Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 316: The Beginning of the Hunt

Calvin in the real universe is still busy with the smooth growth of his new legion.

The entanglements between government affairs and his mortal colleagues involved him so much that he didn't even have time to sort out the fruits of his latest battle.

But the enemy will not wait for him to slowly adjust, nor will the Chaos Gods of the Warp sit by and watch his growth.

Even though he tried his best to hide himself, after several inevitable battles in Chaos, the evil gods of Chaos still knew more or less about his existence.

Among them, Tzeentch is the most important. In the battles since his birth, Gein Calvin has dealt with this heir the most.

And not so long ago, Calvin was even lucky enough to see a glimpse of His essence.

The god with his powers of wisdom and hope, of intrigue and usurpation, obviously took an extraordinary interest in Calvin.

And based on this god's evil taste engraved in his bones and his instinct to distort all knowledge and information.

Under His deliberate manipulation, the news that Calvin might be a Primarch was secretly spread by countless demons flowing with His blood.

But the divine soul possessed by Calvin was preserved by him, and even the demon princes who were projections of his will were isolated from the truth.

The subspace, which had never been peaceful, became more lively in his mocking and malicious eyes.

The performance of several fallen Primarchs who have been promoted to Demon Princes after hearing about Calvin is his favorite repertoire to watch.

Different from this unpredictable behavior style, it is the reaction of Nurgle's demons and death guards.

Nurgle, the god of life and death, disease and evolution, has known of Typhus' fall.

This kind of perception has a very high timeliness, because the fall of the latter in the mortal world leads to the shattering of the position of God's Chosen, and its theological significance will be reflected in real time in the subspace where idealism prevails.

The gardens of Nurgle rained crimson blood, and thousands of twisted trees howled and withered under the caustic rain;

A large piece of land was cracked and deserted due to the loss of mortal belief offerings, and the chrysalis of countless rotten magic flies died before their shells broke because they did not have enough souls to support them.

Rainfather Rotigues was the first to feel the strangeness of Nurgle Garden, because the death and exhaustion brought by barrenness is the environment it hates the most.

It angrily raised its stick to stir up the tide of the subspace, forcibly descended on the land that dared to challenge the majesty of the Father God, and washed those ignorant mortals with "abundant rain".

Kugas also cast a curious gaze from the depths of the garden, because the darling of the same father god has a delicate relationship with each other, and it rarely sees Father Rain's anger.

However, what Typhons and Mortarion did in the Storm Star Field seemed to have given the physical universe a shot of vaccine. Just after it made a slight move, the triple-cursed terrifying existence had already emerged from Typhon in the center of the galaxy. Pull cast an indifferent stare at it.

Father Yu resentfully put down the magic staff in his hand, and decided to hold back at the right time.It looked around with some guilty conscience, but there was no longer Kugath's gaze here.

After such a commotion, Mortarion naturally knew of Typhus' death.

Just like every father who is at odds with his eldest son, Mortarion's first reaction after losing his eldest son, who was originally named Typhon, was not gloating, but a deep-seated hatred for Calvin.

But he was also afraid of the existence that created him. Although he complained to the Emperor in private, it was obviously a bit difficult for him to face that existence.

In this way, under various considerations, the two huge camps did not directly interfere with Calvin in the real universe;

And just when this farce was about to end, an unexpected force, after realizing Calvin's existence, launched a well-prepared hunt for him.

Abaddon, the villainous man who inherited the mantle of the Traitor Primarch Horus Lupekar.

This is the only fallen Astarte who can complete the bet with the gods after the death of Horus, and forcibly assume the joint election of the four gods as a mere mortal.

The Warmaster is the name he inherited from Horus, and the Black Legion is the powerful legion he built up bit by bit from the defeated traitors.

It was 757 years since Abaddon, Warmaster of the Black Legion, concluded his infamous Tenth Black Crusade, and 500 years since he was preparing for his next campaign against the Imperium.

Limited by the location of the Eye of Terror and the equally complicated affairs in Abaddon's hands, Calvin's existence should not have attracted his attention so quickly.

However, the impact of Taifeng's death was far beyond his expectations. The first Dalian of the Death Guard began to return to the Garden of Nurgle without a leader.

And this kind of influence is not even limited to the Death Guard Legion itself, even other Chaos war gangs that believe in Nurgle, such as the "Pure World Plague Army", have also been affected and began to waver.

This loss of personnel is certainly not a phenomenon that Abaddon can tolerate. Behind the Death Guard there is a Mortarion. He can't and doesn't want to intervene. He can only prevent them from leaving;

But the loss of other scattered battle gangs is something he cares about very much.

Abaddon is different from the ordinary Astartes, and his awe of the Primarchs is limited to when they are strong enough, rather than superstitious worship.

For an existence like Calvin who doesn't have a legion and doesn't have enough glorious records, he obviously doesn't have any awe.

On the contrary, hunting down a nascent Primarch before he becomes a real threat is a rare matter of fame and fortune.

Fortunately, he still has a basic rational existence, and he has also seen the inhuman side of this existence.

Based on the caution that the son of a daughter does not sit down, after careful planning, this cunning ruler made a deal with a guy who had no sense of existence after becoming a demon.

He was in charge of asking the gods for help with a sacrifice, so that the power of the gods would end and temporarily transfer that guy's old friend away.

In return, this guy will replace Abaddon himself, go to the real universe, and bring back Calvin's head.

The fleet to hunt Calvin began to plan like this. After Abaddon dispatched a powerful war gang directly under his command, he also saw the army that had been silent for a long time, the dilapidated flag as he wished.

"Gloriously and brutally bring him back, or foolishly and pathetically die there."

Abaddon looked at this "cousin" and said without respect, and the latter also carefully observed the powerful halo of the four gods elected by the black warmaster, which was exactly the same as his father before his death, and then nodded silently and left.

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