Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 345 Night Rain and Blood.

Chapter 345 Night Rain and Blood.

"The bird's nest is calling the nightingale, please answer..." The bird's nest is calling for the nightingale, please answer..."

In the silent underground corridor, the communication balls on the two guards were still calling.But it's a pity that they are destined to not get any response except for the occasional sound of electricity from the pipeline on the wall.

"The signal at Nightingale is not good..."

The communications soldier was still explaining to the squad leader in a low voice, but the Imperial Fist at the rear had already noticed the abnormality here.

Thanks to the Astartes' inhuman hearing, Sergeant Ezio was well aware of the problem.

The emperor's angel didn't have the patience to wait, and went straight forward to push the communication squad leader's body away, and checked the last mission record of the Nightingale team.

Medical Rescue...Stevedore Morton...Chopam Station!

When the scarlet keyword appeared in his eyes, Ezio instantly sounded the alarm of the Astartes team.


"Received! Timing 23 seconds... 24 seconds... 25 seconds... Synchronization complete!"

The squad commander walked out from the Defense Command headquarters, followed by two Imperial Fists.

After waiting for the timer on the pupil membranes to be calibrated, the giant gestured to the team members who stayed behind with one hand, and then moved towards the middle position between the target and the City of Grace.

The latter nodded slightly after receiving the gesture, and then issued an order to the officer of the Defense Force:

"Block all alternate passages in the A1-A7 area, and stop access to all maintenance pipelines along the way."

Similar alarms occurred in many places around the Holy City at the same time, and finally formed sharp blades pointing at his defense system in front of the Imperial Fist Company Commander Hounthorne.

"Has the flow of people been diverted?" Looking at the intricate channel structure diagram around the Holy City, Hornsohn's bell-like voice sounded from the Defense Force Command.

Colonel Clive, commander of the Defense Forces, showed embarrassment, and responded in a low voice to the inquiry of his immediate superior:
"The evacuation has been completed, but the deployment of our troops has not been completed..."

"Don't wait!" Hornthorn waved his hand to stop the colonel from explaining, and ordered directly:
Notify the Brotherhood of the Holy Light, fill in your gaps in the inner city!
Authorize Home Defense Forces to fire!Whenever there is any active target in the direction of Jopam, shoot it first! "
"who am I?"

In the shadow of the corridor leading to the main city, Morton kept thinking as he walked.

The waking will in his body is so complete, so complete that he feels that his 20 years of life are like a floating island, which has collapsed when the tide is approaching.

"who am I?"

In addition to his footsteps and the streams of the drains on both sides, there were a few tiny noises in the passage unknowingly.

"I was once Morton, a longshoreman;
I—still Morton, a... glorious Hydra! "


The sound of the rotten wood being crushed was so abrupt that he could no longer pretend to be ignorant.The Maker of the Sound was put on guard by his own error, thwarting Morton's attempts to get closer.

Unfortunately, it's time to shoot again...

Sensing the intersection ahead and the pursuer behind him, his spirit is still thinking, but his body has already reacted one step ahead.

"Stop!" The order from the soldiers ahead arrived at the same time as the tactical lighting on the guns, and the people behind them were also close at hand.

Morton's body stood frozen between a thick pipeline and an abandoned oil drum, as if he was at the end of the road, and he was about to die in the next second.

The soldiers in front were staring at the figure in the darkness, the guns of the two covered each other without gaps, and they lost their vision for half a second until they went around the obstacle;
The captor behind him became more and more excited, and the sound of breathing was like thunder in the corridor, only he himself didn't notice it.

It's now!Countdown to three seconds!
When the tactical lighting in front of you is blocked by obstacles, when the pursuer behind you feels that he has a chance to win;
Morton quietly pulled out the tactical dagger from his waist, and then moved sideways the moment the pursuer behind him overturned the oil drum.

Countdown to two seconds!
The thick arms locked the attacker's neck, and the sharp dagger followed the inertia of the two people's rotating bodies, and wiped it from the throat of the daredevil, and then kicked it out after pulling out the blade.

One second countdown!
Front left, two targets, 3 meters away, exposed, no cover.

The fallen body, pushed out by the murderer, has served its purpose the moment it draws the attention of the soldiers ahead.

Two pump-action shotgun shots came from the guard's instinctive alertness to the shadows.

Another two short automatic gunshots were the bloody price paid by the corpse's comrades in arms for his recklessness.

Morton squatted down and was about to pick up the pump gun in the soldier's hand, but the footsteps of the "similar" behind him made his movements stiff on the spot.

"Astartes..." he murmured.

The one who responded to his words was the yellow giant walking out slowly with a aiming posture, holding a bolt gun from the corner behind.

Morton stood still and maintained his posture, waiting for any opportunity that might arise.

He knew his reflexes were a joke compared to the physically transformed Astartes.

If there were no accidents, any of his actions would declare the failure of the mission.

The air froze at this moment, and there was nothing in the quiet space except the steady and unrelenting steps of the Son of Dorn.

The sound of logging guns firing suddenly sounded from the side of the intersection, and the dense metal jets, guided by the red rays of the tracer bullets, knocked the Son of Dorne back again and again when he was caught off guard, and even the thick ceramic steel armor sparked everywhere.

In the narrow passage, the solid offensive and defensive posture of the two suddenly loosened.

Morton instantly bent over and rolled towards the thick pipe behind him, and the two bolt bombs following his figure expressed the son of Dorn's anger with huge potholes on the ground and the pipe.

"Glory! To Hydra!"

A faint war cry sounded in Morton's ears as he ran wildly, and the roar of a bomb let him know the ultimate fate of his comrades-in-arms.

"I can't die..." He forced himself to appease his violently mobilized heart, and the method of feigning death spread within the legion slowed down his breathing extremely quickly.

His physical signs dropped rapidly within a few seconds, and finally, before the thermal imaging vision of the Son of Dorn who came after him swept across, he almost integrated into the surrounding environment.

"The target is lost...yes, keep looking..."

The high Gothic language that was murmuring like thunder came out from the mouth of the giant separated by a wall with a strong sense of unwillingness.But Morton's leaden eyes were unblinking, as indifferent to it as a hibernating snake.

In order to reduce the body's indications, he has entered a short dormancy at this time.Even if the Imperial Fist really found him, he wouldn't know it.

After all, the giant left after searching in vain, and Morton, who had fallen into dormancy, also returned to the human world in the corridor a few minutes later with a violent gasp.

Along the way, he brushed past death several times.But under the cover of the same kind of sacrifice, he finally got the supplies sent to the inner city in a temporary underground warehouse without any risk.

Magnetic Chuck (hand and foot clinging gear), optical camouflage cloak, sniper bolter, and accompanying spotter gear.

Morton put on these special equipment one by one, and waited in place for another 2 minutes.But the passage of time finally made him confirm that he would never wait for the arrival of that strange partner.

Putting the heavy sniper bolter on his back, and then tied it with an armed belt, Morton bent down and hung his partner's sighting equipment around his neck.

After pulling out the water bottle straw on his chest, he looked up at the leaden sky outside the window, and then plunged into the storm.

"Hydra supreme, long live Alpha!"

The countdown to the mission was 10 minutes, and Morton finally climbed to his predetermined position despite the heavy rain, lightning and thunder.

He squinted his eyes and observed the corridor below him, waiting for the appearance of the mission target and the signal to fire in his brain.

9 points...

8 points...

7 points...

6 points...

Finally, following the footsteps of a crowd of people, he found a goal that could activate the task list in his brain.

But he didn't rush to aim, he just used the corner of his vision to collect the positions of the crowd.

Because in the knowledge given to him by the unknown being, he knew that some battle-hardened veterans had an instinctive reaction to the preview of a weapon.

5 points...

4 points...

3 points...

Morton's crosshairs were always placed on the open space under the target's feet, until the target in the advancing crowd was nearly a thousand meters away from him, almost disappearing from his vision.

A low-frequency, special sound that only Morton could hear sounded, his originally dilated pupils contracted instantly, and the gun in his hand adjusted slightly along the suddenly tense muscles.

Looking at the fighting nun who was shouting orders in the front sight, he locked the lethal gun firmly on her chest at a distance of thousands of meters.

The bullets streaked across the rain, instantly knocking down targets kilometers away.Scarlet blood flowers bloomed from the eyepiece, and the panicked crowd screamed one after another.

Looking at the high-temperature ballistics that disappeared in the rain in front of him, Morton's dirt-covered teeth were exposed from the corners of his mouth:
"Hello, please accept greetings from Hydra!"


(End of this chapter)

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