar.

"For the emperor!"

The fanatical battle cry came from a large-scale army, but it appeared strangely behind Calvin and others.

And as these voices approached, the reality projections of thousands of star realm troops descended on this land.

They ignored the gray knights who were on high alert, passed directly by them, and rushed towards the end of the field of vision on the other side.

In the aftermath of the storm over there, countless pairs of ice-blue animal pupils were shining from the darkness.

Thousands of demons came out of the darkness, and like the Astra Militarum, they all ignored the Gray Knight in the center of the battle.

The two parties passed through the formation of the gray knights like light and shadow, and rushed towards their respective enemies with their swords and guns held high.

The laser gun brought a rain of light to the demons, and the logging gun and the heavy tank were not to be outdone, and each fired their own firepower at the demon army in the distance.

Hundreds of demons fell on the way to charge, and were immediately replaced by more blue-skinned demons.

The Astra Militia fought with frenzy, shooting the laughing twisted souls one by one, and charging forward shouting the name of the Emperor.

There were fewer and fewer daemons on the battlefield, until the Astra Militarum surrounded the last cultist in the middle of the crowd.

Judging from the robes he was wearing, this cultist was undoubtedly one of the local priests of the Imperial God Sect.

This obviously haggard body hadn't participated in the battle before, but just hid his hands under the wide sleeves of his robe.

And when all the weapons were pointing at it and its imminent death, he finally took off the wide hood, revealing the inhuman bird-like head and the shriveled bird claws under the sleeves of the robe.

"Praise the Lord of Change!"

The demon laughed hysterically, and then, under the disbelieving gazes of the Star Guardsmen, or made a large rain of star-blue light, it wiped out the entire human army.


A gray knight yelled at the scene in front of him, trying to cross Calvin in front of the team and walk towards the center of the battlefield.

But Calvin easily stopped their recklessness, and turned back to explain in the internal channel with a psionic link:
"This is the wreckage and vestiges of time, from which only the victors can emerge.

The demons you see are just a bubble back then..."

Before he finished speaking, Calvin used his inhuman dynamic vision to observe Alan's slowly opening mouth frame by frame.


Calvin immediately turned his head alertly, and found that after the light rain had passed, the demon was already a huge figure with a bird's head and a human body.

And it was this tall demon who had walked behind him at some point, and with a strange smile, was pointing at Calvin with the staff with sharp angles in his hand.


Calvin was furious instantly!

The warhammer in his hand instantly glowed with the luster of a spiritual gem, and then his own spiritual power also began to wrap and strengthen the warhammer.

Driven by the power of the heavy war hammer, the huge sound of the wind hit the demon's bubble-like body;

The fluctuations in space are like layers of fine and dense thin paper, which are torn apart under the blow of the heavy hammer until the existence of the core is exposed.


The huge bird's head was shattered by a heavy hammer, and on the half of the face that hadn't been completely destroyed, there were still three eyes showing puzzled expressions.

The death of this demon is like a switch, completely opening the access to the demon lair living here.

Countless phantoms of the big devil rushed out from all over the desert, attacking the gray knights.

A group of gray knights also finished their preparations, and began to meet the challenges before them with the blessing of Calvin.

The Gobi, covered with yellow sand, was instantly filled with flames of war, and even the gravel was melted into glass-like objects;

Thunderbolt and Faerie Fire hurl each other in howls and laughs, and bolter and curse pay homage to each other in substantive malice.A total of 999 phantoms of demons are also getting fewer and fewer in the continuous killing, until there is no trace of new life.

"Huh? Are we leaving again?"

Reluctantly aware of the changes in the surrounding time and space, Allen looked at Calvin.

The latter was looking at the warhammer in his hand angrily from his face, and the terrifying spiritual energy had gathered into a white-gold painting, dyeing the whole warhammer golden.

Ka... Ka... Ka...

Subtle shattering sounds sounded in people's ears. The moment the demons here were completely wiped out, as the power of time and space disintegrated, the scenery in front of the gray knights once again changed dramatically.

What appeared in the eyes of everyone again was a dilapidated but not ancient city square.

On the hall at the end of the square is the name of their mission destination - Noraston.

The entire square is now occupied by a huge magic circle.

Under the majestic wave of spiritual energy, a big demon wearing a high crown and gorgeous feathers like jewels stepped out of it.

It holds a huge staff majestic and majestic;
The iconic bird head is opening its mouth wide for mockery.

But this expression had been fixed on its face for a few seconds. Obviously, in his plan, these gray knights shouldn't appear at this time.

"There is definitely a conspiracy!"

This idea grew wildly in its chaotic brain, and it was cautious and suspicious by nature, it immediately gave up its original goal, turned its head and walked towards the magic circle when it came.

But it was too late.

Just when half of its body was about to enter the magic circle, and it was only one step away from returning to the subspace, a big hand covered in silver armor abruptly pulled it back.

In the terrified eyes of this big demon, the owner of that hand is skillfully using the other hand to swing a sledgehammer and smash it down on its head.

"You, he, are quite good at playing!

You will, the power of time, right?

You know it, the power of space, right? "

From this moment, the sound of heavy hammering rang throughout the entire night in the huge square.

And Calvin's unique psychic energy fluctuations, with the wailing sound of the great demon before it was wiped out, spread to the depths of the subspace...

 Second watch, ask for a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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