Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 402 Chapter Xiang of Courage and Loyalty

Chapter 402 Echoes of Courage and Loyalty ([-])

"Destroy them!" The same command sounded at the same time on the island formed by the entrance of the underground webway, from the mouths of the foreign uninvited guest and Appius.

Calvin left the guard of the gray knights and the imperial guards, and strode forward, while Appius in the distance stared at Calvin's figure after giving instructions, with his free left hand hidden towards his waist.

The ancient white gauntlet was pressed on the gemstone in the center of the ceramic steel belt, and the original azure blue lens suddenly shone after feeling the stimulation, turning into an evil magic eye.

Calvin has already begun to accelerate, and the two sides who received the order also immediately launched a fierce attack on the enemy that is close at hand.

These Astartes, who could barely be called the sons of Guilliman, pulled the trigger of the bolt gun that had already been locked in the first place.

In the sight of the crimson helmet, the green ammunition counter is crazily alarming, and the rainstorm-like metal bullets also carry explosive charges that have been cursed and polluted, launching bursts of fire at the heavy shields in the hands of the gray knights and guards who are surrounded together. Explosion and impact.

Calvin was the target of the most intense fire, and he relished it.

The corrupted Astartes instinctively dreaded his monstrous height, and he hoped for that.

The Primarch needed to use his tactical threats to attract more firepower, so that the Templars and Custodians who stayed in place could have room to display.

The horror of the demigod was fully revealed at this moment. Calvin just exerted his strength on the spot, making his huge and heavy body a blur in the Astartes' inhuman dynamic vision.

A sound like an explosion resounded from the stone slab under his feet, and the sons of Guilliman who besieged him could only see his figure clearly at first, but they could only leave useless shots behind his trajectory.

Before the nearest Astartes had time to draw their melee weapons, Calvin's figure had already passed through them with the light of lightning claws.

A rain of fire from their comrades then covered them, sending blood on several of the sons of Guilliman.

But before any angry emotions flashed in their minds, the smooth cuts on the cleaved body let both the shooting and the shot know.

Death had already arrived, but they hadn't had time to notice it.

"Stop him!" Appius roared loudly, and at the same time, a pale curse ray shot out from the staff in his hand.

Calvin laughed wildly and rushed towards the high platform, and the dozen or so Astartes along the way couldn't stop it with all their might.

Their corpses were cut like blunt knives on the way of the Primarch's charge, and shot to the sides in a splash of black and foul blood.

And the witchcraft of Appius played a role, and the artifact bestowed by the evil god was stimulated, showing super-level power under the blessing of the power of chaos.

Countless evil and vicious voices sounded in Calvin's ears, and the pale curse instantly reached the chest of the Central Primarch.

But this ray with the curse of aging only blocked the Primarch for a moment, and it couldn't even touch the power of the Primarch itself.

The pure imprint on the armor of "Original Heart" melted violently under the irradiation of the curse, and with the support of its own psionic circuit, the armor directly erased the curse from the subspace!

"You...is that all you can do?" Calvin slammed into the square in front of the high platform like a meteorite, and his voice came out of the dust.

And the gray knights and guards of the imperial guards who were a hundred meters away behind them raised their heads from the hail of bullets.

After losing the fire suppression brought by the numbers, these Judgment Blades representing the Emperor stared at each other tacitly, and then divided into two directions, holding the heavy shields in their hands, and launched an attack representing death against the traitors ten times their size. Charge!
The Templars ruthlessly kept the front line moving forward, and the enemy's bullets continuously reflected waves on the heavy shield with a protective force field.

Enemies in the distance are constantly reduced to ashes by thunder and lightning under their psionic laws;

And the arrogant ones who dared to fight at close quarters couldn't even break through the shield walls of the Templars, and could only drink their hatred under the slashes and thrusts of the Nemesis Blade, who was about to die at the touch of a finger.

The imperial guards on the other side are also advancing steadily with their characteristics. The painting style of the battlefield in the hands of these imperial eagle guards is different from the coldness of the gray knights. It has become very rhythmic and poetic like an ancient Roman battle formation. .

The imperial eagle guards casted by the pure gold foundation strode forward, and the distance of tens of meters stopped in an instant.They stared at the enemy's fighting posture, silently changing the pace of their feet.

When the distance from the traitor reached ten meters, they blocked the enemy's last bullet in the face of the traitor's muddy battle roar and roar.While the whole body jumped forward high, he threw the shield in his hand forward forcefully.

The broad and sharp power swords were drawn back on their right hands, and the whole person was like bows and arrows charged in the air.The tiny rays of light activated by the disintegration stand were infinitely magnified in the pupils of the enemy, and finally penetrated their defenses together with the battle cry of the Emperor's Guard, piercing their decayed heads!

And this was just the beginning. After landing, the guards gave up the epee on the enemy's corpse and turned around to avoid the enemy's shooting. At the same time, the model halberd on their back was swung from the waist to the top of the head at high speed by both hands!
The fallen people in front of them were as dull as clay puppets. When the sharp gold blades were slashed down by inertia, their nerves cultivated for quick success and quick benefits hadn't even sent a signal of resistance to the power armor!
Large pieces of corpses and ashes burned by the flames fell and scattered in front of the army of Templars;
Pieces of blood and heads were raised high in the precise and agile assault path of the imperial guards.

Although the number of Guilliman's sons on the entire island obviously exceeds their external information, there are hundreds of genetic training cabins in the shadowy buildings behind them.

But in this short combat without much tactical depth, in the battle of hundreds of people against 12 people, the number of people did not become the advantage of the former, but reflected the bravery of the latter!

"That's it? This bunch of rubbish?" Standing up from the hole he made a few meters deep, Calvin still had time to look back at the entire battlefield.

While raising his head to question Appius standing on the high platform, his whole body has once again leaped towards the enemy chief:

"Then...how did you have the courage to betray us?!"

Seeing that Calvin seemed to be tearing apart the space, he appeared in front of Appius before he had time to react.The ferocious blade of the Lightning Claw screamed to tear through the air, and was about to touch the head priest's helmet.

The magic eye on Appius' waist was finally fully activated. After a burst of sharp ridicule, an ice-blue spiritual energy barrier blocked Calvin's sharp claws.

And this barrier only slightly delayed Calvin's attack. In the next second, this expensive one-time equipment really started to work.

Calvin and Appius heard the sound of dice overdrawn in their ears almost at the same time. After a burst of regretful laughter, the chief priest from the son of Guilliman passed from Calvin’s Barely escaped with his hand, and appeared in front of the entrance of the webway a hundred meters away.

Appius, who appeared again, looked at the artifact at his waist with lingering fear, and this gift from the evil god had also fulfilled its mission at this time, turning into dust in a burst of flames.

The Primarch in the distance locked onto the psionic wave of the portal almost instantly, but just as he was about to cross the not-so-far distance, a communication from the orbit interrupted his actions.


(End of this chapter)

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