Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 323 Preparations Before Landing

Chapter 323 Preparations Before Landing
"Good day, my friend!"

Facing this veteran who has been with him since he was a fledgling, Calvin responded politely, but his gentle tone inevitably contained more real and specific emotions.

But this is obviously not the time to reminisce about the old days, and the lifespans of both parties are so long that even though they haven't seen each other for a long time, they still regard the immediate matter as the top priority.

As Calvin's silver figure appeared on the high platform at the top of the bridge, his eyes following him were also guided by his hand, and together with other battleship commanders in the video link on the dome hall of the battleship, the eyes of attention Move back to the home screen.

With the information feedback from the scanning array, it is constantly filled with black, making it appear more specific shadows, and its displayed volume has far exceeded everyone's initial expectations.

"By the throne! It may be bigger than a star castle!"

The weapons array surveying and mapping officer was the first to exclaim in surprise. According to his previous experience in bad combat environments, this shadow, which is about 5 light minutes away from them, has a larger volume than his largest shadow. Target hit record.

"It's at least..."

The lieutenant colonel officer in charge of guarding the interior of the battleship and fighting the rebound team supplemented the surveying officer's judgment.

Naturally, he has a more sensitive understanding of the three-dimensional structure of the battleship, and it is no surprise that he focused his attention on the parameters of the target's single thickness on the auspicious instrument.

Calling this extreme existence as a traditional space hulk is no longer enough to describe its dimensions and threats.

The responsibility of a leader is actually like this. When an incident breaks out, a qualified leader does not necessarily need to finish everything.

And it was the data chain composed of these more directional information that allowed the officers with extensive experience to come up with an unbelievable conjecture that was consistent with Calvin:
What appeared right in front of the fleet now might be a huge metal mass that was composed of nearly a hundred warships of the Empire, the Eldar, and the Orcs. After passing through various extreme force field space environments, they finally collided, twisted, and fit together.

Calvin and everyone were at a loss for words about this "uninvited guest" who appeared suddenly.

"Well... I reserve my opinion. But all landing forces must carry teleportation beacons as a necessary means of rescue."

In the Primarch's limited combat experience and near-infinite "hidden memory" (other timelines), there is only the orc's battle moon for something of similar scale and structure.

The meeting is still going on, and everyone is discussing possible situations in this way.The communication between the Astartes has always been like this, and they will naturally not make a fuss about this level of sound.

But the application rate does not exceed 30%! "

As the distance approaches, more data is fed back centrally;

The short thought ended here, the primarch looked at all the expectant eyes on the bridge and the officers waiting for his order, and then gave his order based on his judgment just now:

These space hulks will not stay in these positions for long. According to the research of the Navy and the Inquisition, they are all just products of some kind of warp tidal push.

And among the data displayed in real time on the data board, among the various values ​​related to the target area parameters, this is only marked as a secondary priority...

There is an unknown energy source at work!
There are many similar templates in the database!
Includes Imperial Dockyard and Order of Xenopaths databases!

Calvin frowned, retrieving similar experiences from his vast memory.The existence of space hulks like "movable barricades" has been recorded very early in the history of the empire, and its most distant records can even be traced back to the era of the unification war.

Behind these busy crowds are thousands of people and resources on the entire fleet, which are being efficiently and ruthlessly mobilized by the fleet in the name of a war machine in the name of a legion.

"Metal induction is abnormal!
The spatial structure index is abnormal!

On the contrary, a true leader only needs to point out the direction for everyone, and then lead them to carry out their will firmly and forcefully.

"How to deal with it?"

They can understand Tabers' thoughts, and of course they can empathize with his pain.In the eyes of the current Astartes, the disappearance of the original body is the highest possible matter that needs to be strangled.

Calvin didn't continue to watch, and soon after the information of the various units on the action deck was compiled, he himself joined the decision-making discussion on the command deck.

But Tibbers' words did have his truth, and the Primarch's wish to participate in the landing was indeed declined by most of the officers.

But the commanders of the various fleet members attending the meeting on the bridge were very calm.

"Log on to it!
Find the power source and destroy it.This huge piece of metal trash will naturally return to its proper place! "

Tibbers loudly complained to the Primarch, with his Astartes size and superhuman organs with two hearts and three lungs, it sounded like a thunderous roar from a mortal perspective.

From the perspective of Calvin's world of origin, this in itself is an engineering marvel.So while he pays attention to the work and wishes of these elites of human civilization, he is also full of his personal respect for them.

Nicholas, the commander of the imperial army who followed Calvin all the way, asked, and it was only at this time that the mortal crew who only followed the Primarch realized the existence of the former belatedly.

It's not that they are worried about the possible enemies on the space hulk, but because of Calvin's popularization of their science before, these Astartes have a deep enough understanding of the instability of space and time on the space hulk.

But even the battle moon is just a collection of metal garbage, not such a "multi-source" composition like the guy in front of him.

And it was precisely because of this threat that everyone expressed enough support and sympathy for Tabers' concerns.

Countless people and things make up the battleship itself, and there are multiple battleships, which finally form this behemoth called the fleet.

It's too dangerous!Please forgive me for refusing this unreasonable request! "

"What? You also want to join the landing team?

Their presence shouldn't be so low, but the existence of the Primarch is so dazzling that these "Adamantine Foundations" are sometimes overlooked.

This high degree of instability in time and space naturally reminded the Astartes of Calvin's disappearance in Orpheus not long ago (in fact, decades ago).

Calvin happily watched the operating status of the various action decks under the bridge. From the commanding deck's commanding perspective, he could clearly see that the crew members were working selflessly.

The scope of their activity is not limited to the various territories of the empire in the real universe, even in some busy subspace waterways, occasional news of their appearance can also be received.

"Then we have to find the source that keeps it here."

resources, personnel;
Regulations, discipline.

When these power fulcrums that promote and maintain their existence are destroyed, these relics of the old era will eventually return to their proper positions...

"Your will!" Everyone responded in unison, and then began to formulate the landing plan.

Calvin touched his nose in embarrassment, which was probably one of the few body language he retained from his mortal days.

After achieving their goal, everyone tacitly turned the topic to the next process. After all, after getting along for so long, everyone has enough understanding of the Primarch. Don't hesitate to express your opinion completely.

Then for a long time to come, you will see the Primarch on the training ground, and you will have an extraordinary interest in this "brave and upright" colleague.


(End of this chapter)

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