Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 3 Black Ship's Mission and Psionic Cognition

Chapter 3 Black Ship's Mission and Psionic Cognition

"That was really embarrassing and suffocating for five seconds." Many years later, in the diary, people found Calvin's evaluation of this experience.

Jiang Wen, who has been a bystander for 14 years, is obviously not that proficient in High Gothic. Most of the serfs in daily contact are native speakers of Low Gothic with ambiguous pronunciation, so that it took him a full four seconds to understand each other. the meaning of.

Calvin, who pretended to be dead and failed, decided to do something after briefly thinking for a second.

He got up and rolled behind the unresponsive servitor.

During this process, his flexible and powerful body made him move silently; his quick response allowed him to find the weapon he wanted and try to get it the moment he got up; his powerful strength made simple joint skills unpretentious and yet And full of deterrence.

Within half a second, Calvin snatched a screwdriver from the many prosthetic limbs behind the servitor and put it behind the servitor's head, only to hear the naval officer's belated persuasion:
"Relax! Relax! Young man! You don't have to be so nervous at all."

"Give me a reason to believe you." Calvin said in unfamiliar Gothic while looking around vigilantly.

"This is the Black Ship, and she belongs to the Star Language Court. If we have malicious intentions towards you, at least you won't be brought up without any control measures, understand? My child."

"Black ship? What do you do?"

"You shouldn't know this, but your psychic talent has awakened, child. This ship is a special spaceship used by the Imperial Astrological Court to collect psykers in the empire's territory. Its mission is to prevent your psychic power from getting out of control." find you."


This taboo word seems to have certain concepts and powers in itself.

The moment Calvin read this word, his instinctive reaction made him understand the meaning of "it".

He seems to have seen a flower that grows presumptuously above the physical laws of the universe, coquettish and wanton.

Every tiny line on the charming petals represents a powerful power, while the ugly roots entrenched in the entire universe clearly tell him how sinful and tragic the end of each power is.

He saw someone make a deal with "it", in exchange for power that he didn't have before, and the price was the soul of himself and others;
I also saw that some people tried to find the essence of "it", but lost their self and humanity in the process of searching.

Every person with psychic talent is both a lucky person and a cursed person in this universe. Fortunately, they have escaped from their existing destiny and have the possibility of truly flying to the sky; unfortunately, since the moment they awakened, , their souls have already been placed on the evil god's table.

Every time this forbidden power is used, it will bring about the growth of power.

And every seemingly free enhancement will repeatedly light up the projection of the user's soul on the other side of the subspace, until those demons hunting for the evil god find your soul along the light.

When a person can't restrain his own desires and uses this forbidden power unrestrainedly.

The projection of his soul in the subspace will become clearer and clearer. One day, the evil god of the subspace and his minions will find him, take his soul away, devour him, or become the evil god's almost eternal life. A toy for endless torture to relieve boredom.

And his remaining flesh and blood will also become the portal for the evil gods and their demon descendants to come to the real universe.

Let them break through the shackles of the laws of the universe and reach reality for even more terrifying carnivals of hunting and killing.

Can anyone really refuse the temptation of this power?Calvin was not expecting this.

As a nominally 14-year-old veteran who has lived two lifetimes, he has always been pessimistic about human nature.

There may be fewer dogs in the military camp than in the society, but isn’t the sweat and even blood and tears every day just to break through the limits of oneself?

The temptation to increase seemingly without cost is really irresistible.This realization even includes Calvin himself.

As Calvin fell into a stillness of thought, his psychic power finally responded to him for the first time in his short 14-year life.He saw it with the inner vision of his soul: a black, faceted gem, slowly turning and rising from the ocean of his consciousness.

That gem seems to be a miniature black hole, greedily absorbing all surrounding spiritual energy fluctuations, so that when it responds to Calvin's call, the overflowing spiritual energy fluctuations and abnormal temperature changes from the subspace are all gone. It was eaten up like a glutton.

As a result, Calvin's psychic fluctuations were completely suppressed within his body, so that the Geiger counters all over the hangar were not aware of it.

But Calvin didn't understand this, he just saw from the frequency at which it rotated leisurely, it didn't look like it was out of control at all...

Calvin came back to his senses and continued his previous train of thought to ask:
"Then, what if the black ship comes late, I mean, what if I'm out of control?"

"That is to destroy you after you lose control. You should be glad that you are not the latter. The corruption of the subspace is irreversible. This is a lesson learned by the empire with countless lives for tens of thousands of years."

"So I should thank you?"

"Of course you can. And to be honest, you are not the same as those 'taxes', you are a nobleman! Military nobles! Unlike those court nobles who spend their days on Terra, the badge on your body is derived from the blood of your ancestors Dyeing, your parents or elders are credited to the empire. You are our people! Of course you will receive the best training and placement, instead of simply being used as firewood."


"That's not what you should know now, kid. You just need to know, you're one of us. You won't be treated unfairly. Put down your ridiculous weapons, before you really blow things up."

"All right"

After looking around, he found at least 20 guards suspected of heavy weapons, arranged in all directions to cover the entire hangar without dead ends.The factual and good-natured Calvin dropped the screwdriver on the steel floor.Under the crisp impact sound, the servant did not respond at all, and was still mechanically and repeatedly trying to complete the task.

"They are no longer considered alive. Just ignore them and follow me." After speaking, the officer turned and walked towards the elevator in the corner of the hangar.Calvin hesitated for a moment, but followed.

"where are we going?"

"B, 11th floor, the pure test site directly below the church, there are people waiting for you, don't worry, it's just a formality, if there is a problem, you will have been dismissed long ago."

"Yang? Is this the slang of your navy?"

"Bullshit! What is your navy? What if you are assigned to us in the future?"


The first floor of the church on the top of the spaceship is also the office of the true owner of the spaceship, Ms. Black Ship, one of the few highest-ranking officers in the Sisters of Silence combat force known as the Emperor's Claw.

The surrounding walls are made of ceramic steel with a thickness of 3 meters and are engraved with the marks of purity. In this spaceship that takes 10 years to build even in the foundry world, the separate cost of this cabin can also be listed as an item of expenditure of.

But contrary to its expensive nature, when you are lucky enough to enter this cabin, you will find that the spacious space is surprisingly simple.

In addition to the wall facing the door, occupying the entire view of the Emperor's life-sized oil painting and the large desks and chairs directly below, as well as necessary equipment such as weapon racks and holographic maps, there are only tall bookshelves on the surrounding walls.

When Cassin was allowed into the room, the woman was buried behind a desk reviewing piles of papers.Under the light of the human oil candle, the lady's complexion was slightly pale.

Obviously, as a veritable "space city" with more than [-] employees, even daily administrative management is a headache.

And such a black ship is just a drop in the ocean in the vast empire territory with tens of billions of administrative planets.

After waiting quietly for a long time, the lady finally raised her head from the copybook. Her warm and resolute eyes looked at Ka Xin who was standing quietly by the side, and said to her in sign language with a smile on the corner of her mouth:
"Our little Cassin has grown up and has become more patient. Come, sit in front of me, and tell me about the things on the ground..."

(End of this chapter)

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