Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 330 The Final Battle

Chapter 330 The Final Battle

The rain of silver-blue bullets shot forward from the hands of the gray knights

"3-second fire shield countdown!"

The members of the fire suppression position in the team will share their ammunition counters to the team's public data channel when the tactical action of suppressive shooting starts. When the ammunition in the chain reaches the warning line, all members' power armor servo Everyone saw this bright red tip.

The two gray knights who were charging forward stopped in an instant, and then raised the storm bolters on the arm armor to continue to suppress the rain of bullets.

"4 seconds!"

Limited by the barrier of the data link with the ordinary Astartes battle group, the gray knight can only loudly announce its ammunition remaining in the channel while firing.

"So short?" The No. [-] fire position, who was about to move on, asked angrily after hearing the Gray Knight's prompt.But facing the threat of the alien star mark, he still gave up the idea of ​​burying his head in the charge, and stopped to prepare to fire.

Seeing the line of fire from their comrades in front, the two gray knights looked at each other in embarrassment, then raised their halberds and charged forward.

As Gray Knights who mainly use God's punishment weapons and supplemented by psionic attacks, the bolt guns they assemble have always been an embarrassing existence.

"Soul stone."

If it weren't for the bone helmet of the Phoenix Lord itself, it would be a legendary piece of equipment, with its own defense against sonic attacks.

The Holy Shield Terminator's psychic shield activated instantly, but it only took half a second to resist the spearhead with the anti-spiritual energy symbol, and the sharp spear broke through the shield and pierced the Terminator's thick shield.

The gray knight who had just finished casting the spell had no time to react, and a spear that was also full of psionic energy was thrown in the air angrily by the spirit warrior who saw his comrade die in battle.

"Law - Whiplash!"

A wry smile accompanied by blood foam overflowing from the corner of her mouth under the mask. In front of Calvin who transformed into Iverson form, the agility and flexibility that Anna Sur was proud of were not enough.

After being slashed by Calvin's unreasonable sword dance again, Anna Sur, who had no time to adjust her center of gravity, was instantly sent flying by Calvin's shoulder.

It's time to end this battle!

"There is no soul." Saladin looked up at the battlefield ahead.

"Alien! Tell your purpose! I will give you a decent death!"

When it came to Calvin, the voice of the Primarch was even more exaggerated. His psionic voice was like an attack in the ears of the Eldar warriors.

call!The huge war blade swept across the air, and the fallen gray knight could even feel the wind of the blade passing through the loudspeaker port of the helmet.

Its absolute oppressive, even destructive power makes the latter risk breaking his hands every time he parries, and barely uses his own superb skills to parry.

When passing by the corpse of an Eldar warlord, with his eyes hidden under the crusader's heavy helmet, he saw the gem carefully decorated on the chest of the Eldar.

On the other side of the battlefield, the center of gravity of the Phoenix Lord was split by Calvin's epee, and his flexible body retreated. From the perspective of onlookers, it looked like a badminton being hit by a heavy blow.

"There is a problem with this space, the alien is holding some kind of sacrilegious ritual!

The team commander in front put away his charging posture, and the moment he lifted the heavy shield in his hand, an Eldar corpse squeezed between the shield and the wall fell down.

But since the prophets said that they died in this battle, they could save the fate of their compatriots.

His chapter's apothecary was waiting for him and his dead brother at the rally point at the rear of the battle.

Seeing the alien soldiers crazily pouring firepower on the high point of the opposite position, one of the gray knights glared and pointed the halberd wrapped in lightning at the enemy!

to die...

The next second the fitted metal buckle was crushed, the gem that was supposed to contain the soul of the Eldar was in the hands of the gray knight.

The sergeant turned his head to inspect the battlefield where the fire had just been exchanged, and after pausing for a while on a dead Astartes and the Eldar corpse on him, he met his eyes with other fighters.

"Gala" the fragile gem was crushed by him casually.

The gray knight, who was familiar with its function, stopped and bent down, stretching out the silver gauntlet forward with a slight force.

When this key stronghold leading to the third floor was opened up, the space for the enemy to move around became less and less visible to the naked eye.

The Astartes' voices were resonant, and even a slightly louder laugh sounded like a roar to mortal ears.

"The honor of our clan does not need to be bestowed by you vulgar apes!"

Although until now, she didn't know the significance of this battle.

Ignoring the decapitated and wilted corpses of the Eldar in front of him, the gray knight turned around and pulled up his fallen comrades.

But the Phoenix Lord, who was really in the center of the storm, knew clearly that what she was relying on now was nothing but the other party's memory of adapting to her own body and a certain martial skill.

The souls of the war dead did not go where they should go, but were plundered by this ritual at the moment of death! "

The exploration teams in the rear are joining the battlefield one after another, and a large number of Astartes are crossing the battlefield in a state of sweeping non-stop, continuing to pursue the retreating Eldar.

Looking up, the Astartes had already completed the tactical action of charging, and the Eldar who were forced to engage in close combat could not exert their agility characteristics in a small space, so they had to abandon some of their comrades and cover each other Back away from the distance.

In the eyes of the champion swordsmen who watched the battle, the battle between the two sides was still on par, and it was a battle that exceeded the limits of their vision and reaction.

But fortunately, the distance of several hundred meters has been halved, and the gray knight who reached the limit distance of casting the spell stopped.

But the old man's prophecy was true, and since the day she was born, she has been preparing for this doomed battle.

The Spirit Clan's move with one blow to cut the sky is old, and before he could adjust it, he heard a roar from the front!

When the enemy no longer wants to continue this rhythm, it is probably the time when he falls here.

It seems that the prophets in the rear have completed their mission, and it is time for the mission that I have been procrastinating here to come to an end.

The remaining three Astartes had no time to grieve, and after joining up with the Gray Knights, they continued silently toward the depths of the hulk where the guns sounded.

Flying more than ten meters in an instant, Anna Sur, who smashed all the steel plates on the wall loose, quickly got up, although her trembling hands rebuilt the defense;
But in the eyes of a group of champion swordsmen who watched the battle, she and Calvin had been struggling to maintain a hidden defeat.At this point, there was finally no way to hide it, and it was completely exposed.

The souls of her kindred are all in her body at this moment, and the young prophets will become one with her after a while.

At the last moment of her life, the spirit assassin raised her head, and what she saw in her eyes was the blade of the Heaven's Punishment Halberd wrapped in thunder, which was getting bigger and bigger in her eyes.

The gray knight took a half step back and shook his body, before he had time to adjust his center of gravity, he saw the Eldar assassin who appeared in front of him and was about to slash with a huge sword.

Calvin, who had escaped from the memories of another world, was refreshed. His eyes regained his sanity, and he looked at the aliens in front of him with calm eyes.

A member of the team obviously had a special tactical mission. After nodding slightly to the sergeant, he turned around and mentioned the fallen comrades and walked to the rear.

The huge lightning chain instantly penetrated the air barrier of more than [-] meters between the two, and the huge space was instantly filled with the wailing of the enemy before death and ionized ozone.

Under the inhuman body function of the Primarch, the explosive power and reaction speed are higher than the Phoenix Lord of the Spirit Race;

"What did you find?"

The Phoenix Lord slowly got up from the low stand, and the weapons in both hands also drew subtle trajectories, turning into another strange hug.

Pulling out the battle spear from his chest, the gray knight Saladin continued to move forward bearing the horrific wound.

But the enemy's counterattack also arrived immediately.

Seeing the epee cut by the enemy was about to approach him, the psionic communication of his comrades behind him made him give up struggling and fall backward along the center of gravity.

The battle just now was instantly recalled and analyzed in his brain, and the details of the opponent's deliberate delay were particularly obvious and dazzling at this moment.

Her chest was slowly rising and falling with the rhythm of breathing, and under her bone armor, there was a particularly huge soul stone shining brightly.

At this time, the injury on Anna Suer's body is likely to become more serious because of Calvin's unintentional actions.

Anna Sur looked at the abyss-like thick Primarch in front of her, knowing that even with the increase of the soul stone, there was no chance of winning.

Feeling the more vigorous vitality in the gemstone, the Phoenix Lord moved his mind, and the more swollen power in the soul stone flowed towards her body.

The comrades behind walked by, and after noticing Saladin's strangeness, they asked through psychic communication.

Then she is duty-bound and will bravely welcome her own final arrival.

"Come on! Fight!"

The last warrior of the Lost Ark responded and challenged the human Primarch with trembling blades.

The first and last phoenix lord of the Nightblade faction——Anna Sur, together with the souls of all Ark Eldar warriors and prophets, is here to fight!
 Bragging, I thought I was in time, but I was still a few minutes late.sorry sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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