Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 366 After the war, ending

The naval battle on the Ophelia galaxy has come to an end.

At the cost of a slight loss, the Imperial Fleet completely left all members of the Chaos Fleet except one heavy cruiser in Ophelia's space forever.

The battle on the Lost Truth also came to an end. When the gray knights who had completed the clearance work found Calvin, all that was left in front of him was the completely collapsed corpse of "Alpharius" with the help of power armor. Keep a straight stance.

No one knows who this mysterious being is, and why it has been able to deal with their Primarch for so long;

Also, no one knew what they were talking about, so that when the Gray Knights were about to siege the remnants of Alpha, they received Calvin's order to let them go.

But the Primarch is the Primarch, and there is no need to question his order. Although the Gray Knights are puzzled by this, they will only trust and execute it unconditionally;
Again, the original body is the original body.Having been able to fight against Calvin for so long, no smell of subspace has yet appeared. Although the identity of "Alpharius" has not been revealed, the gray knights have already expected it in their hearts.

After their tacit understanding of the battle, they sorted out the entire battleship with extremely strict standards to ensure that there would be no possible omissions.

And as soon as Calvin returned to the Unremitting Jihad, Tibers, who was notified in the psychic communication channel, immediately detonated hundreds of melta bombs planted on the Lost Truth.

A huge stream of flames started from the plasma reactor of the Lost Truth, and spread silently to the entire body of the battleship.

Together with the high-temperature plasma brought up by the melta bomb and hundreds of torpedoes launched by the Imperial fleet, a grand deathbed funeral was held for the Lost Truth.

"Indeed, some changes need to be made..."

Thinking of the information and warnings provided to him by "Alpharius" before his death, Calvin stood in front of the porthole of the Indefatigable Crusader for a long time.

After the empire's fleet cleaned up the battlefield in the galaxy, it finally began to move towards their destination - Ophelia Star [-].

The bridge of the Unremitting Jihad is still busy. Although the naval battle is over, the follow-up finishing work is far more than the superficial repairs and preparations.

All the details about this battle, including all the orders of the fleet and the battle encounters between the various ministries, will be transcribed into text, and uploaded in triplicate to the Imperial Tribunal, the Imperial Navy, and the Imperial Council after being sorted out and revised.

But the Lost Truth is an exception. For all the battle records of this battleship, the text will only end before the gang battle.

The details of the battle inside the battleship Lost Truth and the communication behind it will not be recorded in any text;
Its truth hidden in time, like the name of that battleship, is doomed to be lost in the history of the empire...

This may be a coincidence, or perhaps this is the fate that this battleship bore when it was given this name...

The city of grace prepared a grand military parade for Calvin's second coming, and the latter, considering that the world had just escaped from the flames of war, originally planned to refuse.

But several senior members of the Inquisition reminded Calvin that this was not simply formalism:

After the invasion of Chaos, Ophelia desperately needs the official affirmation of the empire; the people of the empire who have just survived the torment of the war in the entire galaxy also need a grand celebration to celebrate their victory, Soothing.

Well, reminding himself once again that Calvin is no longer a simple soldier today, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and participate in this celebration under the advice of his colleagues and subordinates.

So another whole week passed, and with the help of Calvin in the name of the Tribunal, the Imperial Fleet used the Astartes and the Tindalos Legion hundreds of times between the subcontinents of Ophelia 7. Airborne strikes, to help the state religion of the empire destroy the rebels here and restore the empire's ruling order here.

After a month of waiting, the world of Ophelia 7, centered on the City of Grace, officially announced the restoration of order and the return to the rule of the empire.

The grand celebration was held again on the main road of the City of Grace, and unlike the last celebration Calvin participated in, the protagonist of the military parade this time belonged to Ophelia.

The Battle Sisters Troop of the Holy Hermitage and the Planetary Home Defense Army proudly walked at the forefront of the military parade.They (they) used their own blood and steel to prove their loyalty and strength to the Emperor once again.

The Imperial Fist and the Astartes of the Ultramarines walked in the rear, these Iron Angels themselves symbols of the Imperium, standing by their people in battle after battle.

When they appeared in the military parade wearing power armor full of scars, all the people of the empire who watched the ceremony burst into tears, deeply moved by this sacred and glorious scene.

But Calvin still miscalculated.

Although he himself stood on the main stage of the City of Divine Grace, he never personally participated in this celebration.

But when the thousands of gray knights under his command put on the livery of the "Exorcist Squad" again and walked on the main road of the city of divine grace, the lucky people in Ophelia who watched the ceremony, as well as the The two Astartes companies whose identities were known both showed the same shock for their own reasons.

The populace was overwhelmed by the number of the Gray Knights, for they had never seen so many Astartes appearing at the Imperium's festivities at once.

Thousands of these Astartes giants walked in front of the public at a uniform pace, armored and armed at the same time.

The will and determination contained in it, as well as the murderous aura that had just stepped off the battlefield, made the people of the empire feel the fear of the moment, but also felt great encouragement and excitement!
The reason why the companies of the two start-up battle groups were shocked was that, after less than a month of separation, the number of troops assembled under the command of this lord had already reached and exceeded the level of a full-fledged battle group!
How long has it been?The two Astartes company commanders looked at each other with wonder in their eyes.

And that's not all!

They are familiar with the general equipment of the Astartes, and they can easily know from the emblem and coat of arms of the holy shield power armor on these gray knights-the vast majority of these gray knights are still recruits!

Without thinking, both of them subconsciously locked their eyes behind them.

That burly demigod was as shocking and exciting as seeing him for the first time no matter how many times he saw him again. This was the reason for the existence of the terrifying military appearance that already had the embryonic form of the legion in front of him.

Is this the reproduction rate of the Legion's bloodline when the Primarch is still alive?
It's really... enviable...

After the shock, the two left only worrying about the status quo of their legion, and missing their own blood when their genetic father was still alive during the Great Crusade.

Feeling the complex gazes of the two, Calvin also responded with a gentle smile.

"The guardian of the relic this time really depends on your loyalty and sacrifice.

This relic is of utmost importance to our... Chapter.

On behalf of my warband and my colleagues in the Inquisition, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the Imperial Warriors who fought for Ophelia! "

Calvin's majestic voice is already full of magnetism, and under the influence of psychic energy, it has his unique charm and persuasiveness.

When his speech sounded on the balcony of the viewing ceremony, in this not-so-spacious space, representatives of the Imperial State Church, Battle Sisters, Imperial Fist, Ultramarines, and Home Defense Force all felt the sincerity and sincerity in his tone. gratitude.

The Battle Sisters were the first to break away from the excitement, and they were always proud of their fanatical faith and loyalty to the Emperor throughout.

It was this pride that made them not need to think, and they rejected the "thank you" from Calvin cleanly.

"Loyalty is reward, faith is salvation!

We are all the daughters of the emperor, fighting for the emperor and the empire, how can we say thank you! "

The representative of the Bloody Rose Order, which suffered the most losses in the "Battle of the City of Grace", the head nun Edna Severs replied.

And the Bloody Rose Sister Margarita, who was supposed to attend this meeting, has returned to the throne forever with her company.

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