Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 396 Clocks and Chariots

Chapter 396 Clocks and Chariots

"grown ups……"

Only the gray knight's laboratory was left, and Golden looked at Calvin, hesitant to speak.

"Is there something?" Calvin watched Stowan leave and turned around, but there was nothing on his open left hand.

"Um...it's okay." Gordon blinked, doubting his eyes.

Leaving from the experimental area, Calvin returned to his residence with Golden's weird eyes on his face, and he didn't talk about the experimental area during the whole process.

Golden is really holding back, but limited by the discipline of "unable to be informed, no right" among the Gray Knights, he has no choice but to plan to verify his memory with Tarek next to him after the rotation is over. .

The way back seemed extremely short under consideration. After waving the captain of the guard with a face full of "curiosity" out of the room, Calvin was finally able to be alone.

Passing through the quiet office, Calvin pushed open the side door of the room and came to his exclusive equipment showroom.

Here are the trophies of the Primarch's previous wars, as well as some spare parts of power armor and very useful weapons and equipment.

Calvin came to the center of the room and sat on the seat specially made for him. Looking at the accumulated possessions around him, he took a deep breath, then slowly closed his eyes and raised his left hand.

The will is splitting the subconscious waves and sinking continuously until it touches the soul essence in the depths of one's spirit.

The spirit continues to rise in reality, and moves closer to the heaven behind the barriers beyond the mundane.

In the eyes of the psykers, the barriers that were like a moat were easily broken through, and the eyes of the divine soul that surpassed the ordinary came to reality again.

Calvin opened his "eyes" and searched in his soul, and he "saw" a sword-shaped engraving first, which was the link between "Imperial Truth" and Calvin.

With it, Calvin didn't need to worry about losing the sword.The sword can even be summoned within a certain range during battle.

And this engraving is not complete. Based on Calvin's understanding and cognition of his real name and his own inscription system, this engraving is still only in its initial state.

It should have more abilities, but it will need to be completed in other parts to show up.

But this was not Calvin's goal this time, he tried to recall the last form of the Bell of Erebus he saw.

And as his target was locked, a small and exquisite pocket watch appeared in his "vision" at the end of a chain under the shift of vision.

That's it!

Calvin condensed his will to this pocket watch, and this uninvited guest also revealed part of its true face after receiving Calvin's will call:

"The Bell of Erebus" and "The Lanyard of Helios".

The former is a key to the systematic engineering developed to guard against the gods under the fear of the subspace in the golden age. It is currently in a disabled state, and only basic functions can be used.

But this basic function is enough to surprise Calvin:

Its red pointer can capture the vision of the gods in the subspace!

And for this kind of vision, after the time effect, make an accurate mark on the time when the power of the gods manifests in reality!

This is a countdown counter!And it's a subspace-only version!
This is really an unexpected surprise!

What is Calvin most worried about now?Isn't it the attention of those evil gods in the subspace?

The Emperor's protection is limited, and his main energy is still in the direction of suppressing the Webway, and it is impossible to answer Calvin's prayer every time.

The situation in Ophelia is the result of countless years of belief accumulation on the planet, and it has its own special conditions that cannot be repeated.

And the reason why the battle to kill Kotos can be successfully completed is because of the favorable geographical conditions where the battlefield is right at the gate of Terra.

Calvin could not count on the Emperor standing behind him to shield him from the eyes of the gods every time he fought the Warp.

And the appearance of the Bell of Erebus happened to solve his most urgent problem right now!
You must know that the essence of gods is also an existence. Although they have transcended time, as long as they want to maintain themselves in this universe, they still have to abide by the rules here.

This is especially true of time, the biggest rule in the real universe!
It may indeed not be able to affect the gods, let alone restrict the existence of the gods with the short and pitiful life cycle of the mortal.

But time is also the fairest rule.

Its existence itself will make the existence of the gods, whose basic time scale is hundreds of millions of years, naturally unable to grasp the time of mortals keenly.

This gave Calvin a huge opportunity to take advantage of!

He can completely interfere with reality and destiny on some key events, taking advantage of the time gap before the gods have reacted!

And only he can do this kind of thing!
Because although the gods do not have a fine grasp of time, they can also use their authority to overthrow the existing destiny afterwards.

But who is Calvin?He is an outsider!His own soul that is equal to the gods, its essence is reflected in the timeline, which is similar to the existence of a hub.

As long as there are traces of his interference in anything, it can only maintain the existing destiny.

Before the gods really find his heel, they are destined not to subvert the things under his influence at any time level!
That's interesting.

Looking at the Erebus clock in front of him, Calvin couldn't help but start imagining the future:

With the help of this timer, Calvin can be like a mole on the timeline, stepping on the moment when the gods failed to react every time, and turning the fate of the universe in a direction that is beneficial to mankind.

Although this still can't solve the threat of the gods to him, it is the best situation for him, an outsider who still needs to hide from the gods at this stage.

"Take your time, if you play like this, I have plenty of patience..."

Calvin took his eyes away from the clock of Erebus and turned to the chain tied at the end of the clock.

Helios's rope, as the name suggests, is a fragment of the "Helios Chariot" project of the same name that was built by golden humans to defend against the gods of the subspace on the eve of their ascension.

Its power Calvin has no way of knowing, and there is no such information on the existing fragment that he can perceive.

But only from the huge and costly material resources of this project, it still took several centuries to complete the ability of human beings in the golden age, and it was planned and destroyed by the gods in advance before human beings ascended.

Calvin knew that this thing called "Helios Chariot" was definitely a killer weapon that could really pose a threat to the gods.

But it is a pity that it has been broken, and according to the information Calvin learned from this fragment, it was broken quite thoroughly.

In the record of that war in this fragment, at least one-third of the "Helios Chariot" was destroyed forever, and the remaining parts, except for a few scattered in the universe, the vast majority It has been lost in the depths of the warp and has become the treasure of the gods.

But this is not to say that it is worthless, at least in Calvin's absorption of this memory, there are quite a few fragments of the fallen "Helios Chariot", all of which shocked Calvin. , Salivating power!

But still the same sentence, it is too broken, so broken that Calvin can't help but doubt himself, can he restore this huge project to even a ten-thousandth of the progress in his lifetime?
"Emotion is still a chain task? I just don't know if I have the life to do it..." Calvin complained heavily in his heart.

And in response to his call, in reality, a silver chain appeared in his palm from scratch.


(End of this chapter)

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