Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 407 The Chapter of Courage and Loyalty Suspicious Clouds, The Lost Company

Chapter 407 Echoes of Courage and Loyalty ([-]) Suspicious Clouds, the Lost Company

"Do you need support?" Tabers asked, frowning.

And in the view of the porthole of the battleship in front of him, several battleships belonging to the son of Guilliman were already under the control of the Ultramarines.

At the same time, the Gray Knights were also making similar tactical moves, and in the video signal sent back after the front Terminator team jumped to log in, no trace of subspace pollution was found on these warships.

This phenomenon of course caught the attention of the Ultramarines, as it was clearly inconsistent with the information provided by the Inquisition, and the Gray Knights who arrived later confirmed this fact.

After inspecting the two cruisers, the leader of the Purifier Turabo shook his head solemnly at Tibers on the opposite side of the video.

"There's a problem here," said Severns, the Archon from Ultramar and the current Chief Officer of the Third Company of the Ultramarines.

Adjutant Sura looked curiously at the purifiers beside him. He didn't know much about these mysterious gray knights. If it wasn't for this expedition to Presdia with Severns, with the education he received during his apprenticeship and his With his own good knowledge, he would never believe that there really is an Astartes hiding in the dark side of the empire.

who are they?From which regiment?Which one of the emperor's many descendants is the continuation of the blood?
Are they original warbands?Or is it a subgroup of which warband?Why is their Power Armor so different?What do those holy seals and tomes of unknown meaning represent?
The eyes of the young champion swordsman are so upright, his strong thirst for knowledge is full of vigor and vitality like his age, it is like a lion cub seeing a tiger walking out of the forest for the first time, with dark green eyes The eyes are full of simple curiosity and inquiry.

"Ahem..." Sevens really didn't see the virtue of his adjutant. When the video conference fell into a silent stalemate, he couldn't help but cough lightly to remind his adjutant to pay attention to his manners.

Chief Purifier Turab and the gray knights behind him were not surprised, but they didn't react much to Sura's appearance.

"Where are the sons of Guilliman?" Tibers was silent for a long time on the opposite side of the video, and then asked in Severns' direction.

"They are all in custody." The governor of Ultramar responded to Tibers, and made a specific description of some details.

"Both of their companies in orbit are full of recruits! The oldest officers are not over 100 years of service."

Severns watched everyone's focused reactions, thought for a while, and then said the following:
"They refuse to acknowledge their depravity and treachery, and insist that they have received direct orders from the high command of the Chapter. Even before we entered the field, they thought they were fighting for Ultramar..."

"Whose order? And their organization? Who is in charge of Presdia's current command sequence?"

After hearing Sevans' narration, Tabers followed this logic and asked three questions.

However, whether it was the Ultramarine who accepted the surrender of the son of Guilliman head-on, or the Purifier Turab who participated in the custody and preliminary interrogation, after staring at each other, they gave an answer that Tibers did not expect:

"they do not know."

"Ridiculous!" Tabers scolded.

do not know?how is this possible?

An elite soldier who is the top of the pyramid in the imperial war sequence actually said that he didn't know who he got the authorization from, and from whom did he get the order?
What kind of training did they receive?How does their company organization work?

How can they prevaricate themselves by saying that they don't know?
What about the battleship's servo records?What about Power Armor's information terminal data backup?

People don't need to speak, so wouldn't all the records on these equipment and equipment disappear?
"Let me tell you..." Turabo said.

"They have never been on the ground since the recruit training! All the recruits are like this. They consciously accept remote command from the ground of Presdia on the battleship.

As for the combat and command sequence..." Turabo thought for a while, then looked at Severns, who also opened his mouth to make additional explanations:
"Since the 7th century of the last millennium, this battle group has been dispatched one after another, and participated in the siege of Salinas far away from the home planet, the war against the rebellion of Le Calmon, and the offensive and defensive battle of the Rhoda galaxy in the ghoul star field...

Because the main force of the large army is always in the state of expedition, and their casualties have always been serious, they have always been in the state of "blood tax" franchise tax exemption.The regular inspections of all sub-clans, which were run by the Ultramarines Chapter, were left in vain.

Therefore, as their managers, the direction of Ultramar has not been able to detect their anomalies in time because of this reason, this is our negligence..."

"Okay..." Tabers stared at the Ultramarines supervisor for a long time through the screen, and after confirming the sincerity of the latter's attitude, he could no longer pursue too much responsibility for this matter.

"What about their chapter master? And their company formation? Has no one come forward to take responsibility?" Tabers asked.

"That's exactly what I want to say!" Sevens immediately followed.

Recalling the interrogation process of the sons of Guilliman just now, his eyes are also full of doubts at this time.

"Their Chapter Master is a monk named Sly Barr, and this name has not changed in our records for 800 years."

800 year veteran?

Several Astartes officers looked at each other after hearing what Sevens said, and then shook their heads tacitly.


It's not that it's impossible to have veterans of this service age, but that not any battle group can have the soil for such veterans to appear.

Astartes do not have a theoretical lifespan limit, but wouldn't Astartes die?

On the contrary, the death rate of the Astartes has never been lower since the Legion era.Especially in the era of the battle group, the head of the battle group, as the actual commander of Dalian, has never left the front line of the battlefield.

Although they have the title of high-ranking officers, their casualty rate is no different from that of ordinary soldiers.

What is the concept of a battle group that does not change its leader for 800 years?
Don't talk about an unknown sub-group of Ultramarines, which of the few famous start-up groups has done it? (ps: This is the period of M39. Dante, please note that he has not yet been born. Bjorn of the Wolves has a similar record, but if he wants to count it, he needs to count his sleep time... ...)
"And their company..." Sevens continued.

"They declared internally that most of the Chapter Master's companies are out on missions, but as far as we know, only their four companies on the border of the Empire can match the number, and the third, fifth, and ninth companies here are also There are only seven companies."

"Which three are missing?" Tibbers asked, and Chasov, a member of the Inquisition behind him, also looked up.

"The first, second, and fourth companies." Sevens said, and then seemed to remember that the comrades in front of him did not need to abide by the constraints of the "Holy Code", and added an explanation:
"It's all the veteran companies in the battle group except the think tank!"

 renew.It depends on the situation in the second half of the night, if you can catch up, there are still, don't wait, go to bed early.

(End of this chapter)

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