Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 299 The Prevented Battle, and the Unavoidable Reason

Chapter 299 The Prevented Battle, and the Unavoidable Reason
"Be careful!"

Stuart's complexion changed drastically, and he stepped forward in an instant to block between Calvin and Hounthorne.

When Hornsohn's words fell to the ground just now, he keenly noticed the flash of impatience in Calvin's still soft eyes.The aura of the Primarch appeared like an antelope's horns for a thousandth of a second, and then was forcibly suppressed by the latter.

Stuart couldn't imagine what would happen to his brother if he was unyielding and stopped Hornthorne's challenge.

Sigismund's experience can be described as legendary, and his title of No.1 under the Primarch, in Stewart's view, has an extremely coincidental background.

His ability to survive was firstly based on the fact that he could resist the power of the Primarch's sword, and that Fulgrim had no scruples to pursue him back then.

What about Hornthorne?

Stuart looked around, but he didn't see an equivalent existence that could stop Calvin.

Hugh asked if he, Huo, could survive Calvin's thunderous blow. Even if he survived, it would undoubtedly be a huge insult and provocation in the context of the first official appearance of Calvin, the Primarch !
Can he survive Calvin's next onslaught?
In other words, did Calvin have reason to indulge this challenger of his authority and walk away from him alive?
Impossible... Just look at the guards of the imperial guards who have no intention of dissuading them, look at the guards of honor who are watching coldly.

Stuart knew clearly that in the current situation, it was Hohnthorn himself who was sending himself to the altar for the Primarch to make his debut.Let Hornthorn go on, and he would almost certainly die in the Primarch's wrath, a sacrifice to that sacrifice that no one wanted to happen but that must happen.

"Oh, son of Guilliman, do you have something to say?"

Raising his hand and swaying lightly, Nicholas, the commander of the shield guards of the imperial army who was two steps behind Calvin, who was about to step forward, stopped instantly.

The details of this kind of order and prohibition on the emperor's guards made the corners of the mouths of everyone present twitch and their brows twitched.

And the owner of this hand, at this time, is suppressing his anger, and once again pointing out the unequal position between the two parties with a gentle tone and an unkind title.

Calvin didn't want his first contact with the start-up warband to be an unfriendly start.

But this time is different from the past, the legion behind him is about to rise, and the three major orders of the trial court are also watching his every move.

If someone who doesn't know the so-called is really trying to provoke him, in order to smear the image of the new army.Then he doesn't mind wiping the stain away with blood!

A violent imperial fist, dead is dead.

Hugh said that Donne's whereabouts today are elusive, and even if he was present, it would be nothing more than an open fight.They are all Primarchs, and they all carry the Emperor's mission. Could it be that he, Calvin, has nothing to fear?
"Please forgive me..."

Stuart ignored Calvin's provocation by directly calling his genetic father, and turned around to forcefully press Hohnthorne's sword-holding hand.

The ceremonies of the gladiatorial invitation were unilaterally suspended, and Calvin does not seem to be holding back.The stalemate reached the suffocating atmosphere of all the people present, and after tens of seconds of Hornsohn's rude words, the people present finally relaxed.

The supreme administrator, Salatan, saw the need and did not give the two parties a chance to communicate verbally. He took a step forward and stood in front of Calvin. While the latter looked at him, he changed the topic to the normal direction.

"Your Excellency...Your Highness, the welcome reception is ready. The people of Ofelia are waiting to witness your demeanor. Please follow me and give them this extraordinary honor..."

"Oh, it's a good suggestion, but I'm sorry I don't have this interest. Alan..."

Calvin smiled and looked at Salatan, but did not agree with his suggestion.

He retracted and greeted behind him. At the end of the honor guard queue, Alan Janus stepped to Calvin's side after hearing his call.


Alan's claim was just another proof of his identity in the ears of the four Astartes present, but it was like a bolt from the blue in the ears of the battle nuns.

They finally understood the core contradiction of this entanglement, and finally, belatedly, they proved a terrible fact that shocked them as well from Calvin's terrifying figure.

"The God Emperor blesses you!"

Several big nuns turned their heads and knelt in Terra's direction first.

The arch guards of the imperial guards have explained too many facts, and they did not doubt the authenticity of Calvin's identity.

It's just that such news appeared suddenly, and they were unprepared.

At a time when the Empire is struggling, the appearance of a new Primarch is undoubtedly the Emperor's most generous gift to mankind.

"Alan, you come to this banquet on my behalf to thank the people of Ofelia for their enthusiasm. And I..."

Calvin looked at the supreme manager with a calm face in front of him. He could clearly see the inner anxiety of the old man through his psychic vision, but since the incident happened, there must be an explanation.

"Waiting for your return here, you still owe me an explanation about that batch of weapons..."

"Ah! You don't have to!"

How could Salatan dare to let Calvin wait for him to come back at this place? He hurriedly waved behind his back. Jane Harrington, who had just returned to the team and did not have time to communicate with her colleagues, was summoned by the Holy See again, so she walked back with weak steps. to Calvin's side.

It’s not because of his weak mentality, but because Calvin’s psychic aura was revoked just before stepping out of the transport boat. He watched the people around him become Primarchs, and everyone would be at a loss. .

Fortunately, what she is best at is dealing with sudden diplomatic incidents. A few dozen seconds of dialogue is enough for him to adjust his mentality.

After taking small steps to the side of Salatan and Calvin, he heard the order from the Holy See for him to continue serving and Calvin.

"Take His Royal Highness Calvin to the back hall of St. Vincent's Church, and I will be there soon."

After arranging Calvin's resting place, and seeing that Calvin did not object, Saratan was relieved, and nodded slightly to the giant in front of him:
"Then, please forgive me."

"Please feel free..." Calvin nodded, then turned his gaze to meet the other members of the team.

The senior nuns had finished praying at this time, and they knelt down to Calvin Dan in unison, performing the standard Aquila salute.

The chief nun of the Order of Courageous Heart is the highest status of the six major orders stationed in the Holy Hermitage.

On behalf of everyone, she invited Calvin to visit the Holy Hermitage, and after getting the latter's consent, she nodded slightly and then turned to leave.

(Terra's Prophet Monastery and Ofelia 7's Holy Hermitage Monastery are listed as the two headquarters of the Battle Sisters.

The six main orders of the Battle Sisters are stationed in both places.

But because of their different fighting styles, among them, the main fighting styles of the Silver Shroud, the Ebony Chalice, and the Holy Blood Rose are stationed in Terra;

The representatives of the fanatics who advocate sacrifice for redemption—Blood Rose, Martyr Maiden, and Heart of Courage—will station their main forces in Ofelia 7.

Therefore, when the Battle Sisters who appeared in Ofelia made a collective statement, because of their status as landlords, their representatives must have been produced in the last three congregations. )
 One more, please vote.

  ps: The review software is unhappy and seems to need two days to appease.I don't have time to revise it recently, and I can only wait for the review tomorrow for typos, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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