Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 368 Rules and Art

Chapter 368 Rules and Art

Calvin didn't think so much, but after being touched by Stuart's overflowing emotions, he also understood the real point of the Ultramarines after recovering a little.

Originally, he didn't pay too much attention to Hornshorn's answer, although the Gray Knights, who took the Inquisition as their base, actually didn't care about a mere Terran's military supply.

But being able to understand this cause and effect with the Imperial Fist is also something he would like to see.

But what if the field of vision is enlarged, as Stuart expects, to promote the "Emperor Fist" war group to reach a settlement with the Imperial Senate?
No, not yet, or at least not yet.

The prerequisite for releasing the beast from its cage is to be sure to control the beast, or at least to be sure to lock "it" back again!

Does Calvin have it?the answer is negative.

He can promote the return of "Emperor Fist" with all his enthusiasm, but then what?
Facing the questioning of other members of the Senate, is he capable and confident to endorse all Astartes?
The empire was messed up enough, and even without the threats these Astartes might pose, the empire's vast size resulted in weak governance, and the resulting wars were high enough to keep the lords busy to death.

What if, taking advantage of Calvin's lack of control over the Astartes, a battle group located on the edge of the empire, led by an ambitious person, began to separate itself?

Anyone who dares to do so, if bound by the Codex, is the enemy of all Chapters Astartes.

The empire can also use this righteousness to order these battle groups to encircle and suppress with equal or even oppressive forces.

But what if there is no "Holy Code"?What would the Empire do to order those Astartes to turn their weapons on their own kind?
And if the first to do so is forgiven, can all Astartes learn the same?
Must be cleared!

Who will pay?

It can only be Calvin, who let this beast be released by him?
When I thought that I would lead the soldiers under my command to put aside their duties and spend all day trying to suppress the rebellion in the empire's borders, and the reason for all this was actually due to a certain overflow of my sympathy...

Calvin shook his head silently at Stuart, his solemn expression meant that there was absolutely no room for negotiation on this matter.

Stuart suddenly felt extremely frustrated.

This is opportunity, and it is also fate that ordinary people recognize.

If Hohnthorne had directly made the request just now, Calvin might have agreed with the trend.

And once he misses it, even if Hornthorne returns at this time, it is impossible to convince Calvin again...

The military parade was still going on, and the biggest purpose of Calvin's trip - St. Bell Gustal had been invited to the room behind the terrace where they were sitting.

The State Church has mixed attitudes towards this holy relic. It is both grateful that it can help the Inquisition, and worried about the war it triggered.

Now that this sacred object is finally being taken away by Calvin, the new supreme administrator, Cardinal Clarence, can be said to be relieved.He hastily ordered his subordinates to place this sacred object by Calvin's hand, for fear of any other accidents.

Two monks from the Mechanicus were invited to maintain the relic, but a detail on one of them caught Calvin's attention:
These two mechanical monks are not from the same casting world, especially the one standing on the right. The robe he wears is not the traditional Martian red, but a rust-like black as the main color.

"On the throne, good day, two respected monks." Although Calvin was speaking to the two monks, his gaze was on the monk in the black burqa.

"God of Mechanics, good day, Your Majesty Calvin." Mechanic Priest Farias responded.

He raised his head from the shadow of the burqa hood, revealing a completely mechanically altered face before Calvin.

The dark green mechanical prosthetic eye responded with a huge energy warning when it saw Calvin, the artificial eyelid jumped under the stimulation of a weak electrical signal, and then replied as if nothing had happened.

"Are you going to accompany 'it' and go back with me?" Calvin pointed to the holy bell Gestal placed in the room with great interest.

Although he couldn't find any abnormality from this priest, Calvin's instinct reminded him that this seemingly ordinary mechanical monk was worth his energy to talk to.


Calvin actually recognized this concept, and it was not some magical supernatural phenomenon.

The so-called instinct is just that the brain can't search the key information in the massive memory for a while, but that information is sending out an alarm under the touch of reality.

Now that his memory was telling him that there was something wrong with the priest, or at least something worthy of his attention, there was no way he could relax about it!

Calvin's words attracted the eyes of everyone in the auditorium and the hall, and focused on the priest.His own brain was running at high speed, searching repeatedly in the huge memory bank according to keywords such as the mechanical priest, Huangquan No. [-], and so on.

"Ah! What a pity! The abbe has another mission. I am afraid he cannot continue to serve you."

Superintendent Clarence, who mistook Calvin's words as a tactful invitation, had to defend Farias after his seemingly silent refusal.

At the same time, he was constantly regretting in his heart, why did he arrange for Farias to participate in the maintenance of the holy relic, so that he was here to create this embarrassment?


"Of course the other mechanical priests have been "taken" by..." Farias complained in his heart.

Well, with his current level of body transformation, of course there would be no such inferior physical organs as the heart.

Now, replacing the position and function of the heart in his chest cavity is an extremely sophisticated miniature energy engine, and... a metal beetle-shaped mechanism that is obviously an outsider but is perfectly fitted with the entire circulatory system.

In fact, it is not only Clarence, the Supreme Holy See, who is entangled. The mechanical monk Farias from the foundry world of Huangquan No. [-] in front of him is also in subtle embarrassment.

It has been nearly a month since he came to this world, and he has gained quite a lot during this month.

As a collector who knows how to appreciate art, he has harvested two "paintings" that meet his aesthetic standards since he came to Ophelia 7.

After harvesting a "famous painting" of "Elegy of the Bloody Rose" at the beginning of the Battle of Ophelia, the collector Farias found an opportunity at the end of the war to send a team of Imperial Fists to Alpha's close combat The battlefield is in the bag.

He named the latter "Shield and Rabbit", and planned to put it in the Astartes series corridor for safekeeping after returning to his collection.

And these two "paintings" were already beyond his expectations. He should have found a chance to leave after the war according to his plan.

But never, never.

After hearing the news that Calvin was about to arrive, this collector who was extremely devoted to art couldn't restrain his greed, and wanted to try to collect another copy of "The High Lord at the Military Parade".

So after finding a way to sneak into the military parade and meeting Calvin himself, he felt the danger for a long time in the terrifying power contained in the other party.

It was psionic power, the power he and his kind hated most;
That's not just the power of psionic energy. Based on its cognition of certain idealistic concepts in this universe, it is likely to belong to a higher level of power that can permanently destroy him.

"It's really troublesome...why is it so difficult to be a collector?"

Paintings cannot be harvested, and the Space-time Rubik's Cube will most likely not be able to work in the face of this kind of existence.

"Farias" has no interest in collecting at this time, and just wants to find a chance to leave this dangerous guy, the sooner the better...

 Update, ask for votes.

(End of this chapter)

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