Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 382 Meeting and Game at the Dinner Table

Chapter 382 Meeting and Game at the Dinner Table

Looking at the brand new food in front of him, Calvin didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, with his current level of control over his body, appetite, in a sense, is the instinctive desire of mammals for fat and carbohydrates.

Space Marine crafting meals are no exception.

The taste of these things may not be so pleasant to ordinary people (if someone has not died of stomach perforation after eating pottery steel powder whose hardness and particles are comparable to fine steel sand, he is naturally qualified to evaluate.), but other The essence is nothing more than satisfying the desire of the Astartes warriors for their own nutritional needs.

Calvin paid more attention to the encounter with Marshal Trajan, after all, the latter's schedule was too tight, and Calvin needed to communicate with him on many things before making a decision.

The dining table is a very suitable setting for discussing affairs, at least Calvin thinks so.

He invited Trajan to sit down in a nearby restaurant, and the accompanying honor guard naturally occupied the door of the house.

"Hmm... the taste is not bad?" Calvin raised his eyebrows slightly.

After putting the gruel-like meal in his hand, which was obviously different from the "Astarte Type IV Standard Nutrient Meal", into his mouth, Calvin instantly felt great pleasure from the taste buds in his mouth.

It is not delicious in the sense of mortals, but the physiological pleasure produced by satisfying the body's thirst for nutrients.

His pituitary gland activated some areas he hadn't noticed before under the feedback of his taste buds;
And his stomach sac was also stimulated by the hormones spontaneously secreted by the pituitary gland, and clearly conveyed the emotion called "hunger" to Calvin.

"What is this? A special nutrient for your Imperial Army?"

Calvin finished the meal in two mouthfuls. While feeling the bursts of satisfaction from the cellular level of his whole body, he did not forget to ask Trajan.

The latter wanted to answer Calvin's first question, but seemed to suddenly recall something, and a strange look flashed across his solemn face like a marble sculpture.

"Let's not talk about this!" Calvin interrupted Trajan's hesitant state, and turned the topic to the official business he was most concerned about.

"I have a lot of things to ask you about the establishment of the 'Eye of the Empire' institution.

For example, the establishment of a star-level emergency response mechanism requires the establishment of a standing garrison.

A similar attempt has already been made here at the Order of the Hammer.Well, as you know, it's Titan II.

However, we are still too inexperienced in the selection of specific fortress locations in other star regions and the guarding of the main channel leading to Terra.

I saw your Custodian's 'Fortress Overwatch System' in the materials you submitted, and I hope to discuss this aspect with you again. "

"Well, your thinking is correct..." Trajan was also distracted by Calvin's words.

He sorted out his thoughts a little, and then said to Calvin:
"When our Overwatch Fortress system was first established, its functional positioning was indeed based on the consideration of guarding the waterway. You know the reason..."

When Trajan said this, he carefully observed Calvin's expression, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say the word "primarch rebellion".

After Calvin nodded solemnly, he continued to speak according to his own train of thought:
"Because of this, the locations of the four fortresses in the solar star field were all based on the joint calculations of the Star Language Court and the Navigator Alliance, and the no-man's land between the solar star field and other star fields was obtained. After the thickness, it got stuck at the limit distance that the large fleet needs to replenish."

"Ah, I understand when you say that."

Calvin clapped his hands slightly excitedly, and then looked at the three millimeter thick alloy dining table in front of him amidst the harsh noise, and was smashed into scrap iron by his out-of-control force.

Trajan in front of him reacted very quickly, before the table made the first metal deformation noise, he had already picked up his own plate to avoid being poisoned.

"Sorry..." Calvin explained to the Marshal of the Forbidden Army who looked calm in front of him.

"My body is developing recently, so my strength has been a little out of control recently."

"It's okay..." Trajan's facial muscles twitched slightly, but he still maintained his utmost calmness as a commander.

But he seemed to have thought of some of the previous details, so he decided to advance his trip to the Overwatch Fortress after this meeting.

"Well, it's definitely out of business considerations." Trajan thought.

"Okay, then let's continue with the topic just now." Calvin watched the honor guards outside the door drag the corpse away from the dining table, then turned around and said to the Marshal of the Imperial Army.

"Your ideas are the same as ours! But we might as well expand our ideas a little bit."

"...You speak, I listen." Trajan said.

And Calvin gestured to the high-ranking Templar Knight Golden at the door, who took out a miniature holographic projector from the interlayer in the power armor.

After pressing the energy switch, it was placed on the floor between the two of them.

A faint beam of light flickered, and the holographic projection device completed the data connection with Calvin's power armor servo.

And when the light stabilized, the dynamic star map of the entire Terra and even the solar star field appeared in front of the two of them.

"From the perspective of conventional strategic defense, there is no problem with your Overwatch system.

At least in the context of assuming that the enemy comes from other star fields, your fortress can indeed play a role in blocking and delaying.

But now that we have a mechanism for joint operations, and you have clarified the policy of 'going out'.

So why not make this stronghold more responsible? "

"Do you want to include these fortresses in the cooperation system of the Eye of the Empire? ...I'm afraid not." Tula really thought about it and rejected Calvin.

"Why?" Calvin asked.

"Because they are not only fortresses," replied Trajan.

"Oh, I see..." Calvin looked at Trajan and didn't continue to ask.

Since the other party's explanation ends here, it means that the next question is destined not to be answered.

Not only forts?What would that be?

Calvin's eyes were unpredictable, and some scattered information about the throne in the trial court suddenly came to his mind.

"What if I apply to 'him'?" Calvin suddenly asked Trajan.

After hearing Calvin's words, the Marshal of the Forbidden Army looked deeply into Calvin's eyes.

He was unwilling to confess the secret to Calvin, not because he doubted Calvin's loyalty.

In other words, the Imperial Guards represented by him, since the occurrence of the Great Rebellion, are doomed to be unable to trust any Primarch absolutely.

Not even Calvin!

"But what if it was 'His' will?" Trajan thought.

He could almost predict the outcome of Calvin's application, the man's attitude towards all his children was consistent;

Perhaps there are indeed problems in the way of communication, but the essence of trust has never changed.

"Okay, I promise you. But you have to know that in addition to being a defensive fortress, it is also our prison.

You must ensure that your people move within the marked area, and we will never take a step back after crossing this line! "

"Understood!" Calvin nodded, marking the end of the meeting.

The Marshal of the Forbidden Army also seemed a little tired after going through this meeting and game. After nodding with Calvin, he also got up and walked out.

"By the way, what's the serial number of the food just now?" Calvin followed the former out of the room, and asked the passing restaurant waiters after watching Trajan's disappearing figure for a few seconds.

The latter stared blankly at the meal package in Calvin's hand, and then searched the database for a long time before giving the answer:

"My lord, the original standard No. [-] is used for a very specific group of people. The following content is confidential. Please forgive me for not having permission to read it."

Calvin did not embarrass him, but he understood the origin of this food after hearing the Gothic word "native" from the attendant.

"Original" in High Gothic is originally a variant of "prototype", and the "primitive" in the original gene is the abbreviation of "prototype".

"Oh, is there any more? Take two copies for me." Calvin said to the attendant, but what the attendant said next made his brain a little difficult to react.

After consulting the database of the Throne Court restaurant, the attendant looked at Calvin in embarrassment:
"Um, sorry, there is only one left. This model has been discontinued at the end of M32."

"Okay..." Calvin waved his hands habitually, and then reacted the moment he turned and walked out:

"Discontinued? M32? Inventory? Me! So what did Trajan feed him just now? Is there anything with a shelf life of 7000 years in the logistics distribution of the empire?"


Calvin's roar was transmitted outside the door of the restaurant, and the golden silhouette striding towards the tarmac in the distance seemed to become a little faster after hearing it...

 Update begging for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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