Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 361 Jumping Gang Battle 3 Secret and Awakening

Chapter 361

"Must retreat."

In the dimly lit conference hall, the fearless Avalon, dressed in unyielding tactics, broke the silence.

The feedback from the battle ahead exceeded their worst expectations. The battlefields opened up by the enemy all over the battleship and the uniform armor painting let them know that they might be fighting the main force of the Gray Knights.

In view of these unfavorable news and the authority of the Avalon Defense Master, his proposal was quickly passed without any doubt.

"Then the next question is how to retreat."

Gulbin, who was in charge of the fleet command, pointed out the problems they faced. After the flight decks at the bow and the trunk were lost one after another, there were not no passages for them to retreat, but none of them were mature plans for organic evacuation.

"At the end of the B6 channel on the left side of the plasma reactor, there is our hidden flight deck. As long as the pre-buried explosives are detonated, the surface armor can be removed directly."

Ryan, the champion swordsman who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke, which surprised Gurbin who was beside him. The two had been in the same warband for more than a century, and it was the first time that he clearly knew the hidden functions of this brother.

"Then there's only one question left."

On the surface, Stein, the secret keeper who was in charge of the command of this warband, looked around to confirm the direction of the next battle for the entire warband.

"We need to evacuate the brothers guarding the middle section of the battleship, and then concentrate our forces to penetrate the enemy in the direction of the engine room."



The discussion ended here, and the Alphas in the conference hall left the dark hall one after another according to their respective tasks.

But when Stein was the only one left in the hall, the door behind his seat was pushed open again.

Stein sat motionless on a seat carved out of marble, and he seemed to have expected this.

"Password." Stein asked in a low voice.

"Dragon's blood." The person who came was wearing a cloak with optical camouflage function on the power armor, and his voice was familiar to Stein but hard to recognize.

"Issue number?" Due to the discipline of the legion, Stein did not attempt to trace the identity of the person who came.

He searched for the corresponding program in his memory according to the password given by the other party, and then, as if he had received some inspiration, while sitting upright seriously, the power sword in his hand clanked.

"Grey scales." The word spit out from the visitor's mouth stopped his defensive posture, and the special pronunciation caused the leader of the war gang to enter a special physiological state.

"Key..." Stiff words came out of Stein's mouth, and the person who came didn't hesitate, and sent him a special password...

Stein's muscles relaxed, and he slumped on the stone chair for several seconds.A large section of memory was activated from his brain under special hypnotic instructions, and a secret that made him tremble was awakened by this memory.

"I didn't know there was this here..." He murmured.

"Ignorance is a virtue when it is not necessary," replied the visitor.

"Okay, your order?" Stein got up from the seat, and took out a secret key that he had never known before from the hidden compartment of the armor.

"It's not my order, it's his will."

The visitor reached out and took the key in the shape of a metal badge from Stein, turned around and pressed it into the neck of a dragon in the Hydra mural on the wall of the meeting hall.

The entire stone wall slowly cracked under the servo-driven hydraulic device, and at the end of the messy floor was the opened metal gate.

The strong light made Stein feel a little uncomfortable in the dark room for a long time. While his pupils shrank violently, he also saw his ultimate mission at the end of the secret room—a huge dimension shrouded in stasis. life cabin.

"Can I know 'his' intention?" Feeling that the poison reserved in his chest was taking effect, Stein asked before dying.

This is not his arrogance, but hundreds of years of living in the Eye of Fear have made this Alpha almost forget his origin.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed his true position.

Memories of hundreds of years of confrontation with the empire flashed across his mind, and all kinds of battle experiences, true and false, made him desperately hope to have a final destination before death.

"...Yes, I will physically destroy your brain after you die." The visitor hesitated for a while, but decided to solve this last doubt for Stein.

But even he himself could not possibly know "his" complete thoughts.

"There's a special presence on this ship that 'he' wants to see up close."


The toxin on Stein's body had fully taken effect, and the giant, who had been extremely strong in the past, staggered and leaned weakly on a broken stone chair.

The mysterious visitor quietly observed the increasingly long breathing under his breastplate, and after confirming that the signs he exhibited fit the type of poison and that his death could not be terminated, he asked in a low voice: "Your last words? "

"Honor him on my behalf...Hydra Supreme!"

Violent neurotoxins spread across Stein's two hearts, and as the breath stopped, the Astartes, who hadn't known his alignment until the end, finally stopped breathing.

The mysterious man looked at the lifeless body in front of him, raised the plasma pistol in his hand after waiting in silence for a while, and replied in a low voice:
"Received, but unfortunately, I also cannot witness his recovery."

The blue-white plasma cluster instantly melted Stein's helmet, and while the shock wave stirred up the dust in the room, it also turned his head into fly ash.

The mysterious man who completed the cleaning procedures turned and walked towards the open secret room. After turning off the stagnant energy by himself, this alpha with a special mission watched the servo start according to the predetermined procedure.

Until the automatic mechanical arm took out a tube of bright red blood from the refrigerator and injected it into the extraordinarily tall body in the life support cabin.

This mysterious man also activated the pre-prepared poison in the armor, ending his own life before that life awakened...

The automaton had done its job, kicking off the activation of the survival pod before the last of its energy was exhausted.

The nutrient solution in the columnar glass cavity faded away like a tide, and in the darkness where the lights were turned off, a powerful heartbeat sounded in the unusually strong chest.

The plate-like ribs expanded violently to the outside under the huge lungs. With a long breath, this exceptionally robust Astartes finally returned to the human world after centuries of dormancy.

One second there was still a low moan in his mouth, but in the next second this body had already smashed the outer shell of the life support cabin, watching the surroundings with a squatting vigilant posture.

The blue-green pupils without the slightest emotion patrolled the surroundings, and the dark environment in the secret room and the meeting hall could be clearly seen in his eyes with natural night vision.

"The alert is lifted. Location, reserve point 0195."

After looking around, the sturdy giant saw the bodies of the two deceased. With bare feet, he walked slowly to the body of the mysterious man and squatted down, carefully observing the latter's physical signs.

"Hmm... found the deceased. Analysis of identity... The analysis is completed, the third generation of the empire's biochemical transformation results, the development level is 77%, the gene seed mutation degree is 5%, the source of the gene seed points to... me?"

"Who am I?" There was thoughtfulness in the giant's eyes.

But he didn't hesitate for this thought. After picking up the plasma pistol in the mysterious man's hand for inspection, he turned to look at the secret room before he woke up.

On the rear wall of the shattered life-support cabin, a brand-new Mark IV power armor and matching weapon kits are in the state of spare parts, waiting for orders on the automatic armor machine.

"I am... the Emperor's Son..."

He got up and walked towards the ancient automatic machine, and stood in the central groove to start it without a teacher.

While several robotic arms were flying up and down, his body was quickly buried under the armor made of ceramic steel and fine gold.

And when all the armor has been installed, the final mechanical arm buckles the heavy Mark IV helmet.When the threads of the neck armor and the helmet were closed, the sound of airtight air pressure sounded under the helmet.

Only then did the giant spit out the second half of the sentence with the lighted eyepiece on his helmet:

"I am, Alpharius!"

 Update, ask for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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