Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 302 Between the elbow and armpit, the ring within the ring.

Chapter 302 Between the elbow and armpit, the ring within the ring.

"My lord, Vice Admiral Ollivander, Admiral of the Escort Fleet, requests an audience."

"Let him in."

"Yes..." After obtaining Calvin's permission, Otto, the imperial guard, walked out the door.

It has been a week since the Grand Fleet left Ophelia 7 and its galaxy.

In consideration of the special religious status of this star area, the returning fleet did not rush into the subspace voyage, but instead traveled in a parade mode, intermittently jumping between the big and small bishop worlds in the Ophelia star area .

The current position of the fleet has come to the end of the star area, with the central ecliptic of the Milky Way as the center, and it happens to be opposite to the Ophelia galaxy, looking at each other from a distance.

So far, the fleet has completed its visit plan to the world in the star area, and is about to dive into the depth of long-distance subspace navigation. Before officially entering the state of silent navigation, Lieutenant General Ollivander, who is the admiral of the fleet, came to listen to instructions, which is absolutely in line with A matter of procedure and reason.

Well, at least that's how it seems...

The door of the office opened silently to both sides, and Calvin raised his head to look at the mortal who walked into the hall.

Otto seemed to be delayed by other matters, and Calvin and the visitor were the only two in the quiet office at this time, facing each other at a distance of more than ten meters.

"Good day, Honorable Calvin."

Lieutenant General Ollivander stepped on the red velvet carpet and saluted Calvin with an eagle from a distance of ten meters.

"Good day, Mr. Ollivander, get up, what's the matter? I don't seem to have any record of calling you here."

Calvin put down the data pad in his hand for querying documents, and put the vermilion pen in his other hand on the pen holder for annotating confidential documents.

"Yes, my subordinate is taking the liberty. I need to confirm with you about the fleet's itinerary, so I came here abruptly."

Ollivander bowed his head respectfully and answered Calvin's question with a steady voice.

"Oh, come closer."

Calvin watched Ollivander talking casually, without stopping the official business in his hand, and picked up another document that needed to be reviewed again.

"Yes." The lieutenant general walked forward slowly, and picked up the data pad on his waist, and said to Calvin as he walked:
"The planned itinerary of the large fleet at the next transfer node has been calculated. My fleet will arrive in the Talas sector in a week. After passing here, we will enter the border of the Terra star field."

"Hard work, you're doing a great job. So what's your problem? Where can I help you?"

Calvin expressed his appreciation for the smooth progress of the itinerary. After affirming the work of Lieutenant General Ollivander, he stood up in a happy mood and walked around behind the long table, walking towards the admiral in front of him.

The atmosphere in the hall was quite harmonious. It was obvious that the two parties who cooperated temporarily because of this trip were satisfied with the cooperation attitude of the other party.

"My lord, please look... This is Talas, and our position should be here now..."

Ollivander held up the data pad in his hand and handed it to Calvin, and continued to explain to Calvin the various details in the dynamic star area diagram on it.

Calvin also did not arrogantly remind the two of their class and normal etiquette, and reached out to take the data pad.

"Here? Uh... a barren world? Is there anything special about it?"

"Yes, there was originally a shrine world that belonged to the state religion of the empire. In a warp space storm nearly a thousand years ago, it was polluted and fallen by demons from chaos. The shrines on it were destroyed and the population was plundered. "

"So..." Calvin frowned, looked at the general who walked up to him and lowered his head, and asked:

"What should I pay attention to?"

After saying this, Ollivander also happened to walk to Calvin's side. He slowly raised his head, his distorted face looked at Calvin's body with a crazy smile:
"You don't need to pay attention to anything, the most important thing for you now is to accept this greeting from the Lord of Tampering!"

Boom boom boom!
The low-pitched flesh explosion sounded like a leather bag filled with liquid being crushed, intertwined with the huge roar outside the porthole of the battleship.

While the blood mist caused by the explosion of the blood-red flesh dissipated, Otto, who heard the sound from outside the hall, looked at the only Alan Janus left in the room and asked:

"Are you OK?"

Allen, who had escaped from the ten-day psychic disguise, slapped off the flesh hanging from his shoulder armor, and calmly replied to his relatives in front of him:

"I'm fine here, everything is going according to plan."

The escort fleet outside the porthole continued to attack the Retribution Angel, but this sudden attack failed to achieve the effect they expected.

As early as a week ago, the guards of the imperial army made uniform adjustments to the servos of the weapon arrays on the six cruisers in the name of reviewing the code of conduct.

The brand-new macro gun shooting table and light spear basic parameters seem to be normal on the surface, but the most critical melee data has been destroyed by the underlying logic.

And when this war, which both sides expected, started, this kind of pre-prepared method obtained unexpected benefits.

On the six cruisers of the imperial navy that had been polluted and corrupted, the distorted rebel weapon sergeant personally manipulated the weapon array on the battleship, and launched a total of 12 rounds of macro cannons and light spears at the Retribution Angel surrounded by the fleet. Compound hit.

However, after the huge smoke and shock in the weapon array room, the officers in charge of the sighting and calibration gave them unacceptable results:

None of the 36 rounds of the huge macro artillery shells hit the edge of the shield of the Retribution Angel and rushed into the dark deep space;
A total of 12 different light spear arrays in two or three units, and 15 concentrated lasers fired at close range, only two of which grazed the shield of the Retribution Angel!

what's going on!
The already distorted face of the rebel army underwent further mutations under the stimulation of this accident.

At least half of the rebels were punished by "conspiracy failure" and "accidental occurrence" to please the evil god, because they couldn't bear the power of chaos that was suddenly imposed on them, they were broken in place and became invisible to the original form. Egg of Chaos.

The interior of the rebellious Imperial Navy fleet was in chaos at this time.

Numerous key positions have come to a standstill due to the loss of the person in charge, and countless warship equipment began to have their own abominable machine souls under the corruption of chaos after the sacrificial cycle of these chaotic eggs being generated and broken.

And 30 seconds after the end of the first wave of ineffective strikes by the rebels, the two Astartes strike cruisers located in the center of the fleet, the Retribution Angel and the Star Labyrinth, also began to roar and release the Emperor's warships to these rebels. holy wrath.

The flashes of light spears and macro cannons shone inside the fleet, but the two sides that had already started fighting were still advancing according to their original inertia.

In the unmanned galaxy ahead, the Manzeville point that is expected to be used for the warp appears in front of both parties.

After being urgently recruited by Calvin, it took 13 days to make a long-distance attack across the two star regions. The Krieger Fleet once again appeared at the gap in the subspace in front of the fearful eyes of the rebels!
This rebellious naval battle that took place on the edge of the Ofelia star sector was unilaterally declared victory by the imperial soldiers within a few tens of minutes after it suddenly broke out at the elbow.

On the other side of the distant star area, a special war that took place on Ofelia 7 has just begun.

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(End of this chapter)

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